Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __computeD(self, i):
        """Compute d for the i-th quad/segment.

        Y = d/W, where d is the portion (in km) of the width of the fault which
        ruptures up-dip from the hypocenter to the top of the fault.

        :param i:
            index of segment for which d is to be computed.
        hyp_ecef = self.phyp[i]  # already in ECEF
        hyp_col = np.array([[hyp_ecef.x], [hyp_ecef.y], [hyp_ecef.z]])

        # First compute "updip" vector
        P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._flt.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
        p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)  # convert to ECEF
        p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
        e21 = p1 - p2
        e21norm = e21.norm()
        hp1 = p1 - hyp_ecef
        # convert to km (used as max later)
        udip_len = Vector.dot(hp1, e21norm) / 1000.0
        udip_col = np.array([[e21norm.x], [e21norm.y],
                             [e21norm.z]])  # ECEF coords

        # Sites
        slat = self._lat
        slon = self._lon

        # Convert sites to ECEF:
        site_ecef_x = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_y = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_z = np.ones_like(slat)

        # Make a 3x(#number of sites) matrix of site locations
        # (rows are x, y, z) in ECEF
        site_ecef_x, site_ecef_y, site_ecef_z = ecef.latlon2ecef(
            slat, slon, np.zeros(slon.shape))
        site_mat = np.array([
            np.reshape(site_ecef_x, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_y, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_z, (-1, ))

        # Hypocenter-to-site matrix
        h2s_mat = site_mat - hyp_col  # in ECEF

        # Dot hypocenter-to-site with updip vector
        d_raw = np.abs(np.sum(h2s_mat * udip_col, axis=0)) / \
            1000.0  # convert to km
        d_raw = np.reshape(d_raw, self._lat.shape)
        self.d = d_raw.clip(min=1.0, max=udip_len)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __computeD(self, i):
        """Compute d for the i-th quad/segment.

        Y = d/W, where d is the portion (in km) of the width of the fault which
        ruptures up-dip from the hypocenter to the top of the fault.

        :param i:
            index of segment for which d is to be computed.
        hyp_ecef = self.phyp[i]  # already in ECEF
        hyp_col = np.array([[hyp_ecef.x], [hyp_ecef.y], [hyp_ecef.z]])

        # First compute "updip" vector
        P0, P1, P2 = self._rup.getQuadrilaterals()[i][0:3]
        p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)  # convert to ECEF
        p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
        e21 = p1 - p2
        e21norm = e21.norm()
        hp1 = p1 - hyp_ecef
        # convert to km (used as max later)
        udip_len = Vector.dot(hp1, e21norm) / 1000.0
        udip_col = np.array([[e21norm.x], [e21norm.y],
                             [e21norm.z]])  # ECEF coords

        # Sites
        slat = self._lat
        slon = self._lon

        # Convert sites to ECEF:
        site_ecef_x = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_y = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_z = np.ones_like(slat)

        # Make a 3x(#number of sites) matrix of site locations
        # (rows are x, y, z) in ECEF
        site_ecef_x, site_ecef_y, site_ecef_z = ecef.latlon2ecef(
            slat, slon, np.zeros(slon.shape))
        site_mat = np.array([
            np.reshape(site_ecef_x, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_y, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_z, (-1, ))

        # Hypocenter-to-site matrix
        h2s_mat = site_mat - hyp_col  # in ECEF

        # Dot hypocenter-to-site with updip vector
        d_raw = np.abs(np.sum(h2s_mat * udip_col, axis=0)) / \
            1000.0  # convert to km
        d_raw = np.reshape(d_raw, self._lat.shape)
        self.d = d_raw.clip(min=1.0, max=udip_len)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test():
    print('Testing Vector class...')
    a = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    b = Vector(2, 2, 2)
    c = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a.getArray(), np.array([1, 1, 1]))
    assert a == c
    alen = a.mag()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alen, 1.73205, decimal=5)
    anorm = a.norm()
    bnorm = b.norm()
    assert anorm == bnorm
    acrossb = a.cross(b)
    assert acrossb == Vector(0, 0, 0)
    adotb = a.dot(b)
    assert adotb == 6
    aplusb = a + b
    print('Passed Vector class tests.')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test():
    print('Testing Vector class...')
    a = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    b = Vector(2, 2, 2)
    c = Vector(1, 1, 1)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a.getArray(), np.array([1, 1, 1]))
    assert a == c
    alen = a.mag()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(alen, 1.73205, decimal=5)
    anorm = a.norm()
    bnorm = b.norm()
    assert anorm == bnorm
    acrossb = a.cross(b)
    assert acrossb == Vector(0, 0, 0)
    adotb = a.dot(b)
    assert adotb == 6
    aplusb = a + b
    print('Passed Vector class tests.')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __computeWrup(self):
        Compute the the portion (in km) of the width of the fault which ruptures
        up-dip from the hypocenter to the top of the fault.

