Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_sars(self):
        Function to get the SARS analogues from the hail and
        supercell databases. Requires calling get_kinematics()
        and get_parcels() first. Also calculates the significant
        hail parameter.
        Function returns nothing, but sets the following variables:

        self.matches - the matches from SARS HAIL
        self.ship - significant hail parameter
        self.supercell_matches - the matches from SARS SUPERCELL

        sfc_6km_shear = utils.KTS2MS(
            utils.mag(self.sfc_6km_shear[0], self.sfc_6km_shear[1]))
        sfc_3km_shear = utils.KTS2MS(
            utils.mag(self.sfc_3km_shear[0], self.sfc_3km_shear[1]))
        sfc_9km_shear = utils.KTS2MS(
            utils.mag(self.sfc_9km_shear[0], self.sfc_9km_shear[1]))
        h500t = interp.temp(self, 500.)
        lapse_rate = params.lapse_rate(self, 700., 500., pres=True)
        srh3km = self.srh3km[0]
        srh1km = self.srh1km[0]
        mucape = self.mupcl.bplus
        mlcape = self.mlpcl.bplus
        mllcl = self.mlpcl.lclhght
        mumr = thermo.mixratio(self.mupcl.pres, self.mupcl.dwpc)
        self.ship = params.ship(self)

        ## Cambios para el hemisferio sur JP JP
        if self.latitude < 0:
            srh1km = -srh1km
            srh3km = -srh3km

        self.hail_database = 'sars_hail.txt'
        self.supercell_database = 'sars_supercell.txt'
            self.matches = hail(self.hail_database, mumr, mucape, h500t,
                                lapse_rate, sfc_6km_shear, sfc_9km_shear,
                                sfc_3km_shear, srh3km)
            self.matches = ([], [], 0, 0, 0)
            self.supercell_matches = supercell(self.supercell_database, mlcape,
                                               mllcl, h500t, lapse_rate,
        except Exception as e:
            self.supercell_matches = ([], [], 0, 0, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def non_parcel_bunkers_motion_experimental(prof):
        Compute the Bunkers Storm Motion for a Right Moving Supercell
        prof : profile object
            Profile Object
        rstu : number
            Right Storm Motion U-component (kts)
        rstv : number
            Right Storm Motion V-component (kts)
        lstu : number
            Left Storm Motion U-component (kts)
        lstv : number
            Left Storm Motion V-component (kts)
    if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
        return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked

    d = utils.MS2KTS(7.5)  # Deviation value emperically derived as 7.5 m/s
    ## get the msl height of 500m, 5.5km, and 6.0km above the surface
    msl500m = interp.to_msl(prof, 500.)
    msl5500m = interp.to_msl(prof, 5500.)
    msl6000m = interp.to_msl(prof, 6000.)

    ## get the pressure of the surface, 500m, 5.5km, and 6.0km levels
    psfc = prof.pres[prof.sfc]
    p500m = interp.pres(prof, msl500m)
    p5500m = interp.pres(prof, msl5500m)
    p6000m = interp.pres(prof, msl6000m)

    ## sfc-500m Mean Wind
    mnu500m, mnv500m = mean_wind(prof, psfc, p500m)

    ## 5.5km-6.0km Mean Wind
    mnu5500m_6000m, mnv5500m_6000m = mean_wind(prof, p5500m, p6000m)

    # shear vector of the two mean winds
    shru = mnu5500m_6000m - mnu500m
    shrv = mnv5500m_6000m - mnv500m

    # SFC-6km Mean Wind
    mnu6, mnv6 = mean_wind(prof, psfc, p6000m)

    # Bunkers Right Motion
    tmp = d / utils.mag(shru, shrv)
    rstu = mnu6 + (tmp * shrv)
    rstv = mnv6 - (tmp * shru)
    lstu = mnu6 - (tmp * shrv)
    lstv = mnv6 + (tmp * shru)

    return rstu, rstv, lstu, lstv
Ejemplo n.º 3
def non_parcel_bunkers_motion(prof):
    Compute the Bunkers Storm Motion for a Right Moving Supercell

    prof : profile object
        Profile Object

    rstu : number
        Right Storm Motion U-component
    rstv : number
        Right Storm Motion V-component
    lstu : number
        Left Storm Motion U-component
    lstv : number
        Left Storm Motion V-component

    d = utils.MS2KTS(7.5)  # Deviation value emperically derived as 7.5 m/s
    msl6km = interp.to_msl(prof, 6000.)
    p6km = interp.pres(prof, msl6km)

