Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_obfuscation(self):
        req = make_request("/__debug__", _ENVIRON)
        controller = StandardController(None)

        def _more_secret(*args):
            return ['stuff', 'and', 'pymysql://*****:*****@localhost/sync']

        controller._debug_server = _more_secret
        debug = controller._debug(req)

        # make sure we don't have any password left
        self.assertTrue('xxxx' not in debug.body)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_obfuscation(self):
        req = make_request("/__debug__", _ENVIRON)
        controller = StandardController(None)

        def _more_secret(*args):
            return ['stuff', 'and', 'pymysql://*****:*****@localhost/sync']

        controller._debug_server = _more_secret
        debug = controller._debug(req)

        # make sure we don't have any password left
        self.assertTrue('xxxx' not in debug.body)
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None,
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is not None:
            self.config = config
            self.config = {}

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self)) for name, klass in

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            self.mapper.connect(None, match, controller=controller,
                                action=action, conditions=dict(method=verbs),

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None,
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is None:
            self.config = Config()
        elif isinstance(config, Config):
            self.config = config
            # try to convert to config object
            self.config = Config(config)

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # check if we want to clean when the app ends
        self.sigclean = self.config.get('global.clean_shutdown', True)

        # load the specified plugin modules
        self.modules = dict()
        app_modules = self.config.get('app.modules', [])
        if isinstance(app_modules, basestring):
            app_modules = [app_modules]
        for module in app_modules:
            self.modules[module] = load_and_configure(self.config, module)

        if self.modules.get('metlog_loader') is not None:
            # stash the metlog client in a more convenient spot
            self.logger = self.modules.get('metlog_loader').default_client
            # there was no metlog config, default to using StdLibLoggingSender
            sender = StdLibLoggingSender('syncserver', json_types=[])
            metlog = MetlogClient(sender, 'syncserver')
            CLIENT_HOLDER.set_client(metlog.logger, metlog)
            self.logger = metlog
        if not hasattr(self.logger, "cef"):
            log_cef_fn = metlog_cef.cef_plugin.config_plugin(dict())

        # XXX: this should be converted to auto-load in self.modules
        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self)) for name, klass in

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            # wrap action methods w/ metlog decorators
            controller_instance = self.controllers.get(controller)
            if controller_instance is not None:
                wrapped_name = '_%s_wrapped' % action
                method = getattr(controller_instance, action, None)
                if ((method is not None) and
                    (not hasattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name))):
                    # add wrapped method
                    wrapped = svc_timeit(method)
                    wrapped = incr_count(wrapped)
                    wrapped = send_services_data(wrapped)
                    setattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name, wrapped)
            self.mapper.connect(None, match, controller=controller,
                                action=action, conditions=dict(method=verbs),

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server

        # hooking callbacks when the app shuts down
        self.killing = self.shutting = False
        self.graceful_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
                                      'global.graceful_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        self.hard_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
                                          'global.hard_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        if self.sigclean:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigterm)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class SyncServerApp(object):
    """ Dispatches the request to the right controller by using Routes.
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None,
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is None:
            self.config = Config()
        elif isinstance(config, Config):
            self.config = config
            # try to convert to config object
            self.config = Config(config)

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # check if we want to clean when the app ends
        self.sigclean = self.config.get('global.clean_shutdown', True)

        # load the specified plugin modules
        self.modules = dict()
        app_modules = self.config.get('app.modules', [])
        if isinstance(app_modules, basestring):
            app_modules = [app_modules]
        for module in app_modules:
            self.modules[module] = load_and_configure(self.config, module)

        if self.modules.get('metlog_loader') is not None:
            # stash the metlog client in a more convenient spot
            self.logger = self.modules.get('metlog_loader').default_client
            # there was no metlog config, default to using StdLibLoggingSender
            sender = StdLibLoggingSender('syncserver', json_types=[])
            metlog = MetlogClient(sender, 'syncserver')
            CLIENT_HOLDER.set_client(metlog.logger, metlog)
            self.logger = metlog
        if not hasattr(self.logger, "cef"):
            log_cef_fn = metlog_cef.cef_plugin.config_plugin(dict())

        # XXX: this should be converted to auto-load in self.modules
        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self)) for name, klass in

