Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_sgf_props(sgf_path):
  with open(sgf_path) as f:
    sgf_contents = f.read()
  collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
  game = collection.children[0]
  props = game.root.properties
  return props
Ejemplo n.º 2
def replay_sgf(sgf_contents):
    Wrapper for sgf files, exposing contents as position_w_context instances
    with open(filename) as f:
        for position_w_context in replay_sgf(f.read()):
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]
    props = game.root.properties
    assert int(sgf_prop(props.get('GM', ['1']))) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

    komi = 0
    if props.get('KM') != None:
        komi = float(sgf_prop(props.get('KM')))
    metadata = GameMetadata(result=sgf_prop(props.get('RE')),
                            handicap=int(sgf_prop(props.get('HA', [0]))),

    pos = Position(komi=komi)
    current_node = game.root
    while pos is not None and current_node is not None:
        pos = handle_node(pos, current_node)
        maybe_correct_next(pos, current_node.next)
        next_move = get_next_move(current_node)
        yield PositionWithContext(pos, next_move, metadata)
        current_node = current_node.next
Ejemplo n.º 3
def replay_sgf(sgf_contents):
    Wrapper for sgf files, returning go.PositionWithContext instances.

    It does NOT return the very final position, as there is no follow up.
    To get the final position, call pwc.position.play_move(pwc.next_move)
    on the last PositionWithContext returned.

    Example usage:
    with open(filename) as f:
        for position_w_context in replay_sgf(f.read()):
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]
    props = game.root.properties
    assert int(sgf_prop(props.get('GM', ['1']))) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

    komi = 0
    if props.get('KM') != None:
        komi = float(sgf_prop(props.get('KM')))
    result = utils.parse_game_result(sgf_prop(props.get('RE')))

    pos = Position(komi=komi)
    current_node = game.root
    while pos is not None and current_node.next is not None:
        pos = handle_node(pos, current_node)
        maybe_correct_next(pos, current_node.next)
        next_move = get_next_move(current_node)
        yield PositionWithContext(pos, next_move, result)
        current_node = current_node.next
Ejemplo n.º 4
def replay_sgf(sgf_contents):
    Wrapper for sgf files, exposing contents as position_w_context instances
    with open(filename) as f:
        for position_w_context in replay_sgf(f.read()):
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]
    props = game.root.properties
    assert int(sgf_prop(props.get('GM', ['1']))) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

    komi = 0
    if props.get('KM') != None:
        komi = float(sgf_prop(props.get('KM')))
    metadata = GameMetadata(
        handicap=int(sgf_prop(props.get('HA', [0]))),

    pos = Position(komi=komi)
    current_node = game.root
    while pos is not None and current_node is not None:
        pos = handle_node(pos, current_node)
        maybe_correct_next(pos, current_node.next)
        next_move = get_next_move(current_node)
        yield PositionWithContext(pos, next_move, metadata)
        current_node = current_node.next
Ejemplo n.º 5
def replay_game(sgf_line, func):
    """Simply recreate a game from a sgf file

    More of a proof-of-concept or example than really a necessary function.
    We will use some modified version of this to create the training data.
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_line)

    # This all only works if the SGF contains only one game
    game_tree = collection.children[0]
    game_properties = game_tree.nodes[0].properties
    # game_id = game_properties['GN'][0]

    if not (game_properties['RE'][0].startswith('B')
            or game_properties['RE'][0].startswith('W')):
        return None
    black_win = True if game_properties['RE'][0].startswith('B') else False

    game = Game(game_properties)
    # board = Board([[0]*9]*9)
    out = []
    for n in game_tree.nodes[1:]:
        player_color = list(n.properties.keys())[0]
        move = Move.from_sgf(str(n.properties[player_color][0]))
        # board[move.to_matrix_location()] = 1 if player_color=='b' else -1
        # neighbors = board.get_all_neigh
        game.play(move, player_color.lower(), checking=False)
        out.append(func(game, player_color.lower(), black_win))
    out = np.stack(out)
    # print(out.shape)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
def replay_sgf(sgf_contents):
    Wrapper for sgf files, returning go.PositionWithContext instances.

    It does NOT return the very final position, as there is no follow up.
    To get the final position, call pwc.position.play_move(pwc.next_move)
    on the last PositionWithContext returned.

