def push(self): docker_image =['DOCKER_IMAGE'] if self.args.dry_run:'docker push {docker_image}') else: sh.docker('push', docker_image, _fg=True)
def docker(self, *args, **kwargs): """Perform a docker command remotely, using SSH to access the remote docker daemon. """ if self.is_localhost(): return docker(*args, **kwargs) return docker("--host", f"ssh://{self.node_address}", *args, **kwargs)
def test_two_images(): sh.docker('empty.tar'), 'import', '-', 'footest') sh.docker('build', '-t', 'bartest', '.') f = StringIO() Docktree(restrict='footest', file=f).draw_tree() assert re.match( u'└─ sha256:[a-f0-9]{5} footest:latest\n' + u' └─ sha256:[a-f0-9]{5} bartest:latest\n', f.getvalue())
def exit1(usrID, proID): try: sh.docker("stop", proID + usrID) #关闭容器 return {"status": "succeed"} except Exception as e: error["error"] = str(e) # print(error) return error
def load_config(name: str, path: str) -> None: """ Loads config into swarm """ if name in get_configs(): remove_config(name) sh.docker('config', 'create', name, path)
def test_two_images(): sh.docker('empty.tar'), 'import', '-', 'footest') sh.docker('build', '-t', 'bartest', '.') f = StringIO() Docktree(restrict='footest', file=f).draw_tree() assert re.match( u'└─ [a-f0-9]{12} footest:latest\n' + u' └─ [a-f0-9]{12} bartest:latest\n', f.getvalue())
def _image_is_right(self): """检查镜像是否可以拉取到""" try: logger.warning(f"The `{self.images_name}` image is ready to download...") sh.docker('pull', self.images_name)"The `{self.images_name}` image is exist in docker repo.") except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: logger.error(f"The `{self.images_name}` image is not found in docker repo.") sys.exit(1)
def postgres_server(unmigrated_postgres_server, docker_image): sh.docker('run', '--rm', '--link', '{}:db'.format(unmigrated_postgres_server), docker_image, 'alembic', '-c', 'dila/alembic.ini', 'upgrade', 'head') yield unmigrated_postgres_server sh.docker('run', '--rm', '--net', 'container:{}'.format(unmigrated_postgres_server), '-e', 'POSTGRES_USER=dila', '-e', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dila', 'postgres', 'psql', '-h', 'localhost', '-U', 'dila', '-c', 'DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public;')
def exit2(usrID, proID): try: sh.docker("stop", proID + usrID) sh.docker("rm", proID + usrID) #关闭并删除容器 print("hahahahahahha") return {"status": "succeed"} except Exception as e: error["error"] = str(e) # print(error) return error
def exit2(usrID, proID): try: sh.docker("stop", proID + usrID) sh.docker("rm", proID + usrID) #关闭并删除容器 sh.rm("-rf", "/home/" + usrID) return {"status": "succeed"} except Exception as e: error["error"] = str(e) # print(error) return error
def docker_save(cont_dic): for c in cont_dic: c_nick = c[1] #write images to a temporary directory and combine them into a single archive c_full_path = '{0}{1}_{2}.tar'.format(BACKUP_TEMP_DIR, c_nick, DATE) print( '\tdocker save: (this will take awhile...) \n\t\tfile: {0} <- image: {1}' .format(c_full_path, c_nick)) archives.append(c_full_path) sh.docker('save', '-o', c_full_path, c_nick)
def delete(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: docker('exec', self._attach_to_container_id, 'ip', 'link', 'del', self._veth_name) else: ip('link', 'del', self._veth_name) except Exception as e: raise VEthDeleteException("delete macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message))
def up(self): try: if self._is_attach_to_container: docker('exec', self._attach_to_container_id, 'ip', 'link', 'del', self._veth_name) else: ip('link', 'set', self._veth_name, 'up') except Exception as e: raise VEthUpException("up macvlan eth error:\n{}".format( e.message)) return self
def unmigrated_postgres_server(): container_name = 'acceptance_test_dila_postgres' sh.docker('run', '-d', '-e', 'POSTGRES_USER=dila', '-e', 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dila', '--name', container_name, 'postgres') log = sh.docker('logs', '-f', container_name, _iter=True, _ok_code=2) for line in log: if 'PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.' in line: break log.terminate() yield container_name sh.docker('rm', '-fv', container_name)
def postgres_server(): container_name = 'test_dila_postgres' sh.docker('run', '-d', '--name', container_name, 'postgres') log = sh.docker('logs', '-f', container_name, _iter=True, _ok_code=2) for line in log: if 'PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.' in line: break time.sleep(1) log.terminate() yield container_name sh.docker('rm', '-fv', container_name)
