print("C++ FMU OK") else: print("No C++-based FMUs (files not generated in correct location)") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: pass try: os.unlink("HelloWorld") except OSError: pass print(subprocess.check_output(["%s/bin/omc" % omhome, "HelloWorld.mos"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)) assert(os.path.exists("HelloWorld")) abortSimulationFlag="-abortSlowSimulation" if simulationAcceptsFlag("-abortSlowSimulation") else "" alarmFlag="-alarm" if simulationAcceptsFlag("-alarm=480") else "" configs_lst = [readConfig(c, rmlStyle=rmlStyle, abortSimulationFlag=abortSimulationFlag, alarmFlag=alarmFlag, overrideDefaults=overrideDefaults, defaultCustomCommands=defaultCustomCommands) for c in configs] configs = [] preparedReferenceDirs = {} for c in configs_lst: configs = configs + c for (lib,c) in configs: if "referenceFiles" in c: c["referenceFilesURL"] = c["referenceFiles"] if isinstance(c["referenceFiles"], basestring): m ="^[$][A-Z]+", c["referenceFiles"]) if m: k =[1:] if k not in os.environ: raise Exception("Environment variable %s not defined, but used in JSON config for reference files" % k) c["referenceFiles"] = c["referenceFiles"].replace(, os.environ[k]) elif "giturl" in c["referenceFiles"]:
if configs == []: raise Exception("Error: Expected at least one configuration file to start the library test") branches = [br.split("/")[-1] for br in args.branches.split(" ")] dates = {} dates_str = {} fields = ["exectime", "parsing", "frontend", "backend", "simcode", "templates", "compile", "simulate", "verify"] entryhead = "<tr><th>Branch</th><th>Total</th><th>Parsing</th><th>Frontend</th><th>Backend</th><th>SimCode</th><th>Templates</th><th>Compilation</th><th>Simulation</th><th>Verification</th>\n" libs = {} import cgi, sqlite3, time, datetime from omcommon import friendlyStr, multiple_replace configs_lst = [shared.readConfig(c) for c in configs] configs = [] for c in configs_lst: configs = configs + c libnames = set(shared.libname(library,conf) for (library,conf) in configs) conn = sqlite3.connect('sqlite3.db') cursor = conn.cursor() nmodels = {} nsimulate = {} exectime = {} for branch in branches: cursor.execute("SELECT date FROM [%s] ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1" % branch) v = cursor.fetchone()[0]
try: os.unlink("HelloWorld") except OSError: pass print( subprocess.check_output(omc_cmd + ["HelloWorld.mos"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode().strip()) assert (os.path.exists("HelloWorld")) abortSimulationFlag = "-abortSlowSimulation" if simulationAcceptsFlag( "-abortSlowSimulation") else "" alarmFlag = "-alarm" if simulationAcceptsFlag("-alarm=480") else "" configs_lst = [ readConfig(c, abortSimulationFlag=abortSimulationFlag, alarmFlag=alarmFlag, overrideDefaults=overrideDefaults, defaultCustomCommands=defaultCustomCommands, extrasimflags=extrasimflags) for c in configs ] configs = [] preparedReferenceDirs = {} for c in configs_lst: configs = configs + c for (lib, c) in configs: if "referenceFiles" in c: c["referenceFilesURL"] = c["referenceFiles"] if isinstance(c["referenceFiles"], (str, bytes)): m ="^[$][A-Z]+", c["referenceFiles"]) if m: k =[1:] if k not in os.environ:
def elab(self, rel_page, post=False): if "?" in rel_page: rel_page, args=rel_page.split("?")[0], rel_page.split("?")[1] else: args="" page=config.paths.webdisk+rel_page if page[-1]=="/": for e in config.misc.index_search_order: if os.path.exists(page+"index"+e): page+="index"+e rel_page+="index"+e break if "gzip" in self.header("Accept-Encoding"): self.compression = "gzip" elif "deflate" in self.header("Accept-Encoding"): self.compression = "deflate" page=shared.decodeurl(page) cfg=None dir="" adm=False fold=rel_page.split(os.sep) for i in range(len(fold)): f=fold[i] dir=os.path.join(dir, f) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.paths.webdisk, dir, config.paths.folder_cfg)): adm=False cfg=shared.readConfig(os.path.join(config.paths.webdisk, dir, config.paths.folder_cfg)) for e in cfg: adm=adm or cfg[e].is_admin_script if adm: break if adm: page=os.path.join(config.paths.webdisk, dir, e) cfg=cfg[e] break if adm: debug(I, "[%s][%d] Folderscript trovato \"%s\"", self.addr, self.dbgnum, e) else: debug(D, "[%s][%d] Richiesto file \"%s\"", self.addr, self.dbgnum, rel_page) cfg=None ispage=ispyml=False for e in config.misc.index_search_order: try: ispage=page.split(".")