    Example usage:
    with open(filename) as f:
        for position_w_context in replay_sgf(f.read()):
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]
    props = game.root.properties
    assert int(sgf_prop(props.get('GM', ['1']))) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

    komi = 0
    if props.get('KM') != None:
        komi = float(sgf_prop(props.get('KM')))
    result = utils.parse_game_result(sgf_prop(props.get('RE')))

    pos = Position(komi=komi)
    current_node = game.root
    while pos is not None and current_node.next is not None:
        pos = handle_node(pos, current_node)
        maybe_correct_next(pos, current_node.next)
        next_move = get_next_move(current_node)
        yield PositionWithContext(pos, next_move, result)
        current_node = current_node.next
Ejemplo n.º 7
def check(sgf_path: str):
    with open(sgf_path) as f:
        collection = sgf.parse(f.read())
    for game in collection:
        if not check_game(game):
            return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def importSingleFile(self, currfile):
        with open(currfile) as f:
            collection = sgf.parse(f.read())

        game = collection[0]  # some collections have more games than one, I ignore them for now
        node = game.nodes
        moves = [0] * (len(node) - 1)  # the node at 0 is the game info (i think)
        player = [0] * (len(node) - 1)  # we need to keep track of who played that move, B=-1, W=+1
        boards = [0] * len(node)
        boards[0] = np.zeros(self.n * self.n, dtype=np.int32)  # first board of the game is always empty board
        boardMatrix = np.zeros((self.n, self.n), dtype=np.int32)
        for i in range(1, len(node)):
            # first we extract the next move
            moves[i - 1] = list(node[i].properties.values())[0][0]
            player[i - 1] = int(((ord(list(node[i].properties.keys())[0][0]) - 66) / 21 - 0.5) * 2)
            m = moves[i - 1]
            if len(m) > 0 and type(m) is str:
                if 97+self.n > ord(m[0]) > 97:  # there are some corrupted files with e.g. "54" as entry, (game 2981)
                    boardMatrix[ord(m[1]) - 97, ord(m[0]) - 97] = player[i - 1]
            boards[i] = boardMatrix.flatten()

            self.addToDict(boards[i - 1], boardMatrix, player[i - 1])

            # now we play the move on the board and see if we have to remove stones
            coords = self.toCoords(np.absolute(boards[i] - boards[i - 1]))
            if type(coords) is not str:
                boards[i] = self.board.vertices.flatten()
                boardMatrix = self.board.vertices
Ejemplo n.º 9
def replay_sgf(sgf_contents):
    collection=sgf.parse(sgf_contents) #collection能把数据对象化 便于操作
    assert int(sgf_prop(prop.get('GM',['1'])))==1,"这不是围棋棋谱!"   #prop.get  取到一个元素  字符转数字
    komi=0                                                             #初始化贴子规则
    if prop.get('KM') != None:
            result=sgf_prop(prop.get('RE')),                            #比赛结果
            handicap=int(sgf_prop(prop.get('HA', [0]))),               #让子
            board_size=int(sgf_prop(prop.get('SZ')))                    #棋盘大小
    while pos is not None and current_node is not None :                               #开始遍历棋谱节点   sgf字母结点  转为纯数字结点
          pos = handle_node(pos, current_node)
          maybe_correct_next(pos, current_node.next)
          next_move = get_next_move(current_node)
          yield PositionWithContext(pos, next_move, metadata)
          current_node = current_node.next
    def init_collection(self):
        with open(self.joseki_file) as f:
            self.joseki_collection = sgf.parse(f.read())

        self.current_variation = self.joseki_collection[0]
        self.node_ind = 0
        self.stones = []
Ejemplo n.º 11
def sgf_iter_states(sgf_string, include_end=True):
	"""Iterates over (GameState, move, player) tuples in the first game of the given SGF file.