def selenium_server(): container_name = 'test_dila_selenium' sh.docker('run', '-d', '--name', container_name, 'selenium/standalone-firefox') log = sh.docker('logs', '-f', container_name, _iter=True, _ok_code=2) for line in log: if 'Selenium Server is up and running' in line: break log.terminate() yield container_name sh.docker('rm', '-fv', container_name)
def running_server(postgres_server, ldap_server, docker_image): container_name = 'test_dila' sh.docker('run', '-d', '--name', container_name, '--link', '{}:db'.format(postgres_server), '--link', '{}:ldap'.format(ldap_server), docker_image) log = sh.docker('logs', '-f', container_name, _iter='err', _ok_code=2) for line in log: if 'Running on' in line: break log.terminate() yield container_name sh.docker('rm', '-fv', container_name)
def cleanup_inside(name): """ Clean the inside of a container by deleting the containers and images within it. """ docker("exec", "-t", name, "bash", "-c", "docker rm -f $(docker ps -qa) ; docker rmi $(docker images -qa)", _ok_code=[0, 1, # Caused by 'docker: "rm" requires a minimum of 1 argument.' et al. 127, # Caused by '"docker": no command found' 255, # Caused by '"bash": executable file not found in $PATH' ] )
def main(): arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=dockerfly_version) docker_cli = dockerpy.Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock') container_json_exp = [{ 'image_name': 'centos:centos6', 'run_cmd': '/bin/sleep 300', 'eths': [ ('testDockerflyv0', 'eth0', ''), ('testDockerflyv1', 'eth0', ''), ], 'gateway': '', 'container_name': None, 'status': 'stopped', 'last_modify_time': 0, 'id': 0, 'pid': 0, }] if arguments['ps']: print docker('ps') if arguments['gen']: with open(arguments['<config_json>'], 'w') as config: json.dump(container_json_exp, config, indent=4, encoding='utf-8') if arguments['run']: with open(arguments['<config_json>'], 'r') as config: container_json = json.load(config, encoding='utf-8') for container in container_json: container_id =['image_name'], container['run_cmd'], container['eths'], container['gateway'] ) print "Container running:ContainerId(%s) Pid(%s)" %(container_id, docker_cli.inspect_container(container_id)['State']['Pid'] ) if arguments['rm']: Container.remove(arguments['<container_id>']) if arguments['resize']: Container.resize(arguments['<container_id>'], arguments['<new_size>']) if arguments['getpid']: print docker_cli.inspect_container(arguments['<container_id>'])['State']['Pid'] if arguments['getpid']: print docker_cli.inspect_container(arguments['<container_id>'])['State']['Pid'] print "run dockerflyd server %s:%s" % (arguments['<ip>'], arguments['<port>']) rundaemon(arguments['<ip>'], arguments['<port>'])
def etcd_srv(ip, domain, name): sh.docker('run', '-d', '--name', 'etcd', '-p', '2379:2379', '-p', '2380:2380', '-v', '/etc/ssl/certs/:/etc/ssl/certs', ETCD, '--name', "{}.{}".format(name, domain), '--advertise-client-urls', 'http://{}:2379'.format(ip), '--initial-advertise-peer-urls', 'http://{}.{}:2380'.format(name,domain), '--listen-peer-urls', ''.format(name,domain), '--listen-client-urls', '', '--discovery-srv', domain, '--initial-cluster-state', 'new', )
def docker_buil(self): sh.docker('build', '-t', self.images_tag, '-f', 'Dockerfile', '--build-arg', 'deploy_env=%s' % self.env, '--build-arg', 'code_name=%s' % self.package_file, '.', _out=process_output)
def stop(args=None, opt=None): for host in hosts: try: containers = docker(host).ps("-aq").stdout.split() if len(containers) > 0: docker(host).stop(*containers) docker(host).rm(*containers) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: puts("#{colored.yellow('[warning]')} no docker running on #{host}") on(host).sudo.pkill("-f", "[d]ocker.*tcp://", _ok_code=[0,1]) on(MASTER).sh(c="docker stop consul; docker rm consul", _ok_code=[0,1])
def _image_is_right(self): """检查镜像是否可以拉取到""" try: print( f"[P_INFOS] The `{self.images_name}` image is ready to download ..." ) sh.docker('pull', self.images_name) print( f"[P_INFOS] The `{self.images_name}` image is exist in docker repository." ) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: print( f"[P_ERROR] The `{self.images_name}` image is not found in docker repository." ) sys.exit(1)
def docker_commit(cont_dic): for c in cont_dic: c_name = c[0] c_nick = c[1] try: sh.docker('image', 'rm', c_nick) print('\tremoved image: {0} while commiting new image'.format( c_nick)) except: pass print('\tdocker commit: container: {0} to image: {1}'.format( c_name, c_nick)) sh.docker('commit', '-p', c_name, c_nick) print() print(sh.docker('images'))
def get_configs() -> list: """ Returns a list of config names found in the swarm """ configs = sh.docker('config', 'ls', '--format', '{{ .Name }}') return configs.stdout.decode('utf8').splitlines()
