Ejemplo n.º 1
def _remote_query_helper_sock(socket, command):
    # issue the relevant command
    session.sendmessage(socket, command)

    # receive and return the answer
    rawanswer = session.recvmessage(socket)
    return rawanswer
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _remote_query_helper_sock(socket, command):
	# issue the relevant command
	session.sendmessage(socket, command)

	# receive and return the answer
	rawanswer = session.recvmessage(socket)
	return rawanswer
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _remote_query_helper(serverlocation, command, defaultserverport):
  # private function that contains the guts of server communication.   It
  # issues a single query and then closes the connection.   This is used
  # both to talk to the vendor and also to talk to mirrors
  if type(serverlocation) != str and type(serverlocation) != unicode:
    raise TypeError("Server location must be a string, not "+str(type(serverlocation)))

  # now let's split it and ensure there are 0 or 1 colons
  splitlocationlist = serverlocation.split(':')
  if len(splitlocationlist) >2:
    raise TypeError("Server location may not contain more than one colon")

  # now either set the port or use the default
  if len(splitlocationlist) == 2:
    serverport = int(splitlocationlist[1])
    serverport = defaultserverport

  # check that this port is in the right range
  if serverport <= 0 or serverport > 65535:
    raise TypeError("Server location's port is not in the allowed range")

  serverhostname = splitlocationlist[0]

  # now we actually download the information...
  # first open the socket
  serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

  # if serverport == 60443, use SSL
  if (serverport == 60443):
    ssl_serversocket = ssl.wrap_socket(serversocket, server_side=False,

    ssl_serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))
    #session.sendmessage(ssl_serversocket, command)
    #rawanswer = session.recvmessage(ssl_serversocket)    
    rawanswer = ssl_serversocket.recv(4096)
    return rawanswer

  # else connect normally
  serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))

  # then issue the relevant command
  session.sendmessage(serversocket, command)

  # and return the answer
  rawanswer = session.recvmessage(serversocket)


  return rawanswer
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def cleanup(self):
		"""cleanup. here: maybe request debug timing info and always close sockets"""
		for mirror in self.activemirrors:

			if self.timing:
				# request total computation time and measure delay
				ping_start = _timer()
				session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "T")
				mirror['info']['comptime'] = float(session.recvmessage(mirror['info']['sock'])[1:])
				mirror['info']['ping'] = _timer() - ping_start

			session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "Q")
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def cleanup(self):
		"""cleanup. here: maybe request debug timing info and always close sockets"""
		for mirror in self.activemirrors:

			if self.timing:
				# request total computation time and measure delay
				ping_start = _timer()
				session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "T")
				mirror['info']['comptime'] = float(session.recvmessage(mirror['info']['sock'])[1:])
				mirror['info']['ping'] = _timer() - ping_start

			session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], "Q")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def BatchAnswer(parallel, chunknumbers, sock):
    global _batchrequests
    global _xorstrings
    global _finish
    global _batch_comp_time

    blocksize = _global_myxordatastore.sizeofblocks
    _batch_comp_time = 0

    # while a client is connected
    while not _finish:

        # wait for signal to start

        # create local copies and reset global values
        with _batchlock:
            batchrequests = _batchrequests
            xorstrings = _xorstrings
            _batchrequests = 0
            _xorstrings = b''

        if batchrequests == 0:
            # all request answered, remove flag and wait/return

        else:  # answer requests
            start_time = _timer()

            if parallel:
                xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_multiple_bitstrings(
                    xorstrings, batchrequests * len(chunknumbers))
                _batch_comp_time = _batch_comp_time + _timer() - start_time
                i = 0
                for _ in range(batchrequests):
                    result = {}
                    for c in chunknumbers:
                        result[c] = xoranswer[i * blocksize:(i + 1) *
                        i = i + 1

                        sock, msgpack.packb(result, use_bin_type=True))

                xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_multiple_bitstrings(
                    xorstrings, batchrequests)
                _batch_comp_time = _batch_comp_time + _timer() - start_time
                for i in range(batchrequests):
                        sock, xoranswer[i * blocksize:(i + 1) * blocksize])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def BatchAnswer(parallel, chunknumbers, sock):
	global _batchrequests
	global _xorstrings
	global _finish
	global _batch_comp_time

	blocksize = _global_myxordatastore.sizeofblocks
	_batch_comp_time = 0;

	# while a client is connected
	while not _finish:

		# wait for signal to start

		# create local copies and reset global values
		with _batchlock:
			batchrequests = _batchrequests
			xorstrings = _xorstrings
			_batchrequests = 0
			_xorstrings = b''

		if batchrequests == 0:
			# all request answered, remove flag and wait/return

		else: # answer requests
			start_time = _timer()

			if parallel:
				xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_multiple_bitstrings(xorstrings, batchrequests*len(chunknumbers))
				_batch_comp_time = _batch_comp_time + _timer() - start_time
				i = 0
				for _ in range(batchrequests):
					result = {}
					for c in chunknumbers:
						result[c] = xoranswer[i*blocksize : (i+1)*blocksize]
						i = i + 1

					session.sendmessage(sock, msgpack.packb(result, use_bin_type=True))

				xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_multiple_bitstrings(xorstrings, batchrequests)
				_batch_comp_time = _batch_comp_time + _timer() - start_time
				for i in range(batchrequests):
					session.sendmessage(sock, xoranswer[i*blocksize : (i+1)*blocksize])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _remote_query_helper(serverlocation, command, defaultserverport):
    # private function that contains the guts of server communication.   It
    # issues a single query and then closes the connection.   This is used
    # both to talk to the vendor and also to talk to mirrors
    if type(serverlocation) != str and type(serverlocation) != str:
        raise TypeError("Server location must be a string, not " +

    # now let's split it and ensure there are 0 or 1 colons
    splitlocationlist = serverlocation.split(':')

    if len(splitlocationlist) > 2:
        raise TypeError("Server location may not contain more than one colon")

    # now either set the port or use the default
    if len(splitlocationlist) == 2:
        serverport = int(splitlocationlist[1])
        serverport = defaultserverport

    # check that this port is in the right range
    if serverport <= 0 or serverport > 65535:
        raise TypeError("Server location's port is not in the allowed range")

    serverhostname = splitlocationlist[0]