	Ignores variations - only the main line is returned.
	The state object is modified in-place, so don't try to, for example, keep track of it through time

	If include_end is False, the final tuple yielded is the penultimate state, but the state
	will still be left in the final position at the end of iteration because 'gs' is modified
	in-place the state. See sgf_to_gamestate
	collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)
	game = collection[0]
	gs = _sgf_init_gamestate(game.root)
	if game.rest is not None:
		for node in game.rest:
			props = node.properties
			if 'W' in props:
				move = _parse_sgf_move(props['W'][0])
				player = go.WHITE
			elif 'B' in props:
				move = _parse_sgf_move(props['B'][0])
				player = go.BLACK
			yield (gs, move, player)
			# update state to n+1
			gs.do_move(move, player)
	if include_end:
		yield (gs, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_sgf_props(sgf_path):
    # TODO(sethtroisi): move this to sgf_wrapper.
    with open(sgf_path) as f:
        sgf_contents = f.read()
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]
    props = game.root.properties
    return props
Ejemplo n.º 13
def replay_useful(replay):
    with open(replay, "r") as f:
        collection = sgf.parse(f.read())

        return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, path):
        assert path.endswith('.sgf')

        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            self.parser = sgf.parse(f.read())
        assert len(self.parser.children) > 0
        self.game = self.parser.children[0]
        self.board_size = self.parse_board_size()
        self.player_black = self.parse_player('B')
        self.player_white = self.parse_player('W')
        self.moves = self.parse_moves()
Ejemplo n.º 15
def parse_file(file_name):
    printer = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)

    with open(file_name) as f:
        collection = sgf.parse(f.read())
        for child in collection.children:
            # printer.pprint(child.nodes[0].properties)
            if "PB" in child.nodes[0].properties:
            if "PW" in child.nodes[0].properties:
Ejemplo n.º 16
def process(sgf_path: str) -> str:
    with open(sgf_path) as f:
        collection = sgf.parse(f.read())
    for game in collection:
        properties = game.root.properties
        result = [sgf_path, properties.get("DT",[""])[0], properties.get("PB",[""])[0], properties.get("PW",[""])[0], properties.get("RE",[""])[0]]
        result = list(map(lambda e: '"' + e + '"', result))
            result += list(map(lambda e: str(e), winrates_of(game)))
        except Exception as e:
            result.append("\"invalid sgf\"")
        return ",".join(result)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def open(self, filename):
     self.filepath = filename
     with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
         self.sgf = sgf.parse(f.read())
     self.nodes = self.sgf.children[0].nodes  # 保存了所有落子的记录
     self.root = self.sgf.children[0].root  # 状态节点(编号0)
     self.total = len(self.nodes)  # 总的状态数
     self.step = 0  # 目前是第step步
     self.cur = self.root  # 当前所处的树节点
     self.value = 1 if self.root.properties['RE'][0] == 'W' else -1  # 白方赢为1
     #self.board = np.zeros((9,9))
     self.status = GoStatus()
     self.end = False
Ejemplo n.º 18
def game_length(sgf_string: str) -> int:
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)
    game = collection[0]

    if not game.rest:
        return 0

    num_moves = 0
    for node in game.rest:
        if 'W' in node.properties or 'B' in node.properties:
            num_moves += 1

    return num_moves
Ejemplo n.º 19
def parse_sgf(sgf_path):
  with open(sgf_path) as f:
    sgf_contents = f.read()

  collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
  game = collection.children[0]
  props = game.root.properties
  assert int(sgf_prop(props.get('GM', ['1']))) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

  result = utils.parse_game_result(sgf_prop(props.get('RE')))

  positions, moves = zip(*[(p.position, p.next_move) for p in sgf_wrapper.replay_sgf(sgf_contents)])
  return positions, moves, result, props
Ejemplo n.º 20
def generate_training_set(sgf_files):
    samples = []
    for i in range(len(sgf_files)): 
        t = sgf_files[i]
        h = open(t)
        collection = sgf.parse(h.read())
        node = game.root
        a = gamereplay(node)
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print(str(i)+" sgf files has been read")
    precessed_data = wishdata(samples)
    print("%s training set has been generated" % len(precessed_data))
    return precessed_data
Ejemplo n.º 21
def parse_sgf(sgf_path):
    # TODO(sethtroisi): Replace uses with call to sgf_wrapper.
    with open(sgf_path) as f:
        sgf_contents = f.read()

    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]
    props = game.root.properties
    assert int(sgf_prop_get(props, 'GM', '1')) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

    result = parse_game_result(sgf_prop_get(props, 'RE', ''))

    positions, moves = zip(*[(p.position, p.next_move)
                             for p in replay_sgf(sgf_contents)])
    return positions, moves, result, props
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def from_sgf(cls, sgf_string):
        # given an SGF file (passed in as a Unicode string),
        # play out the moves and return the resulting Game

        collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)

