Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_init_invalid_options_should_raise(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        invalid_types = [None, "", list()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
                    sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("",

        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("",
    def test_set_status_invalid_status_should_raise(self):
        Test def setStatus(self, status, started=None, ended=None)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", list(), opts, start=False)
        self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            sfscan.setStatus("invalid status", None, None)
    def test__setStatus_argument_status_with_blank_value_should_raise_ValueError(self):
        Test __setStatus(self, status, started=None, ended=None)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=False)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sfscan._SpiderFootScanner__setStatus("example invalid scan status")
    def test_get_id_should_return_a_scan_id(self):
        Test def getId(self)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", list(), opts, start=False)
        self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)

        get_id = sfscan.getId()
        self.assertIsInstance(get_id, str)
        self.assertEqual(scan_id, get_id)
    def test_init_argument_targetType_invalid_value_should_raise_ValueError(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        target_type = ""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", target_type, module_list, self.default_options, start=False)

        target_type = "INVALID_TARGET_TYPE"
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", target_type, module_list, self.default_options, start=False)
    def test__setStatus_argument_status_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(self):
        Test __setStatus(self, status, started=None, ended=None)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=False)

        invalid_types = [None, list(), dict(), int()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
 def test_init_blank_targettype_value_should_raise(self):
     Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
     scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
         sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "invalid target type", list(), self.default_options, start=False)
 def test_init_no_options_should_raise(self):
     Test __init__(self, scanName, scanTarget, targetType, scanId, moduleList, globalOpts, moduleOpts)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
         sfscan = SpiderFootScanner(None, None, None, None, None, None,
 def test_init_blank_targetvalue_value_should_raise(self):
     Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts, start=True)
     scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
         sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("", scan_id, None, "IP_ADDRESS", list(), self.default_options, start=False)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def rerunscan(self, id):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')
        if "sfp__stor_stdout" in modlist:

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType == None:
            # It must then be a name, as a re-run scan should always have a clean
            # target.
            targetType = "HUMAN_NAME"

        if targetType != "HUMAN_NAME":
            scantarget = scantarget.lower()

        # Start running a new scan
        newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget, targetType, newId, modlist,
                              cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
            print("[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize...")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=newId,
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_init_argument_start_true_with_no_valid_modules_should_set_scanstatus_to_failed(self):
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['invalid module']

        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "INTERNET_NAME", module_list, opts, start=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)
        self.assertEqual(sfscan.status, "ERROR-FAILED")
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_init_argument_scanId_as_empty_string_should_raise_ValueError(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts, start=True)
        scan_id = ""
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, self.default_options, start=False)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_init_argument_start_true_should_create_and_start_a_scan(self):
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)
        self.assertEqual(sfscan.status, "FINISHED")
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_init_argument_globalOpts_as_empty_dict_should_raise_ValueError(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, dict(), start=False)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_init(self):
     Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts, start=True)
     opts = self.default_options
     opts['__modules__'] = dict()
     scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", list(), opts, start=False)
     self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()

        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans
        for thread in threading.enumerate():
            if thread.name.startswith("SF_"):
                templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
                return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], 
                    alreadyRunning=True, runningScan=thread.name[3:], 
                    types=types, pageid="NEWSCAN")

        # Start running a new scan
        self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, 
            self.config, modopts)
        t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan)

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=self.scanner.myId, name=scanname, 
            status=self.scanner.status, pageid="SCANLIST")
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def rerunscanmulti(self, ids):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)

        for id in ids.split(","):
            info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
            scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
            scanname = info[0]
            scantarget = info[1]
            targetType = None

            if len(scanconfig) == 0:
                return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

            modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')
            if "sfp__stor_stdout" in modlist:

            targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
            if targetType == None:
                # Should never be triggered for a re-run scan..
                return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                                  "a human name, IP address, IP subnet, ASN, domain name or host name.")