[-1] in e ispyml=ispage and "py" in page.split(".")[-1] if ispage: break except:pass self.state=self.S_PREPARING if os.path.isdir(page): debug(I, "[%s][%d] Index file non trovato, invio 404", self.addr, self.dbgnum) self.sendError(404) elif os.path.exists(page): if not cfg: cfg=os.path.join(os.path.split(page)[0], config.paths.folder_cfg) cfg=shared.readConfig(cfg)[os.path.split(page)[1]] if ispage: if ispyml: pdata="" if post and cfg.receive_post: self.state=self.S_RECEIVING_POST try: plen=int(self.header("Content-Length")) if plen: debug(I, "[%s][%d] Ricezione dati da POST (%d bytes)", self.addr, self.dbgnum, plen) pdata="" while plen > config.buffers.tcp_receive_buffer: plen-=config.buffers.tcp_receive_buffer if plen: else: debug(I, "[%s][%d] POST vuoto", self.addr, self.dbgnum) pdata="" except: debug(I, "[%s][%d] Ricezione dati da POST (? bytes)", self.addr, self.dbgnum) pdata="" while precvd: pdata+=precvd debug(D, "[%s][%d] Ricevuti %d bytes da POST", self.addr, self.dbgnum, len(pdata)) if cfg.is_admin_script: cfg["request_page"]=os.sep.join(fold[i+1:]) pyml.PyMl(page, self.request, args, pdata, self.header,, cfg) self.state=self.S_TERMINATED else: if adm: debug(I, "[%s][%d] folderscript ignorato: %s non PyMl", self.addr, self.dbgnum, page) if post: debug(I, "[%s][%d] POST ignorato: %s non PyMl", self.addr, self.dbgnum, page) p=self.preparePage(page, rel_page, cfg) self.state=self.S_SENDING if p: debug(I, "[%s][%d] Pagina trovata, invio...(text/html)", self.addr, self.dbgnum)"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nLocation: %s\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=%s\r\nContent-Encoding: %s\r\n%sConnection: close\r\n\r\n"%(self.header("Host"), p.size(), self.coding.upper(), p.compression(), shared.generateDate())) if self.request!="HEAD": if self.send(str(p)): return else: debug(E, "[%s][%d] Errore interno, invio 500...", self.addr, self.dbgnum) self.sendError(500) else: if adm: debug(I, "[%s][%d] folderscript ignorato: %s non PyMl", self.addr, self.dbgnum, page) if post: debug(I, "[%s][%d] POST ignorato: %s non PyMl", self.addr, self.dbgnum, page) p=self.prepareFile(page, rel_page, cfg) for d in p: if d == False: debug(E, "[%s][%d] Errore interno, invio 500...", self.addr, self.dbgnum) self.sendError(500) break elif type(d)==list: debug(I, "[%s][%d] File trovato, streaming%s...(%s)", self.addr, self.dbgnum, " porzione" if "206" in d[2] else "", d[1])"HTTP/1.1 %s\r\nLocation: %s\r\n%sContent-Type: %s; charset=%s\r\nContent-Encoding: %s\r\n%sConnection: close\r\n\r\n"%(d[2], self.header("Host"), ("Content-Length: %d\r\n"%d[0]) if d[0] >= 0 else "", d[1], self.coding.upper(), d[3], shared.generateDate())) self.state=self.S_STREAMING elif d: if self.send(d): return else: debug(I, "[%s][%d] File non trovato, invio 404...", self.addr, self.dbgnum) self.sendError(404) debug(I, "[%s][%d] Client scollegato per fine comunicazione", self.addr, self.dbgnum) self.state=self.S_TERMINATED
try: os.unlink("HelloWorld") except OSError: pass print( subprocess.check_output(["%s/bin/omc" % omhome, "HelloWorld.mos"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)) assert (os.path.exists("HelloWorld")) abortSimulationFlag = "-abortSlowSimulation" if simulationAcceptsFlag( "-abortSlowSimulation") else "" alarmFlag = "-alarm" if simulationAcceptsFlag("-alarm=480") else "" configs_lst = [ readConfig(c, rmlStyle=rmlStyle, abortSimulationFlag=abortSimulationFlag, alarmFlag=alarmFlag, defaultCustomCommands=defaultCustomCommands) for c in configs ] configs = [] for c in configs_lst: configs = configs + c for (lib, c) in configs: if "referenceFiles" in c: m ="^[$][A-Z]+", c["referenceFiles"]) if m: k =[1:] if k not in os.environ: raise Exception( "Environment variable %s not defined, but used in JSON config for reference files" % k)