        # only look at the first game in the SGF file
        gametree = collection.children[0]

        game = None
        board_size = None
        rule_set = None

        # for each node in the game...
        # (note: we only look at the main variation)
        for j, node in enumerate(gametree):
            p = node.properties
            if 'SZ' in p:
                board_size = int(p['SZ'][0])
            if 'RU' in p:
                rule_set = {
                    'Japanese': JAPANESE,
                    'Chinese': CHINESE

            # if game is not initialized yet, and we have enough info to do so,
            # initialize it now
            if (game is None) and (board_size and rule_set):
                game = Game(board_size, rule_set=rule_set)
                print 'initialized game, board_size', board_size

            # todo:add player names, etc

            def decode_sgf_coordinate(s):
                # convert from an SGF coordinate string like "bc" to integer coordinates like 2,3
                y, x = map(lambda x: ord(x) - ord('a'), s)
                return (x, y)

            if 'B' in p:
                # Black player plays
                print 'black at', decode_sgf_coordinate(p['B'][0])
                game.board.add_move(BLACK, decode_sgf_coordinate(p['B'][0]))
            if 'W' in p:
                # White player plays
                print 'white at', decode_sgf_coordinate(p['W'][0])
                game.board.add_move(WHITE, decode_sgf_coordinate(p['W'][0]))

        return game
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def parse_game(self, sgfGame):
        # list of Move info, contains MoveState objects, plus next moves
        moves = []
        collection = sgf.parse(sgfGame)

        # always 1 game per file..
        for game in collection.children:
            moveState = MoveState()
            for node in game:
                # process each move into a Move object
                ret = self.process_node(moveState, node)
                # print(moveState.board)
                if ret is 0:

        return moves
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def read_manual_data(self, filename):
        states, mcts_probs, current_players = [], [], []
            with open(filename) as f:
                collection = sgf.parse(f.read())
                for child in collection.children:
                    for node in child.nodes:
                        if len(node.properties) > 1:
                            if node.properties['RE'] == ['黑胜']:
                                winner = 1
                            elif node.properties['RE'] == ['白胜']:
                                winner = 2
                                winner = -1
                            print('winner: ', winner)
                        elif len(node.properties) == 1:
                            if 'B' in node.properties:
                                loc = node.properties['B']
                            elif 'W' in node.properties:
                                loc = node.properties['W']
                            move = self.location_to_move(loc)

                            # store the data
                            probs = np.zeros(self.board.width*self.board.height)
                            probs[[move]] = 1
                            # perform a move
                            # winner from the perspective of the current player of each state
                            winners_z = np.zeros(len(current_players))
                            if winner != -1:
                                winners_z[np.array(current_players) == winner] = 1.0
                                winners_z[np.array(current_players) != winner] = -1.0
                            print('winner: ', winner)
                            print('states:', states)
                            print('probs: ', mcts_probs)
                            return winner, zip(states, mcts_probs, winners_z)
            winner0 = 0
            print('read chess manual fail')
            return winner0, zip(states, mcts_probs, np.zeros(len(current_players)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_util(self):
     path = "D:\\dodi\\BetaGo\\tests\\test_data\\sgf"
     for (dirpath, subdirs, files) in os.walk(path):
         print dirpath, subdirs, files
     # files = list_sgfs(path)
     files = walk_all_sgfs(path)
     for file_name in files:
         with open(file_name, 'r') as file_object:
             collection = sgf.parse(file_object.read())
             print collection[0].rest
             prop = collection[0].root.properties
             print str(prop)  #properties is a dict
             state_action_iterator = sgf_iter_states(file_object.read(),
             print state_action_iterator
Ejemplo n.º 26
def sgf_iter_states(sgf_string, include_end=True):
       Iterates over (GameState, move, player) tuples in the first game of the given SGF file.
       Ignores variations - only the main line is returned.  The state object is
       modified in-place, so don't try to, for example, keep track of it through
       If include_end is False, the final tuple yielded is the penultimate state,
       but the state will still be left in the final position at the end of
       iteration because 'gs' is modified in-place the state. See sgf_to_gamestate

    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)
    game = collection[0]
    gs = _sgf_init_gamestate(game.root)
    game_result = game.nodes[0].properties.get('RE')

