def import_csv(self, username, userpass, filestream): retCode = True import_xml_command = sh.Command("/usr/share/ds-matricula-plugin/matricula-common-scripts/1-itaca2mysql") # set a temporary filename TMP_CSV = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] TMP_CSV2 = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] if self._put_file(TMP_CSV, filestream): TMP_XML = tempfile.mkstemp()[1] sh.sed(sh.iconv("-f", "ISO-8859-15", "-t", "UTF-8", TMP_CSV), "-e", "1{s%[[:blank:]]%%g;s%\.%%g;s%[ñÑ]%n%g;s%.*%\L&%}", _out=TMP_CSV2) if self._csv2xml(TMP_CSV2, TMP_XML): try: import_xml_command(TMP_XML) except ErrorReturnCode: # some error happened retCode = False os.remove(TMP_XML) os.remove(TMP_CSV) os.remove(TMP_CSV2) return retCode
def main(logger=mylog.default_logger()): # load arguments and logger arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.0') # print arguments # script self name self_name=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) # log # logfile=self_name.replace('py','log') # logger=set_mylogger(arguments,logfile) # load config # main_config=load_config('.ll') # set filename varibles # main_title=os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) # markdown_file_name=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'build',main_title+'.markdown') # docx_file_name=main_title+'.docx' # rtf_file_name=main_title+'.rtf' md_pattern=re.compile(r'\.md$') markdown_file_name=arguments.get('<filename>') if markdown_file_name: if os.path.isdir(markdown_file_name): walk_sed(markdown_file_name) else: sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#//',markdown_file_name) # sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#/'+'#/',markdown_file_name) else: walk_sed('.')
def env_init(site_name=SITE_NAME): '''Initialize with this site hostname.''' print(green("Initializing new site configuration...")) # # Generate secret key and update config file # import random import string CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits SECRET_KEY = "".join([random.choice(CHARS) for i in range(50)]) print(blue("Configuring the secret key...")) os.chdir(PROJ_DIR) try: sh.sed("-i ", "s/SECRET_KEY *=.*/SECRET_KEY = '{0}'/g".format(SECRET_KEY), "{0}/".format(APP_NAME)) except sh.ErrorReturnCode: print(red("Could not configure SECRET_KEY for")) exit(1) # # Set the site name, the user defined site hostname # print(blue("Configuring the SITE_NAME '{0}'.".format(site_name))) try: sh.sed("-i ", "s/SITE_NAME *=.*/SITE_NAME = '{0}'/g".format(site_name), "{0}/".format(APP_NAME)) except sh.ErrorReturnCode: print(red("Could not configure SITE_NAME for")) exit(1)
def check_upgrade(): server_file = curl(PIFM_HOST + '/client_agent/') server_sum = awk( md5sum( grep(server_file, '-v', '^PIFM_HOST') ), '{print $1}' ) local_sum = awk( md5sum( grep('-v', '^PIFM_HOST', OUR_SCRIPT) ), '{print $1}' ) if str(server_sum) != str(local_sum): "server: {server}, local: {local}, should update.".format( server=server_sum, local=local_sum ) ) with open(TMP_SCRIPT, 'w') as f: f.write(str(server_file)) sed('-i', "0,/def/ s#http://pi_director#{myhost}#".format(myhost=PIFM_HOST), OUR_SCRIPT ) status = python('-m', 'py_compile', TMP_SCRIPT) if (status.exit_code == 0): shutil.copy(TMP_SCRIPT, OUR_SCRIPT) os.chmod(OUR_SCRIPT, 0755) sys.exit(0)