async def post(self): post_data = self.request.body.decode('utf-8') post_data = json.loads(post_data) containerIP = str( sh.docker("inspect", "-f", "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}", str(post_data["proID"]) + post_data["usrID"])).replace( '\n', '').replace('\r', '') token = projectHandler.ip_search[containerIP] del projectHandler.ip_search[containerIP] del projectHandler.ip_map[token] # print(post_data) if post_data["exec"] == "exit1": send_data = docker_commands.exit1(post_data["usrID"], str(post_data["proID"])) ws = docker_websocketHandler.clients[post_data["usrID"]] del docker_websocketHandler.clients[post_data["usrID"]] ws.close() elif post_data["exec"] == "exit2": send_data = docker_commands.exit2(post_data["usrID"], str(post_data["proID"])) ws = docker_websocketHandler.clients[post_data["usrID"]] del docker_websocketHandler.clients[post_data["usrID"]] ws.close() openHandler.password[post_data["usrID"]] = 0 else: send_data = {"error": "no such execution"} self.write(json.dumps(send_data))
def findImage(repository, tag): container="" try: container = sh.awk("{print $3}", _in=sh.head("-n 1", _in=sh.grep(tag, _in=sh.docker("images", repository)))) except: print "container not available" return container.rstrip()
def findContainer(name): container="" try: container = sh.awk("{print $1}", _in=sh.head("-n 1", _in=sh.grep(name, _in=sh.docker("ps", "-a")))) except: print "container not available" return container.rstrip()
def docker_image(self): _images_info = sh.docker('images', '--filter=reference=%s' % self.images_tag) _img = list(_images_info)[1] _img_list = list(filter(None, _img.split(" "))) _img_tag = "%s:%s" % (_img_list[0], _img_list[1]) return _img_tag
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.run_can_be_waited(*args, **kwargs): process: sh.RunningCommand = sh.docker(*args, _env=self.sh_env, _bg=True, **kwargs) try: process.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt as e:"Stopping running command...") process.signal(signal.SIGINT) raise e else: process: sh.RunningCommand = sh.docker(*args, _env=self.sh_env, **kwargs) return process
def docker_execute(command_list, logger): """ Run and tail a docker command. """ import sh try: running_command = sh.docker(command_list, _iter=True) for line in running_command: except KeyboardInterrupt:"Requested to terminate running docker command.") running_command.process.terminate()
def run_docker_dev_test(path, coverage=False): """ Method to check that docker runs with dev.yml """ try: # build django, power up the stack and run the test sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "build", "django") sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "build") if coverage: sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "run", "django", "coverage", "run", "", "test") sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "run", "django", "coverage", "xml", "-o", "coverage.xml") shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(str(path), ".coverage"), os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, ".coverage")) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(str(path), "coverage.xml"), os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, "coverage.xml")) else: sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "run", "django", "python", "", "test") # test that the development server is running sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "up", "-d") time.sleep(10) curl = sh.curl("-I", "http://localhost:8000/") assert "200 OK" in curl assert "Server: Werkzeug" in curl # since we are running a lot of tests with different configurations, # we need to clean up the environment. Stop all running containers, # remove them and remove the postgres_data volume. sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "stop") sh.docker_compose("--file", "{}/dev.yml".format(path), "rm", "-f") sh.docker("volume", "rm", "cookiecuttersaastestproject_postgres_data_dev") except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: # in case there are errors it's good to have full output of # stdout and stderr."STDOUT: {} \n\n\n STDERR: {}".format( e.stdout.decode("utf-8"), e.stderr.decode("utf-8")))
def run_default(self):'Updating requirements for "{}"...'.format(self.image)) sh.docker( 'run', '--rm', '-i', '-u', '{}:{}'.format(self.uid, self.gid), '-e', 'CUSTOM_COMPILE_COMMAND="kubeyard update_requirements"', '-e', 'HOME=/tmp', *self.volumes, self.image, 'bash', '-c', 'freeze_requirements', _err=sys.stdout.buffer, )'Requirements updated!')
