Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __setstate__(self, state):
     """WKB doesn't differentiate between LineString and LinearRing so we
     need to move the coordinate sequence into the correct geometry type"""
     super(LinearRing, self).__setstate__(state)
     cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(self.__geom__)
     cs_clone = lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_clone(cs)
     self.__geom__ = lgeos.GEOSGeom_createLinearRing(cs_clone)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def geos_geom_from_py(ob, create_func=None):
    """Helper function for geos_*_from_py functions in each geom type.

    If a create_func is specified the coodinate sequence is cloned and a new
    geometry is created with it, otherwise the geometry is cloned directly.
    This behaviour is useful for converting between LineString and LinearRing
    if create_func is None:
        geom = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(ob._geom)
        cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(ob._geom)
        cs = lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_clone(cs)
        geom = create_func(cs)
    N = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordinateDimension(geom)
    return geom, N