Ejemplo n.º 1
    def isPlayingZone(self):
        if WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isRecentEpisodesAdded():
            return False
        if WindowShowing.isPluginPath():
            return False
        if WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and Settings.isPlayVideoInformation():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isSeasons() and Settings.isPlayTvShowSeasons():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isEpisodes() and Settings.isPlayTvShowEpisodes():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on movie list
        if WindowShowing.isMovies() and Settings.isPlayMovieList():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on TV list
        if WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles() and Settings.isPlayTvShowList():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on Music Video list
        if WindowShowing.isMusicVideoTitles() and Settings.isPlayMusicVideoList():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            return True

        # Any other area is deemed to be a non play area
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def isPlayingZone(self):
        if WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isRecentEpisodesAdded():
            return False
        if WindowShowing.isPluginPath():
            return False
        if WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and Settings.isPlayVideoInformation():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isSeasons() and Settings.isPlayTvShowSeasons():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isEpisodes() and Settings.isPlayTvShowEpisodes():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on movie list
        if WindowShowing.isMovies() and Settings.isPlayMovieList():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on TV list
        if WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles() and Settings.isPlayTvShowList():
            return True
        # Only valid if wanting theme on Music Video list
        if WindowShowing.isMusicVideoTitles() and Settings.isPlayMusicVideoList():
            return True
        if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            return True

        # Any other area is deemed to be a non play area
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def endPlaying(self, fastFade=False, slowFade=False):
        if self.isPlayingAudio() and Settings.isFadeOut():
            cur_vol = self._getVolume()

            # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
            # the number of step to drop the volume in
            numSteps = 10
            if fastFade:
                numSteps = numSteps / 2
            elif slowFade:
                numSteps = numSteps * 4

            vol_step = cur_vol / numSteps
            # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
            for step in range(0, (numSteps - 1)):
                # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                # everything as quickly as possible
                if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                    log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade out")
                vol = cur_vol - vol_step
                log("ThemePlayer: fadeOut_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                cur_vol = vol
            # The final stop and reset of the settings will be done
            # outside of this "if"
        # Need to always stop by the end of this
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _checkListPlayingDelay(self, themes):
        # Check if we are playing themes on the list view, in which case we will want to delay them
        if (Settings.isPlayMovieList() and WindowShowing.isMovies()) or (
                Settings.isPlayTvShowList() and WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles()
        ) or (Settings.isPlayMusicVideoList()
              and WindowShowing.isMusicVideoTitles()):
            log("DelayedStartTheme: Movie List playing delay detected, anchorTime = %s"
                % str(self.anchorTime))
            if themes != self.themesToStart:
                # Theme selection has changed
                self.themesToStart = themes
                # Reset the current time as we need the delay from here
                self.anchorTime = 2  # for movie list delay, it is just a counter
                # reduce the anchor by one
                self.anchorTime = self.anchorTime - 1
                if self.anchorTime < 1:
                    return True
            return False

        # Default is to allow playing
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _checkListPlayingDelay(self, themes):
        # Check if we are playing themes on the list view, in which case we will want to delay them
        if (Settings.isPlayMovieList() and WindowShowing.isMovies()) or (Settings.isPlayTvShowList() and WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles()) or (Settings.isPlayMusicVideoList() and WindowShowing.isMusicVideoTitles()):
            log("DelayedStartTheme: Movie List playing delay detected, anchorTime = %s" % str(self.anchorTime))
            if themes != self.themesToStart:
                # Theme selection has changed
                self.themesToStart = themes
                # Reset the current time as we need the delay from here
                self.anchorTime = 2  # for movie list delay, it is just a counter
                # reduce the anchor by one
                self.anchorTime = self.anchorTime - 1
                if self.anchorTime < 1:
                    return True
            return False

        # Default is to allow playing
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _getMovieSetFileList(self):
        # Create a map for Program name to video file
        movieSetMap = dict()