    # No result
    if game_result is None:
        yield (None, None, None, None)
        if game_result[0][0:2] == 'W+':
            winner = go.WHITE
        elif game_result[0][0:2] == 'B+':
            winner = go.BLACK
            # Non standard result
            winner = go.EMPTY
            yield (None, None, None, None)

    if game.rest is not None:
        for node in game.rest:
            props = node.properties
            if 'W' in props:
                move = _parse_sgf_move(props['W'][0])
                player = go.WHITE
            elif 'B' in props:
                move = _parse_sgf_move(props['B'][0])
                player = go.BLACK
            result = 1 if winner == player else -1
            yield (gs, move, player, result)
            # update state to n+1
            gs.do_move(move, player)
    if include_end:
        yield (gs, go.PASS_MOVE, None, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def main(filename: str) -> None:
    delta_winrates, file_indices = get_delta_winrates(filename)
    indices = np.argsort(delta_winrates)
    print("AI's suggestion")
    count = 0
    for idx in indices:
        file_index = 0
        sgf_filename = file_indices[file_index]
        for i in file_indices:
            if i <= idx:
                file_index = i
                sgf_filename = file_indices[i]
        with open(sgf_filename) as f:
            collection = sgf.parse(f.read())
        move_number = idx - file_index + 1
        n = 0
        for node in collection[0].rest:
            if "B" in node.properties or "W" in node.properties:
                n += 1
                if n == move_number:
                    winrate, visits = parse_comment(node.properties["C"][0])
                    if visits >= 400:
                        print(sgf_filename, move_number, delta_winrates[idx])
                        count += 1
        if count >= 100:

    print("surprising move")
    for idx in indices[::-1]:
        if delta_winrates[idx] < 0.5:
        file_index = 0
        sgf_filename = file_indices[file_index]
        for i in file_indices:
            if i <= idx:
                file_index = i
                sgf_filename = file_indices[i]
        print(sgf_filename, idx - file_index + 1, delta_winrates[idx])
Ejemplo n.º 28
def sgf_iter_states(sgf_string, include_end=True):

    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)
    game = collection[0]
    gs = _sgf_init_gamestate(game.root)
    if game.rest is not None:
        for node in game.rest:
            props = node.properties
            if 'W' in props:
                move = _parse_sgf_move(props['W'][0])
                player = go.WHITE
            elif 'B' in props:
                move = _parse_sgf_move(props['B'][0])
                player = go.BLACK
            yield (gs, move, player)
            # update state to n+1
            gs.do_move(move, player)
    if include_end:
        yield (gs, None, None)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def findJoseki(inFile, outputCreater):
    movesPlayed = 0
    joseki = JosekiOnBoard()

    with open(inFile) as sgfFile:
        gameCollection = sgf.parse(sgfFile.read())

    game = gameCollection[0]

    for node in game.rest:  #first node is header info
        move = node.current_prop_value[0]
        colour = node.current_property

        joseki.addMove(move, colour)
        movesPlayed += 1
        if joseki.numUnsettledCorners <= 0:

    for jList in joseki.josekiList[:-1]:
Ejemplo n.º 30
def generate_numpy_dataset(source, location):
    for key, data in source.items():
        print("--- Converting %s Set ---" % key)
        examples_location = location / key / "examples"
        labels_location = location / key / "labels"
        actions_location = location / key / "actions"
        makedirs(str(examples_location), exist_ok=True)
        makedirs(str(labels_location), exist_ok=True)
        makedirs(str(actions_location), exist_ok=True)

        for idx, replay in enumerate(data):
            with open(replay, "r") as f:
                collection = sgf.parse(f.read())

            examples, actions, labels = sgf_to_npy(collection)
            np.save(examples_location / ("%d.npy" % idx), examples)
            np.save(labels_location / ("%d.npy" % idx), labels)
            np.save(actions_location / ("%d.npy" % idx), actions)

        print("%d Replays created." % idx)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def replay_sgf(sgf_contents):
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
    game = collection.children[0]

    handicap = 0
    HA = game.root.properties.get('HA')
    if HA is not None:
        handicap = int(HA[0])

    if handicap == 0:
        position = go.POSITION_POOL.pop()
        node = game.root
        while node is not None:
            s = ''

            if 'B' in node.properties:
                s = node.properties.get('B', [''])[0]
            elif 'W' in node.properties:
                s = node.properties.get('W', [''])[0]