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            # wrap action methods w/ metlog decorators
            controller_instance = self.controllers.get(controller)
            if controller_instance is not None:
                wrapped_name = '_%s_wrapped' % action
                method = getattr(controller_instance, action, None)
                if ((method is not None) and
                    (not hasattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name))):
                    # add wrapped method
                    wrapped = svc_timeit(method)
                    wrapped = incr_count(wrapped)
                    wrapped = send_services_data(wrapped)
                    setattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name, wrapped)
            self.mapper.connect(None, match, controller=controller,
                                action=action, conditions=dict(method=verbs),

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server

        # hooking callbacks when the app shuts down
        self.killing = self.shutting = False
        self.graceful_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
                                      'global.graceful_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        self.hard_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
                                          'global.hard_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        if self.sigclean:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigterm)

    def _sigterm(self, signal, frame):
        self.shutting = True

        # wait for a bit

        # no more queries
        self.killing = True

        # wait for a bit

        # now we can notify the end -- so pending stuff can be cleaned up

        # bye-bye

    def _before_call(self, request):
        return {}

    def _host_specific(self, host, config):
        """Will compute host-specific requests"""
        return config.merge('host:%s' % host)

    # Debug & heartbeat pages
    def _debug_server(self, request):
        return []

    def _check_server(self, request):

    def _debug(self, request):
        return self.standard_controller._debug(request)

    def _heartbeat(self, request):
        return self.standard_controller._heartbeat(request)

    # events fired when a request is handled
    def _notified(func):
        def __notified(self, request):
            notify(REQUEST_STARTS, request)
            response = None
                response = func(self, request)
                return response
                notify(REQUEST_ENDS, response)
        return __notified

    # information dumped in error logs
    def get_infos(self, request):
        """Returns a mapping containing useful info.

        It can be related to the request, or global to the app.
        return {'user': str(request.user)}

    # entry point
    def __call__(self, request):
        """Entry point for the WSGI app."""
        # the app is being killed, no more requests please
        if self.killing:
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        request.server_time = round_time()

        # gets request-specific config
        request.config = self._host_specific(request.host, self.config)

        # pre-hook
        before_headers = self._before_call(request)

            response = self._dispatch_request(request)
        except HTTPException, response:
            # set before-call headers on all responses
class SyncServerApp(object):
    """ Dispatches the request to the right controller by using Routes.
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None,
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is not None:
            self.config = config
            self.config = {}

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self)) for name, klass in

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            self.mapper.connect(None, match, controller=controller,
                                action=action, conditions=dict(method=verbs),

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server

    def _before_call(self, request):
        return {}

    def _host_specific(self, host, config):
        """Will compute host-specific requests"""
        if host in self._host_configs:
            return self._host_configs[host]

        # overrides the original value with the host-specific value
        host_section = 'host:%s.' % host
        host_config = {}
        overriden_keys = []
        for key, value in config.items():
            if key in overriden_keys:

            if key.startswith(host_section):
                key = key[len(host_section):]
            host_config[key] = value

        self._host_configs[host] = host_config
        return host_config

    # Debug & heartbeat pages
    def _debug_server(self, request):
        return []

    def _check_server(self, request):

    def _debug(self, request):
        return self.standard_controller._debug(request)

    def _heartbeat(self, request):
        return self.standard_controller._heartbeat(request)

    # entry point
    def __call__(self, request):
        if request.method in ('HEAD',):
            raise HTTPBadRequest('"%s" not supported' % request.method)

        request.server_time = round_time()

        # gets request-specific config
        request.config = self._host_specific(request.host, self.config)

        # pre-hook
        before_headers = self._before_call(request)

        # XXX
        # removing the trailing slash - ambiguity on client side
        url = request.path_info.rstrip('/')
        if url != '':
            request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = request.path_info = url

        if (self.heartbeat_page is not None and
            url == '/%s' % self.heartbeat_page):
            return self._heartbeat(request)

        if self.debug_page is not None and url == '/%s' % self.debug_page:
            return self._debug(request)

        match = self.mapper.routematch(environ=request.environ)

        if match is None:
            return HTTPNotFound()

        match, __ = match

        # authentication control
        if self.auth is not None:
            self.auth.check(request, match)

        function = self._get_function(match['controller'], match['action'])
        if function is None:
            raise HTTPNotFound('Unkown URL %r' % request.path_info)