    # now we actually download the information...

    # first open the socket
    serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))

    # then issue the relevant command
    session.sendmessage(serversocket, command)

    # and return the answer
    rawanswer = session.recvmessage(serversocket)


    return rawanswer
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _remote_query_helper(serverlocation, command, defaultserverport):
	# private function that contains the guts of server communication.   It
	# issues a single query and then closes the connection.   This is used
	# both to talk to the vendor and also to talk to mirrors
	if type(serverlocation) != str and type(serverlocation) != str:
		raise TypeError("Server location must be a string, not " + str(type(serverlocation)))

	# now let's split it and ensure there are 0 or 1 colons
	splitlocationlist = serverlocation.split(':')

	if len(splitlocationlist) > 2:
		raise TypeError("Server location may not contain more than one colon")

	# now either set the port or use the default
	if len(splitlocationlist) == 2:
		serverport = int(splitlocationlist[1])
		serverport = defaultserverport

	# check that this port is in the right range
	if serverport <= 0 or serverport > 65535:
		raise TypeError("Server location's port is not in the allowed range")

	serverhostname = splitlocationlist[0]

	# now we actually download the information...

	# first open the socket
	serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
	serversocket.connect((serverhostname, serverport))

	# then issue the relevant command
	session.sendmessage(serversocket, command)

	# and return the answer
	rawanswer = session.recvmessage(serversocket)


	return rawanswer
Ejemplo n.º 10
def _testmirror(rh, testinfodict):
  manifestdict = uppirlib.parse_manifest(_global_rawmanifestdata)
  myxordatastore = fastsimplexordatastore.XORDatastore(manifestdict['blocksize'], manifestdict['blockcount'])
  uppirlib.populate_xordatastore(manifestdict, myxordatastore, rootdir = _commandlineoptions.rootdir)
  bitstring = base64.b64decode(testinfodict['chunklist'])
  expectedData = base64.b64decode(testinfodict['data'])
  expectedbitstringlength = uppirlib.compute_bitstring_length(myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

  if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
    # Invalid request length...
    _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))

    session.sendmessage(rh.request, 'Invalid request length')

  mirrorip = testinfodict['ip']
  mirrorport = testinfodict['port']
  #print "bitstring"+testinfodict['chunklist']+"\n"
  xoranswer = myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
  if xoranswer != expectedData: # or True
    session.sendmessage(rh.request, 'TEST: Invalid mirror: '+str(mirrorip)+":"+str(mirrorport))
    #print "xor"+base64.b64encode(xoranswer)+"\n"
    #print "mir"+base64.b64encode(expectedData)+"\n"
    _remove_mirror(mirrorip, mirrorport)
    session.sendmessage(rh.request, 'TEST: Correct mirror: '+str(mirrorip)+":"+str(mirrorport))
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring.startswith('XORBLOCK'):

      bitstring = requeststring[len('XORBLOCK'):]
      expectedbitstringlength = uppirlib.compute_bitstring_length(_global_myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

      if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
        # Invalid request length...
        _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))

        session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
      # Now let's process this...
      xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)

      # and send the reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'HELLO':
      # send a reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, "HI!")
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")

      # done!

      # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
Ejemplo n.º 12
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring.startswith('XORBLOCK'):

      bitstring = requeststring[len('XORBLOCK'):]
      expectedbitstringlength = uppirlib.compute_bitstring_length(_global_myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

      if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
        # Invalid request length...
        _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))

        session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
      # Now let's process this...
      xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)

      # and send the reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'HELLO':
      # send a reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, "HI!")
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")

      # done!

      # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
      _log("UPPIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
Ejemplo n.º 13
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring == 'GET MANIFEST':

      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" manifest request")

      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'GET MIRRORLIST':
      # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
      # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

      # reply with the mirror list
      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorlist request")

      # done!

    elif requeststring.startswith('RUN TEST'):
      if random.random() < RANDOM_THRESHOLD:
      testrawdata = requeststring[len('RUN TEST'):]
        testinfodict = json.loads(testrawdata)
      except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error cannot deserialize testinfo!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" cannot deserialize testinfo!"+str(e))
      if type(testinfodict) != dict or 'ip' not in testinfodict or 'port' not in testinfodict or 'data' not in testinfodict or 'chunklist' not in testinfodict:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, testinfodict has an invalid format.")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" testinfodict has an invalid format")
      _testmirror(self, testinfodict)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def request_xorblock_chunked(socket, chunks):
                        b"C" + msgpack.packb(chunks, use_bin_type=True))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_response(requeststring):
  s = socket.socket()
  return session.recvmessage(s)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_response(requeststring):
    s = socket.socket()
    s.connect((mirrortocheck, 62294))
    session.sendmessage(s, requeststring)
    return session.recvmessage(s)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def request_xorblock(socket, bitstring):
    session.sendmessage(socket, b"X" + bitstring)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def request_xorblock_chunked(socket, chunks):
	session.sendmessage(socket, b"C" + msgpack.packb(chunks, use_bin_type=True))
Ejemplo n.º 19
  def handle(self):

    # read the request from the socket...
    requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

    # for logging purposes, get the remote info
    remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

    # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
    if requeststring == 'GET MANIFEST':

      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" manifest request")
      # done!

    elif requeststring == 'GET MIRRORLIST':
      # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
      # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

      # reply with the mirror list
      session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorlist request")

      # done!

    elif requeststring.startswith('MIRRORADVERTISE'):
      # This is a mirror telling us it's ready to serve clients.

      mirrorrawdata = requeststring[len('MIRRORADVERTISE'):]
      # handle the case where the mirror provides data that is larger than 
      # we want to serve
      if len(mirrorrawdata) > _commandlineoptions.maxmirrorinfo:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo too large: "+str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

      # Let's sanity check the data...
      # can we deserialize it?
        mirrorinfodict = json.loads(mirrorrawdata)
      except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!"+str(e))

      # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
      if type(mirrorinfodict) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo has an invalid format")
      # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
      if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")
      # add the information to the mirrorlist

      # and notify the user
      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo update "+str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

      # done!
Ejemplo n.º 20
def request_xorblock_chunked_rng_parallel(socket, chunks):
    session.sendmessage(socket, "M" + msgpack.packb(chunks))
Ejemplo n.º 21
def request_xorblock_chunked_rng_parallel(socket, chunks):
                        b"M" + msgpack.packb(chunks, use_bin_type=True))
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def __init__(self, mirrorinfolist, blocklist, manifestdict, privacythreshold, batch, timing):
			Get ready to handle requests for XOR block strings, etc.

			mirrorinfolist: a list of dictionaries with information about mirrors

			blocklist: the blocks that need to be retrieved

			manifestdict: the manifest with information about the release

			privacythreshold: the number of mirrors that would need to collude to break privacy

			timing: collect timing info

			TypeError may be raised if invalid parameters are given.