            # Start running a new scan
            newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
            t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType,
                                  newId, modlist, cfg, modopts)

            # Wait until the scan has initialized
            while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
                print("[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize...")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(rerunscans=True,
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_attribute_status_should_return_status_as_a_string(self):
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=False)
        self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)

        status = sfscan.status
        self.assertIsInstance(status, str)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_init_argument_scanId_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts, start=True)
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        invalid_types = [None, list(), dict(), int()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                    SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", invalid_type, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, self.default_options, start=False)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_init_argument_moduleList_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        invalid_types = [None, "", dict(), int()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                    SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", invalid_type, self.default_options, start=False)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def rerunscan(self, id):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType == None:
            # It must then be a name, as a re-run scan should always have a clean
            # target.
            targetType = "HUMAN_NAME"

        if targetType != "HUMAN_NAME":
            scantarget = scantarget.lower()

        # Start running a new scan
        newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget, targetType, newId,
            modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=newId, name=unicode(scanname, 'utf-8', errors='replace'), docroot=self.docroot,
            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId), pageid="SCANLIST")
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_init_argument_start_false_should_create_a_scan_without_starting_the_scan(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts, start=True)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=False)
        self.assertIsInstance(sfscan, SpiderFootScanner)
        self.assertEqual(sfscan.status, "INITIALIZING")
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_init_argument_globalOpts_proxy_type_without_host_should_raise_ValueError(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['_socks1type'] = 'HTTP'
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=False)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def rerunscanmulti(self, ids):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)

        for id in ids.split(","):
            info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
            scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
            scanname = info[0]
            scantarget = info[1]
            targetType = None

            if len(scanconfig) == 0:
                return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

            modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

            targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
            if targetType == None:
                # Should never be triggered for a re-run scan..
                return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                                  "a human name, IP address, IP subnet, ASN, domain name or host name.")

            # Start running a new scan
            newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
            t = SpiderFootScanner(unicode(scanname, 'utf-8', errors='replace'), 
                                  unicode(scantarget, 'utf-8', errors='replace').lower(), 
                                  targetType, newId, modlist, cfg, modopts)

            # Wait until the scan has initialized
            while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
                print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(rerunscans=True, docroot=self.docroot, pageid="SCANLIST")
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist):
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally

        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')

        # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans
        for thread in threading.enumerate():
            if thread.name.startswith("SF_"):
                templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
                return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], alreadyRunning=True, runningScan=thread.name[3:])

        # Start running a new scan
        self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, self.config, modopts)
        t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan)

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',newscan=scanname)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_init_argument_globalOpts_proxy_without_port_should_set_proxy(self):
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        opts = self.default_options
        opts['_socks1type'] = 'HTTP'
        opts['_socks2addr'] = ''
        opts['_socks3port'] = ''
        opts['__modules__'] = dict()
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        SpiderFootScanner("example scan name", scan_id, "spiderfoot.net", "IP_ADDRESS", module_list, opts, start=False)

        self.assertEqual('TBD', 'TBD')
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_init_argument_globalOpts_of_invalid_type_should_raise_TypeError(
        Test __init__(self, scanName, scanId, scanTarget, targetType, moduleList, globalOpts)
        scan_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        module_list = ['sfp__stor_db']

        invalid_types = [None, "", list(), int()]
        for invalid_type in invalid_types:
            with self.subTest(invalid_type=invalid_type):
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
                    sfscan = SpiderFootScanner("example scan name",
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist):
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')

        # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans
        for thread in threading.enumerate():
            if thread.name.startswith("SF_"):
                templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
                return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], alreadyRunning=True, runningScan=thread.name[3:])

        # Start running a new scan
        self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, self.config, modopts)
        t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan)

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',newscan=scanname)
Ejemplo n.º 29
            print(("[*] Modules enabled (" + str(len(modlist)) + "): " +
        cfg = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), sfConfig)
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(target)

        # Debug mode is a variable that gets stored to the DB, so re-apply it
        if args.debug:
            cfg['_debug'] = True
            cfg['_debug'] = False

        # If strict mode is enabled, filter the output from modules.
        if args.x and args.t:
            cfg['__outputfilter'] = args.t.split(",")

        t = SpiderFootScanner(target, target, targetType, scanId, modlist, cfg,
        t.daemon = True

        # If field headers weren't disabled, print them
        if not args.H and args.o != "json":
            if args.D:
                delim = args.D
                if args.o in ["tab", None]:
                    delim = "\t"

                if args.o == "csv":
                    delim = ","

            if not args.r:
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        global globalScanStatus

        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        targetType = None
        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType is None:
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                              "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, scanId,
                              modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId) is None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=scanId, name=scanname, docroot=self.docroot,
                            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId), pageid="SCANLIST")
Ejemplo n.º 31
class SpiderFootWebUi:
    lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[''])
    defaultConfig = dict()
    config = dict()
    scanner = None

