Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_keepalive(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Make sure we behave sanely when there are keepalive newlines in the
    data recevived from twitter"""
    def tweetsource(request):
        yield single_tweet+"\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield single_tweet+"\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield "\n"
        yield single_tweet+"\n"
        yield "\n"

    with test_server(handler=tweetsource, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
        stream = cls("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
            for tweet in stream:
        except ConnectionError:
            assert stream.count == 3, "Got %s, wanted 3" % stream.count
            assert False, "Didn't handle keepalive"
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def do_test(klass, *args):
     with test_server(handler=tweetsource,
                      methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
         stream = klass("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
         for tweet in stream:
             if stream.count == total:
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def do_test(klass, *args):
     with test_server(handler=tweetsource,
                      methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
         stream = klass("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl, want_json=True)
         tweet = stream.next()
         assert isinstance(tweet, str)
def test_keepalive(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Make sure we behave sanely when there are keepalive newlines in the
    data recevived from twitter"""

    def tweetsource():
        yield single_tweet
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield single_tweet
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield "\r\n"
        yield single_tweet
        yield "\r\n"

    with test_server(response=tweetsource) as server:
        cls.url = server.baseurl
        stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            for tweet in stream:
        except ConnectionError:
            assert stream.count == 3, "Got %s, wanted 3" % stream.count
            assert False, "Didn't handle keepalive"
def test_reponse_code_exceptions(cls, args, kwargs, status_code, exception):
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the given status code is

    with raises(exception):
        with test_server(status=status_code) as server:
            cls.url = server.baseurl
            stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            for e in stream: pass
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def do_test(klass, *args):
        with test_server(handler=tweetsource, methods=("post", "get"),
                         port="random") as server:
            stream = klass("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)

            start = time.time()
            first = time.time()
            diff = first - start
            assert diff < 1, "Getting first tweet took more than a second!"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_404_url(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the stream URL can't be
    def not_found(request):

    with raises(ConnectionError):
        with test_server(handler=not_found, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
            stream = cls("user", "passwd", *args, url=server.baseurl)
            for e in stream: pass
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_bad_auth(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the user could not be
    def auth_denied(request):

    with raises(AuthenticationError):
        with test_server(handler=auth_denied, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
            stream = cls("user", "passwd", *args, url=server.baseurl)
            for e in stream: pass
def test_bad_auth(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the user could not be

    status = 401

    with raises(AuthenticationError):
        with test_server(status=status) as server:
            cls.url = server.baseurl
            stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            for e in stream: pass
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def do_test(klass, *args):
     with test_server(handler=tweetsource, methods=("post", "get"),
                      port="random") as server:
         stream = klass("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
             for tweet in stream:
         except ConnectionError:
             assert stream.count == 3
             assert False, "Didn't handle keepalive"
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_404_url(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the stream URL can't be

    status = 404

    with raises(ConnectionError):
        with test_server(status=status) as server:
            cls.url = server.baseurl
            stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            for e in stream: pass
Ejemplo n.º 12
def smoke_test_receive_tweets(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Receive 100k tweets and disconnect (slow)"""
    total = 100000

    def tweetsource(request):
        while True:
            yield single_tweet + "\n"

    with test_server(handler=tweetsource, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
        stream = cls("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
        for tweet in stream:
            if stream.count == total:
Ejemplo n.º 13
def smoke_test_receive_tweets(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Receive 100k tweets and disconnect (slow)"""
    total = 100000

    def tweetsource():
        while True:
            yield single_tweet

    with test_server(response=tweetsource) as server:
        cls.url = server.baseurl
        stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
        for tweet in stream:
            if stream.count == total:
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_closed_connection(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test error handling if server unexpectedly closes connection"""
    cnt = 1000
    def bad_content(request):
        for n in xrange(cnt):
            # what json we pass doesn't matter. It's not verifying the
            # strcuture, only checking that it's parsable
            yield "[1,2,3]\r"

    with raises(ConnectionError):
        with test_server(handler=bad_content, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
            stream = cls("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
            for tweet in stream:
def test_404_url():
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the stream URL can't be
    def not_found(request):