			InsufficientMirrors if there are not enough mirrors

		self.blocklist = blocklist
		self.manifestdict = manifestdict
		self.privacythreshold = privacythreshold
		self.timing = timing
		if timing:
			self.recons_time = 0

		if len(mirrorinfolist) < self.privacythreshold:
			raise InsufficientMirrors("Requested the use of "+str(self.privacythreshold)+" mirrors, but only "+str(len(mirrorinfolist))+" were available.")

		# now we do the 'random' part.   I copy the mirrorinfolist to avoid changing the list in place.
		self.fullmirrorinfolist = mirrorinfolist[:]

		# let's make a list of mirror information (what has been retrieved, etc.)
		self.activemirrors = []
		for mirrorinfo in self.fullmirrorinfolist[:self.privacythreshold]:
			mirrors = {}
			mirrors['info'] = mirrorinfo
			mirrors['blocksneeded'] = blocklist[:]
			mirrors['blockbitstringlist'] = []
			mirrors['blocksrequested'] = []

			# open a socket once:
			mirrors['info']['sock'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
			mirrors['info']['sock'].setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) #TODO check this in the cloud
			mirrors['info']['sock'].connect((mirrorinfo['ip'], mirrorinfo['port']))


		for thisrequestinfo in self.activemirrors:
			#send parameters to mirrors once
			params = {}
			params['cn'] = 1 # chunk numbers, here fixed to 1
			params['k'] = privacythreshold
			params['r'] = privacythreshold # r is irrelevant here, thus fixed to k
			params['cl'] = 1 # chunk length, here fixed to 1
			params['lcl'] = 1 # last chunk length, here fixed to 1
			params['b'] = batch
			params['p'] = False

			#send the params, rcvlet will check response
			session.sendmessage(thisrequestinfo['info']['sock'], b"P" + msgpack.packb(params, use_bin_type=True))

			# start separate receiving thread for this socket
			t = threading.Thread(target=rcvlet, args=[thisrequestinfo, self], name=("rcv_thread_" + str((thisrequestinfo['info']['ip'], thisrequestinfo['info']['port']))))
			thisrequestinfo['rt'] = t

		bitstringlength = lib.bits_to_bytes(manifestdict['blockcount'])

		# let's generate the random bitstrings for k-1 mirrors
		for thisrequestinfo in self.activemirrors[:-1]:

			for _ in blocklist:

		# now, let's do the 'derived' ones...
		for blocknum in range(len(blocklist)):
			thisbitstring = b'\0'*bitstringlength

			# xor the random strings together
			for requestinfo in self.activemirrors[:-1]:
				thisbitstring = xordatastore.do_xor(thisbitstring, requestinfo['blockbitstringlist'][blocknum])

			# flip the appropriate bit for the block we want
			thisbitstring = lib.flip_bitstring_bit(thisbitstring, blocklist[blocknum])

			# store the result for the last mirror

		# want to have a structure for locking
		self.tablelock = threading.Lock()

		# and we'll keep track of the ones that are waiting in the wings...
		self.backupmirrorinfolist = self.fullmirrorinfolist[self.privacythreshold:]

		# the returned blocks are put here...
		self.returnedxorblocksdict = {}
		for blocknum in blocklist:
			# make these all empty lists to start with
			self.returnedxorblocksdict[blocknum] = []

		# and here is where they are put when reconstructed
		self.finishedblockdict = {}
Ejemplo n.º 23
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo too large: "+str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

      # Let's sanity check the data...
      # can we deserialize it?
        mirrorinfodict = json.loads(mirrorrawdata)
      except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!"+str(e))

      # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
      if type(mirrorinfodict) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo has an invalid format")

      # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
      if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
        session.sendmessage(self.request, "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
        _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")

      # add the information to the mirrorlist

      # and notify the user
      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" mirrorinfo update "+str(len(mirrorrawdata)))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self, mirrorinfolist, blocklist, manifestdict,
                 privacythreshold, redundancy, rng, parallel, batch, timing):
			Get ready to handle requests for XOR block strings, etc.
			This is meant to be used for queries partitioned in chunks
				(parallel or SB queries with redundancy parameter)

			TypeError may be raised if invalid parameters are given.

			InsufficientMirrors if there are not enough mirrors


        self.blocklist = blocklist
        self.manifestdict = manifestdict
        self.privacythreshold = privacythreshold  # aka k, the number of mirrors to use
        self.redundancy = redundancy  # aka r
        self.rng = rng
        self.parallel = parallel
        self.blockcount = manifestdict['blockcount']
        self.timing = timing
        if timing:
            self.recons_time = 0

        #length of one chunk in BITS (1 bit per block)
        #chunk length of the first chunks must be a multiple of 8, last chunk can be longer than first chunks
        self.chunklen = int(self.blockcount / 8 / privacythreshold) * 8
        self.lastchunklen = self.blockcount - (privacythreshold -
                                               1) * self.chunklen

        if len(mirrorinfolist) < self.privacythreshold:
            raise InsufficientMirrors("Requested the use of " +
                                      str(self.privacythreshold) +
                                      " mirrors, but only " +
                                      str(len(mirrorinfolist)) +
                                      " were available.")

