def makerectangle(i,j) : j = j - numperiods / 2 aprime = (.9 + (.1 / 49) * j**2) if abs(j) < 7 else 1 myrect=shapes.rectangle([hx * aprime, hy], color=color) = [a * aprime, w] myrect.position = [.5 * ([0] - myrect.size[0]), 0, 0] return myrect
def draw_arm(settings, which_arm): """ Draws an arm, starting with the upper arm, then the lower arm, and finally the hand """ fillcolor(ARM_COLOR) with restore_state_when_finished(): update_position(ARM_ORIGIN) right(90) shoulder_angle = settings[which_arm + '_arm_shoulder_angle'] right(shoulder_angle) rectangle_from_side_edge(UPPER_ARM_WIDTH, UPPER_ARM_LENGTH) fly(UPPER_ARM_LENGTH) elbow_angle = settings[which_arm + '_arm_elbow_angle'] right(elbow_angle) rectangle_from_side_edge(LOWER_ARM_WIDTH, LOWER_ARM_LENGTH) fly(LOWER_ARM_LENGTH) left(45) rectangle(HAND_WIDTH, HAND_LENGTH)
import shapes as sh print( print(sh.rectangle(4, 5)) print(sh.triangle(4, 6))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Date : 2015-05-17 15:50:58 # @Author : chenhao ([email protected]) # @Link : # @Version : $Id$ import shapes # print(dir(shapes)) shapes.rectangle(2, 3)
myrect=shapes.rectangle([hx * aprime, hy], color=color) = [a * aprime, w] myrect.position = [.5 * ([0] - myrect.size[0]), 0, 0] return myrect #generate the lattice of rectangles for the ladder mypc=shapes.photonic_crystal_shape_spacing(makerectangle,[1,numperiods], position = [0, .3 * .5 * w]) mypc.position = sumlist(mypc.position, startposition) mypc.write(mydcfile) #generate the top and bottom parts of the ladder bar_width = .100 # .1 * w gap_width = 1. * w #bottom gap, bottom bar myrect = shapes.rectangle([mypc.size[0], bar_width], position = [0, -1 * gap_width], color = color) myrect.position = sumlist(myrect.position, startposition) myrect.write(mydcfile) #bottom gap, middle bar - position is the average of top and bottom bar myrect = shapes.rectangle([mypc.size[0], bar_width], position = [0, -.5 * (gap_width + bar_width)], color = color) myrect.position = sumlist(myrect.position, startposition) myrect.write(mydcfile) #bottom gap, top bar myrect = shapes.rectangle([mypc.size[0], bar_width], position = [0, -1 * bar_width], color = color) myrect.position = sumlist(myrect.position, startposition) myrect.write(mydcfile) # generate the hatches in the top and bottom portions that will be cut away numbreaks = 4 xwidth = bar_width spacing = ( mypc.size[0] - xwidth ) / numbreaks
import shapes room1 = shapes.square(4) room2 = shapes.rectangle(4, 2)
#straight edges. We can use this to write arbtitrary polygons. In this example #we write a triangle. Note how we use the color argument to make it blue. mypolyline=shapes.polyline(color=[0, 0, 1]) mypolyline.addline([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]) mypolyline.write(mydcfile) #Circles are even easier to write. All we need to do is specify the radius. #If we want to change the position, we have to set the position variable.,position=[-5, 0, 0]) mycircle.setcolor([0,1,0]) mycircle.write(mydcfile) #We can also write a rectangle. This is a simpler form of a polyline. #Again, we use position to change its location. Offset must be an array of #length 2 or 3. Also, this time I set the color after defining the shape. myrect=shapes.rectangle([3,4],position=[-5,0,0]) myrect.setcolor([0,0,1]) myrect.write(mydcfile) #To write a lattice: we define a function that returns a shape. This #function must accept two arguments, which represent the row number and the #column number. So if we want to change the properties of one of the #circles, we can add an if statement to change it. This will change the #position and the radius of the circle. def fshape(i, j) : a = if i == 2 and j == 2 : a.setradius(1) a.position = [2, 2] #else : #a.position = [0, 0]