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.defaultConfig = deepcopy(config)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(config)
        # 'config' supplied will be the defaults, let's supplement them
        # now with any configuration which may have previously been
        # saved.
        sf = SpiderFoot(config)
        self.config = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), config)

    # Sanitize user input
    def cleanUserInput(self, inputList):
        ret = list()

        for item in inputList:

        return ret


    # Get result data in CSV format
    def scaneventresultexport(self, id, type):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, type)
        blob = "\"Updated\",\"Type\",\"Module\",\"Source\",\"Data\"\n"
        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]))
            escapedData = cgi.escape(row[1].replace("\n", "#LB#").replace("\r", "#LB#"))
            escapedSrc = cgi.escape(row[2].replace("\n", "#LB#").replace("\r", "#LB#"))
            blob = blob + "\"" + lastseen + "\",\"" + row[4] + "\",\""
            blob = blob + row[3] + "\",\"" + escapedSrc + "\",\"" + escapedData + "\"\n"
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.csv"
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/csv"
        cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache"
        return blob
    scaneventresultexport.exposed = True
    # Configuration used for a scan
    def scanopts(self, id):
        ret = dict()
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        ret['config'] = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        ret['configdesc'] = dict()
        for key in ret['config'].keys():
            if ':' not in key:
                ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__globaloptdescs__'][key]
                [ modName, modOpt ] = key.split(':')
                if not modName in self.config['__modules__'].keys():

                if not modOpt in self.config['__modules__'][modName]['optdescs'].keys():

                ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__modules__'][modName]['optdescs'][modOpt]

        sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
        meta = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if meta[3] != 0:
            started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[3]))
            started = "Not yet"

        if meta[4] != 0:
            finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[4]))
            finished = "Not yet"
        ret['meta'] = [meta[0], meta[1], meta[2], started, finished, meta[5]]

        return json.dumps(ret)
    scanopts.exposed = True

    # Configure a new scan
    def newscan(self):
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', modules=self.config['__modules__'])
    newscan.exposed = True

    # Main page listing scans available
    def index(self):
        # Look for referenced templates in the current directory only
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST')
    index.exposed = True

    # Information about a selected scan
    def scaninfo(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if res == None:
            return self.error("Scan ID not found.")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0], status=res[5], pageid='SCANLIST')
    scaninfo.exposed = True

    # Settings
    def opts(self):
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS')
    opts.exposed = True

    # Generic error, but not exposed as not called directly
    def error(self, message):
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/error.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(message=message)

    # Delete a scan
    def scandelete(self, id, confirm=None):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if res == None:
            return self.error("Scan ID not found.")

        if confirm != None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
            templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
            return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0])
    scandelete.exposed = True

    # Save settings, also used to completely reset them to default
    def savesettings(self, allopts):
            dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
            # Reset config to default
            if allopts == "RESET":
                dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB
                self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory
                useropts = json.loads(allopts)
                currentopts = deepcopy(self.config)

                # Make a new config where the user options override
                # the current system config.
                sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
                self.config = sf.configUnserialize(useropts, currentopts)

        except Exception as e:
            return self.error("Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e))

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', updated=True)
    savesettings.exposed = True

    # Initiate a scan
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist):
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally

        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "" or modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')

        # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans
        for thread in threading.enumerate():
            if thread.name.startswith("SF_"):
                templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
                return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], alreadyRunning=True, runningScan=thread.name[3:])

        # Start running a new scan
        self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, self.config, modopts)
        t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan)

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',newscan=scanname)
    startscan.exposed = True

    # Stop a scan (id variable is unnecessary for now given that only one simultaneous
    # scan is permitted.)
    def stopscan(self, id):
        if self.scanner == None:
            return self.error("There are no scans running. A data consistency error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")

        if self.scanner.scanStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")

        if not self.scanner.scanStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + self.scanner.scanStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart SpiderFoot.")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',stoppedscan=True)
    stopscan.exposed = True


    # Scan log data
    def scanlog(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanLogs(id)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            generated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]/1000))
            retdata.append([generated, row[1], row[2], cgi.escape(row[3])])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scanlog.exposed = True