        # now we do the 'random' part. I copy the mirrorinfolist to avoid changing the list in place.
        self.fullmirrorinfolist = mirrorinfolist[:]

        # let's make a list of mirror information (what has been retrieved, etc.)
        self.activemirrors = []

        #initialize queries for mirrors
        i = 0
        for mirrorinfo in self.fullmirrorinfolist[:self.privacythreshold]:
            mirror = {}
            mirror['info'] = mirrorinfo
                'blocksneeded'] = blocklist[:]  # only for the client, obviously
            mirror['blocksrequested'] = []

            if parallel:
                mirror['parallelblocksneeded'] = []

            mirror['blockchunklist'] = []

            # chunk numbers [0, ..., r-1]
            mirror['chunknumbers'] = [i]
            for j in range(1, redundancy):
                mirror['chunknumbers'].append((i + j) % privacythreshold)
            i = i + 1

            #open a socket once:
            mirror['info']['sock'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
                (mirrorinfo['ip'], mirrorinfo['port']))

            if rng:
                #pick a random seed (key) and initialize AES
                seed = _randomnumberfunction(16)  # random 128 bit key
                mirror['seed'] = seed
                mirror['cipher'] = lib.initAES(seed)


        for mirror in self.activemirrors:
            #send parameters to mirrors once
            params = {}
            params['cn'] = mirror['chunknumbers']
            params['k'] = privacythreshold
            params['r'] = redundancy
            params['cl'] = self.chunklen
            params['lcl'] = self.lastchunklen
            params['b'] = batch
            params['p'] = parallel

            if rng:
                params['s'] = mirror['seed']

            #send the params, rcvlet will check response
                b"P" + msgpack.packb(params, use_bin_type=True))

            # start separate receiving thread for this socket
            t = threading.Thread(
                args=[mirror, self],
                name=("rcv_thread_" + str(
                    (mirror['info']['ip'], mirror['info']['port']))))
            mirror['rt'] = t

        #multi block query. map the blocks to the minimum amount of queries
        if parallel:

            #create dictionary for each chunk, will hold block indices per chunk
            blockchunks = {}
            for i in range(0, privacythreshold):
                blockchunks[i] = []

            #map block numbers to chunks
            for blocknum in blocklist:
                index = min(int(blocknum / self.chunklen),
                            privacythreshold - 1)

            #remove chunks that are still empty
            for i in range(0, privacythreshold):
                if len(blockchunks[i]) == 0:
                    del blockchunks[i]

            #do until all blocks are in queries
            while len(blockchunks) > 0:

                #iterate through mirrors
                for mirror in self.activemirrors:

                    #dicitonary of chunk requests
                    chunks = {}

                    #iterate through r-1 random chunks, skipping the head (flip) chunk
                    for c in mirror['chunknumbers'][1:]:

                        #pick correct length in bits
                        if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
                            length = self.lastchunklen
                            length = self.chunklen

                        if rng:
                            #set random bytes for the latter chunk(s) from AES (will be deleted later)
                            chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(
                                mirror['cipher'], length)

                            #set random bytes for the latter chunk(s) randomly
                            chunks[c] = lib.randombits(length)


                #list of blocknumbers
                blocks = []

                # now derive the first chunks
                for mirror in self.activemirrors:

                    #number of the first chunk
                    c = mirror['chunknumbers'][0]

                    #pick correct length for the chunk
                    if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
                        length = self.lastchunklen
                        length = self.chunklen

                    #fill it with zero
                    thisbitstring = lib.bits_to_bytes(length) * b'\0'

                    #xor all other rnd chunks onto it
                    for rqi in self.activemirrors:
                        if c in rqi['blockchunklist'][-1]:
                            thisbitstring = xordatastore.do_xor(
                                thisbitstring, rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][c])
                            if rng:
                                del rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][
                                    c]  #remove the pre-computed random chunk from the packet to send

                    #if there is a block within this chunk, then add it to the bitstring by flipping the bit
                    if c in blockchunks:
                        blocknum = blockchunks[c].pop(0)
                        thisbitstring = lib.flip_bitstring_bit(
                            thisbitstring, blocknum - c * self.chunklen)
                        if len(blockchunks[c]) == 0:
                            del blockchunks[c]

                    mirror['blockchunklist'][-1][c] = thisbitstring

        #single block query:
            #iterate through all blocks
            for blocknum in blocklist:

                #iterate through mirrors
                for mirror in self.activemirrors:

                    chunks = {}

                    #iterate through r-1 random chunks
                    for c in mirror['chunknumbers'][1:]:

                        #pick correct length in bits
                        if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
                            length = self.lastchunklen
                            length = self.chunklen

                        if rng:
                            chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(
                                mirror['cipher'], length)

                            #set random bytes for the latter chunk(s)
                            chunks[c] = lib.randombits(length)


                # now derive the first chunks
                for mirror in self.activemirrors:

                    #number of the first chunk
                    c = mirror['chunknumbers'][0]

                    #pick correct length for the chunk
                    if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
                        length = self.lastchunklen
                        length = self.chunklen

                    #fill it with zero
                    thisbitstring = lib.bits_to_bytes(length) * b'\0'

                    #xor all other rnd chunks onto it
                    for rqi in self.activemirrors:
                        if c in rqi['blockchunklist'][-1]:
                            thisbitstring = xordatastore.do_xor(
                                thisbitstring, rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][c])
                            if rng:
                                del rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][
                                    c]  #remove the pre-computed random chunk from the packet to send

                    #if the desired block is within this chunk, flip the bit
                    if c * self.chunklen <= blocknum and blocknum < c * self.chunklen + length:
                        thisbitstring = lib.flip_bitstring_bit(
                            thisbitstring, blocknum - c * self.chunklen)

                    mirror['blockchunklist'][-1][c] = thisbitstring


        # want to have a structure for locking
        self.tablelock = threading.Lock()

        # and we'll keep track of the ones that are waiting in the wings...
        self.backupmirrorinfolist = self.fullmirrorinfolist[self.

        # the returned blocks are put here...
        self.returnedxorblocksdict = {}
        for blocknum in blocklist:
            # make these all empty lists to start with
            self.returnedxorblocksdict[blocknum] = []

        # and here is where they are put when reconstructed
        self.finishedblockdict = {}
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, mirrorinfolist, blocklist, manifestdict,
                 privacythreshold, batch, timing):
			Get ready to handle requests for XOR block strings, etc.

			mirrorinfolist: a list of dictionaries with information about mirrors

			blocklist: the blocks that need to be retrieved

			manifestdict: the manifest with information about the release

			privacythreshold: the number of mirrors that would need to collude to break privacy

			timing: collect timing info

			TypeError may be raised if invalid parameters are given.

