def make_random_fast(): ''' Link /dev/random to /dev/urandom. See Myths about /dev/urandom Hacker news discussion where cperciva does not disagree with "Myths about /dev/urandom" The risk of using urandom is that it can be deterministic. If you know the seed, you may know all of urandom's output forever. That is why we prefer to add entropy at runtime, using e.g. haveged. But does haveged affect urandom? The urandom seed may be set just once and saved, or set at boot before haveged runs. ''' # delete /dev/random if os.path.exists('/dev/random'): if os.path.isfile('/dev/random') or os.path.islink('/dev/random'): os.remove('/dev/random') else: try: sh.umount('/dev/random') except: sh.rm('--force', '--recursive', '/dev/random') # "rngd -r /dev/urandom" should only be used during testing, if ever # if not is_program_running('rngd'): # sh.rngd('-r', '/dev/urandom') sh.ln('--symbolic', '/dev/urandom', '/dev/random')
def tree_construction(self,root = None, sccs = False): threads = 16 print "build a tree" if os.path.exists(self.base + "RAxML/" ): sh.rm("-r", self.base + "RAxML/") os.makedirs(self.base + "RAxML/") if self.seq_type == "proteins" : model = "PROTGAMMALG" else: model = "GTRGAMMA" alignment = self.base + "_scc_cat_align.fasta" if sccs else self.base + "_cat_align.fasta" sh.raxmlHPC_PTHREADS_AVX("-w", self.base + "RAxML/", "-T", threads-2, "-m", model, "-p", self.seed, "-#", 20, "-s", alignment, "-n", "T13", "-o", root) print "boostrap dat tree" sh.raxmlHPC_PTHREADS_AVX("-w", self.base + "RAxML/", "-T", threads-2, "-m", model, "-p", self.seed, "-b", self.seed, "-#", 100, "-s", alignment, "-n", "T14", "-o", root) print "combine" sh.raxmlHPC_AVX("-m", "GTRCAT", "-w", self.base + "RAxML/", "-p", self.seed, "-f", "b", "-t", self.base + "RAxML/"+"RAxML_bestTree.T13", "-z",self.base + "RAxML/"+ "RAxML_bootstrap.T14", "-n", "T15", "-o", root) print "clean up" if os.path.exists(self.base + "_branches_labeled.tree"): os.remove(self.base + "_branches_labeled.tree") os.remove(self.base + "_nodes_labeled.tree") sh.ln("-s", self.base + "RAxML/RAxML_bipartitionsBranchLabels.T15", self.base +"_branches_labeled.tree") sh.ln("-s", self.base + "RAxML/RAxML_bipartitions.T15", self.scg_tree)
def run_test_suite(self): print 'Working in ' + self.temp_dir print suite_started(self.suite) self.clean_failure_files() results =, self.test_files, self.temp_dir, self.do_pdf, self.cache) failures = [ file_name for (has_failed, file_name) in results if has_failed ] if not failures: self.clean_temp_files() print green("All tests passed.") else: if IS_TEAMCITY: print "Creating symbolic link to artefact working directory." sh.ln('-sf', self.temp_dir, 'working') print "%d test(s) failed." % len(failures) print "To run the failed tests again:" cmdline = "%s%s%s" % (sys.argv[0], (self.do_pdf and ' --pdf ' or ' '), shell_join(failures)) print cmdline print >> open('/tmp/rerun-failed-typesetr-test', 'w'), cmdline print suite_finished(self.suite) return len(failures)
def run_test_suite(self): print 'Working in ' + self.temp_dir print suite_started(self.suite) self.clean_failure_files() results =, self.test_files, self.temp_dir, self.do_pdf, self.cache) failures = [file_name for (has_failed, file_name) in results if has_failed] if not failures: self.clean_temp_files() print green("All tests passed.") else: if IS_TEAMCITY: print "Creating symbolic link to artefact working directory." sh.ln('-sf', self.temp_dir, 'working') print "%d test(s) failed." % len(failures) print "To run the failed tests again:" cmdline = "%s%s%s" % (sys.argv[0], (self.do_pdf and ' --pdf ' or ' '), shell_join(failures)) print cmdline print >> open('/tmp/rerun-failed-typesetr-test', 'w'), cmdline print suite_finished(self.suite) return len(failures)
def import_map(self, path, mode='symlink'): """ will populate the maps dir with a SAM or BAM file. TODO: other modes might be: copy, move """ mkdir('-p', "%s/maps" % self.sample.path) if mode == 'symlink': ln('-s', path, self.sam_path)
def build_arch(self, arch): env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)): # Remove source in this pypi package sh.rm('-rf', 'leveldb', 'leveldb.egg-info', 'snappy') # Use source from leveldb recipe sh.ln('-s', self.get_recipe('leveldb', self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch), 'leveldb') # Build and install python bindings super(PyLevelDBRecipe, self).build_arch(arch)
def secure_link(from_path, to_path): """ secure link to prevent the case if the to_path exists. """ try: sh.unlink(to_path) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: pass sh.ln("-s", from_path, to_path)
def install_tool(self): results = sh.unzip("-o", DOWNLOAD, "-d", TOOL_HOME) parts = results.split('\n') for part in parts: if part.find("inflating") > -1: path = self._return_path_bit(part.strip().split(" ")[1]) break sh.rm("-f", AMI_HOME) sh.ln("-s", TOOL_HOME + "/" + path, AMI_HOME)
def create_emu_env(run_dir, bin_file): c.safe_mkdir(run_dir) template_files = os.listdir(template_dir) for f in template_files: if os.path.isfile(pjoin(template_dir, f)): sh.ln('-sf', pjoin(template_dir, f), run_dir) text_file = pjoin(run_dir, 'bin.txt') if not c.is_older(bin_file, text_file): c.hex_dump(bin_file, text_file)