        Wrup is the portion (in km) of the width of the fault which
        ruptures up-dip from the hypocenter to the top of the fault.

        * This is ambiguous for faults with varible top of rupture (not
          allowed in NGA). For now, lets just compute this for the
          quad where the hypocenter is located.
        * Alternative is to compute max Wrup for the different quads.

        nquad = len(self._flt._quadrilaterals)

        # First find which quad the hypocenter is on

        x, y, z = latlon2ecef(
            self._hyp.latitude, self._hyp.longitude, self._hyp.depth)
        hyp_ecef = np.array([[x, y, z]])
        qdist = np.zeros(nquad)
        for i in range(0, nquad):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._flt.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
            qdist[i] = _calc_rupture_distance(P0, P1, P2, P3, hyp_ecef)
        ind = int(np.where(qdist == np.min(qdist))[0])
        # *** check that this doesn't break with more than one quad
        q = self._flt.getQuadrilaterals()[ind]

        # Compute Wrup on that quad

        pp0 = Vector.fromPoint(geo.point.Point(
            q[0].longitude, q[0].latitude, q[0].depth))
        hyp_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(geo.point.Point(
            self._hyp.longitude, self._hyp.latitude, self._hyp.depth))
        hp0 = hyp_ecef - pp0
        ddv = fault.get_quad_down_dip_vector(q)
        self._Wrup = Vector.dot(ddv, hp0) / 1000
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __computeThetaAndS(self, i):
        :param i:
            Compute d for the i-th quad/segment.
        # self.phyp is in ECEF
        tmp = ecef.ecef2latlon(self.phyp[i].x, self.phyp[i].y, self.phyp[i].z)
        epi_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(geo.point.Point(tmp[1], tmp[0], 0.0))
        epi_col = np.array([[epi_ecef.x], [epi_ecef.y], [epi_ecef.z]])

        # First compute along strike vector
        P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._rup.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
        p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # convert to ECEF
        p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
        e01 = p1 - p0
        e01norm = e01.norm()
        hp0 = p0 - epi_ecef
        hp1 = p1 - epi_ecef
        strike_min = Vector.dot(hp0, e01norm) / 1000.0  # convert to km
        strike_max = Vector.dot(hp1, e01norm) / 1000.0  # convert to km
        strike_col = np.array([[e01norm.x], [e01norm.y],
                               [e01norm.z]])  # ECEF coords

        # Sites
        slat = self._lat
        slon = self._lon

        # Convert sites to ECEF:
        site_ecef_x = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_y = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_z = np.ones_like(slat)

        # Make a 3x(#number of sites) matrix of site locations
        # (rows are x, y, z) in ECEF
        site_ecef_x, site_ecef_y, site_ecef_z = ecef.latlon2ecef(
            slat, slon, np.zeros(slon.shape))
        site_mat = np.array([
            np.reshape(site_ecef_x, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_y, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_z, (-1, ))

        # Epicenter-to-site matrix
        e2s_mat = site_mat - epi_col  # in ECEF
        mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(e2s_mat * e2s_mat, axis=0))

        # Avoid division by zero
        mag[mag == 0] = 1e-12
        e2s_norm = e2s_mat / mag

        # Dot epicenter-to-site with along-strike vector
        s_raw = np.sum(e2s_mat * strike_col, axis=0) / 1000.0  # conver to km

        # Put back into a 2d array
        s_raw = np.reshape(s_raw, self._lat.shape)
        self.s = np.abs(s_raw.clip(min=strike_min,

        # Compute theta
        sdots = np.sum(e2s_norm * strike_col, axis=0)
        theta_raw = np.arccos(sdots)

        # But theta is defined to be the reference angle
        # (i.e., the equivalent angle between 0 and 90 deg)
        sintheta = np.abs(np.sin(theta_raw))
        costheta = np.abs(np.cos(theta_raw))
        theta = np.arctan2(sintheta, costheta)
        self.theta = np.reshape(theta, self._lat.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __setPseudoHypocenters(self):
        """ Set a pseudo-hypocenter.

