Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, mat, virtual, state, **kwargs):
        Doubled out-of-diagonal strain entries!
        rindx = virtual.get_component_indices()
        cindx = state.get_component_indices()

        kindx = lindx = get_range_indices(state.dim)
        fi = nm.array(get_full_indices(state.dim))

        val = virtual.get_element_zeros()
        for ir, irs in rindx:
            for ik, iks in kindx:
                irk = fi[ir, ik]
                irks = slice(irk, irk + 1)

                erk = virtual.grad(ir, ik)

                for ic, ics in cindx:
                    for il, ils in lindx:
                        icl = fi[ic, il]
                        icls = slice(icl, icl + 1)

                        ecl = state.grad(ic, il)

                        val += mat[..., irks, icls] * erk * ecl

        return val
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __call__(self, mat, virtual, state, **kwargs):
        Doubled out-of-diagonal strain entries!
        rindx = virtual.get_component_indices()
        cindx = state.get_component_indices()

        kindx = lindx = get_range_indices(state.dim)
        fi = nm.array(get_full_indices(state.dim))

        val = virtual.get_element_zeros()
        for ir, irs in rindx:
            for ik, iks in kindx:
                irk = fi[ir, ik]
                irks = slice(irk, irk + 1)

                erk = virtual.grad(ir, ik)

                for ic, ics in cindx:
                    for il, ils in lindx:
                        icl = fi[ic, il]
                        icls = slice(icl, icl + 1)

                        ecl = state.grad(ic, il)

                        val += mat[..., irks, icls] * erk * ecl

        return val
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def eval_force(region_name):
        strain = problem.evaluate(
            'ev_cauchy_strain.i.%s(u)' % region_name,
        D = problem.evaluate(
            'ev_integrate_mat.i.%s(solid.D, u)' % region_name,

        normal = nm.array([1, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64)

        s2f = get_full_indices(len(normal))
        stress = nm.einsum('cqij,cqjk->cqik', D, strain)
        # Full (matrix) form of stress.
        mstress = stress[..., s2f, 0]

        # Force in normal direction.
        force = nm.einsum('cqij,i,j->cq', mstress, normal, normal)

        def get_force(ts, coors, mode=None, **kwargs):
            if mode == 'qp':
                return {'force': force.reshape(coors.shape[0], 1, 1)}

        aux = Material('aux', function=Function('get_force', get_force))

        middle_force = -problem.evaluate(
            'ev_integrate_mat.i.%s(aux.force, u)' % region_name,
        output('%s section axial force:' % region_name, middle_force)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_transform_data4(self):
        import numpy as nm
        import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn

        ok = True

        if not hasattr(nm, 'einsum'):
            self.report('no numpy.einsum(), skipping!')
            return ok

        expected = nm.zeros((6, 6), dtype=nm.float64)
        expected[0, 0] = expected[1, 1] = 1.0

        phi = nm.deg2rad(30.)
        dr, v1, v2, om1, om2 = get_ortho_d(phi, phi + nm.deg2rad(90.))

        # Rotate coordinate system by phi.
        mtx = tn.make_axis_rotation_matrix([0., 0., 1.], phi)
        do = tn.transform_data(dr[None, ...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])

        _ok = nm.allclose(do, expected, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        self.report('sym. 4th-th order tensor rotation: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dt, vt1, vt2, omt1, omt2 = get_ortho_d(0, nm.deg2rad(90.))

        expected1 = nm.zeros((3, 3), dtype=nm.float64)
        expected1[0, 0] = 1.0

        expected2 = nm.zeros((3, 3), dtype=nm.float64)
        expected2[1, 1] = 1.0

        omr1 = nm.einsum('pq,ip,jq->ij', om1, mtx, mtx)
        omr2 = nm.einsum('pq,ip,jq->ij', om2, mtx, mtx)

        ii = tn.get_sym_indices(3)
        jj = tn.get_full_indices(3)

        o1 = om1.flat[ii]
        o2 = om2.flat[ii]

        omr12 = tn.transform_data(o1[None,...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])[0, jj]
        omr22 = tn.transform_data(o2[None,...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])[0, jj]