def findImage(repository, tag): container="" try: output = sh.awk("{print $3\":\"$2}", _in=sh.docker("images", repository)) for row in output.split('\n'): containerId, containerTag = row.split(':') if containerTag == tag: container = containerId break except: print "container not available" return container.rstrip()
def main(dataset): tmpname="kolab/kolabtestcontainer:tmppopulated" imagename="kolab/kolabtestcontainer:populated-"+dataset SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) print("Building tmpcontainer...")"-t", tmpname, SCRIPT_DIR+"/kolabpopulated/.") print("Starting tmpcontainer...") container ="-d", "-h", settings.HOSTNAME, "-v", "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro", "-v", SCRIPT_DIR+"/kolabpopulated/"+dataset+"/:/data/", tmpname).rstrip() # Wait for imap to become available on imaps://localhost:993 time.sleep(5) print("Running") docker("exec", container, "/data/", _out=process_output) print("Comitting results...") docker.commit(container, imagename) docker.stop(container) docker.rm(container)
def docker_run(self): _ps_info = sh.docker('ps', '-a', '--filter=name=%s' % self.deploy_name) _ps_list = list(_ps_info) if len(_ps_list) > 1: sh.docker('stop', self.project_name) sh.docker('rm', self.project_name) sh.docker('run', '-itd', '--name=%s' % self.deploy_name, self.images_tag) time.sleep(15) _curl_cmd = "curl -sIL -w %{http_code} -o /dev/null http://localhost:8080/" _http_code = sh.docker('exec', '-i', self.deploy_name, '/bin/bash', '-c', _curl_cmd) return _http_code
def findImage(repository, tag): container = "" try: output = sh.awk("{print $3\":\"$2}", _in=sh.docker("images", repository)) for row in output.split('\n'): containerId, containerTag = row.split(':') if containerTag == tag: container = containerId break except: print "container not available" return container.rstrip()
def exec_docker_cmnd(docker_cmnd): if not isinstance(docker_cmnd, str): raise pipeline_error.NepheleBadArgumentException( msg='docker_exec_cmnd() only accepts strings.') args = shlex.split(docker_cmnd) try: docker = sh.docker(args) except BaseException: raise if docker.exit_code is not 0: raise pipeline_error.UnknownPipeError(msg=docker.stderr + "\n\n" + args)
def start(args=None, opt=None): # start Consul key/value store for service discovery # on(MASTER).sudo(fmt("sh -c 'rm -rf /scratch/consul; nohup /homes/sys/bholt/bin/consul agent -server -bootstrap -data-dir /scratch/consul -node=master -bind=#{CONSUL} -client #{CONSUL} >#{CONSUL_LOG} 2>&1 &'")) cmd = fmt("--name=consul -d --net=host -p 8400:8400 -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:53/udp progrium/consul -server -bootstrap -node=master -bind=#{CONSUL} -client #{CONSUL}") on(MASTER) time.sleep(4) for ssh in machines: # create new bridge network so our docker can run alongside the normal one if, _ok_code=[0,1]).exit_code == 1: ssh.sudo.brctl.addbr(BRIDGE) ssh.sudo.ip.addr.add('', 'dev', BRIDGE)'dev', 'swarm', 'up') # start docker daemon on remote host, headless via 'nohup', output to logfile ssh("sudo sh -c 'nohup docker daemon -H tcp://{dp} --exec-root=/var/run/docker.swarm --graph=/var/lib/docker.swarm --pidfile=/var/run/ --bridge={b} --cluster-advertise=ens1:{dp} --cluster-store=consul://{c}:{cp} >{log} 2>&1 &'".format(dp=DOCKER_PORT, c=CONSUL, cp=CONSUL_PORT, log="/var/log/docker.swarm", b=BRIDGE)) time.sleep(1) # start Swarm manager nodelist = ','.join(["{}:{}".format(h, DOCKER_PORT) for h in hosts]) docker(MASTER).run("--name=swarm", "-d", "--publish={}:2375".format(SWARM_PORT), "swarm:1.1.0", "--debug", "manage", "nodes://{}".format(nodelist))
def setenv(): if 'Docker version 1.1.2' not in sh.docker(version=True): raise RuntimeError('Tested with docker 1.1.2 only. If you know this will work with other versions, ' 'Update this code to be more flexible') if 'Vagrant 1.6.3' not in sh.vagrant(version=True): raise RuntimeError('Tested with vagrant 1.6.3 only. If you know this will work with other versions, ' 'Update this code to be more flexible') for env_var, default_value in env_variables.items(): if default_value and not os.environ.get(env_var): os.environ[env_var] = default_value cloudify_enviroment_varaible_names = ':'.join(env_variables.keys()) os.environ['CLOUDIFY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAMES'] = cloudify_enviroment_varaible_names if not os.environ.get('TEST_SUITES_PATH'): suite_json_path = build_suites_json('suites/suites.json') os.environ['TEST_SUITES_PATH'] = suite_json_path