def _darwin_create_dir_structure(self): mkdirp = mkdir.bake("-p") app_path = os.path.join(self._basedir, "") mkdirp(app_path) mkdirp(os.path.join(app_path, "Contents", "MacOS")) mkdirp(os.path.join(app_path, "Contents", "Resources")) mkdirp(os.path.join(app_path, "Contents", "PlugIns")) mkdirp(os.path.join(app_path, "Contents", "StartupItems")) ln("-s", "/Applications", os.path.join(self._basedir, "Applications"))
def install_tool(self): sh.rm("-rf", S3CMD_HOME) sh.rm("-f", TOOL_HOME + "/bin/s3cmd") sh.mkdir("-p", S3CMD_HOME) sh.virtualenv(S3CMD_HOME) sh.mkdir("-p", TOOL_HOME + "/bin") pip = sh.Command(S3CMD_HOME + "/bin/pip") pip("install", "s3cmd") sh.ln("-s", S3CMD_HOME + "/bin/s3cmd", TOOL_HOME + "/bin/s3cmd")
def install_tool(self): sh.rm("-rf", AWS_CLI_HOME) sh.rm("-f", TOOL_HOME + "/bin/aws") sh.mkdir("-p", AWS_CLI_HOME) sh.virtualenv(AWS_CLI_HOME) sh.mkdir("-p", TOOL_HOME + "/bin") pip = sh.Command(AWS_CLI_HOME + "/bin/pip") pip("install", "awscli") sh.ln("-s", AWS_CLI_HOME + "/bin/aws", TOOL_HOME + "/bin/aws")
def ln_all_files(all_files, base_directory): for each_file in all_files: gcmtid = basename(each_file).split(".")[0] to_path = join(base_directory, gcmtid, "SEM", "adjoint.h5") # in the second iteration, the already existing adjoint.h5 will prevent linking try: sh.unlink(to_path) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: pass sh.ln("-s", each_file, to_path)
def build(cwd, site_dir): cfg = config.load_config() # sanity check - the version dirs exist as named for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: if not 'separate' in version or not version['separate']: d = os.path.join('versions', version['dir']) print('Verifying dir %s' % (d)) if not os.path.isdir(d): print("The directory %s does not exist" % (d)) return # sanity check - dependent_repos exist in '..' for repo in dependent_repos: d = os.path.join(cwd, '..', repo) print('Verifying repo dependency in %s' % (d)) if not os.path.isdir(d): print("The directory %s does not exist" % (d)) return # sanity check - only one latest latest = False for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: if not latest and 'latest' in version and version['latest']: print('Latest is %s' % (version['dir'])) latest = True elif latest and 'latest' in version and version['latest']: print('ERROR: More than one version is latest.') print('Only one version can be latest: True.') print('Check mkdocs.yml.') return print("Building site pages") sh.rm('-rf', site_dir) sh.mkdocs('build', '--clean', '--site-dir', site_dir) for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: print("Building doc pages for: %s" % (version['dir'])) if not 'separate' in version or not version['separate']: sh.mkdocs('build', '--site-dir', os.path.join(site_dir, version['dir']), _cwd=os.path.join("versions", version['dir'])) else: repo_dir = os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'mynewt-documentation') if version['dir'] != 'master': repo_dir = os.path.join(repo_dir, 'versions', version['dir'], 'mynewt-documentation') sh.make('clean', _cwd=repo_dir) sh.make('docs', _cwd=repo_dir), '_build', 'html'), os.path.join(site_dir, version['dir'])) if 'latest' in version and version['latest']: sh.ln('-s', version['dir'], 'latest', _cwd=site_dir)
def fetch_all_external_docs_from_file(filename): with open(filename) as f: external_docs = [parse_external_doc_line(l) for l in f] for name, repository, doc_directory in external_docs: tmpdir = osp.join('/tmp', name) print('Fetching %s...' % name) fetch_external_doc(repository, tmpdir) src_dir = osp.join('src', name) sh.rm('-f', src_dir) print('Linking %s...' % name) sh.ln('-s', osp.join(tmpdir, doc_directory), src_dir)
def build_arch(self, arch): env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) with current_directory(self.get_build_dir(arch.arch)): # Remove source in this pypi package sh.rm("-rf", "./leveldb", "./leveldb.egg-info", "./snappy") # Use source from leveldb recipe sh.ln("-s", self.get_recipe("leveldb", self.ctx).get_build_dir(arch.arch), "leveldb") # Build python bindings hostpython = sh.Command(self.hostpython_location) shprint(hostpython, "", "build", _env=env) # Install python bindings super(PyLevelDBRecipe, self).build_arch(arch)
def symlink(env, path): lRepoName = basename(path) lRepoLocalPath = join(, kSourceDir, lRepoName) if exists(lRepoLocalPath): raise click.ClickException('Repository already exists \'%s\'' % lRepoLocalPath) echo('Adding symlink ' + style(path, fg='blue') + ' as ' + style(lRepoName, fg='blue')) sh.ln('-s', abspath(path), _cwd=lRepoLocalPath)
def test_clone_replace_symlink_by_file(git_dir, hg_repo): sh.ln("-s", "test_file", "link_or_file") sh.hg.add("link_or_file") sh.hg.commit(message="b") sh.hg.rm("link_or_file") make_hg_commit("c", filename="link_or_file") git_repo = clone_repo(git_dir, hg_repo) assert p('link_or_file').isfile() assert not p('link_or_file').islink()