        # extracting all the info from the headers and the url
        request.sync_info = match

        # the GET mapping is filled on GET and DELETE requests
        if request.method in ('GET', 'DELETE'):
            params = dict(request.GET)
            params = {}

            result = function(request, **params)
        except BackendError:
            err = traceback.format_exc()
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(retry_after=self.retry_after)

        if isinstance(result, basestring):
            response = getattr(request, 'response', None)
            if response is None:
                response = Response(result)
            elif isinstance(result, str):
                response.body = result
                # if it's not str it's unicode, which really shouldn't happen
                module = getattr(function, '__module__', 'unknown')
                name = getattr(function, '__name__', 'unknown')
                logger.warn('Unicode response returned from: %s - %s'
                            % (module, name))
                response.unicode_body = result
            # result is already a Response
            response = result

        # setting up the X-Weave-Timestamp
        response.headers['X-Weave-Timestamp'] = str(request.server_time)
        return response

    def _get_function(self, controller, action):
        """Return the action of the right controller."""
            controller = self.controllers[controller]
        except KeyError:
            return None
        return getattr(controller, action, None)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None,
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is None:
            self.config = Config()
        elif isinstance(config, Config):
            self.config = config
            # try to convert to config object
            self.config = Config(config)

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # check if we want to clean when the app ends
        self.sigclean = self.config.get('global.clean_shutdown', True)

        self.modules = dict()
        for module in self.config.get('app.modules', []):
            self.modules[module] = load_and_configure(self.config, module)

        # XXX: this should be converted to auto-load in self.modules
        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self)) for name, klass in

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            self.mapper.connect(None, match, controller=controller,
                                action=action, conditions=dict(method=verbs),

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server

        # hooking callbacks when the app shuts down
        self.killing = self.shutting = False
        self.graceful_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
                                      'global.graceful_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        self.hard_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
                                          'global.hard_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        if self.sigclean:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigterm)
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None, auth_class=None):
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is None:
            self.config = Config()
        elif isinstance(config, Config):
            self.config = config
            # try to convert to config object
            self.config = Config(config)

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # check if we want to clean when the app ends
        self.sigclean = self.config.get('global.clean_shutdown', True)

        # load the specified plugin modules
        self.modules = dict()
        app_modules = self.config.get('app.modules', [])
        if isinstance(app_modules, basestring):
            app_modules = [app_modules]
        for module in app_modules:
            self.modules[module] = load_and_configure(self.config, module)

        if self.modules.get('metlog_loader') is not None:
            # stash the metlog client in a more convenient spot
            self.logger = self.modules.get('metlog_loader').default_client
            # there was no metlog config, default to using StdLibLoggingSender
            sender = StdLibLoggingSender('syncserver', json_types=[])
            metlog = MetlogClient(sender, 'syncserver')
            CLIENT_HOLDER.set_client(metlog.logger, metlog)
            self.logger = metlog
        if not hasattr(self.logger, "cef"):
            log_cef_fn = metlog_cef.cef_plugin.config_plugin(dict())

        # XXX: this should be converted to auto-load in self.modules
        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self))
                                 for name, klass in controllers.items()])

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            # wrap action methods w/ metlog decorators
            controller_instance = self.controllers.get(controller)
            if controller_instance is not None:
                wrapped_name = '_%s_wrapped' % action
                method = getattr(controller_instance, action, None)
                if ((method is not None)
                        and (not hasattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name))):
                    # add wrapped method
                    wrapped = svc_timeit(method)
                    wrapped = incr_count(wrapped)
                    wrapped = send_services_data(wrapped)
                    setattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name, wrapped)

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server

        # hooking callbacks when the app shuts down
        self.killing = self.shutting = False
        self.graceful_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
            'global.graceful_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        self.hard_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
            'global.hard_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        if self.sigclean:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigterm)
class SyncServerApp(object):
    """ Dispatches the request to the right controller by using Routes.
    def __init__(self, urls, controllers, config=None, auth_class=None):
        self.mapper = Mapper()
        if config is None:
            self.config = Config()
        elif isinstance(config, Config):
            self.config = config
            # try to convert to config object
            self.config = Config(config)