def html_output(self): ext = '.html' today = sha = self.test_file + ".html.sha" # cannot recover if generating html fails options = (['--zip'] + self.options + ['-f', 'html', self.test_file, self.test_out + ext + '.zip']) try: self.gdoc_to(*options, _err=self.test_err + ".html.log") # XXX it hangs without -n, didn't have time to figure out why out_dir = os.path.dirname(self.test_out) sh.unzip('-n', '-d', out_dir, self.test_out + ext + '.zip') sh.sed('-i', '-e', 's/%s/TODAYS_DATE/g' % today, self.test_out + ext) test_result = slurp('%s.html' % self.test_out) except ErrorReturnCode as e: self.say(red("gdoc-to failed: {}. See {}.html.log"), e, self.test_err) self.say(red("Ran in {}"), os.getcwd()) self.failed = True sh.rm('-f', sha) return try: html5check(self.test_out + ext, _out=self.test_out + ".html.errors") except ErrorReturnCode: self.say(red("Test output did not validate as XHTML5!")) self.say(red("\tSee {}.html.errors"), self.test_out) self.failed = True if test_result != slurp(self.test_file + ext): # the file changed, but the change might be okay spit(self._canonical_body(self.test_out + ext), self.test_out + ".body") spit(self._canonical_body(self.test_file + ext), self.test_out + ".canon.body") if (slurp(self.test_out + '.body') == slurp(self.test_out + '.canon.body')): self.say(yellow("File changed. Updating canonical file.")) sh.cp(self.test_out + ext, self.test_file + ext) else: self.say(red("HTML body changed!")) self.say(red("\tSee {}.*"), fail_path(self.test_name)) sh.cp(self.test_out + ext, fail_path(self.test_name + ext)) sh.diff('-u', self.test_file + ext, self.test_out + ext, _out=fail_path(self.test_name + ".html.diff"), _ok_code=[0, 1]) sh.cp(self.test_out + ".body", fail_path(self.test_name + ".body")) sh.cp(self.test_out + ".canon.body", fail_path(self.test_name + ".body.expected")) sh.diff('-u', self.test_out + ".canon.body", self.test_out + ".body", _out=fail_path(self.test_name + '.body.diff'), _ok_code=[0, 1]) self.failed = True
def walk_sed(dirname): md_pattern=re.compile(r'\.md$') list_dirs=os.walk(dirname) for root,dirs,files in list_dirs: for f in files: if sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#//',os.path.join(root, f))
def test_i18n(journalist_app, config): # Then delete it because using it won't test what we want del journalist_app sources = [ os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, "i18n/"), os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, "i18n/template.html"), ] i18n_tool.I18NTool().main([ "--verbose", "translate-messages", "--mapping", os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, "i18n/babel.cfg"), "--translations-dir", config.TEMP_DIR, "--sources", ",".join(sources), "--extract-update", ]) pot = os.path.join(config.TEMP_DIR, "messages.pot") pybabel("init", "-i", pot, "-d", config.TEMP_DIR, "-l", "en_US") for (l, s) in ( ("fr_FR", "code bonjour"), ("zh_Hans", "code chinese"), ("ar", "code arabic"), ("nb_NO", "code norwegian"), ("es_ES", "code spanish"), ): pybabel("init", "-i", pot, "-d", config.TEMP_DIR, "-l", l) po = os.path.join(config.TEMP_DIR, l, "LC_MESSAGES/messages.po") sed("-i", "-e", '/code hello i18n/,+1s/msgstr ""/msgstr "{}"/'.format(s), po) i18n_tool.I18NTool().main([ "--verbose", "translate-messages", "--translations-dir", config.TEMP_DIR, "--compile", ]) fake_config = SDConfig() fake_config.SUPPORTED_LOCALES = [ "ar", "en_US", "fr_FR", "nb_NO", "zh_Hans" ] fake_config.TRANSLATION_DIRS = Path(config.TEMP_DIR) # Use our config (and not an app fixture) because the i18n module # grabs values at init time and we can't inject them later. for app in (journalist_app_module.create_app(fake_config), source_app.create_app(fake_config)): with app.app_context(): db.create_all() assert list(i18n.LOCALES.keys()) == fake_config.SUPPORTED_LOCALES verify_i18n(app)
def _add_description(self): """ adds description to control file""" if not self.description or not len(self.description) <= 60: logger.warning('bad description, using default pattern') self.description = '{} Package'.format(self.package_name) sh.sed('-i', r'/^Description/c\\Description: {}' .format(self.description), self.debian_package_path + '/debian/control').wait()