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            # Get Movie Set Data Base ID
            dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID")
            # Get movies from Movie Set
            json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieSetDetails", "params": {"setid": %s, "properties": [ "thumbnail" ], "movies": { "properties":  [ "file", "title"], "sort": { "order": "ascending",  "method": "title" }} },"id": 1 }' % dbid)
            json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
            json_query = simplejson.loads(json_query)
            if ("result" in json_query) and ('setdetails' in json_query['result']):
                # Get the list of movies paths from the movie set
                items = json_query['result']['setdetails']['movies']
                for item in items:
                    log("TunesBackend: Movie Set file (%s): %s" % (item['title'], item['file']))
                    movieSetMap[item['title']] = item['file']

        return movieSetMap
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _getMovieSetFileList(self):
        # Create a map for Program name to video file
        movieSetMap = dict()

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            # Get Movie Set Data Base ID
            dbid = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.DBID")
            # Get movies from Movie Set
            json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieSetDetails", "params": {"setid": %s, "properties": [ "thumbnail" ], "movies": { "properties":  [ "file", "title"], "sort": { "order": "ascending",  "method": "title" }} },"id": 1 }' % dbid)
            json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
            json_query = simplejson.loads(json_query)
            if ("result" in json_query) and ('setdetails' in json_query['result']):
                # Get the list of movies paths from the movie set
                items = json_query['result']['setdetails']['movies']
                for item in items:
                    log("TunesBackend: Movie Set file (%s): %s" % (item['title'], item['file']))
                    movieSetMap[item['title']] = item['file']

        return movieSetMap
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def endPlaying(self, fastFade=False, slowFade=False):
        # If we are stopping audio and we do not have a value for the original volume
        # then it means we are stopping something that we did not start, this means that
        # before we do anything like fade the volume out we should get the current
        # volume and store it as the base level
        if self.original_volume < 0:
            self.original_volume = self._getVolume()

        if self.isPlayingAudio() and Settings.isFadeOut():
            cur_vol = self._getVolume()

            # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
            # the number of step to drop the volume in
            numSteps = 10
            if fastFade:
                numSteps = numSteps / 2
            elif slowFade:
                numSteps = numSteps * 4

            vol_step = cur_vol / numSteps
            # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
            for step in range(0, (numSteps - 1)):
                # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                # everything as quickly as possible
                if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                    log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade out"
                vol = cur_vol - vol_step
                log("ThemePlayer: fadeOut_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                cur_vol = vol
            # The final stop and reset of the settings will be done
            # outside of this "if"
        # Need to always stop by the end of this
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def getThemes(self):
        themePath = ""
        # Only need the theme path for videos
        if not WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            # Check if the files are stored in a custom path
            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                if not WindowShowing.isMovies():
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title")
                videotitle = normalize_string(videotitle)
                themePath = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(), videotitle)

            # Looking at the TV Show information page
            elif WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and (WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles() or WindowShowing.isTvShows()):
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.FilenameAndPath")
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Path")

        # To try and reduce the amount of "noise" in the logging, where the
        # same check is logged again and again, we record if it has been
        # logged for this video, and then do not do it again until the
        # video changes and what we would print wound be different
        debug_logging_enabled = False

        # Only log if something is different from the last time we logged
        if self.lastLoggedThemePath != themePath:
            debug_logging_enabled = True
            self.lastLoggedThemePath = themePath

        log("TunesBackend: themePath = %s" % themePath, debug_logging_enabled)

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            movieSetMap = self._getMovieSetFileList()

            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                # Need to make the values part (the path) point to the custom path
                # rather than the video file
                for aKey in movieSetMap.keys():
                    videotitle = normalize_string(aKey)
                    movieSetMap[aKey] = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(), videotitle)

            if len(movieSetMap) < 1:
                themefile = ThemeFiles("", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(themePath, movieSetMap.values(), debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)

