Ejemplo n.º 1
def remove_photo_from_file(path, photo_id):
    Given a file path and a photo index ID, remove the photo and renumber
    all photos inside the file. Determine what the proper configuration
    section header should be from the path itself.
    section = None
    for section_name in ["wild", "media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
        if section_name in path.split("/"):
            section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
    photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
    if photo_list.delete_photo(photo_id) == True:
        # Read max from an existing photo
        max = int(get_max_entity_count())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def remove_author_from_lineage(author):
    Occasionally users will remove or rename their photo files online.
    For cases where the original files cannot be recovered, it may be
    simpler to remove photos by an author and add them back later.

    Given a author (typically an IG username), remove their photos
    from every panda or zoo data entry.
    for file_path in [PANDA_PATH, ZOO_PATH, MEDIA_PATH]:
        section = None
        for section_name in ["media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in file_path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
        # Enter the pandas subdirectories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
            for filename in files:
                path = root + os.sep + filename
                photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
                # Done? Let's write config
Ejemplo n.º 3
def remove_duplicate_photo_uris_per_file():
    If a file has the same photo URI multiple times, make a new photo entry
    with a union of the tags for each one, and the earlier commitdate.
    TODO: support media duplicates
    max = int(get_max_entity_count())
    for file_path in [PANDA_PATH, ZOO_PATH]:
        section = None
        for section_name in ["zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in file_path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
        # Enter the pandas subdirectories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
            for filename in files:
                path = root + os.sep + filename
                # print(path)
                photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
                photo_count = photo_list.photo_count()
                photo_index = 1
                seen = {}
                duplicates = {}
                while (photo_index <= photo_count):
                    current_option = "photo." + str(photo_index)
                    current_uri = photo_list.get_field(current_option)
                    current_author_option = current_option + ".author"
                    current_author = photo_list.get_field(
                    current_date_option = current_option + ".commitdate"
                    current_date = photo_list.get_field(current_date_option)
                    current_date_value = datetime_to_unixtime(current_date)
                    current_link_option = current_option + ".link"
                    current_link = photo_list.get_field(current_link_option)
                    current_tags_option = current_option + ".tags"
                    current_tags = photo_list.get_field(current_tags_option)
                    if current_uri in seen:
                        # We have a duplicate
                        seen_date_value = datetime_to_unixtime(
                        seen_tags = seen[current_uri]["tags"]
                        # Resolve dates and tags
                        if (current_date_value < seen_date_value):
                                "commitdate"] = current_date_value
                        # Handle when either of the duplicates have no tags
                        if seen_tags == None and current_tags != None:
                            seen[current_uri]["tags"] = current_tags
                        if seen_tags != None and current_tags != None:
                            tag_list = current_tags.split(
                                ", ") + seen_tags.split(", ")
                            tag_list = sorted(list(
                                dict.fromkeys(tag_list)))  # deduplicate tags
                            seen[current_uri]["tags"] = ", ".join(tag_list)
                        # Add to duplicates list in its current form
                        duplicates[current_uri] = seen[current_uri]
                        # Remove from the photo list
                    elif current_uri in duplicates:
                        # We have something duplicated more than once
                        seen_date_value = datetime_to_unixtime(
                        seen_tags = duplicates[current_uri]["tags"]
                        # Resolve dates and tags
                        if (current_date_value < seen_date_value):
                                "commitdate"] = current_date_value
                        # Handle when either of the duplicates have no tags
                        if seen_tags == None and current_tags != None:
                            seen[current_uri]["tags"] = current_tags
                        if seen_tags != None and current_tags != None:
                            tag_list = current_tags.split(
                                ", ") + seen_tags.split(", ")
                            tag_list = sorted(list(
                                dict.fromkeys(tag_list)))  # deduplicate tags
                            duplicates[current_uri]["tags"] = ", ".join(
                        # Remove from the photo list
                        seen[current_uri] = {}
                        seen[current_uri]["old_index"] = photo_index
                        seen[current_uri]["author"] = current_author
                        seen[current_uri]["commitdate"] = current_date
                        seen[current_uri]["link"] = current_link
                        seen[current_uri]["tags"] = current_tags
                    photo_index = photo_index + 1
                for photo_uri in duplicates.keys():
                    # Add duplicates back to photo file, starting at the newest index
                    photo_option = "photo." + str(photo_index)
                    author_option = photo_option + ".author"
                    author = duplicates[photo_uri]["author"]
                    date_option = photo_option + ".commitdate"
                    date = duplicates[photo_uri]["commitdate"]
                    link_option = photo_option + ".link"
                    link = duplicates[photo_uri]["link"]
                    tags_option = photo_option + ".tags"
                    tags = duplicates[photo_uri]["tags"]
                    photo_list.set_field(photo_option, photo_uri)
                    photo_list.set_field(author_option, author)
                    photo_list.set_field(date_option, date)
                    photo_list.set_field(link_option, link)
                    if (tags != None):
                        photo_list.set_field(tags_option, tags)
                    photo_index = photo_index + 1
                # Update the file if there were any changes, and re-sort the hashes
                duplicate_count = len(duplicates.keys())
                if duplicate_count > 0:
                    print("deduplicated: %s (%s duplicated)" %
                          (path, duplicate_count))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def update_photo_commit_dates(starting_commit, force=False):
    The old redpandafinder update logic only worked on the basis of commits
    in the last week or so. When files are re-sorted, added, or removed for
    periods of time, it becomes meaningful to search the entire git repo,
    find when a photo URI first appeared, and then track it using its first
    commit-date into redpandafinder.