def _add_deb_dependencies(self): """ adds deb dependencies to control file """ if self.dependencies: debian_dependencies = self.dependencies_to_debian_format( self.dependencies) dependencies_str = ', '.join(debian_dependencies) sh.sed('-i', r'/^Depends/c\\Depends: ${{misc:Depends}}, {}' .format(dependencies_str), self.debian_package_path + '/debian/control').wait()
def add_pr_to_checkout(repo, pr_id, head_sha1, pr_branch, spec): sh.curl( '-s', '-k', '-L', "" % ( repo, pr_branch, head_sha1), '-o', 'prtest.patch') sh.sed('-i', '-e', 's,Url:.*,%define _default_patch_fuzz 2,', '-e', 's,%patch[0-36-9].*,,', spec) Command('/usr/lib/build/spec_add_patch')(spec, 'prtest.patch') iosc('vc', '-m', "added PR test patch from %s#%s (%s)" % ( repo, pr_id, head_sha1))
def create(template, project_name): templates = get_templates() if template not in templates: click.echo('%s template not found' % template, err=True) return project_dir = './' + project_name sh.mkdir('-p', project_dir) sh.cp('-rf', os.path.join(HERE, 'templates/simple/'), project_dir) for f in sh.find(project_dir, '-name', '*.py'): sh.sed('-i', '', '-e', 's/%s/%s/g' % ('proj', project_name), f.strip()), 'proj'), os.path.join(project_dir, project_name))
def phred_13_to_18_sed(self, new_path=None, in_place=True): """Illumina-1.3 format conversion to Illumina-1.8 format via sed (faster).""" # String # sed_command = r"""4~4y/@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghi/!"#$%&'\''()*+,-.\/0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ/""" # Faster with bash utilities # if in_place is True: sh.sed('-i', sed_command, self.path) return self # New file # if new_path is None: new_fastq = self.__class__(new_temp_path()) else: new_fastq = self.__class__(new_path) sh.sed(sed_command + " " + new_fastq, self.path) return new_fastq
def migrate(): print("Migrating from previous version") for api in APIS[0:3]: print("Migrating {} database...".format(api['name'])) name = api['bbdd'] dump_file_bk = '/tmp/{}_dump.sql'.format(api['name']) dump_file = '/tmp/{}_dump_cp.sql'.format(api['name']) cp(dump_file_bk, dump_file) sed('-i', "s|:([0123456789\.]*)||g", dump_file) mysql('-u', DBUSER, '-p{}'.format(DBPWD), '-h', DBHOST, '-P', DBPORT, '-e', "DROP DATABASE {}".format(name)) mysql('-u', DBUSER, '-p{}'.format(DBPWD), '-h', DBHOST, '-P', DBPORT, '-e', "CREATE DATABASE {}".format(name)) mysql('-u', DBUSER, '-p{}'.format(DBPWD), '-h', DBHOST, '-P', DBPORT, name, '-e', "source {}".format(dump_file)) if api['name'] == 'inventory': conn = pymysql.connect(host=DBHOST, port=DBPORT, user=DBUSER, passwd=DBPWD, db=api['bbdd']) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("select * from PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTIC") results = cur.fetchall() for res in results: sp_name = res[2].split(' ') cur.execute( "SELECT PRODUCT_OFFERING.ID FROM PRODUCT INNER JOIN PRODUCT_OFFERING ON PRODUCT.PRODUCT_OFFERING_PRODUCT_HJID=PRODUCT_OFFERING.HJID WHERE PRODUCT.ID={}".format(res[4])) off_id = cur.fetchone()[0] new_ids = None if (res[2].lower().endswith('asset type') or res[2].lower().endswith('media type')) and len(sp_name) > 2: new_ids = _process_ids(sp_name[0:-2], off_id) name = '{} {}'.format(sp_name[-2], sp_name[-1]) elif res[2].lower().endswith('location') and len(sp_name) > 1: new_ids = _process_ids(sp_name[0:-1], off_id) name = sp_name[-1] if new_ids is not None: # Update characteristic name new_name = ' '.join(new_ids) new_name = new_name + ' ' + name cur.execute("UPDATE PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTIC SET NAME_ = '{}' WHERE HJID={}".format(new_name, res[0])) conn.commit() conn.close() print("Database {} migrated".format(api['name']))