        # When the reference is into the database and not the file system
        # then don't return it
        elif themePath.startswith("videodb:"):
            # If in either the Tv Show List or the Movie list then
            # need to stop the theme is selecting the back button
            if WindowShowing.isMovies() or WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles():
                themefile = ThemeFiles("", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                # Load the previous theme
                themefile = self.newThemeFiles
            if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
                themefile = MusicThemeFiles(debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(themePath, debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)

        return themefile
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def runAsAService(self):
        logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True

        while not xbmc.abortRequested:
            # Wait a little before starting the check each time

            # Check the forced TV Tunes status at the start of the loop, if this is True
            # then we don't want to stop themes until the next iteration, this stops the case
            # where some checks are done and the value changes part was through a single
            # loop iteration
            isForcedTvTunesContinue = WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying()

            # Stop the theme if the shutdown menu appears - it normally means
            # we are about to shut the system down, so get ahead of the game
            if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu():

            # NOTE: The screensaver kicking in will only be picked up if the option
            # "Use Visualization if Playing Audio" is disabled
            if WindowShowing.isScreensaver():
                if self.isAlive:
                    log("TunesBackend: Screensaver active")

                    # It may be possible that we stopped for the screen-saver about to kick in
                    # If we are using Gotham or higher, it is possible for us to re-kick off the
                    # screen-saver, otherwise the action of us stopping the theme will reset the
                    # timeout and the user will have to wait longer
                    log("TunesBackend: Restarting screensaver that TvTunes stopped")
                    xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateScreensaver", True)

            # Check if TvTunes is blocked from playing any themes
            if xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty('TvTunesBlocked') not in [None, ""]:

            if (not WindowShowing.isVideoLibrary()) and (not WindowShowing.isMusicSection()):
                log("TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible", logVideoLibraryNotShowing)
                logVideoLibraryNotShowing = False
                # End playing cleanly (including any fade out) and then stop everything
                logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True

            # There is a valid page selected and there is currently nothing playing
            if self.isPlayingZone() and not WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePrevious():
                newThemes = self.getThemes()
                if self.newThemeFiles != newThemes:
                    self.newThemeFiles = newThemes

            # Check if the file path has changed, if so there is a new file to play
            if self.newThemeFiles != self.oldThemeFiles and self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes():
                log("TunesBackend: old path: %s" % self.oldThemeFiles.getPath())
                log("TunesBackend: new path: %s" % self.newThemeFiles.getPath())
                if self.start_playing():
                    # Now that playing has started, update the current themes that are being used
                    self.oldThemeFiles = self.newThemeFiles

            # Check the operations where we are currently running and we need to stop
            # playing the current theme
            if self.isAlive:
                if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                    # There is no theme at this location, so make sure we are stopped
                    if not self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes():
                        log("TunesBackend: No themes to play for current item")
                        self.isAlive = False
                    # This will occur when a theme has stopped playing, maybe is is not set to loop
                    # There can be a delay when playing between playlist items, so give it a little
                    # time to start playing the next one
                    themeIsStillPlaying = False
                    maxLoop = 500
                    while (maxLoop > 0) and (not themeIsStillPlaying):
                        maxLoop = maxLoop - 1
                        if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                            themeIsStillPlaying = True

                    if not themeIsStillPlaying:
                        log("TunesBackend: playing ended, restoring settings")
                        self.isAlive = False

            # This is the case where the user has moved from within an area where the themes
            # to an area where the theme is no longer played, so it will trigger a stop and
            # reset everything to highlight that nothing is playing
            if (not self.isPlayingZone()) and (not isForcedTvTunesContinue):
                # Check for the case where we are playing the trailer as a theme
                # video, if so we want to stop the trailer playing when the video
                # information screen is displayed. If we don't, when the trailer is
                # started then TvTunes will automatically stop it
                if Settings.useTrailers() and WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and self.themePlayer.isPlayingTrailerTheme():

            # Check to see if the setting to restrict the theme duration is enabled
            # and if it is we need to stop the current theme playing