    uri_to_commit_date = {}
    repo = git.Repo(".")
    # List of sha1-name commits from the repo, oldest to newest
    commit_list = list(
        reversed(list(map(lambda x: x.hexsha, repo.iter_commits()))))
    if starting_commit != None:
            index = commit_list.index(starting_commit)
        except IndexError as e:
            raise CommitError("%s not a valid commit in this repo." %
        commit_list = commit_list[
            index:]  # All after, and including the given commit
    for index, commitish in enumerate(commit_list):
        # End of the commit list? Call it a day
        if commitish == commit_list[len(commit_list) - 1]:
        # Get the diff
        start = commitish
        end = commit_list[index + 1]
        diff_raw = repo.git.diff(start,
        patch = PatchSet(diff_raw)
        for change in patch:
            filename = change.path
            if filename.find(".txt") == -1:
                # Don't care about non-data files
            elif change.added <= 0:
                # No lines were added, so we don't care
                for hunk in change:
                    for line in hunk:
                        if line.is_added:
                            if re.match("photo.\d+:", line.value) == None:
                                # Not a photo line
                            if line.value.find(": ") == -1:
                                # No correct delimiter, which we see in old commits
                            if len(line.value.strip().split(": ")) != 2:
                                # Probably bad linebreaks
                            [key, value] = line.value.strip().split(": ")
                            if (value in uri_to_commit_date):
                                # Photo we've already seen
                            if (value.find("http") !=
                                    0) and (value.find("ig://") != 0):
                                # Not a URI, so not a photo reference
                            dt = repo.commit(end).committed_datetime
                            date = str(dt.year) + "/" + str(
                                dt.month) + "/" + str(dt.day)
                            if value not in uri_to_commit_date:
                                # Only insert a comit date once
                                uri_to_commit_date[value] = date
    # print(str(uri_to_commit_date))
    # Now walk the repo, find all files with photo lines that have no commit dates,
    # and add commitdate to each photo that needs one
    for file_path in [PANDA_PATH, ZOO_PATH, MEDIA_PATH]:
        section = None
        for section_name in ["media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in file_path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
        # Enter the pandas subdirectories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
            for filename in files:
                path = root + os.sep + filename
                # print(path)
                photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
                photo_count = photo_list.photo_count()
                photo_index = 1
                while (photo_index <= photo_count):
                    photo_option = "photo." + str(photo_index)
                    photo_uri = photo_list.get_field(photo_option)
                    date_option = photo_option + ".commitdate"
                    if photo_uri not in uri_to_commit_date:
                        photo_index = photo_index + 1
                    date_value = uri_to_commit_date[photo_uri]
                    old_date_value = photo_list.get_field(date_option)
                    if ((old_date_value == None) or (force == True)):
                        photo_list.set_field(date_option, date_value)
                    # print(photo_uri + " ==> " + date_value)
                    photo_index = photo_index + 1
Ejemplo n.º 5
def update_entity_commit_dates(starting_commit, force=False):
    When moving pandas, the old redpandafinder updater logic considered "new" 
    animals as anything that was a new file in a location. So when an animal
    moved zoos, it became _new_ again. Rectify this by tracking when the
    commitdate for each new animal is. Track commit dates for other files too,
    just for the hell of it.
    filename_to_commit_date = {}
    type_id_to_commit_date = {}
    repo = git.Repo(".")
