Ejemplo n.º 1
def home(request):
    config = Globals()
    context = {'config': config}
    if request.method == "POST":
        settings = request.POST
        org_long_name = settings.get("org_long_name", None)
        org_short_name = settings.get("org_short_name", None)
        org_motto = settings.get("org_motto", None)
        late_fees_price = settings.get("late_fees_price", None)
        max_books_borrow_days = settings.get("max_books_borrow_days", None)
        membership_valid_days = settings.get("membership_valid_days", None)

        config = Globals()
        if org_long_name is not None:
            config.add("alms", "org_long_name", org_long_name)
        if org_short_name is not None:
            config.add("alms", "org_short_name", org_short_name)
        if org_motto is not None:
            config.add("alms", "org_motto", org_motto)
        if late_fees_price is not None:
            config.add("misc", "late_fees_price", late_fees_price)
        if max_books_borrow_days is not None:
            config.add("books", "borrow_max_days", max_books_borrow_days)
        if membership_valid_days is not None:
            config.add("misc", "membership_valid_days", membership_valid_days)

        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("settingsHome"))

    return render(request, "settings/home.html", addGlobalContext(context))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def nepali(value):
    try to convert text to nepali
    if value is not None:
        if value.__class__ == datetime.date:
            return no_to_np(to_bs(value.isoformat()))
        config = Globals()
        raw_value = value
        value = value.lower().replace(" ", "_")
        out_val = ""
        for _ in value:
            if _ in string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase or _ == "_":
                out_val += _
        while len(out_val) > 1 and out_val[
                0] not in string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + "".join(
                    [unicode(_) for _ in range(0, 10)]):
            out_val = out_val[1:]

        text = config.text.get(out_val, None)
        if text is not None:  # found the text correspondent
            return text
            values = raw_value.split(" ")
            out_val = []
            for _ in values:
                _ = "".join([
                    char for char in _ if char in string.ascii_lowercase +
                    string.ascii_uppercase +
                    "".join([unicode(int) for int in range(0, 10)]) or _ == " "
                config_val = config.text.get(_, None)
                if config_val is None:
                    config_val = config.text.get(_.lower(), None)
                    if config_val is None:
            return " ".join(out_val)
        return ""
Ejemplo n.º 3
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django import template

from settings.models import Globals

from pyBSDate.BSDate import convert_to_bs
from settings.templatetags.nepali import nepali

import datetime

register = template.Library()

NONE_LS = [None, "None"]

config = Globals()

def to_bs(value):
    if value.__class__ not in [unicode, str] and value is not None:
            if value.__class__ is datetime.datetime:
                value = value.date()
            value = value.isoformat()
            raise TypeError("value doesn't have isoformat method")
    elif value.__class__ is datetime.datetime:
    elif value is None:
        return ""