def setupX11Authorization(xauthFile, display): try: sh.touch(xauthFile) except: print("touch failed") sh.xauth(sh.sed(sh.xauth("nlist", display), "-e", 's/^..../ffff/'), "-f", xauthFile, "nmerge", "-")
def remove_trailing_stars(self, new_path=None, in_place=True, check=False): """Remove the bad character that can be inserted by some programs at the end of sequences.""" # Optional check # if check and int(sh.grep('-c', '\*', self.path, _ok_code=[0,1])) == 0: return self # Faster with bash utilities # if in_place is True: sh.sed('-i', 's/\*$//g', self.path) return self # Standard way # if new_path is None: new_fasta = self.__class__(new_temp_path()) else: new_fasta = self.__class__(new_path) new_fasta.create() for seq in self: new_fasta.add_str(str(seq.seq).rstrip('*'), new_fasta.close() return new_fasta
def dfs_dir(root_dir,markdown_file,level,logger=mylog.default_logger()): # generate the filelist, ignore the hidden files. hiden_file=re.compile(r'^\.|main_title\.md|\.synopsis$|\.markdown') effective_file=re.compile(r'(^.*_+|^[0-9]*_*)(.*)\.md$') efflists=[ filename for filename in os.listdir(root_dir) if effective_file.match(filename)] efflists_title=[ effective_file.match(filename).group(2) for filename in os.listdir(root_dir) if effective_file.match(filename)] alllists=[ filename for filename in os.listdir(root_dir) if not hiden_file.match(filename)] # for filename,title in zip(efflists,efflists_title): path = os.path.join(root_dir, filename) # print logger logger.debug(filename+title) # write the file content according to level #TODO: 文件夹的处理,文件夹名, .synopsis的处理 if os.path.isdir(path): markdown_file.write('#'*level+title) markdown_file.write('\n') # if os.path.exists(str(path)+'/00.content'): # markdown_file.write(str('/00.content'))+'\n') dfs_dir(path, markdown_file, level+1) else: if title: markdown_file.write('#'*level+title) markdown_file.write('\n') markdown_file.write(str(sh.sed('s/^#/'+'#'*level+'#/',path)))
def _change_vim_color_scheme(colorscheme, background): vimrc_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.vimrc') sed_cmd = 's/colorscheme {old_scheme}/colorscheme {new_scheme}/g' sed_cmd = sed_cmd.format(old_scheme=colorscheme[0], new_scheme=colorscheme[1]) sed('-i', sed_cmd, vimrc_path) sed_cmd = 's/background={old_bg}/background={new_bg}/g' sed_cmd = sed_cmd.format(old_bg=background[0], new_bg=background[1]) sed('-i', sed_cmd, vimrc_path) change_color = '<Esc>:set background={new_bg}<CR>:colorscheme {new_scheme}<CR>' change_color = change_color.format(new_bg=background[1], new_scheme=colorscheme[1]) try: for server in vim('--serverlist'): vim('--servername', server.strip(), '--remote-send', change_color) except ErrorReturnCode_1: pass
def capture_screen(self): """ Use adb shell screencap :return: CV2Img """ img = CV2Img() result = sed(adb("shell", "screencap", "-p"), 's/\r$//') return img.load_binary(result.stdout)
def device_list(): """ Get udid from iPhone and iPad plugged into the computer Returns a list """ # TODO: separate iPhone and iPad raw = sh.sed(sh.system_profiler("SPUSBDataType"), "-n", "-e", '/iPad/,/Serial/p', "-e", '/iPhone/,/Serial/p') devices = sh.awk( sh.grep(raw, "Serial Number:"), "-F", ": ", "{print $2}").split('\n') return [device for device in devices if device]