    # Produce a list of scans
    def scanlist(self):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanInstanceList()
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[3]))
            if row[4] != 0:
                started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[4]))
                started = "Not yet"

            if row[5] != 0:
                finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[5]))
                finished = "Not yet"
            retdata.append([row[0], row[1], row[2], created, started, finished, row[6], row[7]])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scanlist.exposed = True

    # Summary of scan results
    def scansummary(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultSummary(id)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[2]))
            retdata.append([row[0], row[1], lastseen, row[3], row[4]])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scansummary.exposed = True

    # Event results for a scan
    def scaneventresults(self, id, eventType):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]))
            escaped = cgi.escape(row[1])
            # For debug
            retdata.append([lastseen, escaped, row[2], row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8]])
            #retdata.append([lastseen, escaped, row[2], row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7]])
        return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
    scaneventresults.exposed = True

    # Unique event results for a scan
    def scaneventresultsunique(self, id, eventType):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultEventUnique(id, eventType)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            escaped = cgi.escape(row[0])
            retdata.append([escaped, row[1]])
        return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
    scaneventresultsunique.exposed = True

    # Historical data for the scan, graphs will be rendered in JS
    def scanhistory(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultHistory(id)
        return json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
    scanhistory.exposed = True
Ejemplo n.º 32
class SpiderFootWebUi:
    lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[''])
    defaultConfig = dict()
    config = dict()
    scanner = None
    token = None

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.defaultConfig = deepcopy(config)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(config)
        # 'config' supplied will be the defaults, let's supplement them
        # now with any configuration which may have previously been
        # saved.
        sf = SpiderFoot(config)
        self.config = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), config)

        if self.config['__webaddr'] == "":
            addr = "<IP of this host>"
            addr = self.config['__webaddr']

        print ""
        print ""
        print "*************************************************************"
        print " Use SpiderFoot by starting your web browser of choice and "
        print " browse to http://" + addr + ":" + str(self.config['__webport'])
        print "*************************************************************"
        print ""
        print ""

    # Sanitize user input
    def cleanUserInput(self, inputList):
        ret = list()

        for item in inputList:
            c = cgi.escape(item, True)
            c = c.replace('\'', '&quot;')

        return ret


    # Get result data in CSV format
    def scaneventresultexport(self, id, type, dialect="excel"):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, type)
        fileobj = StringIO()
        parser = csv.writer(fileobj, dialect=dialect)
        parser.writerow(["Updated", "Type", "Module", "Source", "Data"])
        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]))
            datafield = str(row[1]).replace("<SFURL>", "").replace("</SFURL>", "")
            parser.writerow([lastseen, str(row[4]), str(row[3]), str(row[2]), datafield])
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=SpiderFoot.csv"
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/csv"
        cherrypy.response.headers['Pragma'] = "no-cache"
        return fileobj.getvalue()
    scaneventresultexport.exposed = True

    # Configuration used for a scan
    def scanopts(self, id):
        ret = dict()
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        ret['config'] = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        ret['configdesc'] = dict()
        for key in ret['config'].keys():
            if ':' not in key:
                ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__globaloptdescs__'][key]
                [ modName, modOpt ] = key.split(':')
                if not modName in self.config['__modules__'].keys():

                if not modOpt in self.config['__modules__'][modName]['optdescs'].keys():

                ret['configdesc'][key] = self.config['__modules__'][modName]['optdescs'][modOpt]

        sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
        meta = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if meta[3] != 0:
            started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[3]))
            started = "Not yet"

        if meta[4] != 0:
            finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(meta[4]))
            finished = "Not yet"
        ret['meta'] = [meta[0], meta[1], meta[2], started, finished, meta[5]]

        return json.dumps(ret)
    scanopts.exposed = True

    # Configure a new scan
    def newscan(self):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='NEWSCAN', types=types, 
    newscan.exposed = True

    # Main page listing scans available
    def index(self):
        # Look for referenced templates in the current directory only
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST')
    index.exposed = True

    # Information about a selected scan
    def scaninfo(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if res == None:
            return self.error("Scan ID not found.")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0], status=res[5], 
    scaninfo.exposed = True

    # Settings
    def opts(self):
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        self.token = random.randint(0, 99999999)
        return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', token=self.token)
    opts.exposed = True

    # Generic error, but not exposed as not called directly
    def error(self, message):
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/error.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(message=message)