    with test_server(handler=not_found, methods=("post", "get"),
                     port="random") as server:
        stream = TweetStream("foo", "bar", url=server.baseurl)
        assert_raises(ConnectionError, stream.next)

        stream = FollowStream("foo", "bar", [1, 2, 3], url=server.baseurl)
        assert_raises(ConnectionError, stream.next)

        stream = TrackStream("foo", "bar", ["opera"], url=server.baseurl)
        assert_raises(ConnectionError, stream.next)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_bad_content(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test error handling if we are given invalid data"""
    def bad_content(request):
        for n in xrange(10):
            # what json we pass doesn't matter. It's not verifying the
            # strcuture, only checking that it's parsable
            yield "[1,2,3]\r"
        yield "[1,2, I need no stinking close brace\r"
        yield "[1,2,3]\r"

    with raises(ConnectionError):
        with test_server(handler=bad_content, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
            stream = cls("user", "passwd", *args, url=server.baseurl)
            for tweet in stream:
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_closed_connection(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test error handling if server unexpectedly closes connection"""
    cnt = 1000

    def bad_content():
        for n in xrange(cnt):
            # what json we pass doesn't matter. It's not verifying the
            # strcuture, only checking that it's parsable
            yield "[1,2,3]\r\n"

    with raises(ConnectionError):
        with test_server(response=bad_content) as server:
            cls.url = server.baseurl
            stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            for tweet in stream:
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_bad_auth():
    """Test that the proper exception is raised when the user could not be
    def auth_denied(request):

    with test_server(handler=auth_denied, methods=("post", "get"),
                     port="random") as server:
        stream = TweetStream("foo", "bar", url=server.baseurl)
        assert_raises(AuthenticationError, stream.next)

        stream = FollowStream("foo", "bar", [1, 2, 3], url=server.baseurl)
        assert_raises(AuthenticationError, stream.next)

        stream = TrackStream("foo", "bar", ["opera"], url=server.baseurl)
        assert_raises(AuthenticationError, stream.next)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_bad_content(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test error handling if we are given invalid data"""

    def bad_content():
        for n in xrange(10):
            # what json we pass doesn't matter. It's not verifying the
            # strcuture, only checking that it's parsable
            yield "[1,2,3]\r\n"
        yield "[1,2, I need no stinking close brace\r\n"
        yield "[1,2,3]\r\n"

    with raises(ConnectionError):
        with test_server(response=bad_content) as server:
            cls.url = server.baseurl
            stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
            for tweet in stream:
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_buffering(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test if buffering stops data from being returned immediately.
    If there is some buffering in play that might mean data is only returned
    from the generator when the buffer is full. If buffer is bigger than a
    tweet, this will happen. Default buffer size in the part of socket lib
    that enables readline is 8k. Max tweet length is around 3k."""

    def tweetsource(request):
        yield single_tweet+"\n"
        # need to yield a bunch here so we're sure we'll return from the
        # blocking call in case the buffering bug is present.
        for n in xrange(100):
            yield single_tweet+"\n"

    with test_server(handler=tweetsource, methods=("post", "get"), port="random") as server:
        stream = cls("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
        start = time.time()
        first = time.time()
        diff = first - start
        assert diff < 1, "Getting first tweet took more than a second!"
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_buffering(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Test if buffering stops data from being returned immediately.
    If there is some buffering in play that might mean data is only returned
    from the generator when the buffer is full. If buffer is bigger than a
    tweet, this will happen. Default buffer size in the part of socket lib
    that enables readline is 8k. Max tweet length is around 3k."""

    def tweetsource():
        yield single_tweet
        # need to yield a bunch here so we're sure we'll return from the
        # blocking call in case the buffering bug is present.
        for n in xrange(100):
            yield single_tweet

    with test_server(response=tweetsource) as server:
        cls.url = server.baseurl
        stream = cls(*args, **kwargs)
        start = time.time()
        first = time.time()
        diff = first - start
        assert diff < 1, "Getting first tweet took too long! %i > 1" % (diff)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def do_test(klass, *args):
     with test_server(handler=bad_content, methods=("post", "get"),
                      port="random") as server:
         stream = klass("foo", "bar", *args, url=server.baseurl)
         for tweet in stream: