def man_upd(argv, childs, last_upd): """Manual update based on args. First it checks all args and only if all are correct are they processed. """ arg_nok = '' args_ok = False # check args for arg in argv: if '-' in arg: child, days = str.lower(arg).split('-') elif '+' in arg: child, days = str.lower(arg).split('+') else: arg_nok = arg args_ok = False break try: days = int(days) except ValueError: # as error: arg_nok = arg args_ok = False break if ((child in childs) and (-shrd.MAX_DAYS <= days <= shrd.MAX_DAYS)): args_ok = True else: arg_nok = arg args_ok = False break if args_ok: # process args print_state(childs, last_upd) for arg in argv: if '-' in arg: child, days = str.lower(arg).split('-') days = -int(days) elif '+' in arg: child, days = str.lower(arg).split('+') days = int(days) childs[child] += days if childs[child] > 0: childs[child] = min(shrd.MAX_DAYS, childs[child]) else: childs[child] = max(0, childs[child]) last_upd = shrd.update_file(childs, last_upd) print_state(childs, last_upd) else: print(clrm.Fore.RED + lcl.WRONG_ARG + arg_nok + '\n') print(clrm.Fore.RESET + common.usage())
def set_upd_btn(upd): """Set or update selected child's grounded days.""" global last_upd try: int(days_var.get()) except ValueError: # as error: days_var.set(0) if 0 <= int(days_var.get()) <= shrd.MAX_DAYS: childs[childs_combo.get()] = int(days_var.get()) if upd: last_upd = shrd.auto_upd_datafile(childs, last_upd) else: last_upd = shrd.update_file(childs, last_upd) last_upd_var.set(value=str(last_upd)) else: tk_msg_box.showwarning(lcl.WARNING, lcl.DAYS_RANGE + shrd.MAX_DAYS_STR)