            vertex = 0
            if len(s) == 2:
                j = SGF_COLUMNS.index(s[0])
                i = SGF_COLUMNS.index(s[1])
                vertex = (i + 1) * go.M + j + 1

            pos = position.move(vertex)

            if pos is None:
                return None
                # position.debug()
                # print(s + ": %d, %d, %d" % (i, j, vertex))

            position = pos

            node = node.next

        return position

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 32
def sgf_generator(sgf_string: str, board_size: int, go, include_end=True) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:
    collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)
    game = collection[0]

    root_props = game.root.properties

    state = _set_up_state(root_props, board_size, go)

    if 'RE' not in root_props:
        raise SgfContentError("SGF file does not contain 'RE' property")

    winner, score = parse_sgf_result(root_props['RE'][0])

    if winner == SgfColor.BLACK:
        winner = go.Color.BLACK
    elif winner == SgfColor.WHITE:
        winner = go.Color.WHITE
        winner = go.Color.EMPTY

    for node in game.rest:
        props = node.properties

        if 'W' in props:
            move = parse_sgf_move(props['W'][0])
            player = go.Color.WHITE
        elif 'B' in props:
            move = parse_sgf_move(props['B'][0])
            player = go.Color.BLACK
            raise SgfContentError("Found a node without move properties")

        state.current_player = player
        comment = props.get('C', [''])[0]

        yield state, move, winner, score, comment


    if include_end:
        yield state, None, winner, score, ''
Ejemplo n.º 33
def sgf_iter_states(sgf_string):
	"""Iterates over (GameState, move, player) tuples in the first game of the given SGF file.

	Ignores variations - only the main line is returned.

	Note that the final tuple returned is the penultimate state,
	but because 'gs' is modified in-place the state is at the final
	position after iteration completes. See sgf_to_gamestate
	collection = sgf.parse(sgf_string)
	game = collection[0]
	gs = _sgf_init_gamestate(game.root)
	for node in game.rest:
		props = node.properties
		if 'W' in props:
			move = _parse_sgf_move(props['W'][0])
			player = go.WHITE
		elif 'B' in props:
			move = _parse_sgf_move(props['B'][0])
			player = go.BLACK
		yield (gs, move, player)
		# update state to n+1
		gs.do_move(move, player)
Ejemplo n.º 34
import goutil
import sgf

path = input("File: ")
board = goutil.Board(path, sgf.parse(open(path).read()).children[0])

while True:
		m = input("Move: ")
		if m == "n":
			nb = board.copy()
			move = nb.next()
			if move is not None:
				board = nb
				print(board.highlight(move[0], move[1], move[2]))
			ms = m.split(' ')
			x = int(ms[0])
			y = int(ms[1])
			c = int(ms[2])
			if c == 0:
				c = -1
			nb = board.copy()
			if not nb.make_move(x, y, c):
				print("Invalid move")
				board = nb
				print(board.highlight(x, y, c))
	except Exception as e:
Ejemplo n.º 35
# How many predictions did we make?

for g in range(0, NUM_RECORDS):

    # Pick a random record from our list of files.
    filename = random.choice(FILES)
    filename = PATH + filename

    with open(filename, 'r') as f: 

        r = f.read()
        board = np.zeros((imgo.CHANNELS, imgo.BOARD_SIZE, imgo.BOARD_SIZE), dtype=np.uint8)
        game = sgf.parse(r).children[0]

        # Loop through each move of the game.
        for node in game.rest:
            # Run the game through our network.
            net.blobs['data'].data[...] = board
            pr = net.blobs['loss'].data[0]

            # Find the 5 moves we think are most likely.
            moves = []
            for i in range(0, 10):
                idx = pr.argmax()
                pr[idx] = 0 # Don't take moves more than once.
Ejemplo n.º 36
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: jtauber/sgf
#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob
import sgf

    from StringIO import StringIO  # pragma: no cover
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from io import StringIO  # pragma: no cover

for filename in glob.glob("examples/*.sgf"):
    with open(filename) as f:

example = "(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19];B[aa];W[bb];B[cc];W[dd];B[ad];W[bd])"
collection = sgf.parse(example)

for game in collection:
    for node in game:

out = StringIO()
assert out.getvalue() == ";B[aa]"

out = StringIO()
assert out.getvalue() == example