Ejemplo n.º 1
 def reset_elevations(seg):
     """Reset segment elevations above (upsegs) and below (outseg) a node.
     oseg = graph[seg]
     all_upsegs = np.array(list(get_upsegs(graph_r, seg)) +
                           [seg])  # all segments upstream of node
     elevmin_s = np.min([elevations[s] for s in all_upsegs
                         ])  # minimum current elevation upstream of node
     oldmin_s = elevations[seg]
     elevs = [elevmin_s, oldmin_s]
     if oseg > 0:  # if segment is not an outlet,
         if start_elevations is not None:
                 elevmax[oseg])  # outseg start elevation (already updated)
     # set segment end elevation as min of
     # upstream elevations, current elevation, outseg start elevation
     elevations[seg] = np.min(elevs)
     # if the node is not an outlet, reset the outseg max if the current min is lower
     if oseg > 0:
         if start_elevations is not None:
             next_reach_elev = elevmax[oseg]
             elevmax[graph[seg]] = np.min([elevmin_s, next_reach_elev])
             next_reach_elev = elevations[oseg]
             elevations[graph[seg]] = np.min([elevmin_s, next_reach_elev])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def arbolate_sum(segment, lengths, routing):
    """Compute the total length of all tributaries upstream from
    segment, including that segment, using the supplied lengths and
    routing connections.

    segment : int or list of ints
        Segment or node number that is also a key in the lengths
        and routing dictionaries.
    lengths : dict
        Dictionary of lengths keyed by segment (node) numbers,
        including those in segment.
    routing : dict
        Dictionary describing routing connections between
        segments (nodes); values represent downstream connections.

    asum : float or dict
        Arbolate sums for each segment.
    scalar = False
    if np.isscalar(segment):
        scalar = True
        segment = [segment]
    graph_r = make_graph(list(routing.values()), list(routing.keys()))

    asum = {}
    for s in segment:
        upsegs = get_upsegs(graph_r, s)
        lnupsegs = [lengths[s] for s in upsegs]
        asum[s] = np.sum(lnupsegs) + lengths[s]
    return asum
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_upsegs(sfr_test_numbering):
    rd, sd = sfr_test_numbering
    graph = dict(zip(sd.nseg, sd.outseg))
    graph_r = make_graph(list(graph.values()), list(graph.keys()))
    upsegs = []
    for s in sd.nseg:
        upsegs.append(get_upsegs(graph_r, s))
    assert upsegs[1] == {1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
Ejemplo n.º 4
def arbolate_sum(segment, lengths, routing, starting_asums=None):
    """Compute the total length of all tributaries upstream from
    segment, including that segment, using the supplied lengths and
    routing connections.

    segment : int or list of ints
        Segment or node number that is also a key in the lengths
        and routing dictionaries.
    lengths : dict
        Dictionary of lengths keyed by segment (node) numbers,
        including those in segment.
    routing : dict
        Dictionary describing routing connections between
        segments (nodes); values represent downstream connections.
    starting_asums : dict
        Option to supply starting arbolate sum values for any of
        the segments. By default, None.

    asum : float or dict
        Arbolate sums for each segment.
    if np.isscalar(segment):
        segment = [segment]
    graph_r = make_graph(list(routing.values()), list(routing.keys()))

    asum = {}
    for s in segment:
        upsegs = get_upsegs(graph_r, s)
        lnupsegs = [lengths[us] for us in upsegs]
        upstream_starting_asums = [0.]
        segment_starting_asum = 0.
        if starting_asums is not None:
            upstream_starting_asums = [
                starting_asums.get(us, 0.) for us in upsegs
            segment_starting_asum = starting_asums.get(s, 0.)
        asum[s] = np.sum(lnupsegs) + lengths[s] + np.sum(
            upstream_starting_asums) + segment_starting_asum
    return asum