Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_request_time_slot():
	Tests exemplary whether a given synonym, i.e. a user utterance, is recognized as belonging to a certain slot

    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsCourses')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Request
    act_out.slot = "time_slot"

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(nlu, user_utterance='at what time')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_inform_courses_language():
	Tests exemplary whether a given synonym, i.e. a user utterance, is recognized as belonging to a certain slot-value pair

    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsCourses')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Inform
    act_out.slot = "lang"
    act_out.value = "de"

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(nlu, user_utterance='german')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_request_lecturers_phone():
    Tests exemplary whether a given synonym, i.e. a user utterance, is recognized as belonging to a certain slot

    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsLecturers')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Request
    act_out.slot = "phone"

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(
        nlu, user_utterance='can you tell me the phone number')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_inform_lecturers_name():
    Tests exemplary whether a given synonym, i.e. a user utterance, is recognized as belonging to a certain slot-value pair

    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsLecturers')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Inform
    act_out.slot = "name"
    act_out.value = "apl. prof. dr. agatha christie"

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(nlu, user_utterance='agatha christie')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_inform_lecturers_department():

    Tests exemplary whether a given synonym, i.e. a user utterance, is recognized as belonging to a certain slot-value pair

    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsLecturers')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Inform
    act_out.slot = "department"
    act_out.value = "external"

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(nlu, user_utterance='informatics')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_request_lecturers_office_hours():
    Tests exemplary whether a given synonym, i.e. a user utterance, is recognized as belonging to a certain slot

    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsLecturers')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Request
    act_out.slot = "office_hours"

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(
        nlu, user_utterance='when are the consultation hours')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_multiple_user_acts_courses():
    Tests exemplary whether a given sentence with multiple user acts is understood properly
    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsCourses')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(
        user_utterance='Hi, I want a course that is related to linguistics')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Hello
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Inform
    act_out.slot = "linguistics"
    act_out.value = "true"
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][1] == act_out
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_multiple_user_acts_lecturers():
    Tests exemplary whether a given sentence with multiple user acts is understood properly
    domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsLecturers')
    nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain)

    usr_utt = nlu.extract_user_acts(
        'Hi, I want a lecturer who is responsible for gender issues')
    assert 'user_acts' in usr_utt

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Hello
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][0] == act_out

    act_out = UserAct()
    act_out.type = UserActionType.Inform
    act_out.slot = "position"
    act_out.value = "gender"
    assert usr_utt['user_acts'][1] == act_out