    # SFC-6km Mean Wind
    mnu6, mnv6 = mean_wind_npw(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p6km)
    # SFC-6km Shear Vector
    shru, shrv = wind_shear(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p6km)

    # Bunkers Right Motion
    tmp = d / utils.mag(shru, shrv)

    # Cambios para el hemisferio sur JP JP
    if prof.latitude < 0:
        lstu = mnu6 + (tmp * shrv)
        lstv = mnv6 - (tmp * shru)
        rstu = mnu6 - (tmp * shrv)
        rstv = mnv6 + (tmp * shru)
        rstu = mnu6 + (tmp * shrv)
        rstv = mnv6 - (tmp * shru)
        lstu = mnu6 - (tmp * shrv)
        lstv = mnv6 + (tmp * shru)

    return rstu, rstv, lstu, lstv
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parseCLS(sfile):
    ## read in the file
    data = np.array([l.strip() for l in sfile.split('\n')])

    latitude = float(data[3].split(',')[5])
    longitude = float(data[3].split(',')[4])
    ## necessary index points
    start_idx = 15
    finish_idx = len(data)

    ## put it all together for StringIO
    full_data = '\n'.join(data[start_idx:finish_idx][:])
    sound_data = StringIO(full_data)

    ## read the data into arrays
    data = np.genfromtxt(sound_data)
    clean_data = []
    for i in data:
        if i[1] != 9999 and i[2] != 999 and i[3] != 999 and i[7] != 999 and i[
                8] != 999 and i[14] != 99999:
    p = np.array([i[1] for i in clean_data])
    h = np.array([i[14] for i in clean_data])
    T = np.array([i[2] for i in clean_data])
    Td = np.array([i[3] for i in clean_data])
    wdir = np.array([i[8] for i in clean_data])
    wspd = np.array([i[7] for i in clean_data])
    wspd = utils.MS2KTS(wspd)
        wdir ==
        360] = 0.  # Some wind directions are 360. Like in /glade/p/work/ahijevyc/GFS/Joaquin/g132325165.frd

    max_points = 250
    s = p.size / max_points
    if s == 0: s = 1
    print("stride=", s)
    return p[::s], h[::s], T[::s], Td[::
                                      s], wdir[::
                                               s], wspd[::
                                                        s], latitude, longitude
Ejemplo n.º 5
def non_parcel_bunkers_motion(prof):
    Compute the Bunkers Storm Motion for a Right Moving Supercell

    prof : profile object
        Profile Object

    rstu : number
        Right Storm Motion U-component (kts)
    rstv : number
        Right Storm Motion V-component (kts)
    lstu : number
        Left Storm Motion U-component (kts)
    lstv : number
        Left Storm Motion V-component (kts)

    if prof.wdir.count() == 0:
        return ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked, ma.masked

    d = utils.MS2KTS(7.5)  # Deviation value emperically derived as 7.5 m/s
    msl6km = interp.to_msl(prof, 6000.)
    p6km = interp.pres(prof, msl6km)
    # SFC-6km Mean Wind
    mnu6, mnv6 = mean_wind_npw(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p6km)
    # SFC-6km Shear Vector
    shru, shrv = wind_shear(prof, prof.pres[prof.sfc], p6km)

    # Bunkers Right Motion
    tmp = d / utils.mag(shru, shrv)
    rstu = mnu6 + (tmp * shrv)
    rstv = mnv6 - (tmp * shru)
    lstu = mnu6 - (tmp * shrv)
    lstv = mnv6 + (tmp * shru)

    return rstu, rstv, lstu, lstv
Ejemplo n.º 6
''' Create the Sounding (Profile) Object '''
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _parse(self):
        Parse the netCDF file according to the variable naming and
        dimmensional conventions of the WRF-ARW.
        ## open the file and also store the lat/lon of the selected point
        file_data = self._downloadFile()
        gridx = self._file_name[1]
        gridy = self._file_name[2]