def start(self): sh.rm('-rf', wpath('bin/tp'), **SHARG) sh.ln('-s', wpath('bin/'), wpath('bin/tp'), **SHARG) rows, columns = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() terminal_width = int(columns) for module in [ 'zsh', 'vim', 'git', 'ssh', 'tmux', 'python', 'clang', 'dircolors' ]: print('{0:-^{1}}'.format(' {} environment '.format(module).upper(), terminal_width)) getattr(self, '_{}_environment'.format(module))() sh.zsh(hpath('.zshrc'), **SHARG)
def main(base_directory, output_directory): """ ln subdirectories that have no synthetic.h5 to a new base directory. """ all_dirs = sorted(glob(join(base_directory, "*"))) all_syncs = sorted( glob(join(base_directory, "*", "OUTPUT_FILES", "synthetic.h5"))) all_dirs_with_sync = ["/".join(item.split("/")[:-2]) for item in all_syncs] all_dirs_no_syncs = sorted(set(all_dirs) - set(all_dirs_with_sync)) for each_dir in all_dirs_no_syncs: thebasename = basename(each_dir) from_path = each_dir to_path = join(output_directory, thebasename) sh.ln("-s", from_path, to_path)
def test_clone_replace_dir_by_symlink(git_dir, hg_repo): sh.mkdir("dir_or_link") make_hg_commit("b", filename="dir_or_link/test_file") sh.hg.rm("dir_or_link/test_file") sh.ln("-s", "test_file", "dir_or_link") sh.hg.add("dir_or_link") sh.hg.commit(message="c") git_repo = clone_repo(git_dir, hg_repo) assert p('dir_or_link').isfile() assert p('dir_or_link').islink()
def create_link(self, log_link, log_file): if log_link == log_file: return if not (log_link and log_file): return if os.path.lexists(log_link): try: sh.rm(log_link) except: return try: sh.ln('-s', log_file, log_link) except: return
def fixssh(self): import pwd import glob # find /tmp -path '/tmp/ssh-*' -name 'agent*' -user ${USER} for path in glob.glob('/tmp/ssh-*/agent*', recursive=True): if os.stat(path).st_uid == pwd.getpwnam(self._default_user).pw_uid: link_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock') # rm -rf ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock sh.rm('-rf', link_file, _fg=True) # ln -s ${ssh_agent_file} ~/.ssh/ssh_auth_sock sh.ln('-s', path, link_file, _fg=True) # ssh-add -l sh.Command('ssh-add')('-l', _fg=True) return print('not found ssh agent tmp file, please login again.')
def fli(env, dev, ipbuspkg): """ Build the Modelsim-ipbus foreign language interface """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Must be in a build area if env.project is None: raise click.ClickException( 'Project area not defined. Move into a project area and try again') if env.projectConfig['toolset'] != 'sim': raise click.ClickException( "Work area toolset mismatch. Expected 'sim', found '%s'" % env.projectConfig['toolset']) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not which('vsim'): raise click.ClickException( "ModelSim is not available. Have you sourced the environment script?" ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ipbuspkg not in env.getSources(): raise click.ClickException( "Package %s not found in source/. The FLI cannot be built." % ipbuspkg) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set ModelSim root based on vsim's path os.environ['MODELSIM_ROOT'] = (dirname(dirname(which('vsim')))) # Apply set # os.environ['MTI_VCO_MODE']='64' lFliSrc = join(env.src, ipbuspkg, 'components', 'ipbus_eth', 'firmware', 'sim', 'modelsim_fli') import sh # Clean-up sh.rm('-rf', 'modelsim_fli', '', _out=sys.stdout) # Copy sh.cp('-a', lFliSrc, './', _out=sys.stdout) # Make sh.make('-C', 'modelsim_fli', 'TAP_DEV={0}'.format(dev), _out=sys.stdout) # Link sh.ln('-s', 'modelsim_fli/', '.', _out=sys.stdout)
def grade(uniqname, link): print("Grading {}".format(uniqname)) with pushd("373-f15-linked-list"): wget(link, "-O", "{}.c".format(uniqname)) rm("-f", "list.c", "list.o", "list") ln("-s", "{}.c".format(uniqname), "list.c") make("run") try: diff("list.out", "golden.out") perfect_grade(uniqname) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: try: diff("list.out", "naive.out") no_change(uniqname) except sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: handgrade(uniqname)
def restore_attachments(self, zipfile, docker=False): unzip = sh.unzip.bake('-x', '-qq', '-n') restore_folder = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'filestore', self.target_db) sh.mkdir('-p', restore_folder) # unzip will place files are in <datadir>/filestore/<dbname>/filestore, # we create a symlink to <datadir>/filestore/<dbname> so they wind up # in the right spot restore_folder_faulty = os.path.join(restore_folder, 'filestore') sh.ln('-s', restore_folder, restore_folder_faulty) unzip(zipfile, 'filestore/*', '-d', restore_folder) # cleanup the symlink sh.rm(restore_folder_faulty) # When running in docker mode, change permissions if docker: sh.chown('-R', '999:999', self.data_dir)
def test_correct_relative_paths(self, tmpdir): # - make a tempdir # - add two directories A and B # - add a file to A # - make a link to A/the_file from in B using python # - make a link to A/the_file from in B using relative paths in sh # - test that the the two links have the same representation with sh.pushd(tmpdir): sh.mkdir("A") sh.mkdir("B") target = "A/some_file" sh.touch(target) link1 = "B/link1" link2 = "B/link2" add_relative_symlink(target, link1) sh.ln("--symbolic", "--relative", target, link2) assert os.readlink(link1) == os.readlink(link2)