def main(): tmpname = settings.kolabimagename("tmpbase") SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) print("Building tmpcontainer...") docker("build", "-t", tmpname, SCRIPT_DIR+"/kolab/") print("Starting tmpcontainer...") print(SCRIPT_DIR+"/") container ="-d", "-h", settings.HOSTNAME, "-v", "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro", "-v", SCRIPT_DIR+"/kolab/", tmpname).rstrip() print("Setting up kolab") docker("exec", container, "setup-kolab", "--default", "--timezone="+settings.TIMEZONE, "--directory-manager-pwd="+settings.LDAPPW, "--mysqlserver=new", _out=process_output) print("Fixing roundcube") docker("exec", container, "bash", "/usr/share/roundcubemail/", _out=process_output) docker("exec", container, "systemctl", "restart", "httpd", _out=process_output) print("Comitting results...") docker.commit(container, settings.kolabimagename("base")) docker.stop(container) docker.rm(container)
def docker_execute(command_list, logger): """ Run and tail a docker command. """ import sh running_command = sh.docker(command_list, _iter=True) for line in running_command:
def build(cp, package_info, commit, env_vars, dev_mode, use_public): # Set the build timestamp to now commit.dt_build = int(time()) datadir = os.path.realpath(cp.get("DEFAULT", "datadir")) scriptsdir = os.path.realpath(cp.get("DEFAULT", "scriptsdir")) target = cp.get("DEFAULT", "target") yumrepodir = os.path.join("repos", commit.getshardedcommitdir()) yumrepodir_abs = os.path.join(datadir, yumrepodir) commit_hash = commit.commit_hash project_name = commit.project_name repo_dir = commit.repo_dir # If yum repo already exists remove it and assume we're starting fresh if os.path.exists(yumrepodir_abs): shutil.rmtree(yumrepodir_abs) os.makedirs(yumrepodir_abs) sh.git("--git-dir", "%s/.git" % repo_dir, "--work-tree=%s" % repo_dir, "reset", "--hard", commit_hash) docker_run_cmd = [] # expand the env name=value pairs into docker arguments if env_vars: for env_var in env_vars: docker_run_cmd.append('--env') docker_run_cmd.append(env_var) if (dev_mode or use_public): docker_run_cmd.append('--env') docker_run_cmd.append("DELOREAN_DEV=1") docker_run_cmd.extend(["-t", "--volume=%s:/data" % datadir, "--volume=%s:/scripts" % scriptsdir, "--name", "builder-%s" % target, "delorean/%s" % target, "/scripts/", project_name, "/data/%s" % yumrepodir, str(os.getuid()), str(os.getgid())]) try: sh.docker("run", docker_run_cmd) except Exception as e: logger.error('Docker cmd failed. See logs at: %s/%s/' % (datadir, yumrepodir)) raise e finally: # Kill builder-"target" if running and remove if present try: sh.docker("kill", "builder-%s" % target) sh.docker("wait", "builder-%s" % target) except Exception: pass try: sh.docker("rm", "builder-%s" % target) except Exception: pass built_rpms = [] for rpm in os.listdir(yumrepodir_abs): if rpm.endswith(".rpm"): built_rpms.append(os.path.join(yumrepodir, rpm)) if not built_rpms: raise Exception("No rpms built for %s" % project_name) notes = "OK" if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(yumrepodir_abs, "installed")): logger.error('Build failed. See logs at: %s/%s/' % (datadir, yumrepodir)) raise Exception("Error installing %s" % project_name) packages = [package["name"] for package in package_info["packages"]] for otherproject in packages: if otherproject == project_name: continue last_success = session.query(Commit).\ filter(Commit.project_name == otherproject).\ filter(Commit.status == "SUCCESS").\ order_by(desc( if not last_success: continue rpms = last_success.rpms.split(",") for rpm in rpms: rpm_link_src = os.path.join(yumrepodir_abs, os.path.split(rpm)[1]) os.symlink(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(datadir, rpm), yumrepodir_abs), rpm_link_src) sh.createrepo(yumrepodir_abs) fp = open(os.path.join(yumrepodir_abs, "%s.repo" % cp.get("DEFAULT", "reponame")), "w") fp.write("[%s]\nname=%s-%s-%s\nbaseurl=%s/%s\nenabled=1\n" "gpgcheck=0\npriority=1" % (cp.get("DEFAULT", "reponame"), cp.get("DEFAULT", "reponame"), project_name, commit_hash, cp.get("DEFAULT", "baseurl"), commit.getshardedcommitdir())) fp.close() current_repo_dir = os.path.join(datadir, "repos", "current") os.symlink(os.path.relpath(yumrepodir_abs, os.path.join(datadir, "repos")), current_repo_dir + "_") os.rename(current_repo_dir + "_", current_repo_dir) return built_rpms, notes