			InsufficientMirrors if there are not enough mirrors

        self.blocklist = blocklist
        self.manifestdict = manifestdict
        self.privacythreshold = privacythreshold
        self.timing = timing
        if timing:
            self.recons_time = 0

        if len(mirrorinfolist) < self.privacythreshold:
            raise InsufficientMirrors("Requested the use of " +
                                      str(self.privacythreshold) +
                                      " mirrors, but only " +
                                      str(len(mirrorinfolist)) +
                                      " were available.")

        # now we do the 'random' part.   I copy the mirrorinfolist to avoid changing the list in place.
        self.fullmirrorinfolist = mirrorinfolist[:]

        # let's make a list of mirror information (what has been retrieved, etc.)
        self.activemirrors = []
        for mirrorinfo in self.fullmirrorinfolist[:self.privacythreshold]:
            mirrors = {}
            mirrors['info'] = mirrorinfo
            mirrors['blocksneeded'] = blocklist[:]
            mirrors['blockbitstringlist'] = []
            mirrors['blocksrequested'] = []

            # open a socket once:
            mirrors['info']['sock'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
                socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY,
                1)  #TODO check this in the cloud
                (mirrorinfo['ip'], mirrorinfo['port']))


        for thisrequestinfo in self.activemirrors:
            #send parameters to mirrors once
            params = {}
            params['cn'] = 1  # chunk numbers, here fixed to 1
            params['k'] = privacythreshold
                'r'] = privacythreshold  # r is irrelevant here, thus fixed to k
            params['cl'] = 1  # chunk length, here fixed to 1
            params['lcl'] = 1  # last chunk length, here fixed to 1
            params['b'] = batch
            params['p'] = False

            #send the params, rcvlet will check response
                b"P" + msgpack.packb(params, use_bin_type=True))

            # start separate receiving thread for this socket
            t = threading.Thread(target=rcvlet,
                                 args=[thisrequestinfo, self],
                                 name=("rcv_thread_" + str(
            thisrequestinfo['rt'] = t

        bitstringlength = lib.bits_to_bytes(manifestdict['blockcount'])

        # let's generate the random bitstrings for k-1 mirrors
        for thisrequestinfo in self.activemirrors[:-1]:

            for _ in blocklist:

        # now, let's do the 'derived' ones...
        for blocknum in range(len(blocklist)):
            thisbitstring = b'\0' * bitstringlength

            # xor the random strings together
            for requestinfo in self.activemirrors[:-1]:
                thisbitstring = xordatastore.do_xor(
                    thisbitstring, requestinfo['blockbitstringlist'][blocknum])

            # flip the appropriate bit for the block we want
            thisbitstring = lib.flip_bitstring_bit(thisbitstring,

            # store the result for the last mirror

        # want to have a structure for locking
        self.tablelock = threading.Lock()

        # and we'll keep track of the ones that are waiting in the wings...
        self.backupmirrorinfolist = self.fullmirrorinfolist[self.

        # the returned blocks are put here...
        self.returnedxorblocksdict = {}
        for blocknum in blocklist:
            # make these all empty lists to start with
            self.returnedxorblocksdict[blocknum] = []

        # and here is where they are put when reconstructed
        self.finishedblockdict = {}
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def handle(self):

        global _batchrequests
        global _xorstrings
        global _finish
        global _batch_comp_time
        global _global_myxordatastore
        global _global_manifestdict
        global _request_restart

        _finish = False
        comp_time = 0
        _batch_comp_time = 0
        _batchrequests = 0
        _xorstrings = b''
        parallel = False

        requeststring = b'0'

        while requeststring != b'Q':
            # read the request from the socket...
            requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

            # for logging purposes, get the remote info
            # remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

            start_time = _timer()

            # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
            if requeststring.startswith(b'X'):

                bitstring = requeststring[len(b'X'):]
                expectedbitstringlength = lib.bits_to_bytes(

                if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
                    # Invalid request length...
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
                    _finish = True

                if not batch:
                    # Now let's process this...
                    xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(
                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and immediately send the reply.
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")


                    with _batchlock:
                        _xorstrings += bitstring
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread

                # done!

            elif requeststring.startswith(b'C'):

                payload = requeststring[len(b'C'):]

                chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(
                    chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)

                if not batch:
                    # Now let's process this...
                    xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(
                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and send the reply.
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

                    with _batchlock:
                        _xorstrings += bitstring
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread


            elif requeststring.startswith(b'R'):

                payload = requeststring[len(b'R'):]

                chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                #iterate through r-1 random chunks
                for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

                    if c == k - 1:
                        length = lastchunklen
                        length = chunklen

                    chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

                bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(
                    chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)  #the expanded query

                if not batch:
                    # Now let's process this...
                    xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(
                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and send the reply.
                    session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
                    #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

                    with _batchlock:
                        _xorstrings += bitstring
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread


            elif requeststring == b'MANIFEST UPDATE':
                print("MANIFEST UPDATE")
                _request_restart = True

            elif requeststring.startswith(b'M'):
                parallel = True

                payload = requeststring[len(b'M'):]

                chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                #iterate through r-1 random chunks
                for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

                    if c == k - 1:
                        length = lastchunklen
                        length = chunklen

                    chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

                bitstrings = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks_parallel(
                    chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)  #the expanded query

                if not batch:

                    result = {}
                    for c in chunknumbers:
                            c] = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(

                    comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

                    # and send the reply.
                        self.request, msgpack.packb(result, use_bin_type=True))
                    with _batchlock:
                        for c in chunknumbers:
                            _xorstrings += bitstrings[c]
                        _batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

                    # notify batch thread

                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

            elif requeststring.startswith(b'P'):

                payload = requeststring[len(b'P'):]

                params = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

                chunknumbers = params['cn']
                k = params['k']
                r = params['r']
                chunklen = params['cl']
                lastchunklen = params['lcl']
                batch = params['b']
                parallel = params['p']

                if 's' in params:
                    cipher = lib.initAES(params['s'])

                if batch:
                    # create batch xor thread
                    t = threading.Thread(
                        args=[parallel, chunknumbers, self.request],
                        name="RAID-PIR Batch XOR")
                    t.daemon = True

                # and send the reply.
                session.sendmessage(self.request, b"PARAMS OK")
                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" PARAMS received " + str(params))

            #Timing Request
            elif requeststring == b'T':
                                    b"T" + str(comp_time + _batch_comp_time))
                comp_time = 0
                _batch_comp_time = 0

            #Debug Hello
            elif requeststring == b'HELLO':
                session.sendmessage(self.request, b"HI!")
                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")
                # done!