        ## calculate the nearest grid point to the map point
        idx = self._find_nearest_point(file_data, gridx, gridy)

        ## check to see if this is a 4D netCDF4 that includes all available times.
        ## If it does, open and compute the variables as 4D variables
        if len(file_data.variables["T"][:].shape) == 4:
            ## read in the data from the WRF file and conduct necessary processing
            theta = file_data.variables["T"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] + 300.0
            qvapr = file_data.variables["QVAPOR"][:, :, idx[0],
                                                  idx[1]] * 10**3  #g/kg
            mpres = (file_data.variables["P"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]] +
                     file_data.variables["PB"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]]) * .01
            mhght = file_data.variables[
                "PH"][:, :, idx[0],
                      idx[1]] + file_data.variables["PHB"][:, :, idx[0],
                                                           idx[1]] / G
            ## unstagger the height grid
            mhght = (mhght[:, :-1, :, :] + mhght[:, 1:, :, :]) / 2.

            muwin = file_data.variables["U"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]]
            mvwin = file_data.variables["V"][:, :, idx[0], idx[1]]

            ## convert the potential temperature to air temperature
            mtmpc = thermo.theta(1000.0, theta - 273.15, p2=mpres)
            ## convert the mixing ratio to dewpoint
            mdwpc = thermo.temp_at_mixrat(qvapr, mpres)
            ## convert the grid relative wind to earth relative
            U = muwin * file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][
                0, idx[0], idx[1]] - mvwin * file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][
                    0, idx[0], idx[1]]
            V = mvwin * file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][
                0, idx[0], idx[1]] + muwin * file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][
                    0, idx[0], idx[1]]
            ## convert from m/s to kts
            muwin = utils.MS2KTS(U)
            mvwin = utils.MS2KTS(V)

        ## if the data is not 4D, then it must be assumed that this is a file containing only a single time
            ## read in the data from the WRF file and conduct necessary processing
            theta = file_data.variables["T"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] + 300.0
            qvapr = file_data.variables["QVAPOR"][:, idx[0],
                                                  idx[1]] * 10**3  #g/kg
            mpres = (file_data.variables["P"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] +
                     file_data.variables["PB"][:, idx[0], idx[1]]) * .01
            mhght = file_data.variables["PH"][:, idx[0],
                                              idx[1]] + file_data.variables[
                                                  "PHB"][:, idx[0], idx[1]] / G
            ## unstagger the height grid
            mhght = (mhght[:-1, :, :] + mhght[1:, :, :]) / 2.

            muwin = file_data.variables["U"][:, idx[0], idx[1]]
            mvwin = file_data.variables["V"][:, idx[0], idx[1]]

            ## convert the potential temperature to air temperature
            mtmpc = thermo.theta(1000.0, theta - 273.15, p2=mpres)
            ## convert the mixing ratio to dewpoint
            mdwpc = thermo.temp_at_mixrat(qvapr, mpres)
            ## convert the grid relative wind to earth relative
            U = muwin * file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][
                0, idx[0], idx[1]] - mvwin * file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][
                    0, idx[0], idx[1]]
            V = mvwin * file_data.variables['COSALPHA'][
                0, idx[0], idx[1]] + muwin * file_data.variables['SINALPHA'][
                    0, idx[0], idx[1]]
            ## convert from m/s to kts
            muwin = utils.MS2KTS(U)
            mvwin = utils.MS2KTS(V)

        ## get the model start time of the file
        inittime = dattim.datetime.strptime(str(file_data.START_DATE),

        profiles = []
        dates = []
        ## loop over the available times

        for i in range(file_data.variables["T"][:].shape[0]):
            ## make sure the arrays are 1D
            prof_pres = mpres[i].flatten()
            prof_hght = mhght[i].flatten()
            prof_tmpc = mtmpc[i].flatten()
            prof_dwpc = mdwpc[i].flatten()
            prof_uwin = muwin[i].flatten()
            prof_vwin = mvwin[i].flatten()
            ## compute the time of the profile
                delta = dattim.timedelta(
                curtime = inittime + delta
            except KeyError:
                var = ''.join(
                    np.asarray(file_data.variables['Times'][i], dtype=str))
                curtime = dattim.datetime.strptime(var, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')
            date_obj = curtime

            ## construct the profile object
            prof = profile.create_profile(profile="raw",
                                          location=str(gridx) + "," +

            ## append the dates and profiles

        ## create a profile collection - dictionary has no key since this
        ## is not an ensemble model
        prof_coll = prof_collection.ProfCollection({'': profiles}, dates)

        return prof_coll