def teardown_function(function): try: sh.docker('rmi', '-f', 'footest', 'bartest') except: pass
def main(dataset): tmpname="kolab/kolabtestcontainer:tmppopulated" imagename="kolab/kolabtestcontainer:populated-"+dataset basedir = "{c.SCRIPT_DIR}/kolabpopulated".format(c=config) print("Building tmpcontainer..."), "-t", tmpname, "{basedir}/.".format(basedir=basedir)) print("Starting tmpcontainer...") container ="-d", "-h", settings.HOSTNAME, "-v", "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro", "-v", "{basedir}/{dataset}/:/data/".format(basedir=basedir, dataset=dataset), '-v', "{c.SCRIPT_DIR}/kolab/populate/:/populate".format(c=config), tmpname).rstrip() try: # Wait for imap to become available on imaps://localhost:993 time.sleep(5) print "Populate OU..." docker("exec", container, "python2", "/populate/", _out=sys.stdout) print "Populate users..." docker("exec", container, "python2", "/populate/", _out=sys.stdout) print "Populate resources..." docker("exec", container, "python2", "/populate/", _out=sys.stdout) print("Running") docker("exec", container, "/data/", _out=sys.stdout) # Give kolabd some time to create all mailboxes time.sleep(5) docker("exec", container, "patch", "-R", "/etc/kolab/kolab.conf", "/data/kolab.conf.diff", _out=sys.stdout) docker("exec", container, "patch", "-R", "/etc/roundcubemail/", "/data/", _out=sys.stdout) docker("exec", container, "patch", "-R", "/etc/roundcubemail/", "/data/", _out=sys.stdout) docker("exec", container, "patch", "-R", "/etc/roundcubemail/", "/data/", _out=sys.stdout) docker("exec", container, "patch", "-R", "/etc/roundcubemail/", "/data/", _out=sys.stdout) docker("exec", container, "patch", "-R", "/etc/roundcubemail/", "/data/", _out=sys.stdout) print("Comitting results to: {}".format(imagename)) docker.commit(container, imagename) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print("Failed to setup container") docker.stop(container) docker.rm(container)
try: import sh except: print("Could not find the sh module:") print(" sudo pip install sh") sys.exit(1) from sh import ln from sh import rm from sh import docker DOCKERFILES = [ ('bleScannerHCI', 'lab11/wearabouts-ble-scanner-js'), ('bleScanner', 'lab11/wearabouts-ble-scanner-py') ] # Get rid of the Dockerfile in the root print('Removing existing Dockerfile if it exists') rm('Dockerfile', '-f') # Build each docker image for dockerfile in DOCKERFILES: print('Building {}'.format(dockerfile[1])) ln('-s', dockerfile[0]+'/Dockerfile', 'Dockerfile') for chunk in docker('build', '-t', 'lab11/wearabouts-ble-scanner-js', '.'): print(chunk, end="") rm('Dockerfile')
def _assert_no_docker_image_running(self, name): assert_that(name, is_not(is_in(sh.docker('ps'))))
def _listen(self, stdin, **kwargs): """ Feed a raw command to a container via stdin. """ return docker("exec", "--interactive",, "bash", s=True, _in=stdin, **kwargs)
def test_single_image(): sh.docker('empty.tar'), 'import', '-', 'footest') f = StringIO() Docktree(restrict='footest', file=f).draw_tree() assert re.match(u'└─ sha256:[a-f0-9]{5} footest:latest\n', f.getvalue())
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import sh import subprocess def findContainer(name): container="" try: container = sh.awk("{print $1}", _in=sh.head("-n 1", _in=sh.grep(name, _in=sh.docker("ps", "-a")))) except: print "container not available" return container.rstrip() containerName="kolab/kolabtestcontainer:latest" container=findContainer(containerName) if not container: print "starting container""./", shell=True, cwd="kolab") container=findContainer(containerName) print container"./", shell=True, cwd="kontact") sh.docker("stop", container) sh.docker("rm", container)