def test_rect(self): rect = shapes.rectangle() rect.setLength(5) rect.setWidth(7) self.assertEquals(rect.getPerimeter(), 24) self.assertEquals(rect.getArea(), 35)
def collisionCheck(player, enemy): if player.getX() + 50 >= enemy.getX(): if player.getY() <= enemy.getY() + 50 and player.getY() + 50 >= enemy.getY(): return True return False root = Tk() root.title("Game_Example") root.geometry("1000x700") canvas = Canvas(width=1000, height=700, bg="black") canvas.grid() guiRect = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 350, 50, 400, outline="black", fill="white") playerRect = shapes.rectangle(400, 350) enemyGuiRect = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 250, 150, 400, outline="black", fill="red") enemyRect = shapes.rectangle(400, 250) fartGuiCircle = canvas.create_oval(0, 600, 100, 500, outline="green", fill="yellow") fartCircle = shapes.Circle(100, 100) def timer(): # playerRect.setX(10) # playerRect.setY(10) # canvas.move(guiRect,10,0) fartCircle.setX(50)
import shapes as sh print( print(sh.rectangle(10, 5)) print(sh.triangle(10, 5)) print('główny - wartość zmiennnej __name__:', __name__)
def main(): video_path = "../../../dataset/project_video.mp4" # open the video file for reading cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # if not success, exit program if cap.isOpened() == False: print("Cannot open the video file:", video_path) exit(-1) # Uncomment the following line if you want to start the video in the middle #cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, 300); # get the frames rate of the video fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) print("Frames per seconds:", fps) # set the wait time between each frame wait_time = 1000 / fps # get height and width frame_h = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) frame_w = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) # create windows cv2.namedWindow("video_window", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.namedWindow("warp_window") # create source points for polygon and transform a = 140 b = 800 t_center = np.round(frame_w / 2) t_height = 205 t_y = frame_h - t_height - 60 pts_src = shapes.trapazoid(a, b, t_center, t_height, t_y) # destination points for transform warp_img_size = (600, 600) pts_dst = shapes.rectangle(warp_img_size[0], warp_img_size[1]) # Calculate Homography h, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst) h2, status = cv2.findHomography(pts_dst, pts_src) """ # Output image im_out """ # polygon figure mask = np.matrix(np.ones((int(frame_h), int(frame_w))), dtype=np.int8) shapes.draw_polygon(mask, pts_src) """ # time calculation clock_t time_s; time_s = clock(); """ color_basis = 256 color_basis = np.uint8(256 / color_basis) key = -1 pause = False start_time = time.time() * 1000 while True: # read a new frame from video ret, frame = # breaking the while loop at the end of the video if ret == False: print("Found the end of the video") break # warp source image to destination based on homography im_out = cv2.warpPerspective(frame, h, warp_img_size) cv2.imshow("Warp unthresholded", im_out) im_out = np.round(im_out / color_basis).astype(np.uint8) im_out = im_out * color_basis im_out = lanefinder.threshold(im_out, np.array([0, 0, 180]), np.array([255, 255, 255])) # draw trapazoid on the frame shapes.draw_polygon(frame, pts_src, color=(0, 0, 0), thickness=6) # show the frame in the created window cv2.imshow("video_window", frame) grid = (6, 6) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mat = np.zeros([600, 600], dtype=np.uint8) blank_img = np.zeros((im_out.shape[0], im_out.