Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create(cls, group_id, msg_type):
        group = Group.get_by_id(group_id)
        participant_key = None
        participant_id = request.cookies.get("participant_id")

        if participant_id:
            participant_key = Participant.get_by_id(long(participant_id)).key

        message = request.form.get("message", u"", type=unicode)
        reference_id = request.form.get("reference", u"", type=unicode)

        chat = Chat(

        #set reference if exist
        if reference_id:
            reference = Chat.get_by_id(long(reference_id))
            if reference is not None:
                chat.reference = reference.key.id()


        # send same group members (include myself)
        cls.__broadcast(group_id, chat)

        # message is send by channel, so you don't need return
        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def index(cls, group_id):
        # confirm participant id in cookie
        c_group_id = request.cookies.get("group_id")
        participant_id = request.cookies.get("participant_id")

        # get group
        group = Group.get_by_id(group_id)

        # if participant is none or login to another group, create new participant in group
        if not participant_id or c_group_id != str(group_id):
            # create new participant todo:consider the case that group is None
            participant = Participant()
            participant.group_key = group.key
            participant_id = participant.put().id()  # save it to datastore

        # create channel
        participant_id_str = str(participant_id)
        cache = GAEMemcachedCache()
        token = cache.get(participant_id_str)
        if token is None:
            token = channel.create_channel(participant_id_str)
            # expiration of channel api token is 2 hour
            # https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/channel/?hl=ja#Python_Tokens_and_security
            cache.set(participant_id_str, token, 3600 * 2)

        # return response
        resp = make_response(render_template('chat.html', token=token, group_name=group.name))

        # set participant_id to cookie
        resp.set_cookie("group_id", str(group_id),  expires=Config.calculate_expiration())
        resp.set_cookie("participant_id", participant_id_str, expires=Config.calculate_expiration())

        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def find(cls, group_id):
     group = Group.get_by_id(group_id)
     chats = Chat.query(Chat.group_key == group.key).order(-Chat.created_at).fetch(100)
     return jsonify(chats=list(map(lambda c: c.to_dict(), chats)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __broadcast(cls, group_id, chat):
     group = Group.get_by_id(group_id)
     participants_in_group = Participant.query(Participant.group_key == group.key)
     send = lambda p: channel.send_message(str(p.key.id()), json.dumps(chat.to_dict()))
     map(send, participants_in_group)