def build(site_dir): # make sure there are no local mods outstanding repo = Repo(os.getcwd()) if repo.is_dirty() or repo.untracked_files: print "ERROR: Your working directory has outstanding changes." print "Commit or stash them." return cfg = config.load_config() # sanity check that the version dirs exist as named for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: d = os.path.join('versions', version['dir']) print 'Verifying dir %s' % (d) if not os.path.isdir(d): print "The directory %s does not exist" % (d) return # sanity check - only one latest latest = False for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: if not latest and 'latest' in version and version['latest']: print 'Latest is %s' % (version['dir']) latest = True elif latest and 'latest' in version and version['latest']: print 'ERROR: More than one version is latest.' print 'Only one version can be latest: True.' print 'Check mkdocs.yml.' return print "Building site pages" sh.rm('-rf', site_dir) sh.mkdocs('build', '--clean', '--site-dir', site_dir) for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: print "Building doc pages for: %s" % (version['dir']) sh.mkdocs('build', '--site-dir', os.path.join(site_dir, version['dir']), _cwd=os.path.join("versions", version['dir'])) if 'latest' in version and version['latest']: sh.ln('-s', version['dir'], 'latest', _cwd=site_dir) # Make sure old links still work sh.ln('-s', 'master', 'develop', _cwd=site_dir)
def test_sym_link(git_dir, hg_repo): write_to_test_file('b') sh.hg.add('test_file') sh.hg.commit(message="b") sh.ln('-s', 'test_file', 'linked') sh.hg.add('linked') sh.hg.commit(message="c") git_repo = clone_repo(git_dir, hg_repo) assert p('linked').islink() sh.ln('-s', 'test_file', 'second_link') sh.git.add('second_link') sh.git.commit(message="d") sh.git.push() sh.hg.update() assert p('second_link').islink()
def build(site_dir): # make sure there are no local mods outstanding repo = Repo(os.getcwd()) if repo.is_dirty() or repo.untracked_files: print "ERROR: Your working directory has outstanding changes." print "Commit or stash them." return cfg = config.load_config() # sanity check that the version dirs exist as named for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: d = os.path.join('versions', version['dir']) print 'Verifying dir %s' % (d) if not os.path.isdir(d): print "The directory %s does not exist" % (d) return # sanity check - only one latest latest = False for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: if not latest and 'latest' in version and version['latest']: print 'Latest is %s' % (version['dir']) latest = True elif latest and 'latest' in version and version['latest']: print 'ERROR: More than one version is latest.' print 'Only one version can be latest: True.' print 'Check mkdocs.yml.' return print "Building site pages" sh.rm('-rf', site_dir) sh.mkdocs('build', '--clean', '--site-dir', site_dir) for version in cfg['extra']['versions']: print "Building doc pages for: %s" % (version['dir']) sh.mkdocs('build', '--site-dir', os.path.join(site_dir, version['dir']), _cwd = os.path.join("versions", version['dir'])) # Make sure old links still work sh.ln('-s', 'latest', 'develop', _cwd = site_dir) sh.ln('-s', 'latest', 'master', _cwd = site_dir)
def build(self): self.change_to_parent_dir() self.init_virtualenv() print('created {}'.format(self.virtualenv_dir())) if self.virtualenv_dir_exists(): os.chdir(self.VIRTUAL_SUBDIR) if IS_PY2: self.link_supervisord_files() print('linked supervisord') # activate the virtualenv with venv(dirname=self.virtualenv_dir()): print('configuring virtualenv') os.chdir('lib') if IS_PY2: sh.ln('-s', 'python2.7', 'python') else: sh.ln('-s', 'python3.4', 'python') print(' installing requirements') with open(self.get_requirements()) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if len(line.strip()) > 0: print(' {}'.format(line.strip())) if IS_PY2: sh.pip('install', line.strip()) else: sh.pip3('install', line.strip()) print(' linking our packages') os.chdir('python/site-packages') self.link_packages() self.finish_build() print('Finished creating virtualenv') else: print('!!!Error: Unable to create virtualenv')
def swap_image(filepath): assert exists(filepath), "File does not exist." new_filepath = join(tempdir, "camimg_new.png") old_filepath = join(tempdir, "camimg_old.png") link_filepath = join(tempdir, "camimg.png") convert(filepath, "-thumbnail", "x480", "-gravity", "center", "-crop", "640x480+0+0!", "-background", "black", "-flatten", new_filepath, ) cp( link_filepath, old_filepath, f=True, ) ln( new_filepath, link_filepath, s=True, f=True, )