    # Delete a scan
    def scandelete(self, id, confirm=None):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        res = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if res == None:
            return self.error("Scan ID not found.")

        if confirm != None:
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
            templ = Template(filename='dyn/scandelete.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
            return templ.render(id=id, name=res[0], pageid="SCANLIST")
    scandelete.exposed = True

    # Save settings, also used to completely reset them to default
    def savesettings(self, allopts, token):
        if str(token) != str(self.token):
            return self.error("Invalid token (" + str(self.token) + ").")

            dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
            # Reset config to default
            if allopts == "RESET":
                dbh.configClear() # Clear it in the DB
                self.config = deepcopy(self.defaultConfig) # Clear in memory
                useropts = json.loads(allopts)
                cleanopts = dict()
                for opt in useropts.keys():
                    cleanopts[opt] = self.cleanUserInput([useropts[opt]])[0]

                currentopts = deepcopy(self.config)

                # Make a new config where the user options override
                # the current system config.
                sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
                self.config = sf.configUnserialize(cleanopts, currentopts)

        except Exception as e:
            return self.error("Processing one or more of your inputs failed: " + str(e))

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/opts.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        self.token = random.randint(0, 99999999)
        return templ.render(opts=self.config, pageid='SETTINGS', updated=True, 
    savesettings.exposed = True

    # Initiate a scan
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()

        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans
        for thread in threading.enumerate():
            if thread.name.startswith("SF_"):
                templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
                return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], 
                    alreadyRunning=True, runningScan=thread.name[3:], 
                    types=types, pageid="NEWSCAN")

        # Start running a new scan
        self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, 
            self.config, modopts)
        t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan)

        # Spin cycles waiting for the scan ID to be set
        while self.scanner.myId == None:

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=self.scanner.myId, name=scanname, 
            status=self.scanner.status, pageid="SCANLIST")
    startscan.exposed = True

    # Stop a scan (id variable is unnecessary for now given that only one simultaneous
    # scan is permitted.)
    def stopscan(self, id):
        if self.scanner == None:
            return self.error("There are no scans running. A data consistency " + \
                "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")

        if self.scanner.scanStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")

        if not self.scanner.scanStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \
                self.scanner.scanStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \
                " SpiderFoot.")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',stoppedscan=True)
    stopscan.exposed = True


    # Scan log data
    def scanlog(self, id, limit=None):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanLogs(id, limit)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            generated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]/1000))
            retdata.append([generated, row[1], row[2], 
                cgi.escape(unicode(row[3], errors='replace'))])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scanlog.exposed = True

    # Scan error data
    def scanerrors(self, id, limit=None):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanErrors(id, limit)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            generated = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]/1000))
            retdata.append([generated, row[1],
                cgi.escape(unicode(row[2], errors='replace'))])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scanerrors.exposed = True

    # Produce a list of scans
    def scanlist(self):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanInstanceList()
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[3]))
            if row[4] != 0:
                started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[4]))
                started = "Not yet"

            if row[5] != 0:
                finished = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[5]))
                finished = "Not yet"
            retdata.append([row[0], row[1], row[2], created, started, finished, row[6], row[7]])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scanlist.exposed = True

    # Basic information about a scan
    def scanstatus(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        created = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(data[2]))
        started = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(data[3]))
        ended = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(data[4]))

        retdata = [data[0], data[1], created, started, ended, data[5]]
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scanstatus.exposed = True

    # Summary of scan results
    def scansummary(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultSummary(id)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[2]))
            retdata.append([row[0], row[1], lastseen, row[3], row[4]])
        return json.dumps(retdata)
    scansummary.exposed = True

    # Event results for a scan
    def scaneventresults(self, id, eventType):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            lastseen = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(row[0]))
            escapeddata = cgi.escape(row[1])
            escapedsrc = cgi.escape(row[2])
            retdata.append([lastseen, escapeddata, escapedsrc, 
                row[3], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8]])
        return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
    scaneventresults.exposed = True

    # Unique event results for a scan
    def scaneventresultsunique(self, id, eventType):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultEventUnique(id, eventType)
        retdata = []
        for row in data:
            escaped = cgi.escape(row[0])
            retdata.append([escaped, row[1], row[2]])
        return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
    scaneventresultsunique.exposed = True