        # We have finished running, just make one last check to ensure
        # we do not need to stop any audio
        del self.themePlayer
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def play(self, item=None, listitem=None, windowed=True, fastFade=False):
        self.tvtunesPlayerStarted = True

        # if something is already playing, then we do not want
        # to replace it with the theme
        if not self.isPlaying():
            # Save the volume from before any alterations
            self.original_volume = self._getVolume()
            # Perform and lowering of the sound for theme playing

            if Settings.isFadeIn():
                # Get the current volume - this is our target volume
                targetVol = self._getVolume()
                cur_vol_perc = 1

                # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
                # the number of step to drop the volume in
                numSteps = 10
                if fastFade:
                    numSteps = numSteps / 2

                vol_step = targetVol / numSteps
                # Reduce the volume before starting
                # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
                # Now start playing before we start increasing the volume

                # Wait until playing has started
                maxLoop = 100
                while (not self.isPlaying()) and (
                        not xbmc.abortRequested) and (maxLoop > 0):
                    maxLoop = maxLoop - 1

                for step in range(0, (numSteps - 1)):
                    # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                    # everything as quickly as possible
                    if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                        log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade in"
                    vol = cur_vol_perc + vol_step
                    log("ThemePlayer: fadeIn_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                    cur_vol_perc = vol
                # Make sure we end on the correct volume

            if Settings.isLoop():
                # We no longer use the JSON method to repeat as it does not work with videos
                # xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.SetRepeat", "params": {"playerid": 0, "repeat": "all" }, "id": 1 }')

                # If we had a random start and we are looping then we need to make sure
                # when it comes to play the theme for a second time it starts at the beginning
                # and not from the same mid-point
                if Settings.isRandomStart():
                    item[0].setProperty('StartOffset', "0")
                # We no longer use the JSON method to repeat as it does not work with videos
                # xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.SetRepeat", "params": {"playerid": 0, "repeat": "off" }, "id": 1 }')

            # Record the time that playing was started
            self.startTime = int(time.time())

            # Clear the current playlist, as we will re-populate it
            self.playListItems = []

            # Save off the number of items in the playlist
            if item is not None:
                self.playlistSize = item.size()
                log("ThemePlayer: Playlist size = %d" % self.playlistSize)

                # Store a list of all the tracks in the playlist
                    i = 0
                    while i < self.playlistSize:
                        i = i + 1
                    log("ThemePlayer: Failed to save off playlist")

                # Check if we are limiting each track in the list
                if not Settings.isLoop():
                    # Already started playing the first, so the remaining number of
                    # tracks is one less than the total
                    self.remainingTracks = self.playlistSize - 1
                self.playlistSize = 1
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def getThemes(self):
        themePath = ""
        # Only need the theme path for videos
        if not WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            # Check if the files are stored in a custom path
            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                if not WindowShowing.isMovies():
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title")
                videotitle = normalize_string(videotitle)
                themePath = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(), videotitle)

            # Looking at the TV Show information page
            elif WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and (WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles() or WindowShowing.isTvShows()):
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.FilenameAndPath")
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Path")

        # To try and reduce the amount of "noise" in the logging, where the
        # same check is logged again and again, we record if it has been
        # logged for this video, and then do not do it again until the
        # video changes and what we would print wound be different
        debug_logging_enabled = False

        # Only log if something is different from the last time we logged
        if self.lastLoggedThemePath != themePath:
            debug_logging_enabled = True
            self.lastLoggedThemePath = themePath

        log("TunesBackend: themePath = %s" % themePath, debug_logging_enabled)

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            movieSetMap = self._getMovieSetFileList()

            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                # Need to make the values part (the path) point to the custom path
                # rather than the video file
                for aKey in movieSetMap.keys():
                    videotitle = normalize_string(aKey)
                    movieSetMap[aKey] = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(), videotitle)

            if len(movieSetMap) < 1:
                themefile = ThemeFiles("", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(themePath, movieSetMap.values(), debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)