def _install_android_packages(self): # if any of theses value change into the buildozer.spec, retry the # update cache_key = 'android:sdk_installation' cache_value = [ self.android_api, self.android_minapi, self.android_ndk_version, self.android_sdk_dir, self.android_ndk_dir ] if self.buildozer.state.get(cache_key, None) == cache_value: return True # 3 pass installation. if not os.access(self.android_cmd, os.X_OK): self.buildozer.cmd('chmod ug+x {}'.format(self.android_cmd)) # 1. update the tool and platform-tools if needed packages = self._android_list_sdk() skip_upd = self.buildozer.config.getdefault('app', 'android.skip_update', False) if 'tools' in packages or 'platform-tools' in packages: if not skip_upd: if WSL: # WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) allows running # linux from windows 10, but some windows # limitations still apply, namely you can't rename a # directory that a program was started from, which # is what the tools updates cause, and we end up # with an empty dir, so we need to run from a # different place, and the updater is still looking # for things in tools, and specifically renames the # tool dir, hence, moving and making a symlink # works. join(self.android_sdk_dir, 'tools'), join(self.android_sdk_dir, '') ) sh.ln( '-s', join(self.android_sdk_dir, ''), join(self.android_sdk_dir, 'tools') ) old_android_cmd = self.android_cmd self.android_cmd = join( self.android_sdk_dir, '', self.android_cmd.split('/')[-1] ) self._android_update_sdk('tools,platform-tools') self.android_cmd = old_android_cmd if WSL: sh.rm('-rf', join(self.android_sdk_dir, '')) else:'Skipping Android SDK update due to spec file setting') # 2. install the latest build tool v_build_tools = self._read_version_subdir(self.android_sdk_dir, 'build-tools') packages = self._android_list_sdk(include_all=True) ver = self._find_latest_package(packages, 'build-tools-') if ver and ver > v_build_tools and not skip_upd: self._android_update_sdk(self._build_package_string('build-tools', ver)) # 2. check aidl can be run self._check_aidl(v_build_tools) # 3. finally, install the android for the current api android_platform = join(self.android_sdk_dir, 'platforms', 'android-{0}'.format(self.android_api)) if not self.buildozer.file_exists(android_platform): packages = self._android_list_sdk() android_package = 'android-{}'.format(self.android_api) if android_package in packages and not skip_upd: self._android_update_sdk(android_package)'Android packages installation done.') self.buildozer.state[cache_key] = cache_value self.buildozer.state.sync()
#! /usr/bin/python import os import sys import sh from config import SRC, PATHS for path in PATHS: for folder, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(path): for filename in filenames: try: if filename.endswith('.pdf') and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(SRC, filename)): sh.ln('-s', os.path.join(path, filename), os.path.join(SRC, filename)) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(u"Can't create symlink to file '{}'.\n{}".format(filename.decode('utf8'),e)) pass
def main(): arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='makemd 1.0') # print arguments # up to root if not up_to_main(): print(".main file not exist, bort. Please creat a .main file in the main folder.") return main_config=yaml.load(open(".main",'r')) if not main_config: main_config={} if arguments.get('-l') or arguments.get('--log'): logger=mylog.set_logger(filename='makemd.log', level=mylog.logging.INFO) elif arguments.get('-q') or arguments.get('--quiet'): logger=mylog.set_logger(filename='makemd.log', level=mylog.logging.ERROR) elif arguments.get('-d') or arguments.get('--debug'): logger=mylog.set_logger(filename='makemd.log', level=mylog.logging.DEBUG) else: logger=mylog.set_logger(level=mylog.logging.INFO) logger.debug(arguments) # load main_config if main_config.has_key('output_type_list'):'output_type_list are %s' % main_config['output_type_list']) ## A .main config file sample. using yaml. ## output_type_list: ## - latex_article ## #- latex_report ## #- rtf ## #- docx # set filename varibles main_title=os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) if not os.path.exists('.build'): sh.mkdir('.build')'.build') if not os.path.exists('images') and os.path.exists('../images'): sh.ln('-s','../images','./') markdown_file_name=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),main_title+'.markdown') # markdown_file_name=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),main_title+'.markdown') docx_file_name=main_title+'.docx' rtf_file_name=main_title+'.rtf' # generate main_title.markdown file markdown_file=open(markdown_file_name, 'w') # markdown_file.write('#'+os.path.basename(os.getcwd())+'\n') #'..') dfs_dir_byplist(os.pardir,markdown_file,0,logger) markdown_file.close() markdown_file=open(markdown_file_name, 'r') if main_config.has_key('output_type_list'): # generate latex file if main_config['output_type_list'] and ('latex_report' in main_config['output_type_list'] or 'latex_article' in main_config['output_type_list']): encoding=chardet.detect(content)['encoding'] if encoding == 'utf-8' and 'latex_report' in main_config['output_type_list']: # generate latex & pdf file by article mmd2tex(markdown_file_name,main_title,'report','cn') if encoding == 'utf-8' and 'latex_article' in main_config['output_type_list']: # generate latex & pdf file by article mmd2tex(markdown_file_name,main_title,'article','cn') if encoding != 'utf-8' and 'latex_report' in main_config['output_type_list']: mmd2tex(markdown_file_name,main_title,'report','en') if encoding != 'utf-8' and 'latex_article' in main_config['output_type_list']: # generate latex & pdf file by article mmd2tex(markdown_file_name,main_title,'article','en')"tex & pdf file generated") # generate rtf file if main_config['output_type_list'] and 'rtf' in main_config['output_type_list']: mmd2rtf(markdown_file_name,rtf_file_name)"rtf file generated") # generate docx file if main_config['output_type_list'] and 'docx' in main_config['output_type_list']: mmd2docx(markdown_file_name,docx_file_name)"docx file generated")