    # Historical data for the scan, graphs will be rendered in JS
    def scanhistory(self, id):
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        data = dbh.scanResultHistory(id)
        return json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False)
    scanhistory.exposed = True

    def scanelementtypediscovery(self, id, eventType):
        keepGoing = True
        sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        pc = dict()
        datamap = dict()

        # Get the events we will be tracing back from
        leafSet = dbh.scanResultEvent(id, eventType)

        # Get the first round of source IDs for the leafs
        nextIds = list()
        for row in leafSet:
            # these must be unique values!
            parentId = row[9]
            childId = row[8]
            datamap[childId] = row

            if pc.has_key(parentId):
                if childId not in pc[parentId]:
                pc[parentId] = [ childId ]

            # parents of the leaf set
            if parentId not in nextIds:

        while keepGoing:
            #print "Next IDs: " + str(nextIds)
            parentSet = dbh.scanElementSources(id, nextIds)
            nextIds = list()
            keepGoing = False

            for row in parentSet:
                parentId = row[9]
                childId = row[8]
                datamap[childId] = row

                # Prevent us from looping at root
                # 0 = event_hash and 3 = source_event_hash
                if row[8] == "ROOT" and row[9] == "ROOT":

                if pc.has_key(parentId):
                    if childId not in pc[parentId]:
                    pc[parentId] = [ childId ]
                if parentId not in nextIds:
                # Stop until we've found ROOT
                # 3 = source_event_hash
                if row[3] != "ROOT":
                    keepGoing = True

        #print pc
        retdata = dict()
        retdata['tree'] = sf.dataParentChildToTree(pc)
        retdata['data'] = datamap
        return json.dumps(retdata, ensure_ascii=False)
    scanelementtypediscovery.exposed = True
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(self.config)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()

        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        # For now we don't permit multiple simultaneous scans
        for thread in threading.enumerate():
            if thread.name.startswith("SF_"):
                templ = Template(filename='dyn/newscan.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
                return templ.render(modules=self.config['__modules__'], 
                    alreadyRunning=True, runningScan=thread.name[3:], 
                    types=types, pageid="NEWSCAN")

        # Start running a new scan
        self.scanner = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), modlist, 
            self.config, modopts)
        t = threading.Thread(name="SF_" + scanname, target=self.scanner.startScan)

        # Spin cycles waiting for the scan ID to be set
        while self.scanner.myId == None:

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=self.scanner.myId, name=scanname, 
            status=self.scanner.status, pageid="SCANLIST")
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        global globalScanStatus

        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        targetType = None
        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        regexToType = {
            "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$": "IP_ADDRESS",
            "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/\d+$": "NETBLOCK_OWNER",
            "^.[a-zA-Z\-0-9\.]+$": "INTERNET_NAME"

        # Parse the target and set the targetType
        for rx in regexToType.keys():
            if re.match(rx, scantarget, re.IGNORECASE):
                targetType = regexToType[rx]

        if targetType == None:
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, scanId, 
            modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId) == None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=scanId, name=scanname, 
            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId), pageid="SCANLIST")
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist, usecase):
        global globalScanStatus

        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        targetType = None
        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "" and usecase == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        # User selected modules
        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')

        # User selected types
        if len(modlist) == 0 and typelist != "":
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # User selected a use case
        if len(modlist) == 0 and usecase != "":
            for mod in self.config['__modules__']:
                if usecase == 'all' or usecase in self.config['__modules__'][

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType is None:
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                              "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, scanId,
                              modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId) is None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=scanId,
Ejemplo n.º 36
        if not args.q:
            print "[*] Modules enabled (" + str(len(modlist)) + "): " + ",".join(modlist)
        cfg = sf.configUnserialize(dbh.configGet(), sfConfig)
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(target)

        # Debug mode is a variable that gets stored to the DB, so re-apply it
        if args.debug:
            cfg['_debug'] = True
            cfg['_debug'] = False

        # If strict mode is enabled, filter the output from modules.
        if args.x and args.t:
            cfg['__outputfilter'] = args.t.split(",")

        t = SpiderFootScanner(target, target, targetType, scanId,
            modlist, cfg, dict())
        t.daemon = True

        while True:
            info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(scanId)
            if not info:
            if info[5] in [ "ERROR-FAILED", "ABORT-REQUESTED", "ABORTED", "FINISHED" ]:
                if not args.q:
                    print "[*] Scan completed with status " + info[5]