        # When the reference is into the database and not the file system
        # then don't return it
        elif themePath.startswith("videodb:"):
            # If in either the Tv Show List or the Movie list then
            # need to stop the theme is selecting the back button
            if WindowShowing.isMovies() or WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles():
                themefile = ThemeFiles("", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                # Load the previous theme
                themefile = self.newThemeFiles
            if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
                themefile = MusicThemeFiles(debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(themePath, debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)

        return themefile
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def runAsAService(self):
        logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True

        while not xbmc.abortRequested:
            # Wait a little before starting the check each time

            # Check the forced TV Tunes status at the start of the loop, if this is True
            # then we don't want to stop themes until the next iteration, this stops the case
            # where some checks are done and the value changes part was through a single
            # loop iteration
            isForcedTvTunesContinue = WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePlaying()

            # Stop the theme if the shutdown menu appears - it normally means
            # we are about to shut the system down, so get ahead of the game
            if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu():

            # NOTE: The screensaver kicking in will only be picked up if the option
            # "Use Visualization if Playing Audio" is disabled
            if WindowShowing.isScreensaver():
                if self.isAlive:
                    log("TunesBackend: Screensaver active")

                    # It may be possible that we stopped for the screen-saver about to kick in
                    # If we are using Gotham or higher, it is possible for us to re-kick off the
                    # screen-saver, otherwise the action of us stopping the theme will reset the
                    # timeout and the user will have to wait longer
                    log("TunesBackend: Restarting screensaver that TvTunes stopped")
                    xbmc.executebuiltin("ActivateScreensaver", True)

            # Check if TvTunes is blocked from playing any themes
            if xbmcgui.Window(10025).getProperty('TvTunesBlocked') not in [None, ""]:

            if (not WindowShowing.isVideoLibrary()) and (not WindowShowing.isMusicSection()):
                log("TunesBackend: Video Library no longer visible", logVideoLibraryNotShowing)
                logVideoLibraryNotShowing = False
                # End playing cleanly (including any fade out) and then stop everything
                logVideoLibraryNotShowing = True

            # There is a valid page selected and there is currently nothing playing
            if self.isPlayingZone() and not WindowShowing.isTvTunesOverrideContinuePrevious():
                newThemes = self.getThemes()
                if self.newThemeFiles != newThemes:
                    self.newThemeFiles = newThemes

            # Check if the file path has changed, if so there is a new file to play
            if self.newThemeFiles != self.oldThemeFiles and self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes():
                log("TunesBackend: old path: %s" % self.oldThemeFiles.getPath())
                log("TunesBackend: new path: %s" % self.newThemeFiles.getPath())
                if self.start_playing():
                    # Now that playing has started, update the current themes that are being used
                    self.oldThemeFiles = self.newThemeFiles

            # Check the operations where wee are currently running and we need to stop
            # playing the current theme
            if self.isAlive:
                if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                    # There is no theme at this location, so make sure we are stopped
                    if not self.newThemeFiles.hasThemes():
                        log("TunesBackend: No themes to play for current item")
                        self.isAlive = False
                    # This will occur when a theme has stopped playing, maybe is is not set to loop
                    # There can be a delay when playing between playlist items, so give it a little
                    # time to start playing the next one
                    themeIsStillPlaying = False
                    maxLoop = 500
                    while (maxLoop > 0) and (not themeIsStillPlaying):
                        maxLoop = maxLoop - 1
                        if self.themePlayer.isPlayingTheme():
                            themeIsStillPlaying = True

                    if not themeIsStillPlaying:
                        log("TunesBackend: playing ended, restoring settings")
                        self.isAlive = False

            # This is the case where the user has moved from within an area where the themes
            # to an area where the theme is no longer played, so it will trigger a stop and
            # reset everything to highlight that nothing is playing
            if (not self.isPlayingZone()) and (not isForcedTvTunesContinue):