def build_arch(self, arch): options_iphoneos = ( "-isysroot {}".format(arch.sysroot), "-DOPENSSL_THREADS", "-D_REENTRANT", "-DDSO_DLFCN", "-DHAVE_DLFCN_H", "-fomit-frame-pointer", "-fno-common", "-O3" ) build_env = arch.get_env() target = arch_mapper[arch.arch] shprint(sh.env, _env=build_env) sh.perl(join(self.build_dir, "Configure"), target, _env=build_env) if target == 'iphoneos-cross': sh.sed("-ie", "s!^CFLAG=.*!CFLAG={} {}!".format(build_env['CFLAGS'], " ".join(options_iphoneos)), "Makefile") sh.sed("-ie", "s!static volatile sig_atomic_t intr_signal;!static volatile intr_signal;! ", "crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c") else: sh.sed("-ie", "s!^CFLAG=!CFLAG={} !".format(build_env['CFLAGS']), "Makefile") shprint(sh.make, "clean") shprint(sh.make, "-j4", "build_libs")
def get_container_info(): container_info = {} try: container_info['container_name'] = tail(sed(grep(cat('/proc/self/cgroup'), 'docker'), 's/^.*\///'), '-n1') except: container_info['container_name'] = 'unknown' try: container_info['app_version'] = open('version', 'r').read() except: container_info['app_version'] = 'unknown' return container_info
def set_hostname(self, hostname): """Update hostname Args: hostname (str): hostname to be updated """ try: old_hostname = self.get_hostname() is_valid_hostname(hostname) sh.hostname("-b", hostname) sh.echo(hostname, _out="/etc/hostname") try: # sed -i 's/ old$/ new/g' /etc/hosts sh.sed("-i", "s/ {}$/ {}/g".format(old_hostname, hostname), "/etc/hosts") except: with open("/etc/hosts", "a") as f: f.write(" localhost {}\n".format(hostname)) self.update(id=1, newObj={"hostname": hostname}) except Exception as e: raise e
def dfs_dir_byplist(root_dir,markdown_file,level,logger=mylog.default_logger()): # generate the filelist, ignore the hidden files. effective_file=re.compile(r'(^.*_+|^[0-9]*_*)(.*)\.md$') plist_file_name=os.path.join(root_dir,'.Ulysses-Group.plist') print plist_file_name print root_dir, level filename_list,dirname_list=get_name_from_plist(plist_file_name) print filename_list alllists=filename_list+dirname_list efflists=[ filename for filename in filename_list if effective_file.match(filename)]+dirname_list print efflists # efflists_title=[ effective_file.match(filename).group(2) for filename in alllists if effective_file.match(filename)] # for filename in efflists: path = os.path.join(root_dir, filename) # print logger # logger.debug(filename+title) # write the file content according to level #TODO: 文件夹的处理,文件夹名, .synopsis的处理 if os.path.isdir(path): # markdown_file.write('#'*level+title) # markdown_file.write('\n\n') # if os.path.exists(str(path)+'/00.content'): # markdown_file.write(str('/00.content'))+'\n') dfs_dir_byplist(path, markdown_file, level+1) else: # if title: # markdown_file.write('#'*level+title) # markdown_file.write('\n\n') # markdown_file.write(str(sh.sed('s/^#/'+'#'*level+'#/',path))) markdown_file.write(str(sh.sed('s/^#/'+'#'+'/',path))) markdown_file.write('\n\n')
def used_space(): return int(sh.sed(sh.awk(sh.quota(), '{print $1}'), '-n', '4p')) * 1024
def add(source_repo, f, apt_file): if not, lgr.debug('Adding source repository {0}'.format(source_repo)) sh.sed('-i', "2i {0}".format(source_repo), apt_file) else: lgr.debug('Repo {0} already added.'.format(source_repo))
def test_stdin_from_string(self): from sh import sed self.assertEqual(sed(_in="test", e="s/test/lol/").strip(), "lol")
def remove_first_line(self): sh.sed('-i', '1d', self.path)