        # global config
        self.retry_after = self.config.get('global.retry_after', 1800)

        # heartbeat page
        self.heartbeat_page = self.config.get('global.heartbeat_page',

        # debug page, if any
        self.debug_page = self.config.get('global.debug_page')

        # check if we want to clean when the app ends
        self.sigclean = self.config.get('global.clean_shutdown', True)

        # load the specified plugin modules
        self.modules = dict()
        app_modules = self.config.get('app.modules', [])
        if isinstance(app_modules, basestring):
            app_modules = [app_modules]
        for module in app_modules:
            self.modules[module] = load_and_configure(self.config, module)

        if self.modules.get('metlog_loader') is not None:
            # stash the metlog client in a more convenient spot
            self.logger = self.modules.get('metlog_loader').default_client
            # there was no metlog config, default to using StdLibLoggingSender
            sender = StdLibLoggingSender('syncserver', json_types=[])
            metlog = MetlogClient(sender, 'syncserver')
            CLIENT_HOLDER.set_client(metlog.logger, metlog)
            self.logger = metlog
        if not hasattr(self.logger, "cef"):
            log_cef_fn = metlog_cef.cef_plugin.config_plugin(dict())

        # XXX: this should be converted to auto-load in self.modules
        # loading the authentication tool
        self.auth = None if auth_class is None else auth_class(self.config)

        # loading and connecting controllers
        self.controllers = dict([(name, klass(self))
                                 for name, klass in controllers.items()])

        for url in urls:
            if len(url) == 4:
                verbs, match, controller, action = url
                extras = {}
            elif len(url) == 5:
                verbs, match, controller, action, extras = url
                msg = "Each URL description needs 4 or 5 elements. Got %s" \
                    % str(url)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            if isinstance(verbs, str):
                verbs = [verbs]

            # wrap action methods w/ metlog decorators
            controller_instance = self.controllers.get(controller)
            if controller_instance is not None:
                wrapped_name = '_%s_wrapped' % action
                method = getattr(controller_instance, action, None)
                if ((method is not None)
                        and (not hasattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name))):
                    # add wrapped method
                    wrapped = svc_timeit(method)
                    wrapped = incr_count(wrapped)
                    wrapped = send_services_data(wrapped)
                    setattr(controller_instance, wrapped_name, wrapped)

        # loads host-specific configuration
        self._host_configs = {}

        # heartbeat & debug pages
        self.standard_controller = StandardController(self)

        # rehooked overridable points so they can be overridden in the base app
        self.standard_controller._debug_server = self._debug_server
        self.standard_controller._check_server = self._check_server

        # hooking callbacks when the app shuts down
        self.killing = self.shutting = False
        self.graceful_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
            'global.graceful_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        self.hard_shutdown_interval = self.config.get(
            'global.hard_shutdown_interval', 1.)
        if self.sigclean:
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._sigterm)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._sigterm)

    def _sigterm(self, signal, frame):
        self.shutting = True

        # wait for a bit

        # no more queries
        self.killing = True

        # wait for a bit

        # now we can notify the end -- so pending stuff can be cleaned up

        # bye-bye

    def _before_call(self, request):
        return {}

    def _host_specific(self, host, config):
        """Will compute host-specific requests"""
        return config.merge('host:%s' % host)

    # Debug & heartbeat pages
    def _debug_server(self, request):
        return []

    def _check_server(self, request):

    def _debug(self, request):
        return self.standard_controller._debug(request)

    def _heartbeat(self, request):
        return self.standard_controller._heartbeat(request)

    # events fired when a request is handled
    def _notified(func):
        def __notified(self, request):
            notify(REQUEST_STARTS, request)
            response = None
                response = func(self, request)
                return response
                notify(REQUEST_ENDS, response)

        return __notified

    # information dumped in error logs
    def get_infos(self, request):
        """Returns a mapping containing useful info.

        It can be related to the request, or global to the app.
        return {'user': str(request.user)}

    # entry point
    def __call__(self, request):
        """Entry point for the WSGI app."""
        # the app is being killed, no more requests please
        if self.killing:
            raise HTTPServiceUnavailable()

        request.server_time = round_time()

        # gets request-specific config
        request.config = self._host_specific(request.host, self.config)

        # pre-hook
        before_headers = self._before_call(request)

            response = self._dispatch_request(request)
        except HTTPException, response:
            # set before-call headers on all responses