    # List of sha1-name commits from the repo, oldest to newest
    commit_list = list(
        reversed(list(map(lambda x: x.hexsha, repo.iter_commits()))))
    if starting_commit != None:
            index = commit_list.index(starting_commit)
        except IndexError as e:
            raise CommitError("%s not a valid commit in this repo." %
        commit_list = commit_list[
            index:]  # All after, and including the given commit
    for index, commitish in enumerate(commit_list):
        # End of the commit list? Call it a day
        if commitish == commit_list[len(commit_list) - 1]:
        # Get the diff
        start = commitish
        end = commit_list[index + 1]
        diff_raw = repo.git.diff(start,
        patch = PatchSet(diff_raw)
        for change in patch:
            filename = change.path
            if filename.find(".txt") == -1:
                # Don't care about non-data files
            elif change.is_added_file == True:
                compare = "./" + filename
                dt = repo.commit(end).committed_datetime
                date = str(dt.year) + "/" + str(dt.month) + "/" + str(dt.day)
                just_file = filename.split("/").pop()
                just_type = None
                just_id = None
                if compare.find(PANDA_PATH) == 0:
                    just_type = "panda"
                    just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                elif compare.find(ZOO_PATH) == 0:
                    just_type = "zoo"
                    just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                elif compare.find(MEDIA_PATH) == 0:
                    just_type = "media"
                    just_id = filename  # Need full path for media files
                    continue  # Not a file we're tracking commitdates for
                filename_to_commit_date[just_file] = date
                type_id_to_commit_date[just_type + "_" + just_id] = date
    # print(str(filename_to_commit_date))
    # print(str(type_id_to_commit_date))
    # Now walk the repo, find all panda files without commit dates,
    # and add commitdate to each photo that needs one
    for file_path in [MEDIA_PATH, PANDA_PATH, ZOO_PATH]:
        section = None
        for section_name in ["media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in file_path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
        # Enter the pandas subdirectories
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(file_path):
            for filename in files:
                path = root + os.sep + filename
                photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
                if photo_list.get_field("commitdate") == None:
                    if filename not in filename_to_commit_date:
                        # file's name was changed at some point
                        just_file = filename.split("/").pop()
                        just_type = None
                        just_id = None
                        if path.find(PANDA_PATH) == 0:
                            just_type = "panda"
                            just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                        elif path.find(ZOO_PATH) == 0:
                            just_type = "zoo"
                            just_id = just_file.split("_")[0]
                        elif path.find(MEDIA_PATH) == 0:
                            just_type = "media"
                            just_id = path  # Need full path for media files
                            continue  # Not a file we're tracking commitdates for
                        just_key = just_type + "_" + just_id
                        if just_key not in type_id_to_commit_date:
                            print("warning: %s commitdate undetermined" %
                            date = type_id_to_commit_date[just_key]
                            old_date = photo_list.get_field("commitdate")
                            if ((old_date == None) or (force == True)):
                                photo_list.set_field("commitdate", date)
                        date = filename_to_commit_date[filename]
                        old_date = photo_list.get_field("commitdate")
                        if ((old_date == None) or (force == True)):
                            photo_list.set_field("commitdate", date)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def sort_ig_hashes(path):
    Take a zoo/panda file, and sort all photos by their IG hashes. 
    This makes the photos appear in the order they were uploaded to IG,
    oldest to newest. 
    If a photo does not use an IG URI, keep its index unchanged.
    # IG alphabet for hashes, time ordering oldest to newest
    # print(path)
    print("sorting: %s" % path)
    hash_order = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"
    section = None
    for section_name in ["wild", "zoos", "media", "pandas"]:
        if section_name in path.split("/"):
            section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
    photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
    photo_count = photo_list.photo_count()
    max = int(get_max_entity_count()) + 1
    if photo_count >= max:
        max = photo_count + 1
    non_ig_indices = []
    ig_photos = []
    # Build photo indices of IG photos and non-IG photos
    start_index = 1
    stop_point = max
    photo_index = start_index
    while photo_index <= stop_point:
        photo_option = "photo." + str(photo_index)
        photo = photo_list.get_field(photo_option)
        if photo == None:
            # Missing photo at this index, continue
            photo_index = photo_index + 1
        # Convert IG photo formats to use new event handler
        photo = update_ig_link(photo)
        photo_list.set_field(photo_option, photo)
        # If our updated photo link has an ig:// uri, do the moving
        if "ig://" in photo:
            # Track the photo and index as a tuple
            ig_photos.append([photo, photo_index])
            # Rename all photo fields as "old_photo_field"
