Ejemplo n.º 1
def dumps(ob, hex=False, srid=None, **kw):
    """Dump a WKB representation of a geometry to a byte string, or a
    hex-encoded string if ``hex=True``.
    ob : geometry
        The geometry to export to well-known binary (WKB) representation
    hex : bool
        If true, export the WKB as a hexidecimal string. The default is to
        return a binary string/bytes object.
    srid : int
        Spatial reference system ID to include in the output. The default value
        means no SRID is included.
    **kw : kwargs
        See available keyword output settings in ``shapely.geos.WKBWriter``."""
    if srid is not None:
        # clone the object and set the SRID before dumping
        geom = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(ob._geom)
        lgeos.GEOSSetSRID(geom, srid)
        ob = geom_factory(geom)
        kw["include_srid"] = True
    writer = WKBWriter(lgeos, **kw)
    if hex:
        return writer.write_hex(ob)
        return writer.write(ob)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _shapely_normalize(geom):
    Small helper function for now because it is not yet available in Shapely.
    from shapely.geos import lgeos
    from shapely.geometry.base import geom_factory
    from ctypes import c_void_p, c_int

    lgeos._lgeos.GEOSNormalize_r.restype = c_int
    lgeos._lgeos.GEOSNormalize_r.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_void_p]

    geom_cloned = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(geom._geom)
    lgeos._lgeos.GEOSNormalize_r(lgeos.geos_handle, geom_cloned)
    return geom_factory(geom_cloned)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def geos_geom_from_py(ob, create_func=None):
    """Helper function for geos_*_from_py functions in each geom type.

    If a create_func is specified the coodinate sequence is cloned and a new
    geometry is created with it, otherwise the geometry is cloned directly.
    This behaviour is useful for converting between LineString and LinearRing
    if create_func is None:
        geom = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(ob._geom)
        cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(ob._geom)
        cs = lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_clone(cs)
        geom = create_func(cs)
    N = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordinateDimension(geom)
    return geom, N
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def polygonize(self, lines):
     """Creates polygons from a source of lines
     The source may be a MultiLineString, a sequence of LineString objects,
     or a sequence of objects than can be adapted to LineStrings.
     source = getattr(lines, 'geoms', None) or lines
     obs = [self.shapeup(l) for l in source]
     geom_array_type = c_void_p * len(obs)
     geom_array = geom_array_type()
     for i, line in enumerate(obs):
         geom_array[i] = line._geom
     product = lgeos.GEOSPolygonize(byref(geom_array), len(obs))
     collection = geom_factory(product)
     for g in collection.geoms:
         clone = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(g._geom)
         g = geom_factory(clone)
         g._owned = False
         yield g
Ejemplo n.º 5
def to_shapely(geometry):
    Converts PyGEOS geometries to Shapely.

    geometry : shapely Geometry object or array_like

    >>> to_shapely(Geometry("POINT (1 1)"))   # doctest: +SKIP
    <shapely.geometry.point.Point at 0x7f0c3d737908>

    If PyGEOS and Shapely do not use the same GEOS version,
    the conversion happens through the WKB format and will thus be slower.
    if shapely_compatible is None:
        raise ImportError("This function requires shapely")

    unpack = geometry is None or isinstance(geometry, Geometry)
    if unpack:
        geometry = (geometry, )

    if shapely_compatible:
        geometry = [
            None if g is None else shapely_geom_factory(
                shapely_lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(g._ptr)) for g in geometry
        geometry = to_wkb(geometry)
        geometry = [
            None if g is None else shapely_wkb_loads(g) for g in geometry

    if unpack:
        return geometry[0]
        arr = np.empty(len(geometry), dtype=object)
        arr[:] = geometry
        return arr
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def normalize(self):
        """Converts geometry to normal form (or canonical form).

        This method orders the coordinates, rings of a polygon and parts of
        multi geometries consistently. Typically useful for testing purposes
        (for example in combination with `equals_exact`).

        >>> from shapely.wkt import loads
        >>> p = loads("MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1), (3 3, 2 2))")
        >>> p.normalize().wkt
        'MULTILINESTRING ((2 2, 3 3), (0 0, 1 1))'
        # self.impl['normalize'](self)
        if self._geom is None:
            raise ValueError("Null geometry supports no operations")
        geom_cloned = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(self._geom)
        return geom_factory(geom_cloned)