Ejemplo n.º 1
        def target(x, pattern: BaseGeometry, pos: BaseGeometry):
            params = _TargetTransformParams(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])
            pos_trans = _target_affine_transform(pos, params)

            neg = box(*pos_trans.bounds).difference(pos_trans)
            # neg = box(*pos.bounds).difference(pos)
            # neg_trans = _target_affine_transform(neg, params)
            pos_overlap = pattern.intersection(pos_trans).area
            neg_overlap = pattern.intersection(neg).area
            false_pos_overlap = pos_trans.difference(pattern).area
            # return neg_overlap+false_pos_overlap-pos_overlap
            return false_pos_overlap - 2.0 * pos_overlap + neg_overlap + 0.1 * abs(
                x[0]) + 0.1 * abs(x[1])
def find_shape_in_index(shape: BaseGeometry, index):
    # (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
    bounds = shape.bounds

    lon = []
    lat = []
    weights = []

    for result in index.intersection(bounds, objects="raw"):
        point = result['point']
        rect = result['bbox']
        poly = Polygon([(r[0], r[1]) for r in rect])

        inters = shape.intersection(poly)
        # Intersection with bounds might not intersect with detailed poly
        if inters:

    lon = np.array(lon)
    lat = np.array(lat)
    weights = np.array(weights)
    weights = weights / np.sum(weights)
    return GridLookupResults(lon, lat, weights)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_geom(geo_frame, voronoi_frame):
    #new columns to add
    voronoi_frame['area'] = None

    #create full continent of europe
    euro_geoms = [
        geo_frame.loc[index]['geometry'] for index in range(len(geo_frame))
    all_europe = unary_union(euro_geoms)

    #test to see if voronoi shapes intersect with the europe shape
    for index in range(len(voronoi_frame)):
        current_shape = voronoi_frame.loc[index]['points']
        intersect = BaseGeometry.intersection(all_europe.buffer(0),
        voronoi_frame.loc[index, 'geometry'] = intersect
        voronoi_frame.loc[index, 'area'] = intersect.area

    #there is always an error where index 39 should be a part of norway (index 40)
    nshape = voronoi_frame.loc[40]['geometry']
    missing_part = voronoi_frame.loc[39]['geometry']

    voronoi_frame.loc[40]['geometry'] = unary_union([nshape, missing_part])
    voronoi_frame.loc[39] = None

    return voronoi_frame
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_geoms(vframe, geo_frame):
    vframe['geometry'] = None
    poly = geo_frame.unary_union

    for index in range(135):
            loop_geom = BaseGeometry.intersection(
                vframe.loc[index]['points'].buffer(0), poly.buffer(0))
            vframe.loc[index, 'geometry'] = loop_geom

    #set projection as mercator for the new data frame
    vframe.crs = {'init': 'epsg = 3395'}

    return vframe
Ejemplo n.º 5
        x, y = list(zip(*loop_points))
        loop_points = list(zip(y, x))
        poly = Polygon(loop_points)
        voronoi_frame.loc[i, 'geometry'] = []
        voronoi_frame.loc[i, 'points'] = poly
        i += 1
    except (ValueError, TypeError):

# PART 3:  Make Voronoi shapes fit Brazil's shape
voronoi_frame['area'] = None
br_geoms = [cap.loc[i]['Geometria'] for i in range(len(cap))]
all_br = unary_union(br_geoms)
for i in range(len(voronoi_frame)):
    cur_shape = voronoi_frame.loc[i]['points']
    intersect = BaseGeometry.intersection(all_br.buffer(0),
    if i == 0:  # We have to deal this way with the State of Acre
        intersect = (
        )  # This state is known as nowhere land. It's the Brazilian Wyoming.
    voronoi_frame.loc[i, 'geometry'] = intersect
    voronoi_frame.loc[i, 'area'] = intersect.area

# PART 4:  Plot the map
voronoi_frame['map color'] = [
    1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3, 4,
    2, 1
capital_pts = [(cap.loc[index]['Latitude'], cap.loc[index]['Longitude'])
               for index in range(len(cap))]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def intersect_geometry_with_feature_class(geometry: BaseGeometry, in_layer_path: str,
                                          output_geom_type: int,
                                          epsg: int = None,
                                          attribute_filter: str = None,
                                          ) -> BaseGeometry:

        geometry (BaseGeometry): [description]
        in_layer_path (str): [description]
        out_layer_path (str): [description]
        output_geom_type (int): [description]
        epsg (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        attribute_filter (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None.