def mmd2tex(markdown_file_name,main_title,type,lang): if not os.path.exists('latex'): sh.mkdir('latex')'latex') if not os.path.exists('images') and os.path.exists('../images'): sh.ln('-s','../images','./') tex_file_name=main_title+'_'+type+'_'+lang+'.tex' # sh.pandoc(markdown_file_name,f="markdown_mmd",t="latex",o=tex_file_name) # generate proper tex file # main_title=str(sh.sed('-n','s/^# //p',markdown_file_name)) tmp_markdown_file_name=tex_file_name.replace('.tex','.markdown') if type=='report': # report_markdown=main_title+'_report.markdown' sh.cp(markdown_file_name,tmp_markdown_file_name) # sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#/'+'#/',tmp_markdown_file_name) sh.mmd2tex(tmp_markdown_file_name) #,tex_file_name) elif type=='article': # article_markdown=main_title+'_article.markdown' sh.cp(markdown_file_name,tmp_markdown_file_name) sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#/'+'#'*2+'/',tmp_markdown_file_name) sh.mmd2tex(tmp_markdown_file_name) #,tex_file_name) else: return tex_file=open(tex_file_name,'r') content_list=tex_file.readlines() tex_file.close() if type=='report' and lang=='cn': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8,nofonts]{ctexrep} \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont=STHeiti,ItalicFont=STKaiti]{STSong} \setCJKsansfont[BoldFont=STHeiti]{STXihei} \setCJKmonofont{STFangsong} ''' elif type=='article' and lang=='cn': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8,nofonts]{ctexart} \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont=STHeiti,ItalicFont=STKaiti]{STSong} \setCJKsansfont[BoldFont=STHeiti]{STXihei} \setCJKmonofont{STFangsong} ''' elif type=='article' and lang=='en': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8]{article} ''' elif type=='report' and lang=='en': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8]{report} ''' secfix=''' \usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\title{%s} \\author{Haorui Lu} \maketitle \\tableofcontents ''' % (main_title) surfix=''' \end{document} ''' content_list.insert(0,secfix) content_list.insert(0,prefix) content_list.append(surfix) tex_file=open(tex_file_name,'w') tex_file.writelines(content_list) tex_file.close() _s=open(tex_file_name,'r').read().replace('includegraphics{','includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{') open(tex_file_name,'w').write(_s) try: run_mytex=sh.Command("") run_mytex(tex_file_name) except Exception, e: pass
tex_file=open(tex_file_name,'w') tex_file.writelines(content_list) tex_file.close() _s=open(tex_file_name,'r').read().replace('includegraphics{','includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{') open(tex_file_name,'w').write(_s) try: run_mytex=sh.Command("") run_mytex(tex_file_name) except Exception, e: pass pdf_file_name=tex_file_name.replace('tex','pdf') if os.path.exists(pdf_file_name):'..') if not os.path.exists(pdf_file_name): sh.ln('-s',os.path.join('latex',pdf_file_name)) def mmd2rtf(markdown_file_name,rtf_file_name): sh.pandoc(markdown_file_name,f="markdown_mmd",t="rtf",o=rtf_file_name) def mmd2docx(markdown_file_name,docx_file_name): sh.pandoc(markdown_file_name,f="markdown_mmd",t="docx",o=docx_file_name) def add_quotation(s): return '\"'+s+'\"' def main(): arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='makemd 1.0') # print arguments
def get_input_data(dest_dir): """ Set up input data. """ sh.ln('-s', '/short/v45/nah599/more_home/Download/datasets', dest_dir)
def main(): log = logging.getLogger("zulip-provisioner") if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': arch = 'amd64' phantomjs_arch = 'x86_64' elif platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit': arch = "i386" phantomjs_arch = 'i686' else: log.critical("Only x86 is supported; ping [email protected] if you want another architecture.") sys.exit(1) vendor, version, codename = platform.dist() if not (vendor in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS and codename in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS[vendor]): log.critical("Unsupported platform: {} {}".format(vendor, codename)) with sh.sudo: sh.apt_get.update(**LOUD) sh.apt_get.install(*APT_DEPENDENCIES["trusty"], assume_yes=True, **LOUD) temp_deb_path = sh.mktemp("package_XXXXXX.deb", tmpdir=True) sh.wget( "{}/{}_{}_{}.deb".format( TSEARCH_URL_BASE, TSEARCH_PACKAGE_NAME["trusty"], TSEARCH_VERSION, arch, ), output_document=temp_deb_path, **LOUD ) with sh.sudo: sh.dpkg("--install", temp_deb_path, **LOUD) with sh.sudo: PHANTOMJS_PATH = "/srv/phantomjs" PHANTOMJS_BASENAME = "phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-%s" % (phantomjs_arch,) PHANTOMJS_TARBALL_BASENAME = PHANTOMJS_BASENAME + ".tar.bz2" PHANTOMJS_TARBALL = os.path.join(PHANTOMJS_PATH, PHANTOMJS_TARBALL_BASENAME) PHANTOMJS_URL = "" % (PHANTOMJS_TARBALL_BASENAME,) sh.mkdir("-p", PHANTOMJS_PATH, **LOUD) if not os.path.exists(PHANTOMJS_TARBALL): sh.wget(PHANTOMJS_URL, output_document=PHANTOMJS_TARBALL, **LOUD) sh.tar("xj", directory=PHANTOMJS_PATH, file=PHANTOMJS_TARBALL, **LOUD) sh.ln("-sf", os.path.join(PHANTOMJS_PATH, PHANTOMJS_BASENAME, "bin", "phantomjs"), "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs", **LOUD) with sh.sudo: sh.rm("-rf", VENV_PATH, **LOUD) sh.mkdir("-p", VENV_PATH, **LOUD) sh.chown("{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid()), VENV_PATH, **LOUD) sh.virtualenv(VENV_PATH, **LOUD) # Add the ./tools and ./scripts/setup directories inside the repository root to # the system path; we'll reference them later. orig_path = os.environ["PATH"] os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(( os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "tools"), os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "scripts", "setup"), orig_path )) # Put Python virtualenv activation in our .bash_profile. with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.bash_profile'), 'w+') as bash_profile: bash_profile.writelines([ "source .bashrc\n", "source %s\n" % (os.path.join(VENV_PATH, "bin", "activate"),), ]) # Switch current Python context to the virtualenv. activate_this = os.path.join(VENV_PATH, "bin", "") execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) sh.pip.install(requirement=os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "requirements.txt"), **LOUD) with sh.sudo: sh.cp(REPO_STOPWORDS_PATH, TSEARCH_STOPWORDS_PATH, **LOUD) # npm install and management commands expect to be run from the root of the project. os.chdir(ZULIP_PATH) sh.npm.install(**LOUD) os.system("tools/download-zxcvbn") os.system("tools/emoji_dump/build_emoji") os.system(" -d") if "--travis" in sys.argv: os.system("sudo service rabbitmq-server restart") os.system("sudo service redis-server restart") os.system("sudo service memcached restart") elif "--docker" in sys.argv: os.system("sudo service rabbitmq-server restart") os.system("sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 9.3 main") os.system("sudo pg_createcluster -e utf8 --start 9.3 main") os.system("sudo service redis-server restart") os.system("sudo service memcached restart") sh.configure_rabbitmq(**LOUD) sh.postgres_init_dev_db(**LOUD) sh.do_destroy_rebuild_database(**LOUD) sh.postgres_init_test_db(**LOUD) sh.do_destroy_rebuild_test_database(**LOUD) return 0
def lnk(src, dst): if os.path.isfile(dst) or os.path.islink(dst): print('WARNING: File at \'{}\' already exists, ignoring...'.format(dst)) return sh.ln('-s', src, dst)
try: import sh except: print("Could not find the sh module:") print(" sudo pip install sh") sys.exit(1) from sh import ln from sh import rm from sh import docker DOCKERFILES = [ ('bleScannerHCI', 'lab11/wearabouts-ble-scanner-js'), ('bleScanner', 'lab11/wearabouts-ble-scanner-py') ] # Get rid of the Dockerfile in the root print('Removing existing Dockerfile if it exists') rm('Dockerfile', '-f') # Build each docker image for dockerfile in DOCKERFILES: print('Building {}'.format(dockerfile[1])) ln('-s', dockerfile[0]+'/Dockerfile', 'Dockerfile') for chunk in docker('build', '-t', 'lab11/wearabouts-ble-scanner-js', '.'): print(chunk, end="") rm('Dockerfile')
def main(): log = logging.getLogger("zulip-provisioner") # TODO: support other architectures if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit': arch = 'amd64' else: log.critical("Only amd64 is supported.") vendor, version, codename = platform.dist() if not (vendor in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS and codename in SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS[vendor]): log.critical("Unsupported platform: {} {}".format(vendor, codename)) with sh.sudo: sh.apt_get.update(**LOUD) sh.apt_get.install(*APT_DEPENDENCIES["trusty"], assume_yes=True, **LOUD) temp_deb_path = sh.mktemp("package_XXXXXX.deb", tmpdir=True) sh.wget( "{}/{}_{}_{}.deb".format( TSEARCH_URL_BASE, TSEARCH_PACKAGE_NAME["trusty"], TSEARCH_VERSION, arch, ), output_document=temp_deb_path, **LOUD ) with sh.sudo: sh.dpkg("--install", temp_deb_path, **LOUD) with sh.sudo: PHANTOMJS_PATH = "/srv/phantomjs" PHANTOMJS_TARBALL = os.path.join(PHANTOMJS_PATH, "phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2") sh.mkdir("-p", PHANTOMJS_PATH, **LOUD) sh.wget("", output_document=PHANTOMJS_TARBALL, **LOUD) sh.tar("xj", directory=PHANTOMJS_PATH, file=PHANTOMJS_TARBALL, **LOUD) sh.ln("-sf", os.path.join(PHANTOMJS_PATH, "phantomjs-1.9.8-linux-x86_64", "bin", "phantomjs"), "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs", **LOUD) with sh.sudo: sh.rm("-rf", VENV_PATH, **LOUD) sh.mkdir("-p", VENV_PATH, **LOUD) sh.chown("{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid()), VENV_PATH, **LOUD) sh.virtualenv(VENV_PATH, **LOUD) # Add