def build(cp, package_info, dt, project, repo_dir, commit): datadir = os.path.realpath(cp.get("DEFAULT", "datadir")) # TODO : only working by convention need to improve scriptsdir = datadir.replace("data", "scripts") yumrepodir = os.path.join("repos", commit[:2], commit[2:4], commit) yumrepodir_abs = os.path.join(datadir, yumrepodir) # If yum repo already exists remove it and assume we're starting fresh if os.path.exists(yumrepodir_abs): shutil.rmtree(yumrepodir_abs) os.makedirs(yumrepodir_abs) # We need to make sure if any patches exist in the master-patches branch # they they can still be applied to upstream master, if they can we stop testpatches(project, commit, datadir) sh.git("--git-dir", "%s/.git" % repo_dir, "--work-tree=%s" % repo_dir, "reset", "--hard", commit) try: sh.docker("kill", "builder") except: pass # looks like we need to give the container time to die time.sleep(20) try: sh.docker("rm", "builder") except: pass try: sh.docker("run", "-t", "--volume=%s:/data" % datadir, "--volume=%s:/scripts" % scriptsdir, "--name", "builder", "delorean/fedora", "/scripts/", project, "/data/%s" % yumrepodir) except: raise Exception("Error while building packages") built_rpms = [] for rpm in os.listdir(yumrepodir_abs): if rpm.endswith(".rpm"): built_rpms.append(os.path.join(yumrepodir, rpm)) if not built_rpms: raise Exception("No rpms built for %s" % project) notes = "OK" if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(yumrepodir_abs, "installed")): notes = "Error installing" packages = [package["name"] for package in package_info["packages"]] for otherproject in packages: if otherproject == project: continue last_success = session.query(Commit).\ filter(Commit.project_name == otherproject).\ filter(Commit.status == "SUCCESS").\ order_by(desc(Commit.dt_commit)).first() if not last_success: continue rpms = last_success.rpms.split(",") for rpm in rpms: rpm_link_src = os.path.join(yumrepodir_abs, os.path.split(rpm)[1]) os.symlink(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(datadir, rpm), yumrepodir_abs), rpm_link_src) sh.createrepo(yumrepodir_abs) fp = open(os.path.join(yumrepodir_abs, "delorean.repo"), "w") fp.write("[delorean]\nname=delorean-%s-%s\nbaseurl=%s/%s\nenabled=1\n" "gpgcheck=0" % (project, commit, cp.get("DEFAULT", "baseurl"), yumrepodir)) fp.close() current_repo_dir = os.path.join(datadir, "repos", "current") os.symlink(os.path.relpath(yumrepodir_abs, os.path.join(datadir, "repos")), current_repo_dir+"_") os.rename(current_repo_dir+"_", current_repo_dir) return built_rpms, notes
def run_docker_sh(docker_cmd, docker_args=None, **kwargs): _docker_args = docker_args if docker_args is not None else [] _docker_args.insert(0, docker_cmd) log.debug("Running 'docker {}' with args {}".format(docker_cmd, _docker_args[1:])) return sh.docker(_docker_args, **kwargs)
def docker_build(job_id, reponame, tag): print 'Handle', job_id, reponame, tag workspace = job_workspace(job_id) if not os.path.exists(workspace): os.makedirs(workspace) reply = rpost('/task/update', data=dict(id=job_id, status='building')) print 'reply:', reply bufio = StringIO.StringIO() lock = threading.Lock() running = True def _loop_report_stdout(): pos = 0 while True: lock.acquire() if not running: lock.release() break if pos == bufio.tell(): time.sleep(1) lock.release() continue reply = rpost('/task/update', data=dict( id=job_id, status='building', output=bufio.buf[pos:], append=1)) print reply sys.stdout.write(bufio.buf[pos:]) pos = bufio.tell() lock.release() print 'loop ended' t = threading.Thread(target=_loop_report_stdout) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() ret = sh.docker('run', '--rm', '-v', workspace+':/output', '-e', 'TIMEOUT=10m', '-e', 'HTTP_PROXY=%s'%gcfg.slave.http_proxy, DOCKER_IMAGE, '--repo', reponame, '--tag', tag, _err_to_out=True, _out=bufio, _tee=True, _ok_code=range(255)) jsonpath = pathjoin(workspace, 'out.json') out = json.load(open(pathjoin(workspace, 'out.json'))) if \ os.path.exists(jsonpath) else {} out['success'] = (ret.exit_code == 0) out['output'] = str(ret) out['id'] = job_id out['safe_token'] = safe_token if not out['success']: rpost('/task/update', data=dict(id=job_id, status='error', output = str(ret))) return rpost('/task/update', data=dict( id=job_id, status='uploading')) #print 'Uploading files' print >>bufio, 'Uploading files' for osarch, info in out['files'].items(): outname = info.get('outname') safetag = ''.join(re.findall('[-_.