def clean_proteins(self): print "Cleaning protein file of", sh.sed("-i", 's/*$//', self.proteins)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import time import getopt import pexpect from pexpect import pxssh from sh import awk,sed,cat,tr,echo # read and parse config file, # generate alias_to_ip,intra_to_ip,number_dv dicts, # and ip_list list: # hostname alise list alias = list(awk((sed(cat(''), "1d")), "{print $1}")) alias = [ str(x.rstrip()) for x in alias ] alias = filter(None, alias) # Of course, you can merge the two above statements: # alias = filter(None, [ str(x.rstrip()) for x in alias ]) # or, the three above statements: # alias = filter(None, # [ str(x.rstrip()) for x in list(awk((sed(cat(''), "1d")), "{print $1}"))]) # intranet ip list intra = list(awk((sed(cat(''), "1d")), "{print $6}")) intra = [ str(x.rstrip()) for x in intra ] intra = filter(None, intra) # public ip list ip_list = list(awk((sed(cat(''), "1d")), "{print $3}")) ip_list = [ str(x.rstrip()) for x in ip_list ] ip_list = filter(None, ip_list) # deal with gameserver number
from sh import uname, sed, dpkg, awk, grep # Get our current kernel version # $(uname -r | sed -r 's/-[a-z]+//') kernel_version = sed(uname('-r'), '-r', 's/-[a-z]+//').strip() print('kernel version:', kernel_version) # get & filter package list packages = \ grep( awk( dpkg('-l', 'linux-image-[0-9]*', 'linux-headers-[0-9]*', _env={'COLUMNS': '200'}), '/ii/{print $2}' ), '-ve', kernel_version ) print(packages.strip())
def dfs(): # filename=glob. sh.sed('-i','s/^#/##/',filename)
def mmd2tex(markdown_file_name,main_title,type,lang): if not os.path.exists('latex'): sh.mkdir('latex')'latex') if not os.path.exists('images') and os.path.exists('../images'): sh.ln('-s','../images','./') tex_file_name=main_title+'_'+type+'_'+lang+'.tex' # sh.pandoc(markdown_file_name,f="markdown_mmd",t="latex",o=tex_file_name) # generate proper tex file # main_title=str(sh.sed('-n','s/^# //p',markdown_file_name)) tmp_markdown_file_name=tex_file_name.replace('.tex','.markdown') if type=='report': # report_markdown=main_title+'_report.markdown' sh.cp(markdown_file_name,tmp_markdown_file_name) # sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#/'+'#/',tmp_markdown_file_name) sh.mmd2tex(tmp_markdown_file_name) #,tex_file_name) elif type=='article': # article_markdown=main_title+'_article.markdown' sh.cp(markdown_file_name,tmp_markdown_file_name) sh.sed('-i','-e','s/^#/'+'#'*2+'/',tmp_markdown_file_name) sh.mmd2tex(tmp_markdown_file_name) #,tex_file_name) else: return tex_file=open(tex_file_name,'r') content_list=tex_file.readlines() tex_file.close() if type=='report' and lang=='cn': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8,nofonts]{ctexrep} \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont=STHeiti,ItalicFont=STKaiti]{STSong} \setCJKsansfont[BoldFont=STHeiti]{STXihei} \setCJKmonofont{STFangsong} ''' elif type=='article' and lang=='cn': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8,nofonts]{ctexart} \setCJKmainfont[BoldFont=STHeiti,ItalicFont=STKaiti]{STSong} \setCJKsansfont[BoldFont=STHeiti]{STXihei} \setCJKmonofont{STFangsong} ''' elif type=='article' and lang=='en': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8]{article} ''' elif type=='report' and lang=='en': prefix=''' % -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[UTF8]{report} ''' secfix=''' \usepackage{graphicx} \\begin{document} \\title{%s} \\author{Haorui Lu} \maketitle \\tableofcontents ''' % (main_title) surfix=''' \end{document} ''' content_list.insert(0,secfix) content_list.insert(0,prefix) content_list.append(surfix) tex_file=open(tex_file_name,'w') tex_file.writelines(content_list) tex_file.close() _s=open(tex_file_name,'r').read().replace('includegraphics{','includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{') open(tex_file_name,'w').write(_s) try: run_mytex=sh.Command("") run_mytex(tex_file_name) except Exception, e: pass
def replace_title(self, before, after): sh.sed('-i', '1s/%s/%s/' % (before, after), self.path)
def full_space(): return int(sh.sed(sh.awk(sh.quota(), '{print $3}'), '-n', '4p')) * 1024