Ejemplo n.º 1
def ensure_sphinx_astropy_installed():
    Make sure that sphinx-astropy is available, installing it temporarily if not.

    This returns the available version of sphinx-astropy as well as any
    paths that should be added to sys.path for sphinx-astropy to be available.
    # We've split out the Sphinx part of astropy-helpers into sphinx-astropy
    # but we want it to be auto-installed seamlessly for anyone using
    # build_docs. We check if it's already installed, and if not, we install
    # it to a local .eggs directory and add the eggs to the path (these
    # have to each be added to the path, we can't add them by simply adding
    # .eggs to the path)
    sys_path_inserts = []
    sphinx_astropy_version = None
        from sphinx_astropy import __version__ as sphinx_astropy_version  # noqa
    except ImportError:

        from setuptools import Distribution
        dist = Distribution()
        eggs = dist.fetch_build_eggs('sphinx-astropy')

        # Find out the version of sphinx-astropy if possible. For some old
        # setuptools version, eggs will be None even if sphinx-astropy was
        # successfully installed.
        if eggs is not None:
            for egg in eggs:
                if egg.project_name == 'sphinx-astropy':
                    sphinx_astropy_version = egg.parsed_version.public

        eggs_path = os.path.abspath('.eggs')
        for egg in glob.glob(os.path.join(eggs_path, '*.egg')):

    return sphinx_astropy_version, sys_path_inserts
def ensure_sphinx_astropy_installed():
    Make sure that sphinx-astropy is available, installing it temporarily if not.

    This returns the available version of sphinx-astropy as well as any
    paths that should be added to sys.path for sphinx-astropy to be available.
    # We've split out the Sphinx part of astropy-helpers into sphinx-astropy
    # but we want it to be auto-installed seamlessly for anyone using
    # build_docs. We check if it's already installed, and if not, we install
    # it to a local .eggs directory and add the eggs to the path (these
    # have to each be added to the path, we can't add them by simply adding
    # .eggs to the path)
    sys_path_inserts = []
    sphinx_astropy_version = None
        from sphinx_astropy import __version__ as sphinx_astropy_version  # noqa
    except ImportError:

        from setuptools import Distribution
        dist = Distribution()
        eggs = dist.fetch_build_eggs('sphinx-astropy')

        # Find out the version of sphinx-astropy if possible. For some old
        # setuptools version, eggs will be None even if sphinx-astropy was
        # successfully installed.
        if eggs is not None:
            for egg in eggs:
                if egg.project_name == 'sphinx-astropy':
                    sphinx_astropy_version = egg.parsed_version.public

        eggs_path = os.path.abspath('.eggs')
        for egg in glob.glob(os.path.join(eggs_path, '*.egg')):

    return sphinx_astropy_version, sys_path_inserts
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fetch_build_eggs(requires, dist):
    return Distribution.fetch_build_eggs(dist, requires)
    def run(self):

        # TODO: Break this method up into a few more subroutines and
        # document them better
        import webbrowser

        from urllib.request import pathname2url

        # This is used at the very end of `run` to decide if sys.exit should
        # be called. If it's None, it won't be.
        retcode = None

        # If possible, create the _static dir
        if self.build_dir is not None:
            # the _static dir should be in the same place as the _build dir
            # for Astropy
            basedir, subdir = os.path.split(self.build_dir)
            if subdir == '':  # the path has a trailing /...
                basedir, subdir = os.path.split(basedir)
            staticdir = os.path.join(basedir, '_static')
            if os.path.isfile(staticdir):
                raise DistutilsOptionError(
                    'Attempted to build_docs in a location where' + staticdir +
                    'is a file.  Must be a directory.')

        # Now make sure Astropy is built and determine where it was built
        build_cmd = self.reinitialize_command('build')
        build_cmd.inplace = 0
        build_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build')
        build_cmd_path = os.path.abspath(build_cmd.build_lib)

        ah_importer = pkgutil.get_importer('astropy_helpers')
        if ah_importer is None:
            ah_path = '.'
            ah_path = os.path.abspath(ah_importer.path)

        # Now generate the source for and spawn a new process that runs the
        # command.  This is needed to get the correct imports for the built
        # version
        runlines, runlineno = inspect.getsourcelines(SphinxBuildDoc.run)
        subproccode = textwrap.dedent("""
            from sphinx.setup_command import *

            sys.path.insert(0, {build_cmd_path!r})
            sys.path.insert(0, {ah_path!r})


