Ejemplo n.º 1
"""Local (private) API for a lightning node.

Currently this just collects and exposes methods in channel and lightning.
A HTML GUI could also be provided here in the future.
All requests require authentication.

from serverutil import api_factory, authenticate_before_request
import channel, lightning

API, REMOTE, Model = api_factory('local')


def alive():
    """Test if the server is ready to handle requests."""
    return True

Ejemplo n.º 2
"""Local (private) API for a lightning node.

Currently this just collects and exposes methods in channel and lightning.
A HTML GUI could also be provided here in the future.
All requests require authentication.

from serverutil import api_factory, authenticate_before_request
import channel, lightning

API, REMOTE, Model = api_factory('local')


def alive():
    """Test if the server is ready to handle requests."""
    return True

Ejemplo n.º 3
"""Local (private) API for a lightning node.

Currently this just collects and exposes methods in channel and lightning.
A HTML GUI could also be provided here in the future.
All requests require authentication.

from serverutil import api_factory, authenticate_before_request
import channel, lightning

API, REMOTE = api_factory('local')


Ejemplo n.º 4
fees: how much we require as fees for relaying across this channel

ROUTES is the routing table. It has one row for every other lightning node
address: their url
cost: total fees to route payment to that node
nexthop: where should payment go next on the path to that node

import os.path
import sqlite3
from flask import g
import jsonrpcproxy
from serverutil import api_factory, requires_auth
import channel

API, REMOTE = api_factory('lightning')

def init(conf):
    """Set up the database."""
    conf['lit_data_path'] = os.path.join(conf['datadir'], 'lightning.dat')
    if not os.path.isfile(conf['lit_data_path']):
        dat = sqlite3.connect(conf['lit_data_path'])
        with dat:
            dat.execute("CREATE TABLE PEERS(address, fees)")
            dat.execute("CREATE TABLE ROUTES(address, cost, nexthop)")

def before_request():
    """Connect to database."""
Ejemplo n.º 5
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, LargeBinary
from flask import g
from blinker import Namespace
from bitcoin.core import COutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn
from bitcoin.core import CMutableTransaction
from bitcoin.core.scripteval import VerifyScript, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH
from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL
from bitcoin.core.script import OP_CHECKMULTISIG, OP_PUBKEY
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinAddress
import jsonrpcproxy
from serverutil import api_factory
from serverutil import database
from serverutil import ImmutableSerializableType, Base58DataType

API, REMOTE, Model = api_factory('channel')

SIGNALS = Namespace()

class AnchorScriptSig(object):
    """Class representing a scriptSig satisfying the anchor output.

    Uses OP_PUBKEY to hold the place of your signature.

    def __init__(self, my_index=0, sig=b'', redeem=b''):
        if my_index == b'':
            my_index = 0
        if my_index not in [0, 1]:
            raise Exception("Unknown index", my_index)
Ejemplo n.º 6
address: their url
fees: how much we require as fees for relaying across this channel

ROUTES is the routing table. It has one row for every other lightning node
address: their url
cost: total fees to route payment to that node
nexthop: where should payment go next on the path to that node

from flask import g
import jsonrpcproxy
from serverutil import api_factory, database
import channel
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String

API, REMOTE, Model = api_factory('lightning')

class Peer(Model):
    """Database model of a peer node."""

    __tablename__ = "peers"

    address = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    fees = Column(Integer)

class Route(Model):
    """Database model of a route."""

    __tablename__ = "routes"
Ejemplo n.º 7

import os.path
import sqlite3
from flask import g
from blinker import Namespace
from bitcoin.core import CMutableOutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn
from bitcoin.core import CMutableTransaction
from bitcoin.core.scripteval import VerifyScript, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH
from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL
from bitcoin.core.script import OP_CHECKMULTISIG, OP_PUBKEY
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinAddress
import jsonrpcproxy
from serverutil import api_factory, requires_auth

API, REMOTE = api_factory('channel')

SIGNALS = Namespace()

class AnchorScriptSig(object):
    """Class representing a scriptSig satisfying the anchor output.

    Uses OP_PUBKEY to hold the place of your signature.

    def __init__(self, my_index=0, sig=b'', redeem=b''):
        if my_index == b'':
            my_index = 0
        if my_index not in [0, 1]:
            raise Exception("Unknown index", my_index)
Ejemplo n.º 8
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, LargeBinary
from flask import g
from blinker import Namespace
from bitcoin.core import COutPoint, CMutableTxOut, CMutableTxIn
from bitcoin.core import CMutableTransaction
from bitcoin.core.scripteval import VerifyScript, SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH
from bitcoin.core.script import CScript, SignatureHash, SIGHASH_ALL
from bitcoin.core.script import OP_CHECKMULTISIG, OP_PUBKEY
from bitcoin.wallet import CBitcoinAddress
import jsonrpcproxy
from serverutil import api_factory
from serverutil import database
from serverutil import ImmutableSerializableType, Base58DataType

API, REMOTE, Model = api_factory('channel')

SIGNALS = Namespace()

class AnchorScriptSig(object):
    """Class representing a scriptSig satisfying the anchor output.

    Uses OP_PUBKEY to hold the place of your signature.
    def __init__(self, my_index=0, sig=b'', redeem=b''):
        if my_index == b'':
            my_index = 0
        if my_index not in [0, 1]:
            raise Exception("Unknown index", my_index)
Ejemplo n.º 9
address: their url
fees: how much we require as fees for relaying across this channel

ROUTES is the routing table. It has one row for every other lightning node
address: their url
cost: total fees to route payment to that node
nexthop: where should payment go next on the path to that node

from flask import g
import jsonrpcproxy
from serverutil import api_factory, database
import channel
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String

API, REMOTE, Model = api_factory('lightning')

class Peer(Model):
    """Database model of a peer node."""

    __tablename__ = "peers"

    address = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    fees = Column(Integer)

class Route(Model):
    """Database model of a route."""

    __tablename__ = "routes"

    address = Column(String, primary_key=True)