        _ok1 = nm.allclose(omr1, expected1, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        _ok2 = nm.allclose(omr12, expected1, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        self.report('einsum-transform_data compatibility 1: %s %s'
                    % (_ok1, _ok2))
        ok = ok and _ok1 and _ok2

        _ok1 = nm.allclose(omr2, expected2, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        _ok2 = nm.allclose(omr22, expected2, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        self.report('einsum-transform_data compatibility 2: %s %s'
                    % (_ok1, _ok2))
        ok = ok and _ok1 and _ok2

        return ok
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_transform_data4(self):
        import numpy as nm
        import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn

        ok = True

        if not hasattr(nm, 'einsum'):
            self.report('no numpy.einsum(), skipping!')
            return ok

        expected = nm.zeros((6, 6), dtype=nm.float64)
        expected[0, 0] = expected[1, 1] = 1.0

        phi = nm.deg2rad(30.)
        dr, v1, v2, om1, om2 = get_ortho_d(phi, phi + nm.deg2rad(90.))

        # Rotate coordinate system by phi.
        mtx = tn.make_axis_rotation_matrix([0., 0., 1.], phi)
        do = tn.transform_data(dr[None, ...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])

        _ok = nm.allclose(do, expected, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        self.report('sym. 4th-th order tensor rotation: %s' % _ok)
        ok = ok and _ok

        dt, vt1, vt2, omt1, omt2 = get_ortho_d(0, nm.deg2rad(90.))

        expected1 = nm.zeros((3, 3), dtype=nm.float64)
        expected1[0, 0] = 1.0

        expected2 = nm.zeros((3, 3), dtype=nm.float64)
        expected2[1, 1] = 1.0

        omr1 = nm.einsum('pq,ip,jq->ij', om1, mtx, mtx)
        omr2 = nm.einsum('pq,ip,jq->ij', om2, mtx, mtx)

        ii = tn.get_sym_indices(3)
        jj = tn.get_full_indices(3)

        o1 = om1.flat[ii]
        o2 = om2.flat[ii]

        omr12 = tn.transform_data(o1[None,...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])[0, jj]
        omr22 = tn.transform_data(o2[None,...], mtx=mtx[None, ...])[0, jj]

        _ok1 = nm.allclose(omr1, expected1, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        _ok2 = nm.allclose(omr12, expected1, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        self.report('einsum-transform_data compatibility 1: %s %s'
                    % (_ok1, _ok2))
        ok = ok and _ok1 and _ok2

        _ok1 = nm.allclose(omr2, expected2, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        _ok2 = nm.allclose(omr22, expected2, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)
        self.report('einsum-transform_data compatibility 2: %s %s'
                    % (_ok1, _ok2))
        ok = ok and _ok1 and _ok2

        return ok
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def d_fun(out, traction, val, grad_mv, div_mv, sg):

        tdim, tdim2 = (None, None) if traction is None else traction.shape[2:]
        dim = val.shape[2]
        sym = (dim + 1) * dim // 2
        n_el, n_qp = div_mv.shape[:2]

        val2 = sg.normal

        if tdim is None:
            trac = nm.tile(nm.eye(dim), (n_el, n_qp, 1, 1))

        elif tdim == 1:
            trac = nm.tile(nm.eye(dim), (n_el, n_qp, 1, 1)) * traction

        elif tdim == dim and tdim2 == 1:  # Traction vector
            trac = nm.tile(nm.eye(dim), (n_el, n_qp, 1, 1))
            val2 = traction

        elif tdim == dim and tdim2 == dim:  # Traction tensor - nonsymmetric
            trac = traction

        elif tdim == sym:  # Traction tensor
            remap = nm.array(get_full_indices(dim)).flatten()
            trac = traction[..., remap, :].reshape((-1, n_qp, dim, dim))

        sa_trac = trac * div_mv
        sa_trac -= nm.einsum('qpik,qpkj->qpij',

        aux = dot_sequences(val, sa_trac, 'ATB')
        aux = dot_sequences(aux, val2, 'AB')
        status = sg.integrate(out, aux)
        return status