        # We've split out the Sphinx part of astropy-helpers into sphinx-astropy
        # but we want it to be auto-installed seamlessly for anyone using
        # build_docs. We check if it's already installed, and if not, we install
        # it to a local .eggs directory and add the eggs to the path (these
        # have to each be added to the path, we can't add them by simply adding
        # .eggs to the path)
            import sphinx_astropy  # noqa
        except ImportError:
            from setuptools import Distribution
            dist = Distribution()
            eggs_path = os.path.abspath('.eggs')
            # Note that we use append below because we want to make sure that if
            # a user runs a build which populates the .eggs directory, *then*
            # installs sphinx-astropy at the system-level, we want to make sure
            # the .eggs are only used as a last resort if they build the docs
            # again.
            for egg in glob.glob(os.path.join(eggs_path, '*.egg')):
                subproccode += 'sys.path.append({egg!r})\n'.format(egg=egg)

        # runlines[1:] removes 'def run(self)' on the first line
        subproccode += textwrap.dedent(''.join(runlines[1:]))

        # All "self.foo" in the subprocess code needs to be replaced by the
        # values taken from the current self in *this* process
        subproccode = self._self_iden_rex.split(subproccode)
        for i in range(1, len(subproccode), 2):
            iden = subproccode[i]
            val = getattr(self, iden)
            if iden.endswith('_dir'):
                # Directories should be absolute, because the `chdir` call
                # in the new process moves to a different directory
                subproccode[i] = repr(os.path.abspath(val))
                subproccode[i] = repr(val)
        subproccode = ''.join(subproccode)

        optcode = textwrap.dedent("""

        class Namespace(object): pass
        self = Namespace()
        self.pdb = {pdb!r}
        self.verbosity = {verbosity!r}
        self.traceback = {traceback!r}

        """).format(pdb=getattr(self, 'pdb', False),
                    verbosity=getattr(self, 'verbosity', 0),
                    traceback=getattr(self, 'traceback', False))

        subproccode = optcode + subproccode

        # This is a quick gross hack, but it ensures that the code grabbed from
        # SphinxBuildDoc.run will work in Python 2 if it uses the print
        # function
        if minversion(sphinx, '1.3'):
            subproccode = 'from __future__ import print_function' + subproccode

        if self.no_intersphinx:
            # the confoverrides variable in sphinx.setup_command.BuildDoc can
            # be used to override the conf.py ... but this could well break
            # if future versions of sphinx change the internals of BuildDoc,
            # so remain vigilant!
            subproccode = subproccode.replace(
                'confoverrides = {}',
                'confoverrides = {\'intersphinx_mapping\':{}}')

        log.debug('Starting subprocess of {0} with python code:\n{1}\n'
                  '[CODE END])'.format(sys.executable, subproccode))

        # To return the number of warnings, we need to capture stdout. This
        # prevents a continuous updating at the terminal, but there's no
        # apparent way around this.
        if self.warnings_returncode:
            proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, '-c', subproccode],

            retcode = 1
            with proc.stdout:
                for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
                    line = line.strip(b'\r\n')
                    if 'build succeeded.' == line.decode('utf-8'):
                        retcode = 0

            # Poll to set proc.retcode

            if retcode != 0:
                if os.environ.get('TRAVIS', None) == 'true':
                    # this means we are in the travis build, so customize
                    # the message appropriately.
                    msg = ('The build_docs travis build FAILED '
                           'because sphinx issued documentation '
                           'warnings (scroll up to see the warnings).')
                else:  # standard failure message
                    msg = ('build_docs returning a non-zero exit '
                           'code because sphinx issued documentation '

            proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable], stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

        if proc.returncode == 0:
            if self.open_docs_in_browser:
                if self.builder == 'html':
                    absdir = os.path.abspath(self.builder_target_dir)
                    index_path = os.path.join(absdir, 'index.html')
                    fileurl = 'file://' + pathname2url(index_path)
                    log.warn('open-docs-in-browser option was given, but '
                             'the builder is not html! Ignoring.')
            log.warn('Sphinx Documentation subprocess failed with return '
                     'code ' + str(proc.returncode))
            retcode = proc.returncode

        if retcode is not None:
            # this is potentially dangerous in that there might be something
            # after the call to `setup` in `setup.py`, and exiting here will
            # prevent that from running.  But there's no other apparent way
            # to signal what the return code should be.
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fetch_build_eggs(requires, dist):
    return Distribution.fetch_build_eggs(dist, requires)