        VectorBaseException: [description]
        VectorBaseException: [description]

        BaseGeometry: [description]
    log = Logger('intersect_geometry_with_feature_class')
    if output_geom_type not in [ogr.wkbMultiPoint, ogr.wkbMultiLineString]:
        raise VectorBaseException('Unsupported ogr type for geometry intersection: "{}"'.format(output_geom_type))

    log.debug('Intersection with feature class: Performing unary union on input: {}'.format(in_layer_path))
    geom_union = get_geometry_unary_union(in_layer_path, epsg=epsg, attribute_filter=attribute_filter, clip_shape=geometry)

    # Nothing to do if there were no features in the feature class
    if not geom_union:

    log.debug('Finding intersections (may take a few minutes)...')
    tmr = Timer()
    geom_inter = geometry.intersection(geom_union)
    log.debug('Intersection done in {:.1f} seconds'.format(tmr.ellapsed()))

    # Nothing to do if the intersection is empty
    if geom_inter.is_empty:

    # Single features and collections need to be converted into Multi-features
    if output_geom_type == ogr.wkbMultiPoint and not isinstance(geom_inter, MultiPoint):
        if isinstance(geom_inter, Point):
            geom_inter = MultiPoint([(geom_inter)])

        elif isinstance(geom_inter, LineString):
            # Break this linestring down into vertices as points
            geom_inter = MultiPoint([geom_inter.coords[0], geom_inter.coords[-1]])

        elif isinstance(geom_inter, MultiLineString):
            # Break this linestring down into vertices as points
            geom_inter = MultiPoint(reduce(lambda acc, ls: acc + [ls.coords[0], ls.coords[-1]], list(geom_inter.geoms), []))
        elif isinstance(geom_inter, GeometryCollection):
            geom_inter = MultiPoint([geom for geom in geom_inter.geoms if isinstance(geom, Point)])

    elif output_geom_type == ogr.wkbMultiLineString and not isinstance(geom_inter, MultiLineString):
        if isinstance(geom_inter, LineString):
            geom_inter = MultiLineString([(geom_inter)])
            raise VectorBaseException('Unsupported ogr type: "{}" does not match shapely type of "{}"'.format(output_geom_type, geom_inter.type))

    return geom_inter
Ejemplo n.º 7
def voronoi_tesselation(region = read_gis()):
    region_shape = region.unary_union
    region['points'] = None
    region['city'] = None

    #read locations of city from file with pandas
    top_cities = pd.read_csv('europe_1mil.csv')
    x, y = top_cities['mercx'].tolist(), top_cities['mercy'].tolist()
    name = top_cities['city_ascii'].tolist()
    city_locs = [(name[index], (float(x[index]), float(y[index]))) for index in range(len(name))]
    points = [item[1] for item in city_locs]
    #add four extra points to later ignore

    vor = Voronoi(points)
    regions = vor.regions
    pts = vor.vertices

    i = 0
    for part in regions:
        loop_points = []
        if -1 not in part and part != []:
            loop_points = [pts[part[index]] for index in range(len(part))]
            poly = Polygon(loop_points)
            region.loc[i, 'points'] = poly

            name_index = 0
            for point in points:
                if poly.contains(Point(point)):
                    region.loc[i, 'city'] = city_locs[name_index][0]
                name_index += 1
            i += 1

    #only want to keep the ones that have city data
    keep = [index for index in range(len(region))
            if isinstance(region.iloc[index]['city'], str)]
    keep = [region.index[item] for item in keep]
    #filter out the rest
    region = region.filter(keep, axis = 0)

    #make geometry intersection of region geometry and voronoi tesselation
    extras = []
    for index in range(len(region)):
        current_vor = region.loc[index]['points']
        geom = BaseGeometry.intersection(current_vor.buffer(0),
        region.at[index, 'geometry'] = geom
        current_city = region.loc[index]['city']
        color_1 = ['Dublin','London','Hamburg','Warsaw','Mannheim','Munich',
                   'Marseille', 'Rabat','Rome','Budapest','Athens','Bursa',
                   'Adana','El Giza','Amman','Karaj','Shiraz','Moscow',
        color_2 = ['Birmingham','Paris','Essen','Madrid','Milan','Stockholm',
                   'Kiev','Nizhny Novgorod','Istanbul','Aleppo','Tel Aviv-Yafo',
        color_3 = ['Lisbon','Copenhagen','Frankfurt','Turin','Algiers','Belgrade',
                   'Katowice','St. Petersburg','Kharkiv','Kazan','Tabriz',
        color_4 = ['Brussels','Stuttgart','Tunis','Vienna','Alexandria','Minsk',
        color_5 = ['Barcelona','Berlin','Bucharest','Naples','Tripoli','Mosul',
                   'Isfahan','Baku', 'Manchester','Casablanca']
        if current_city in color_1:
            region.loc[index, 'color'] = 1
        elif current_city in color_2:
            region.loc[index, 'color'] = 2
        elif current_city in color_3:
            region.loc[index, 'color'] = 3
        elif current_city in color_4:
            region.loc[index, 'color'] = 4
        elif current_city in color_5:
            region.loc[index, 'color'] = 5
            region.loc[index, 'color'] = 6
    return region.to_crs(epsg = 4326)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def is_inside(a: BaseGeometry,
              b: BaseGeometry,
              threshold: float = 0.05) -> bool:
    """ Checks if one geometry (a) is inside other (b)"""
    return a.intersection(b).area / (b.area + 1e-8) >= threshold