            # Check to see if the setting to restrict the theme duration is enabled
            # and if it is we need to stop the current theme playing

        # We have finished running, just make one last check to ensure
        # we do not need to stop any audio
        del self.themePlayer
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def play(self, item=None, listitem=None, windowed=True, fastFade=False):
        self.tvtunesPlayerStarted = True

        # if something is already playing, then we do not want
        # to replace it with the theme
        if not self.isPlaying():
            # Save the volume from before any alterations
            self.original_volume = self._getVolume()
            # Perform and lowering of the sound for theme playing

            if Settings.isFadeIn():
                # Get the current volume - this is our target volume
                targetVol = self._getVolume()
                cur_vol_perc = 1

                # Calculate how fast to fade the theme, this determines
                # the number of step to drop the volume in
                numSteps = 10
                if fastFade:
                    numSteps = numSteps / 2

                vol_step = targetVol / numSteps
                # Reduce the volume before starting
                # do not mute completely else the mute icon shows up
                # Now start playing before we start increasing the volume
                xbmc.Player.play(self, item=item, listitem=listitem, windowed=windowed)

                # Wait until playing has started
                maxLoop = 100
                while (not self.isPlaying()) and (not xbmc.abortRequested) and (maxLoop > 0):
                    maxLoop = maxLoop - 1

                for step in range(0, (numSteps - 1)):
                    # If the system is going to be shut down then we need to reset
                    # everything as quickly as possible
                    if WindowShowing.isShutdownMenu() or xbmc.abortRequested:
                        log("ThemePlayer: Shutdown menu detected, cancelling fade in")
                    vol = cur_vol_perc + vol_step
                    log("ThemePlayer: fadeIn_vol: %s" % str(vol))
                    cur_vol_perc = vol
                # Make sure we end on the correct volume
                xbmc.Player.play(self, item=item, listitem=listitem, windowed=windowed)

            if Settings.isLoop():
                # We no longer use the JSON method to repeat as it does not work with videos
                # xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.SetRepeat", "params": {"playerid": 0, "repeat": "all" }, "id": 1 }')

                # If we had a random start and we are looping then we need to make sure
                # when it comes to play the theme for a second time it starts at the beginning
                # and not from the same mid-point
                if Settings.isRandomStart():
                    item[0].setProperty('StartOffset', "0")
                # We no longer use the JSON method to repeat as it does not work with videos
                # xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.SetRepeat", "params": {"playerid": 0, "repeat": "off" }, "id": 1 }')

            # Record the time that playing was started
            self.startTime = int(time.time())

            # Clear the current playlist, as we will re-populate it
            self.playListItems = []

            # Save off the number of items in the playlist
            if item is not None:
                self.playlistSize = item.size()
                log("ThemePlayer: Playlist size = %d" % self.playlistSize)

                # Store a list of all the tracks in the playlist
                    i = 0
                    while i < self.playlistSize:
                        i = i + 1
                    log("ThemePlayer: Failed to save off playlist")

                # Check if we are limiting each track in the list
                if not Settings.isLoop():
                    # Already started playing the first, so the remaining number of
                    # tracks is one less than the total
                    self.remainingTracks = self.playlistSize - 1
                self.playlistSize = 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    # Make sure we have recorded this machines Id

    # Check if the settings mean we want to reset the volume on startup
    startupVol = Settings.getStartupVolume()

    if startupVol < 0:
        log("TvTunesService: No Volume Change Required")
        log("TvTunesService: Setting volume to %s" % startupVol)
        xbmc.executebuiltin('SetVolume(%d)' % startupVol, True)

    # Check if the video info button should be hidden, we do this here as this will be
    # called when the system is loaded, it can then be read by the skin
    # when it comes to draw the button

    # Make sure the user wants to play themes
    if Settings.isThemePlayingEnabled():
        log("TvTunesService: Theme playing enabled")

        if Settings.isUploadEnabled():
            log("TvTunesService: Launching uploader")
            xbmc.executebuiltin('RunScript(%s)' % os.path.join(__lib__, "upload.py"), False)
            log("TvTunesService: Uploader not enabled")