            #the client asked to close the connection
            elif requeststring == b'Q':
                comp_time = 0
                _finish = True

            #this happens if the client closed the socket unexpectedly
            elif requeststring == b'':
                comp_time = 0
                _finish = True

                # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
                #_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

                session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
                _finish = True
Ejemplo n.º 27

   # add HELLO
    elif requeststring == 'HELLO':
      # send a reply.
      session.sendmessage(self.request, "VENDORHI!")
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" VENDORHI!")

      # done!

      # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
      _log("UPPIRVendor "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

      session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')

def start_vendor_service(manifestdict, ip, port):

  # this should be done before we are called
  assert(_global_rawmanifestdata != None)

  # create the handler / server
  vendorserver = ThreadedVendorServer((ip, port), ThreadedVendorRequestHandler)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def handle(self):

        # read the request from the socket...
        requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

        # for logging purposes, get the remote info
        remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

        # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
        if requeststring == 'GET MANIFEST':

            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
            _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " manifest request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring == 'GET MIRRORLIST':
            # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
            # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

            # reply with the mirror list
            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
            _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorlist request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring.startswith('MIRRORADVERTISE'):
            # This is a mirror telling us it's ready to serve clients.

            mirrorrawdata = requeststring[len('MIRRORADVERTISE'):]

            # handle the case where the mirror provides data that is larger than
            # we want to serve
            if len(mirrorrawdata) > _commandlineoptions.maxmirrorinfo:
                                    "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo too large: " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # Let's sanity check the data...
            # can we deserialize it?
                mirrorinfodict = json.loads(mirrorrawdata)
            except (TypeError, ValueError), e:
                                    "Error cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " cannot deserialize mirrorinfo!" + str(e))

            # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
            if type(
            ) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
                    self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo has an invalid format")

            # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
            if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
                    "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
                _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")

            # add the information to the mirrorlist

            # and notify the user
            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
            _log("UPPIRVendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorinfo update " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # done!
Ejemplo n.º 29
def request_xorblock(socket, bitstring):
	session.sendmessage(socket, b"X" + bitstring)
Ejemplo n.º 30
            # done!

            # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
                "UPPIRVendor "
                + remoteip
                + " "
                + str(remoteport)
                + " Invalid request type starts:'"
                + requeststring[:5]
                + "'"

            session.sendmessage(self.request, "Invalid request type")

def start_vendor_service(manifestdict, ip, port):

    # this should be done before we are called
    assert _global_rawmanifestdata != None

    # create the handler / server
    vendorserver = ThreadedVendorServer((ip, port), ThreadedVendorRequestHandler)

    # and serve forever!   This call will not return which is why we spawn a new
    # thread to handle it
    threading.Thread(target=vendorserver.serve_forever, name="upPIR vendor server").start()
Ejemplo n.º 31
def request_xorblock_chunked_rng_parallel(socket, chunks):
	session.sendmessage(socket, b"M" + msgpack.packb(chunks, use_bin_type=True))
Ejemplo n.º 32
        # add HELLO
        elif requeststring == 'HELLO':
            # send a reply.
            session.sendmessage(self.request, "VENDORHI!")
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " VENDORHI!")

            # done!

            # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " Invalid request type starts:'" + requeststring[:5] + "'")

            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')

def start_vendor_service(manifestdict, ip, port):

    # this should be done before we are called
    assert _global_rawmanifestdata != None

    # create the handler / server
    vendorserver = ThreadedVendorServer((ip, port),

    _log('vendor servers started at' + str(ip) + ':' + str(port))
    print "Vendor Server started at", ip, ":", port
    print "Manifest contains", len(
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def handle(self):

        # read the request from the socket...
        requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

        # for logging purposes, get the remote info
        remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

        # if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
        if requeststring == b'GET MANIFEST':
            print("GET MANIFEST")

            rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename,
            _global_rawmanifestdata = rawmanifestdata

            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmanifestdata)
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " manifest request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring == b'MANIFEST UPDATE':
            print('MANIFEST UPDATE')

            rawmanifestdata = open(_commandlineoptions.manifestfilename,
            _global_rawmanifestdata = rawmanifestdata

            # get a copy of the mirrorlist
            mirrorlist = list()
                for mirror in _global_mirrorinfodict:

            for mirror in mirrorlist:
                sock = None
                    # Connect to server and send data
                    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
                    sock.connect((mirror['ip'], mirror['port']))
                    session.sendmessage(sock, 'MANIFEST UPDATE')
                    print("Could not connect to mirror", mirror)

        elif requeststring == b'GET MIRRORLIST':
            # let's try to clean up the list.   If we are busy with another attempt
            # to do this, the latter will be a NOOP

            # reply with the mirror list
            session.sendmessage(self.request, _global_rawmirrorlist)
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorlist request")

            # done!

        elif requeststring.startswith(b'MIRRORADVERTISE'):
            # This is a mirror telling us it's ready to serve clients.

            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirror advertise")

            mirrorrawdata = requeststring[len(b'MIRRORADVERTISE'):]

            # handle the case where the mirror provides data that is larger than
            # we want to serve
            if len(mirrorrawdata) > _commandlineoptions.maxmirrorinfo:
                                    "Error, mirrorinfo too large!")
                _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo too large: " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # Let's sanity check the data...
            # can we unpack it?
                mirrorinfodict = msgpack.unpackb(mirrorrawdata, raw=False)
            except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
                                    "Error cannot unpack mirrorinfo!")
                _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " cannot unpack mirrorinfo!" + str(e))

            # is it a dictionary and does it have the required keys?
            if type(
            ) != dict or 'ip' not in mirrorinfodict or 'port' not in mirrorinfodict:
                    self.request, "Error, mirrorinfo has an invalid format.")
                _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                     " mirrorinfo has an invalid format")

            #is the mirror to add coming from the same ip?
            if _commandlineoptions.checkmirrorip:
                if mirrorinfodict['ip'] != remoteip:
                        "Error, must provide mirrorinfo from the mirror's IP")
                    _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " +
                         str(remoteport) +
                         " mirrorinfo provided from the wrong IP")

            # add the information to the mirrorlist

            # and notify the user
            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'OK')
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " mirrorinfo update " + str(len(mirrorrawdata)))

            # done!

        # add HELLO
        elif requeststring == b'HELLO':
            # send a reply.
            session.sendmessage(self.request, "VENDORHI!")
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " VENDORHI!")