the ./tools and ./scripts/setup directories inside the repository root to # the system path; we'll reference them later. orig_path = os.environ["PATH"] os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(( os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "tools"), os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "scripts", "setup"), orig_path )) # Put Python virtualenv activation in our .bash_profile. with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.bash_profile'), 'w+') as bash_profile: bash_profile.writelines([ "source .bashrc\n", "source %s\n" % (os.path.join(VENV_PATH, "bin", "activate"),), ]) # Switch current Python context to the virtualenv. activate_this = os.path.join(VENV_PATH, "bin", "") execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) sh.pip.install(requirement=os.path.join(ZULIP_PATH, "requirements.txt"), **LOUD) with sh.sudo: sh.cp(REPO_STOPWORDS_PATH, TSEARCH_STOPWORDS_PATH, **LOUD) # Add additional node packages for test-js-with-node. with sh.sudo: sh.npm.install(*NPM_DEPENDENCIES["trusty"], g=True, prefix="/usr", **LOUD) # Management commands expect to be run from the root of the project. os.chdir(ZULIP_PATH) os.system("tools/download-zxcvbn") os.system("tools/emoji_dump/build_emoji") os.system(" -d") sh.configure_rabbitmq(**LOUD) sh.postgres_init_db(**LOUD) sh.do_destroy_rebuild_database(**LOUD) sh.postgres_init_test_db(**LOUD) sh.do_destroy_rebuild_test_database(**LOUD)
content_base_path = syncer_dir + path('/content/%s' % key) if not path.exists(backup_base_path): sh.mkdir(backup_base_path) for f in paths: f_path = path(f) backup_path = backup_base_path + '/' + content_path = content_base_path + '/' + # save a backup first if not path.exists(backup_path): sh.cp('-r', path.expand(f_path), backup_path) # create symlink from content_path to f_path sh.ln('-s', content_path, path.expand(f_path)) elif args.command == TRACK: if not (args.key or args.files): raise Exception("Track is missing key and files") ensure_syncer_dir() json_data = {} with open(path('manifest.json'), 'r') as manifest_file: try: json_data = json.load(manifest_file) except: json_data = {}
def build_site(): print("Building website...") je = jinja.Environment( loader=jinja.FileSystemLoader(['.', 'templates'])) BUILT_DIR = 'built' DIRECTORIES = ('demos', 'work-in-progress', 'raw', '.') try: WORKING_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp() demos = {} demo_data = {} # dictionary of filename -> [name, description] for directory in DIRECTORIES: demos[directory] = [] demo_data[directory] = {} for filename in glob.glob(directory + '/*.jinja'): basedir, name = os.path.split(filename) name = os.path.splitext(name)[0] outputname = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, name + '.html') output = je.get_template(filename).render() with open(outputname, 'w') as f: f.write(output) if name != 'index': html_name = name + '.html' demos[directory].append(html_name) # default name and description name = os.path.splitext(html_name)[0].replace('_', ' ') name = titlecase.titlecase(name) desc = name # open file to read from it with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line[0:8] == '{#Name: ': # '{#Name: <name>#}\n' name = line[8:-3] if line[0:8] == '{#Desc: ': # '{#Desc: <description>#}\n' desc = line[8:-3] demo_data[directory][html_name] = [name, desc] for filename in glob.glob(directory + '/*.html'): basedir, html_name = os.path.split(filename) dst = os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, html_name) demos[directory].append(html_name) cp(filename, dst) # default name and description name = os.path.splitext(html_name)[0].replace('_', ' ') name = titlecase.titlecase(name) desc = name # open file to read from it with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line[0:8] == '{#Name: ': # '{#Name: <name>#}\n' name = line[8:-3] if line[0:8] == '{#Desc: ': # '{#Desc: <description>#}\n' desc = line[8:-3] demo_data[directory][html_name] = [name, desc] categories = [] for directory in DIRECTORIES: demo_list = '' # sort demo_data by name for filename, [name, desc] in sorted(demo_data[directory].items(), key=lambda e: e[1][0]): demo_list += je.get_template('demo_item.jinja').render( name=name, desc=desc, path=filename) if demo_list == '': # No demos in this category, skip it continue category = je.get_template('demo_category_{}.jinja' .format(directory)).render( demos=demo_list, ) categories.append(category) index = je.get_template('index.jinja').render( categories=categories ) with open(os.path.join(WORKING_DIR, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: f.write(index) rm('-rf', BUILT_DIR) mv(WORKING_DIR, BUILT_DIR) for d in ('bower_components', 'css', 'images', 'js'): ln('-s', '../'+d, BUILT_DIR) find(BUILT_DIR, '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'chmod', '755', '{}', ';') find(BUILT_DIR, '-type', 'f', '-exec', 'chmod', '644', '{}', ';') except: print("Unexpected error building site. Working build directory at:") print("\t{0}".format(WORKING_DIR)) print("") raise