\w\d]+', tag.replace(':', '-v-'))) key = pathjoin(reponame, safetag, outname) print >>bufio, 'File:', outname, key info['outlink'] = upload_file(key, pathjoin(workspace, outname)) logname = info.get('logname') key = pathjoin(str(job_id), osarch, logname) #print 'Log: ', logname info['loglink'] = upload_file(key, pathjoin(workspace, logname)) print >>bufio, '==DONE==' running = False t.join() json.dump(out, open('sample.json', 'w')) reply = rpost('/task/commit', data=json.dumps(out)) print 'commit reply:', reply
def validate_model(abi, serialno, model_file_path, weight_file_path, platform, device_type, input_nodes, output_nodes, input_shapes, output_shapes, model_output_dir, phone_data_dir, caffe_env, input_file_name="model_input", output_file_name="model_out"): print("* Validate with %s" % platform) if abi != "host": for output_name in output_nodes: formatted_name = common.formatted_file_name( output_file_name, output_name) if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, formatted_name)): sh.rm("-rf", "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, formatted_name)) adb_pull("%s/%s" % (phone_data_dir, formatted_name), model_output_dir, serialno) if platform == "tensorflow": validate(platform, model_file_path, "", "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, input_file_name), "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, output_file_name), device_type, ":".join(input_shapes), ":".join(output_shapes), ",".join(input_nodes), ",".join(output_nodes)) elif platform == "caffe": image_name = "mace-caffe:latest" container_name = "mace_caffe_validator" if caffe_env == common.CaffeEnvType.LOCAL: import imp try: imp.find_module('caffe') except ImportError: logger.error('There is no caffe python module.') validate(platform, model_file_path, weight_file_path, "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, input_file_name), "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, output_file_name), device_type, ":".join(input_shapes), ":".join(output_shapes), ",".join(input_nodes), ",".join(output_nodes)) elif caffe_env == common.CaffeEnvType.DOCKER: docker_image_id = sh.docker("images", "-q", image_name) if not docker_image_id: print("Build caffe docker") sh.docker("build", "-t", image_name, "third_party/caffe") container_id = sh.docker("ps", "-qa", "-f", "name=%s" % container_name) if container_id and not sh.docker("ps", "-qa", "--filter", "status=running", "-f", "name=%s" % container_name): sh.docker("rm", "-f", container_name) container_id = "" if not container_id: print("Run caffe container") sh.docker( "run", "-d", "-it", "--name", container_name, image_name, "/bin/bash") for input_name in input_nodes: formatted_input_name = common.formatted_file_name( input_file_name, input_name) sh.docker( "cp", "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, formatted_input_name), "%s:/mace" % container_name) for output_name in output_nodes: formatted_output_name = common.formatted_file_name( output_file_name, output_name) sh.docker( "cp", "%s/%s" % (model_output_dir, formatted_output_name), "%s:/mace" % container_name) model_file_name = os.path.basename(model_file_path) weight_file_name = os.path.basename(weight_file_path) sh.docker("cp", "tools/", "%s:/mace" % container_name) sh.docker("cp", "tools/", "%s:/mace" % container_name) sh.docker("cp", model_file_path, "%s:/mace" % container_name) sh.docker("cp", weight_file_path, "%s:/mace" % container_name) sh.docker( "exec", container_name, "python", "-u", "/mace/", "--platform=caffe", "--model_file=/mace/%s" % model_file_name, "--weight_file=/mace/%s" % weight_file_name, "--input_file=/mace/%s" % input_file_name, "--mace_out_file=/mace/%s" % output_file_name, "--device_type=%s" % device_type, "--input_node=%s" % ",".join(input_nodes), "--output_node=%s" % ",".join(output_nodes), "--input_shape=%s" % ":".join(input_shapes), "--output_shape=%s" % ":".join(output_shapes), _fg=True) print("Validation done!\n")