            photo_list.move_field("old." + photo_option, photo_option)
            photo_list.move_field("old." + photo_option + ".author",
                                  photo_option + ".author")
            photo_list.move_field("old." + photo_option + ".commitdate",
                                  photo_option + ".commitdate")
            photo_list.move_field("old." + photo_option + ".link",
                                  photo_option + ".link")
            photo_list.move_field("old." + photo_option + ".tags",
                                  photo_option + ".tags")
            if section == "media":
                panda_tags = photo_list.get_field("panda.tags").split(", ")
                for panda_id in panda_tags:
                    photo_item = photo_option + ".tags." + panda_id + ".location"
                    photo_list.move_field("old." + photo_item, photo_item)
            # Track the non-ig index, so we can avoid it
            # Don't need to rename these photos
        photo_index = photo_index + 1
    # Sort the list of ig photo tuples by photo URL
    # (the 0th item in each tuple is the url)
    # (the 4th item in each URL is the ig photo hash)
    ig_photos = sorted(
        key=lambda x: [hash_order.index(char) for char in x[0].split("/")[2]])
    ig_photos = sorted(ig_photos, key=lambda x: len(x[0].split("/")[2]))
    # Now, re-distribute the photos, iterating down the ig
    # photos, moving "old_photo_field" to "photo_field" but with
    # updated indices
    list_index = start_index
    photo_index = start_index
    used_indices = []
    while photo_index <= stop_point:
        if list_index - 1 == len(ig_photos):
            # No more photos, for certain
        [photo, old_index] = ig_photos[list_index - 1]
        photo_index = list_index
        while photo_index in non_ig_indices:
            photo_index = photo_index + 1  # Avoid indices for non-IG photos
        while photo_index in used_indices:
            photo_index = photo_index + 1  # Avoid indices we already used
        current_option = "photo." + str(photo_index)
        old_option = "old.photo." + str(old_index)
        photo_list.move_field(current_option, old_option)
        photo_list.move_field(current_option + ".author",
                              old_option + ".author")
        photo_list.move_field(current_option + ".commitdate",
                              old_option + ".commitdate")
        photo_list.move_field(current_option + ".link", old_option + ".link")
        photo_list.move_field(current_option + ".tags", old_option + ".tags")
        if section == "media":
            panda_tags = photo_list.get_field("panda.tags").split(", ")
            for panda_id in panda_tags:
                current_loc_tag = current_option + ".tags." + panda_id + ".location"
                old_loc_tag = old_option + ".tags." + panda_id + ".location"
                photo_list.move_field(current_loc_tag, old_loc_tag)
        list_index = list_index + 1
    # We're done. Update the photo file
Ejemplo n.º 7
def restore_author_to_lineage(author, prior_commit=None):
    Find the most recent commit where photos by an author were removed.
    Re-add them to the pandas they were removed from. For any panda that
    had photos restored, sort their photo hashes.
    repo = git.Repo(".")
    if prior_commit == None:
        prior_commit = find_commit_of_removed_photos(author, repo)
    # Go back one more from this commit
    current_commit = prior_commit
    prior_commit = str(prior_commit) + "~1"
    diff_raw = repo.git.diff(prior_commit,
    # Make list of removed lines per filename, and convert.
    # Handjam this just by iterating on file lines
    path_to_photo_index = {}
    patch = PatchSet(diff_raw)
    for change in patch:
        filename = change.path
        if filename.find(".txt") == -1:
            # Don't care about non-data files
        elif change.removed <= 0:
            # No lines were removed, so we don't care
            # Prepare to add lines
            path_to_photo_index[filename] = {}
            for hunk in change:
                for line in hunk:
                    if line.is_removed:
                        if line.value.find("photo.") != 0:
                        [key, value] = line.value.strip().split(": ")
                        path_to_photo_index[filename][key] = value
    # Delete any items where the author isn't the given
    for path in path_to_photo_index.keys():
        for option in list(path_to_photo_index[path].keys()):
            index = option.split(".")[1]
            if path_to_photo_index[path].get("photo." + index +
                                             ".author") != author:
    # Iterate through files that are getting photos back.
    # Add the photos to the ends of the files
    for path in path_to_photo_index.keys():
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            # File may have been moved.
            print("%s:\nfile no longer exists, so where do I put this?" % path)
            for key in path_to_photo_index[path].keys():
                print("%s: %s" % (key, value))
        section = None
        for section_name in ["wild", "media", "zoos", "pandas"]:
            if section_name in path.split("/"):
                section = section_name.split("s")[0]  # HACK
        photo_list = PhotoFile(section, path)
        photo_count = photo_list.photo_count()
        photo_index = photo_count + 1
        index_map = {}
        # Swap the old index to one that's not currently in the file
        for key in path_to_photo_index[path].keys():
            index = key.split(".")[1]
            if index_map.get(index) == None:
                index_map[index] = photo_index
                photo_index = photo_index + 1
            value = path_to_photo_index[path][key]
            key = key.replace("photo." + index,
                              "photo." + str(index_map[index]))
            photo_list.set_field(key, value)
            # print("%s: %s" % (key, value))
        # Update the list of photos
    # Finally, sort the photo files
    for path in path_to_photo_index.keys():