        Adapted from ShakeMap 3.5 src/contour/directivity.c

        From Bayless and Somerville:

        "Define the pseudo-hypocenter for rupture of successive segments as
        the point on the side edge of the rupture segment that is closest to
        the side edge of the previous segment, and that lies half way
        between the top and bottom of the rupture. We assume that the rupture
        is segmented along strike, not updip. All geometric parameters are
        computed relative to the pseudo-hypocenter."
        hyp_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(
            geo.point.Point(self._hyp.longitude, self._hyp.latitude,
        # Loop over each quad
        self.phyp = [None] * self._nq
        for i in range(self._nq):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._rup.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
            p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # convert to ECEF
            p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
            p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
            p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)

            # Create 4 planes with normals pointing outside rectangle
            hpnp = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0).norm()
            hpp = -hpnp.x * p0.x - hpnp.y * p0.y - hpnp.z * p0.z
            n0 = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, hpnp)
            n1 = Vector.cross(p2 - p1, hpnp)
            n2 = Vector.cross(p3 - p2, hpnp)
            n3 = Vector.cross(p0 - p3, hpnp)

            # Is the hypocenter inside the projected rectangle?
            # Dot products show which side the origin is on.
            # If origin is on same side of all the planes, then it is 'inside'

            sgn0 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n0, p0 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn1 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n1, p1 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn2 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n2, p2 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn3 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n3, p3 - hyp_ecef))

            if (sgn0 == sgn1) and (sgn1 == sgn2) and (sgn2 == sgn3):
                # Origin is inside. Use distance-to-plane formula.
                d = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                d = d * d

                # Put the pseudo hypocenter on the plane
                D = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                self.phyp[i] = hyp_ecef - hpnp * D

                # Origin is outside. Find distance to edges
                p0p = np.reshape(p0.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p1p = np.reshape(p1.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p2p = np.reshape(p2.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p3p = np.reshape(p3.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                s1 = _distance_sq_to_segment(p1p, p2p)
                s3 = _distance_sq_to_segment(p3p, p0p)

                # Assuming that the rupture is segmented along strike and not
                # updip (as described by Bayless and somerville), we only
                # need to consider s1 and s3:
                if s1 > s3:
                    e30 = p0 - p3
                    e30norm = e30.norm()
                    mag = e30.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p3 + e30norm * (0.5 * mag)
                    e21 = p1 - p2
                    e21norm = e21.norm()
                    mag = e21.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p2 + e21norm * (0.5 * mag)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __computeThetaAndS(self, i):
        :param i:
            Compute d for the i-th quad/segment.
        # self.phyp is in ECEF
        tmp = ecef.ecef2latlon(self.phyp[i].x, self.phyp[i].y, self.phyp[i].z)
        epi_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(geo.point.Point(tmp[1], tmp[0], 0.0))
        epi_col = np.array([[epi_ecef.x], [epi_ecef.y], [epi_ecef.z]])

        # First compute along strike vector
        P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._flt.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
        p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # convert to ECEF
        p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
        e01 = p1 - p0
        e01norm = e01.norm()
        hp0 = p0 - epi_ecef
        hp1 = p1 - epi_ecef
        strike_min = Vector.dot(hp0, e01norm) / 1000.0  # convert to km
        strike_max = Vector.dot(hp1, e01norm) / 1000.0  # convert to km
        strike_col = np.array([[e01norm.x], [e01norm.y],
                               [e01norm.z]])  # ECEF coords

        # Sites
        slat = self._lat
        slon = self._lon

        # Convert sites to ECEF:
        site_ecef_x = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_y = np.ones_like(slat)
        site_ecef_z = np.ones_like(slat)

