Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_bad_tle_checksumx(self):
     self.assertEqual(io.compute_checksum(good1), 3)
     bad = good1[:68] + '7'
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, io.verify_checksum, bad)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def export_tle(satrec):
    """Generate the TLE for a given `Satrec` object; returns two strings."""

    # --------------------- Start generating line 1 ---------------------

    # Build the list by appending successive items
    pieces = ["1 "]
    append = pieces.append

    # Pad the `satnum` entry with zeros
    if len(str(satrec.satnum)) <= 5:

    # Add classification code (use "U" if empty)
    classification = getattr(satrec, 'classification', 'U')
    append(classification.strip() or 'U')
    append(' ')

    # Add int'l designator and pad to 8 chars
    intldesg = getattr(satrec, 'intldesg', '')
    append('{0:8} '.format(intldesg))

    # Add epoch year and days in YYDDD.DDDDDDDD format
    epochyr = satrec.epochyr
    # Undo non-standard 4-digit year for old satrec objects
    epochyr %= 100
    append(str(epochyr).zfill(2) + "{:012.8f}".format(satrec.epochdays) + " ")

    # Add First Time Derivative of the Mean Motion (don't use "+")
    append("{0: 8.8f}".format(satrec.ndot *
                              (_xpdotp * 1440.0)).replace("0", "", 1) + " ")

    # Add Second Time Derivative of Mean Motion (don't use "+")
    # Multiplication with 10 is a hack to get the exponent right
    append("{0: 4.4e}".format(
        (satrec.nddot * (_xpdotp * 1440.0 * 1440)) *
        10).replace(".", "").replace("e+00", "-0").replace("e-0", "-") + " ")

    # Add BSTAR
    # Multiplication with 10 is a hack to get the exponent right
    append("{0: 4.4e}".format(satrec.bstar * 10).replace(".", "").replace(
        "e+00", "+0").replace("e-0", "-") + " ")

    # Add Ephemeris Type and Element Number
    ephtype = getattr(satrec, 'ephtype', 0)
    elnum = getattr(satrec, 'elnum', 0)
    append('{0} {1:4}'.format(ephtype, elnum))

    # Join all the parts and add the Checksum
    line1 = ''.join(pieces)
    line1 += str(compute_checksum(line1))

    # --------------------- Start generating line 2 ---------------------

    # Reset the str array
    pieces = ["2 "]
    append = pieces.append

    # Pad the `satnum` entry with zeros
    if len(str(satrec.satnum)) <= 5:
        append(str(satrec.satnum).zfill(5) + " ")

    # Add the inclination (deg)
    if not 0 <= satrec.inclo <= pi:
        raise ValueError("Inclination must be between 0 and pi, got %r",
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.inclo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the RAAN (deg)
    if not 0 <= satrec.nodeo <= 2 * pi:
        raise ValueError("RAAN must be between 0 and 2 pi, got %r",
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.nodeo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the eccentricity (delete the leading zero an decimal point)
    append("{0:8.7f}".format(satrec.ecco).replace("0.", "") + " ")

    # Add the Argument of Perigee (deg)
    if not 0 <= satrec.argpo <= 2 * pi:
        raise ValueError(
            "Argument of Perigee must be between 0 and 2 pi, got %r",
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.argpo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the Mean Anomaly (deg)
    if not 0 <= satrec.mo <= 2 * pi:
        raise ValueError("Mean Anomaly must be between 0 and 2 pi, got %r",
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.mo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the Mean Motion (revs/day)
    append("{0:11.8f}".format(satrec.no_kozai * _xpdotp).rjust(8, " "))

    # Add the rev number at epoch

    # Join all the parts and add the Checksum
    line2 = ''.join(pieces)
    line2 += str(compute_checksum(line2))

    return line1, line2
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_good_tle_checksum(self):
     for line, expected in (good1, 3), (good2, 7):
         self.assertEqual(io.compute_checksum(line), expected)
         self.assertEqual(io.fix_checksum(line[:68]), line)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_good_tle_checksum():
    for line in LINE1, LINE2:
        checksum = int(line[-1])
        assertEqual(io.compute_checksum(line), checksum)
        assertEqual(io.fix_checksum(line[:68]), line)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def export_tle(satrec):
    """Generate the TLE for a given `Satrec` object; returns two strings."""

    # --------------------- Start generating line 1 ---------------------

    # Build the list by appending successive items
    pieces = ["1 "]
    append = pieces.append

    # Pad the `satnum` entry with zeros
    if len(str(satrec.satnum)) <= 5:

    # Add classification code (use "U" if empty)
    append((satrec.classification.strip() or "U") + " ")

    # Add int'l designator and pad to 8 chars
    append(satrec.intldesg.ljust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add epoch year and days in YYDDD.DDDDDDDD format
        str(satrec.epochyr).zfill(2) + "{:012.8f}".format(satrec.epochdays) +
        " ")

    # Add First Time Derivative of the Mean Motion (don't use "+")
    append("{0: 8.8f}".format(satrec.ndot *
                              (_xpdotp * 1440.0)).replace("0", "", 1) + " ")

    # Add Second Time Derivative of Mean Motion (don't use "+")
    # Multiplication with 10 is a hack to get the exponent right
    append("{0: 4.4e}".format(
        (satrec.nddot * (_xpdotp * 1440.0 * 1440)) *
        10).replace(".", "").replace("e+00", "-0").replace("e-0", "-") + " ")

    # Add BSTAR
    # Multiplication with 10 is a hack to get the exponent right
    append("{0: 4.4e}".format(satrec.bstar * 10).replace(".", "").replace(
        "e+00", "+0").replace("e-0", "-") + " ")

    # Add Ephemeris Type and Element Number
    append("{} ".format(satrec.ephtype) + str(satrec.elnum).rjust(4, " "))

    # Join all the parts and add the Checksum
    line1 = ''.join(pieces)
    line1 += str(compute_checksum(line1))

    # --------------------- Start generating line 2 ---------------------

    # Reset the str array
    pieces = ["2 "]
    append = pieces.append

    # Pad the `satnum` entry with zeros
    if len(str(satrec.satnum)) <= 5:
        append(str(satrec.satnum).zfill(5) + " ")

    # Add the inclination (deg)
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.inclo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the RAAN (deg)
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.nodeo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the eccentricity (delete the leading zero an decimal point)
    append("{0:8.7f}".format(satrec.ecco).replace("0.", "") + " ")

    # Add the Argument of Perigee (deg)
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.argpo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the Mean Anomaly (deg)
    append("{0:8.4f}".format(satrec.mo / _deg2rad).rjust(8, " ") + " ")

    # Add the Mean Motion (revs/day)
    append("{0:11.8f}".format(satrec.no_kozai * _xpdotp).rjust(8, " "))

    # Add the rev number at epoch

    # Join all the parts and add the Checksum
    line2 = ''.join(pieces)
    line2 += str(compute_checksum(line2))

    return line1, line2
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_bad_tle_checksumx(self):
     self.assertEqual(io.compute_checksum(good1), 3)
     bad = good1[:68] + '7'
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, io.verify_checksum, bad)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_good_tle_checksum(self):
     for line, expected in (good1, 3), (good2, 7):
         self.assertEqual(io.compute_checksum(line), expected)
         self.assertEqual(io.fix_checksum(line[:68]), line)