            # done!

            # we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
            _log("RAID-PIR Vendor " + remoteip + " " + str(remoteport) +
                 " Invalid request type starts:'" + requeststring[:5] + "'")

            session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
Ejemplo n.º 34
	def __init__(self, mirrorinfolist, blocklist, manifestdict, privacythreshold, redundancy, rng, parallel, batch, timing):
			Get ready to handle requests for XOR block strings, etc.
			This is meant to be used for queries partitioned in chunks
				(parallel or SB queries with redundancy parameter)

			TypeError may be raised if invalid parameters are given.

			InsufficientMirrors if there are not enough mirrors


		self.blocklist = blocklist
		self.manifestdict = manifestdict
		self.privacythreshold = privacythreshold # aka k, the number of mirrors to use
		self.redundancy = redundancy # aka r
		self.rng = rng
		self.parallel = parallel
		self.blockcount = manifestdict['blockcount']
		self.timing = timing
		if timing:
			self.recons_time = 0

		#length of one chunk in BITS (1 bit per block)
		#chunk length of the first chunks must be a multiple of 8, last chunk can be longer than first chunks
		self.chunklen = int(self.blockcount/8/privacythreshold) * 8
		self.lastchunklen = self.blockcount - (privacythreshold-1)*self.chunklen

		if len(mirrorinfolist) < self.privacythreshold:
			raise InsufficientMirrors("Requested the use of " + str(self.privacythreshold) + " mirrors, but only " + str(len(mirrorinfolist)) + " were available.")

		# now we do the 'random' part. I copy the mirrorinfolist to avoid changing the list in place.
		self.fullmirrorinfolist = mirrorinfolist[:]

		# let's make a list of mirror information (what has been retrieved, etc.)
		self.activemirrors = []

		#initialize queries for mirrors
		i = 0
		for mirrorinfo in self.fullmirrorinfolist[:self.privacythreshold]:
			mirror = {}
			mirror['info'] = mirrorinfo
			mirror['blocksneeded'] = blocklist[:] # only for the client, obviously
			mirror['blocksrequested'] = []

			if parallel:
				mirror['parallelblocksneeded'] = []

			mirror['blockchunklist'] = []

			# chunk numbers [0, ..., r-1]
			mirror['chunknumbers'] = [i]
			for j in range(1, redundancy):
				mirror['chunknumbers'].append((i+j) % privacythreshold)
			i = i + 1

			#open a socket once:
			mirror['info']['sock'] = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
			mirror['info']['sock'].connect((mirrorinfo['ip'], mirrorinfo['port']))

			if rng:
				#pick a random seed (key) and initialize AES
				seed = _randomnumberfunction(16) # random 128 bit key
				mirror['seed'] = seed
				mirror['cipher'] = lib.initAES(seed)


		for mirror in self.activemirrors:
			#send parameters to mirrors once
			params = {}
			params['cn'] = mirror['chunknumbers']
			params['k'] = privacythreshold
			params['r'] = redundancy
			params['cl'] = self.chunklen
			params['lcl'] = self.lastchunklen
			params['b'] = batch
			params['p'] = parallel

			if rng:
				params['s'] = mirror['seed']

			#send the params, rcvlet will check response
			session.sendmessage(mirror['info']['sock'], b"P" + msgpack.packb(params, use_bin_type=True))

			# start separate receiving thread for this socket
			t = threading.Thread(target=rcvlet, args=[mirror, self], name=("rcv_thread_" + str((mirror['info']['ip'], mirror['info']['port']))))
			mirror['rt'] = t

		#multi block query. map the blocks to the minimum amount of queries
		if parallel:

			#create dictionary for each chunk, will hold block indices per chunk
			blockchunks = {}
			for i in range(0, privacythreshold):
				blockchunks[i] = []

			#map block numbers to chunks
			for blocknum in blocklist:
				index = min(int(blocknum/self.chunklen), privacythreshold-1)

			#remove chunks that are still empty
			for i in range(0, privacythreshold):
				if len(blockchunks[i]) == 0:
					del blockchunks[i]

			#do until all blocks are in queries
			while len(blockchunks)>0:

				#iterate through mirrors
				for mirror in self.activemirrors:

					#dicitonary of chunk requests
					chunks = {}

					#iterate through r-1 random chunks, skipping the head (flip) chunk
					for c in mirror['chunknumbers'][1:]:

						#pick correct length in bits
						if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
							length = self.lastchunklen
							length = self.chunklen

						if rng:
							#set random bytes for the latter chunk(s) from AES (will be deleted later)
							chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(mirror['cipher'], length)

							#set random bytes for the latter chunk(s) randomly
							chunks[c] = lib.randombits(length)


				#list of blocknumbers
				blocks = []

				# now derive the first chunks
				for mirror in self.activemirrors:

					#number of the first chunk
					c = mirror['chunknumbers'][0]

					#pick correct length for the chunk
					if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
						length = self.lastchunklen
						length = self.chunklen

					#fill it with zero
					thisbitstring = lib.bits_to_bytes(length)*b'\0'

					#xor all other rnd chunks onto it
					for rqi in self.activemirrors:
						if c in rqi['blockchunklist'][-1]:
							thisbitstring = xordatastore.do_xor(thisbitstring, rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][c])
							if rng:
								del rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][c] #remove the pre-computed random chunk from the packet to send

					#if there is a block within this chunk, then add it to the bitstring by flipping the bit
					if c in blockchunks:
						blocknum = blockchunks[c].pop(0)
						thisbitstring = lib.flip_bitstring_bit(thisbitstring, blocknum - c*self.chunklen)
						if len(blockchunks[c]) == 0:
							del blockchunks[c]

					mirror['blockchunklist'][-1][c] = thisbitstring

		#single block query:
			#iterate through all blocks
			for blocknum in blocklist:

				#iterate through mirrors
				for mirror in self.activemirrors:

					chunks = {}

					#iterate through r-1 random chunks
					for c in mirror['chunknumbers'][1:]:

