Ejemplo n.º 1
def denoise_file(source, destination, kappa, iterations, manipulations={}, verbose=False):
    Ferforms denoising of the source file and outputs the response to the
    destination file.

    source: str
        Path to the file to denoise.
    destination : str
        Path to the destination (output) file.
    kappa : float
        The denoising factor. Allowed range: [0.0-1.0]
    iterations : int
        Number of interations to do with the denoising.
    manipulations : dict
        Manipulation dict is received to maintain an API thats similar
        to the other backends, but it's not used for anything as the
        functionality is missing in this backend.

    output : str
        Empty string if OK. Error output if something didn't go right.

    Error message returned if source does not exist
    >>> denoise_file('non-existant.jpg', 'foo.jpg', 0.1, 10)
    'Source file [non-existant.jpg] could not be loaded.'

    Empty string is returned upon successful denoising
    >>> denoise_file('../../assets/disasterbefore.jpg', '../../tmp/out.jpg', 0.1, 1)

    # Open image
        image = Image.open(source);
    except IOError:
        return 'Source file [%s] could not be loaded.' % source;

    # Get pixel information from image
    data  = list(image.getdata());

    if verbose:
        print 'Image data read from %s' % source;

    # Get image dimensions
    width, height = image.size;

    if verbose:
        print 'Image shape:';
        print image.size;

    # Check if the image is a color image
    if type(data[0]) is tuple:
        return 'Color images are not supported in the pure python backend.';

    # Give warning if manipulation is requested
    if should_do_manipulation(manipulations):
        return 'Manipulations are not supported i pure python backend';

    if verbose:
        print 'Start data processing';

    # Perform denoising of image
    denoised_data = denoise_image_data(data, width, height, kappa, iterations);

    if verbose:
        print 'Finished processing data';

    # Ouput denoised image data to new file
    im = Image.new("L", (width, height));

    # Save file

        if verbose:
            print 'Wrote output data to %s' % destination;

    except IOError:
        return 'Destination file [%s] was not writeable.' % args.destination;
Ejemplo n.º 2
def denoise_file(source, destination, kappa, iterations, manipulations={}, verbose=False):
    Ferforms denoising of the source file and outputs the response to the
    destination file.

    source: str
        Path to the file to denoise.
    destination : str
        Path to the destination (output) file.
    kappa : float
        The denoising factor. Allowed range: [0.0-1.0]
    iterations : int
        Number of interations to do with the denoising.
    manipulations : dict
        Specification of the manipulations to do. Expected keys: lr (R component
        in RGB), lg (G component in RGB), lb (B component in RGB), lh (H component
        in HSI), ls (S component in HSI) and li (I component in HSI).

    output : str
        Empty string if OK. Error output if something didn't go right.

    Error message returned if source does not exist
    >>> denoise_file('non-existant.jpg', 'foo.jpg', 0.1, 10)
    'Source file [non-existant.jpg] could not be loaded.'

    Error message returned if color image is provided
    >>> denoise_file('../../assets/disasterbeforecolor.jpg', 'foobar.jpg', 0.1, 10);
    'Color images are not supported in C backend.'

    Error message returned if manipulations are requested
    >>> denoise_file('../../assets/disasterbefore.jpg', 'foobar.jpg', 0.1, 10, {'lr': 100});
    'Manipulations are not supported i C backend'

    Empty string is returned upon successful denoising
    >>> denoise_file('../../assets/disasterbefore.jpg', '../../tmp/out.jpg', 0.1, 10)

        data = np.array(Image.open(source))
    except IOError:
        return 'Source file [%s] could not be loaded.' % source;

    if verbose:
        print 'Image data read from %s' % source;

    # Get width and height based on the data shape
    if len(data.shape) > 2:
        return 'Color images are not supported in C backend.';

    # Give warning if manipulation is requested
    if should_do_manipulation(manipulations):
        return 'Manipulations are not supported i C backend';

    script_path = path.join(

    # Parse/split the command into arguments
    arguments = arguments = [
        "%f" % kappa,
        "%d" % iterations,

    if verbose:
        print 'Forking new process from command:\n%s' % script_path;
        print 'Arguments:';
        print arguments[1:];

        # Open a sub process with the arguments
        process   = subprocess.Popen(arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE);

        # Get the piped output and return
        out, err = process.communicate();
    except OSError as e:
        raise Exception('Execution of command failed');

    return out;