def servoConnect(pwmPin=D23.PWM): #wires => Brown:GND, Red:5V, Orange: pwmPin servoMotor = servo.Servo(pwmPin, min_width=1000, max_width=2000, default_width=1000) servoMotor.attach() print("Servo motor attached.") return servoMotor
def close(): print("Ok, closing, actual pos: ", MyServo.getCurrentDegree()) MyServo.moveToDegree(0) #Ubidots parameters device_label = "esp32" variable_label = "ServoMotor" token = "BBFF-FZEcZCMX7zB8mUz6dJjJzQzmMv8w0H" streams.serial() #Servomotor Marrone -> GND Rosso -> 5V Arancione --> D25 MyServo = servo.Servo(D25.PWM, min_width=1000, max_width=2000, default_width=1000) MyServo.attach() wifi_driver.auto_init() print("Establishing connection..") try:"Vodafone-26184725", wifi.WIFI_WPA, "kfmu9axt2m9udca") print("Connected!") except Exception as e: print("Something went wrong.. ", e) while True: sleep(1000)
from servo import servo # WARNING! for this example to work the community floyd.animator must be installed! from community.floyd.animator import animator import streams s=streams.serial() # creates a list of points to be reached by the servo motor using tuples (position, millisecond) # The first tuple has to be set with time=0: (desired_pos,0). This is the value from which the animation will start # In this case servo motor positions in degrees are scheduled pointList= [(0,0),(180,10000),(90,3000),(0,5000),(180,5000)] print("scheduled positions at times (ms):",pointList) # create a servo motor attaching it to the pin D11. Specification of the PWM feature using the Zerynth pin mapping signature is required. # min max defaults in this case are selected for working with Hitech servomotors MyServo=servo.Servo(D11.PWM,500,2500) # create an animator that runs at 10Hz passing data to MyServo.moveToDegree # don't set too high frequency, 10-30 Hz are fine. The Servo is controlled with a period of 20ms, frequancy higher than 45Hz will block the motor! anim=animator.Animator(25,MyServo.moveToDegree) # start the animations using the defined point list anim.animate(pointList) while True: #just print the animator position and interpolated value print(anim.currentPosition()) sleep(500)
################################################################################ # Servo Motor Basics # # Created by Zerynth Team 2015 CC # Authors: D. Mazzei, G. Baldi, ############################################################################### from servo import servo import streams s = streams.serial() # create a servo motor attaching it to the pin D11. D11.PWM notation must be used. # min max are left to defaults 500-2500. they need to be properly set to the servo specifications # control signal period is left to default 20ms MyServo = servo.Servo(D11.PWM) while True: print("Servo ON") MyServo.attach() sleep(3000) print("Servo controlled in pulse width") for i in range(500, 2500, 10): MyServo.moveToPulseWidth(i) print(MyServo.getCurrentPulseWidth()) # Very important: servo default control signal period is 20ms, don't update the controlling PWM faster than that! sleep(100) print("Servo controlled in degrees") for i in range(0, 180, 1):