Ejemplo n.º 1
        def generator(src_dm, inds):

            res = None

            R = src_dm.bandlims.get_obj((0, 0))[1]
            A = src_dm.bandlims.get_obj((1, 1))[1]

            nr = src_dm.ns.get_obj((0, 0))
            na = src_dm.ns.get_obj((1, 1))

            dr = R / nr
            da = A / na

            S = 1.0 / dr
            P = 1.0 / da

            r = inds[0]
            a = inds[1]

            phi = 1.0 + 0.0j
            ampl = 1.0

            symb = 'f'

            sfc = sgl.expfc(S, r, phi, ampl, symb)

            pfc = sgl.expfc(P, a, phi, ampl, symb)

            res = [lambda x: sfc([x[0]]) * pfc([x[1]])]

            return res
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def generator(src_dm, ind):

            res = None

            F = src_dm.bandlims.get_obj((0, 0))[1]
            n = src_dm.ns.get_obj((0, 0))
            df = F / n
            T = 1.0 / df
            f = ind[0]
            phi = 1.0 + 0.0j
            ampl = 1.0
            symb = 't'

            res = [sgl.expfc(T, f, phi, ampl, symb)]

            return res
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def generator(src_dm, ind):

            res = None

            T = src_dm.bandlims.get_obj((0, 0))[1]
            n = src_dm.ns.get_obj((0, 0))
            dt = T / n
            F = 1.0 / dt
            t = ind[0]
            phi = 1.0 + 0.0j
            ampl = 1.0
            symb = 'f'

            res = [sgl.expfc(F, t, phi, ampl, symb)]

            return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
coeffs = np.zeros(shape=(n1, n2), dtype=np.complex64)

#Here tt - tt means that the signal is a linear combination of time domain base
#functions and coordinatization is also done in this space. Base functions are app-
#roximated currently by step functions.
bsgen = pdtab.get_bsgen(symb_tt, symb_tt)

#Coefficients are set in a way that the time domain signal form will be a planar
#wave with frequencies (2,1).
phase = 1.0 + 0.0j
ampl = 1.0

f1 = 2
f2 = 1

exp1 = su.expfc(T1, f1, phase, ampl, 't')
exp2 = su.expfc(T2, f2, phase, ampl, 't')

coeffs = np.zeros(shape=(n1, n2), dtype=np.complex64)

for i in range(0, n1):
    for k in range(0, n2):
        coeffs[i, k] = exp1([i * T1 / n1]) * exp2([k * T2 / n2])

sgl_tt_tt = sp.Signal(labels, coeffs, bsgen)

#Vectorization is needed for the plot. Plotting is done by a simple Matplotlib
vsign = sp.sigvec(sgl_tt_tt.fcval_at, dm_tt, dm_tt)[1]
vw.plot_heatvec(dm_tt, vsign)