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) blank_img[im_out > 0] = (255, 255, 255) line_l, line_r = lanefinder.find_lane_points(im_out, grid) line_l = np.vstack([line_l[0], line_l, line_l[-1]]) line_l[-1, 1] = mat.shape[0] + 50 line_l[0, 1] = -50 line_r = np.vstack([line_r[0], line_r, line_r[-1]]) line_r[-1, 1] = mat.shape[0] + 50 line_r[0, 1] = -50 print(line_l) print(line_r) for p in line_r: cv2.line(blank_img, (p[0] - 4, p[1]), (p[0] + 4, p[1]), (255, 0, 0), 6) for p in line_l: cv2.line(blank_img, (p[0] - 4, p[1]), (p[0] + 4, p[1]), (0, 255, 0), 6) cv2.imshow("gogibogi", blank_img) poly_l = np.polyfit(line_l[:, 0] + 0.1, line_l[:, 1] + 0.1, deg=2, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) poly_r = np.polyfit(line_r[:, 0] + 0.1, line_r[:, 1] + 0.1, deg=2, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) l_array = [] r_array = [] for x in range(np.min(line_l[:, 0]), np.max(line_l[:, 0]) + 5): y = int(poly_l[0] * x**2 + poly_l[1] * x + poly_l[2]) #y = int(poly_l[0]*x + poly_l[1]) if 0 <= y < 600 and 100 < x < 500: mat[y, x] = 255 l_array.append((x, y)) #l_array.append((np.max(line_l[:,0]),599)) for x in range(np.min(line_r[:, 0]), np.max(line_r[:, 0]) + 5): #y = int(poly_r[0]*x + poly_r[1]) y = int(poly_r[0] * x**2 + poly_r[1] * x + poly_r[2]) if 0 <= y < 600 and 100 < x < 500: mat[y, x] = 255 r_array.append((x, y)) #r_array.append((np.max(line_r[:,0]),599)) #for x in range(np.min(line_r[:,0]), np.max(line_r[:,0])): # print([int(poly_r[0]*np.power(x,2) + poly_r[1]*x + poly_r[2]), x]) shapes.draw_polygon(mat, r_array, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=10, t=8, shift=0, close=False) shapes.draw_polygon(mat, l_array, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=10, t=8, shift=0, close=False) #trap = np.matrix(pts_src, dtype=np.int16) #print(trap) #trap_w = np.max(trap[:,0]) - np.min(trap[:,0]) #trap_h = np.max(trap[:,1]) - np.min(trap[:,1]) #print(trap_h, trap_w) im_out2 = cv2.warpPerspective(mat, h2, (int(frame_w), int(frame_h))) cv2.imshow("ASDASD", mat) cv2.imshow("noesdfdsd", im_out) frame[im_out2 > 0] = (0, 0, 255) cv2.imshow("sushi", frame) #print(poly_l) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate time it takes to do h**o transform calc_time = (time.time() * 1000) - start_time wait = wait_time # calculate waiting time to maintain fps if int(wait) > calc_time: wait -= calc_time wait = int(wait) if wait == 0: wait = 1 else: wait = 1 # wait for frame key = -1 if pause == True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) else: key = cv2.waitKey(wait) if key == 32: pause = not pause elif key == 13: pass elif key > -1: # destroy the created window cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit(0) # get start time for calculating wait_time next iteration start_time = time.time() * 1000
def main(): video_path = "../../../dataset/project_video.mp4" #video_path = "/home/forat/Desktop/fackfack.mp4" # open the video file for reading cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # if not success, exit program if cap.isOpened() == False: print("Cannot open the video file:", video_path) exit(-1) # Uncomment the following line if you want to start the video in the middle #cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, 300); # get the frames rate of the video fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) print("Frames per seconds:", fps) # set the wait time between each frame wait_time = 1000 / fps # get height and width frame_h = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) * SCALE frame_w = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) * SCALE # create windows cv2.namedWindow("video_window") cv2.namedWindow("plot_window") cv2.setMouseCallback("plot_window", lanefinder.threshold_plot_event_handler) # create source points for polygon and transform a = 100 * SCALE b = 550 * SCALE t_center = np.round(frame_w / 2) + 10 * SCALE t_height = 205 * SCALE t_y = (frame_h - t_height - 60 * SCALE) pts_src = shapes.trapazoid(a, b, t_center, t_height, t_y) # destination points for transform warp_img_size = (600, 600) pts_dst = shapes.rectangle(warp_img_size[0], warp_img_size[1]) # polygon figure mask = np.matrix(np.zeros((int(frame_h), int(frame_w))), dtype=np.uint8) shapes.fill_polygon(mask, pts_src, (1, 1, 1)) # calculate factor for making simpler color pallatte #color_basis = 64 # change this in case you want less than 256 colors color_basis = 256 # change this in case you want less than 256 colors color_basis = np.uint8(256 / color_basis) # variables for loop run key = -1 pause = False start_time = time.time() * 1000 # loop through video while True: # read a new frame from video ret, frame = # breaking the while loop at the end of the video if ret == False: print("Found the end of the video") break # get frame frame = cv2.resize(frame, None, fx=SCALE, fy=SCALE, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # resize #frame[mask == 0] *= 0 # copy frame to mod it mframe = np.copy(frame) # simplify color basis mframe[mask == 0] *= 0 mframe = np.round(mframe / color_basis).astype(np.uint8) mframe = mframe * color_basis # find the intencity histogram of the red layer red_histo = lanefinder.i_histo(mframe[:, :, 2], limit=255, mask=mask) if np.max(red_histo) > 0: red_histo = np.array(red_histo) / np.max(red_histo) * 100 # calculate threshold and threshold x position on plot dth = 5 th, h = lanefinder.dynamic_threshold(red_histo, dth, 245) th += 20 h += dth # prep for histogram plot plot = np.zeros((240, 600, 3), dtype=np.float) shapes.plot(plot, red_histo, y_max=300, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2) shapes.plot(plot, h, y_max=dth * 2 + 2, color=(255, 0, 255), thickness=2) static_th_x = int(lanefinder.plot_threshold()) static_th = 180 #int(static_th_x/plot.shape[1] * 256) # add plot histogram th_x = int(th / 256 * plot.shape[1]) cv2.line(plot, (th_x, 0), (th_x, plot.shape[1]), (255, 0, 0), 4) cv2.line(plot, (static_th_x, 0), (static_th_x, plot.shape[1]), (0, 255, 0), 4) cv2.imshow("plot_window", plot) try: mframe1 = lanefinder.threshold(mframe, np.array([0, 0, th]), np.array([255, 255, 255])) #, mask=mask) mframe2 = lanefinder.threshold(mframe, np.array([0, 0, static_th]), np.array([255, 255, 255])) #,mask=mask) except: print("Frame crash, internal opencv problem..") continue # show the frame in the created window cv2.imshow("video_window", mframe1) cv2.imshow("shit", mframe2) # calculate time it takes to do h**o transform calc_time = (time.time() * 1000) - start_time wait = wait_time # calculate waiting time to maintain fps if int(wait) > calc_time: wait -= calc_time wait = int(wait) if wait == 0: wait = 1 else: wait = 1 # wait for frame key = -1 if pause == True: key = cv2.waitKey(0) else: key = cv2.waitKey(wait) if key == 32: pause = not pause elif key == 27: # destroy the created window cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit(0) # get start time for calculating wait_time next iteration start_time = time.time() * 1000 # frame rho theta threshold line srn stn #hough_lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(mframe2, 1, np.pi, static_th, minLineLength = 25, maxLineGap = 250) edges = cv2.Canny(mframe2, 100, 200) cv2.imshow("sadsad", edges) #lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi/180, threshold, 0, minLineLength, 20); #cv2.cvtColor() minLineLengths = 60 maxLineGaps = 30 gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(mframe2, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) lines = cv2.HoughLinesP(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 1, minLineLength=minLineLengths, maxLineGap=maxLineGaps) #HoughLinesP(cframe, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 25, 30, 250 ); print(lines) try: for line in lines: print(line) try: cv2.line(frame, (line[0, 0], line[0, 1]), (line[0, 2], line[0, 3]), (255, 0, 0), thickness=3, lineType=8) except: pass except: pass cv2.imshow('hough', frame)