        # Make a 3x(#number of sites) matrix of site locations
        # (rows are x, y, z) in ECEF
        site_ecef_x, site_ecef_y, site_ecef_z = ecef.latlon2ecef(
            slat, slon, np.zeros(slon.shape))
        site_mat = np.array([
            np.reshape(site_ecef_x, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_y, (-1, )),
            np.reshape(site_ecef_z, (-1, ))

        # Epicenter-to-site matrix
        e2s_mat = site_mat - epi_col  # in ECEF
        mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(e2s_mat * e2s_mat, axis=0))

        # Avoid division by zero
        mag[mag == 0] = 1e-12
        e2s_norm = e2s_mat / mag

        # Dot epicenter-to-site with along-strike vector
        s_raw = np.sum(e2s_mat * strike_col, axis=0) / 1000.0  # conver to km

        # Put back into a 2d array
        s_raw = np.reshape(s_raw, self._lat.shape)
        self.s = np.abs(s_raw.clip(min=strike_min,

        # Compute theta
        sdots = np.sum(e2s_norm * strike_col, axis=0)
        theta_raw = np.arccos(sdots)

        # But theta is defined to be the reference angle
        # (i.e., the equivalent angle between 0 and 90 deg)
        sintheta = np.abs(np.sin(theta_raw))
        costheta = np.abs(np.cos(theta_raw))
        theta = np.arctan2(sintheta, costheta)
        self.theta = np.reshape(theta, self._lat.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __setPseudoHypocenters(self):
        """ Set a pseudo-hypocenter.

        Adapted from ShakeMap 3.5 src/contour/directivity.c

        From Bayless and Somerville:

        "Define the pseudo-hypocenter for rupture of successive segments as
        the point on the side edge of the fault segment that is closest to
        the side edge of the previous segment, and that lies half way
        between the top and bottom of the fault. We assume that the fault is
        segmented along strike, not updip. All geometric parameters are
        computed relative to the pseudo-hypocenter."
        hyp_ecef = Vector.fromPoint(
            geo.point.Point(self._hyp.longitude, self._hyp.latitude,
        # Loop over each quad
        self.phyp = [None] * self._nq
        for i in range(self._nq):
            P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._flt.getQuadrilaterals()[i]
            p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0)  # convert to ECEF
            p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1)
            p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2)
            p3 = Vector.fromPoint(P3)

            # Create 4 planes with normals pointing outside rectangle
            hpnp = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0).norm()
            hpp = -hpnp.x * p0.x - hpnp.y * p0.y - hpnp.z * p0.z
            n0 = Vector.cross(p1 - p0, hpnp)
            n1 = Vector.cross(p2 - p1, hpnp)
            n2 = Vector.cross(p3 - p2, hpnp)
            n3 = Vector.cross(p0 - p3, hpnp)

            # Is the hypocenter inside the projected rectangle?
            # Dot products show which side the origin is on.
            # If origin is on same side of all the planes, then it is 'inside'

            sgn0 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n0, p0 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn1 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n1, p1 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn2 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n2, p2 - hyp_ecef))
            sgn3 = np.signbit(Vector.dot(n3, p3 - hyp_ecef))

            if (sgn0 == sgn1) and (sgn1 == sgn2) and (sgn2 == sgn3):
                # Origin is inside. Use distance-to-plane formula.
                d = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                d = d * d

                # Put the pseudo hypocenter on the plane
                D = Vector.dot(hpnp, hyp_ecef) + hpp
                self.phyp[i] = hyp_ecef - hpnp * D

                # Origin is outside. Find distance to edges
                p0p = np.reshape(p0.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p1p = np.reshape(p1.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p2p = np.reshape(p2.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                p3p = np.reshape(p3.getArray() - hyp_ecef.getArray(), [1, 3])
                s1 = dist2_to_segment(p1p, p2p)
                s2 = dist2_to_segment(p2p, p3p)
                s3 = dist2_to_segment(p3p, p0p)

                # Assuming that the fault is segmented along strike and not
                # updip (as described by Bayless and somerville), we only
                # need to consider s1 and s3:
                if s1 > s3:
                    e30 = p0 - p3
                    e30norm = e30.norm()
                    mag = e30.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p3 + e30norm * (0.5 * mag)
                    e21 = p1 - p2
                    e21norm = e21.norm()
                    mag = e21.mag()
                    self.phyp[i] = p2 + e21norm * (0.5 * mag)