						#pick correct length in bits
						if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
							length = self.lastchunklen
							length = self.chunklen

						if rng:
							chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(mirror['cipher'], length)

							#set random bytes for the latter chunk(s)
							chunks[c] = lib.randombits(length)


				# now derive the first chunks
				for mirror in self.activemirrors:

					#number of the first chunk
					c = mirror['chunknumbers'][0]

					#pick correct length for the chunk
					if c == self.privacythreshold - 1:
						length = self.lastchunklen
						length = self.chunklen

					#fill it with zero
					thisbitstring = lib.bits_to_bytes(length)*b'\0'

					#xor all other rnd chunks onto it
					for rqi in self.activemirrors:
						if c in rqi['blockchunklist'][-1]:
							thisbitstring = xordatastore.do_xor(thisbitstring, rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][c])
							if rng:
								del rqi['blockchunklist'][-1][c] #remove the pre-computed random chunk from the packet to send

					#if the desired block is within this chunk, flip the bit
					if c*self.chunklen <= blocknum and blocknum < c*self.chunklen + length:
						thisbitstring = lib.flip_bitstring_bit(thisbitstring, blocknum - c*self.chunklen)

					mirror['blockchunklist'][-1][c] = thisbitstring


		# want to have a structure for locking
		self.tablelock = threading.Lock()

		# and we'll keep track of the ones that are waiting in the wings...
		self.backupmirrorinfolist = self.fullmirrorinfolist[self.privacythreshold:]

		# the returned blocks are put here...
		self.returnedxorblocksdict = {}
		for blocknum in blocklist:
			# make these all empty lists to start with
			self.returnedxorblocksdict[blocknum] = []

		# and here is where they are put when reconstructed
		self.finishedblockdict = {}
Ejemplo n.º 35
	def handle(self):

		global _batchrequests
		global _xorstrings
		global _finish
		global _batch_comp_time
		global _global_myxordatastore
		global _global_manifestdict
		global _request_restart

		_finish = False
		comp_time = 0
		_batch_comp_time = 0
		_batchrequests = 0
		_xorstrings = b''
		parallel = False

		requeststring = b'0'

		while requeststring != b'Q':
			# read the request from the socket...
			requeststring = session.recvmessage(self.request)

			# for logging purposes, get the remote info
			# remoteip, remoteport = self.request.getpeername()

			start_time = _timer()

			# if it's a request for a XORBLOCK
			if requeststring.startswith(b'X'):

				bitstring = requeststring[len(b'X'):]
				expectedbitstringlength = lib.bits_to_bytes(_global_myxordatastore.numberofblocks)

				if len(bitstring) != expectedbitstringlength:
					# Invalid request length...
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request with length: "+str(len(bitstring)))
					session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request length')
					_finish = True

				if not batch:
					# Now let's process this...
					xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and immediately send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")


					with _batchlock:
						_xorstrings += bitstring
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread

				# done!

			elif requeststring.startswith(b'C'):

				payload = requeststring[len(b'C'):]

				chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen)

				if not batch:
					# Now let's process this...
					xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

					with _batchlock:
						_xorstrings += bitstring
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread


			elif requeststring.startswith(b'R'):

				payload = requeststring[len(b'R'):]

				chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				#iterate through r-1 random chunks
				for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

					if c == k - 1:
						length = lastchunklen
						length = chunklen

					chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

				bitstring = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks(chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen) #the expanded query

				if not batch:
					# Now let's process this...
					xoranswer = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstring)
					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, xoranswer)
					#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

					with _batchlock:
						_xorstrings += bitstring
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread


			elif requeststring == b'MANIFEST UPDATE':
				print("MANIFEST UPDATE")
				_request_restart = True

			elif requeststring.startswith(b'M'):
				parallel = True

				payload = requeststring[len(b'M'):]

				chunks = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				#iterate through r-1 random chunks
				for c in chunknumbers[1:]:

					if c == k - 1:
						length = lastchunklen
						length = chunklen

					chunks[c] = lib.nextrandombitsAES(cipher, length)

				bitstrings = lib.build_bitstring_from_chunks_parallel(chunks, k, chunklen, lastchunklen) #the expanded query

				if not batch:

					result = {}
					for c in chunknumbers:
						result[c] = _global_myxordatastore.produce_xor_from_bitstring(bitstrings[c])

					comp_time = comp_time + _timer() - start_time

					# and send the reply.
					session.sendmessage(self.request, msgpack.packb(result, use_bin_type=True))
					with _batchlock:
						for c in chunknumbers:
							_xorstrings += bitstrings[c]
						_batchrequests = _batchrequests + 1

					# notify batch thread

				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" GOOD")

			elif requeststring.startswith(b'P'):

				payload = requeststring[len(b'P'):]

				params = msgpack.unpackb(payload, raw=False)

				chunknumbers = params['cn']
				k = params['k']
				r = params['r']
				chunklen = params['cl']
				lastchunklen = params['lcl']
				batch = params['b']
				parallel = params['p']

				if 's' in params:
					cipher = lib.initAES(params['s'])

				if batch:
					# create batch xor thread
					t = threading.Thread(target=BatchAnswer, args=[parallel, chunknumbers, self.request], name="RAID-PIR Batch XOR")
					t.daemon = True

				# and send the reply.
				session.sendmessage(self.request, b"PARAMS OK")
				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" PARAMS received " + str(params))

			#Timing Request
			elif requeststring == b'T':
				session.sendmessage(self.request, b"T" + str(comp_time + _batch_comp_time))
				comp_time = 0
				_batch_comp_time = 0

			#Debug Hello
			elif requeststring == b'HELLO':
				session.sendmessage(self.request, b"HI!")
				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" HI!")
				# done!

			#the client asked to close the connection
			elif requeststring == b'Q':
				comp_time = 0
				_finish = True

			#this happens if the client closed the socket unexpectedly
			elif requeststring == b'':
				comp_time = 0
				_finish = True

				# we don't know what this is!   Log and tell the requestor
				#_log("RAID-PIR "+remoteip+" "+str(remoteport)+" Invalid request type starts:'"+requeststring[:5]+"'")

				session.sendmessage(self.request, 'Invalid request type')
				_finish = True
Ejemplo n.º 36
def request_xorblock_chunked_rng(socket, chunks):
    session.sendmessage(socket, "R" + msgpack.packb(chunks))