        # Create a monitor so we can reload the settings if they change
        systemMonitor = TvTunesMonitor()
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def getThemes(self):
        themePath = ""
        # Only need the theme path for videos
        if not WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
            # Check if the files are stored in a custom path
            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                if not WindowShowing.isMovies():
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")
                    videotitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Title")
                videotitle = normalize_string(videotitle)
                themePath = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(), videotitle)

            # Looking at the TV Show information page
            elif WindowShowing.isMovieInformation() and (
                    or WindowShowing.isTvShows()):
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.FilenameAndPath")
                themePath = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.Path")

        # To try and reduce the amount of "noise" in the logging, where the
        # same check is logged again and again, we record if it has been
        # logged for this video, and then do not do it again until the
        # video changes and what we would print wound be different
        debug_logging_enabled = False

        # Only log if something is different from the last time we logged
        if self.lastLoggedThemePath != themePath:
            debug_logging_enabled = True
            self.lastLoggedThemePath = themePath

        log("TunesBackend: themePath = %s" % themePath, debug_logging_enabled)

        # Check if the selection is a Movie Set
        if WindowShowing.isMovieSet():
            movieSetMap = self._getMovieSetFileList()

            if Settings.isCustomPathEnabled():
                # Need to make the values part (the path) point to the custom path
                # rather than the video file
                for aKey in movieSetMap.keys():
                    videotitle = normalize_string(aKey)
                    movieSetMap[aKey] = os_path_join(Settings.getCustomPath(),

            if len(movieSetMap) < 1:
                themefile = ThemeFiles(
                    "", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(

        # When the reference is into the database and not the file system
        # then don't return it
        elif themePath.startswith("videodb:"):
            # If in either the Tv Show List or the Movie list then
            # need to stop the theme is selecting the back button
            if WindowShowing.isMovies() or WindowShowing.isTvShowTitles():
                themefile = ThemeFiles(
                    "", debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)
                # Load the previous theme
                themefile = self.newThemeFiles
            if WindowShowing.isMusicSection():
                themefile = MusicThemeFiles(debug_logging_enabled)
                themefile = ThemeFiles(
                    themePath, debug_logging_enabled=debug_logging_enabled)

                # Check if no themes were found for this item, there is a case if it is a
                # TV Show and it is nested Show-Name/Series-X/Episode-Directory/Episode.ext
                # Then this will not pick up themes in the root of the TV Show directory
                if (not themefile.hasThemes()) and (
                        not Settings.isCustomPathEnabled()
                ) and WindowShowing.isEpisodes():
                    tvshowTitle = xbmc.getInfoLabel("ListItem.TVShowTitle")
                    if tvshowTitle not in [None, ""]:
                            # Make a call to the database to find out the root path of this TV Show
                            filterStr = '{"operator": "is", "field": "title", "value": "%s"}' % tvshowTitle
                            cmd = '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": {"properties": ["file"], "filter": %s},"id": 1 }' % filterStr
                            json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(cmd)
                            json_query = simplejson.loads(json_query)
                            if ("result" in json_query) and (
                                    'tvshows' in json_query['result']):
                                # Get the path to the TV Show and compare it to where we were previously
                                # looking
                                tvshowList = json_query['result']['tvshows']
                                if len(tvshowList) == 1:
                                    tvshowPath = json_query['result'][
                                    # Make sure we have not already checked this path
                                    # We will already have checked the parent path as well
                                    if (tvshowPath != themePath) and (
                                            tvshowPath !=
                                        # So we know that we haven't checked the root of this TV Show yet
                                            "TunesBackend: Checking root TV Show Path = %s"
                                            % tvshowPath,
                                        themefile = ThemeFiles(
                                "TunesBackend: Failed to check root TV Show %s"
                                % traceback.format_exc(),

        return themefile