def test_rmfmodelnopha_matrix_call():
    "What happens calling an rmf (matrix) with no pha?"

    rdata = create_non_delta_rmf()

    # Do not use a flat model as it is not as useful a check
    # that the RMF is doing its job.
    constant = 2.3
    slope = -0.1
    mdl = Polynom1D('mdl')
    mdl.c0 = constant
    mdl.c1 = slope

    wrapped = RMFModelNoPHA(rdata, mdl)

    # Calculate the model analytically.
    modvals = mdl(rdata.energ_lo, rdata.energ_hi)
    matrix = get_non_delta_matrix()
    expected = np.matmul(modvals, matrix)

    out = wrapped([4, 5])
    assert_allclose(out, expected)

    # the RMF convolution shouldn't lose flux, although
    # given the previous check it's not clear if this really
    # adds any extra confidence.
    assert out.sum() == pytest.approx(modvals.sum())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_evaluate_cache1dint():
    """Check we run with cacheing on: 1dint"""

    xgrid = numpy.arange(2, 10, 1.5)
    xlo, xhi = xgrid[:-1], xgrid[1:]

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    mdl._use_caching = True
    assert len(mdl._cache) == 0

    # Check the default values
    expected = numpy.ones(5) * 1.5
    assert mdl(xlo, xhi) == pytest.approx(expected)
    check_cache(mdl, expected, xlo, xhi)

    mdl.c0 = 5
    mdl.c1 = 2

    def xval(x):
        return 5 + 2 * x

    dx = xhi - xlo
    ylo = xval(xlo)
    yhi = xval(xhi)

    expected = dx * (yhi + ylo) / 2
    assert mdl(xlo, xhi) == pytest.approx(expected)
    check_cache(mdl, expected, xlo, xhi)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_cache_clear_single(caplog):
    """Check cache_clear for a single model."""

    p = Polynom1D()

    # There's no official API for accessing the cache data,
    # so do it directly.
    assert len(p._cache) == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0

    p([1, 2, 3])
    p([1, 2, 3])
    p([1, 2, 3, 4])

    assert len(p._cache) == 1
    assert p._cache_ctr['check'] == 3
    assert p._cache_ctr['hits'] == 1
    assert p._cache_ctr['misses'] == 2


    assert len(p._cache) == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0
def test_rspmodelnopha_matrix_call():
    "What happens calling an RMF (matrix)+ARF with no pha?"

    rdata = create_non_delta_rmf()
    exposure = 200.1
    specresp = np.asarray([
        200.0, 100.0, 0.0, 175.0, 300.0, 400.0, 350.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0,
        200.0, 100.0, 100.0, 150.0, 175.0, 125.0, 100.0, 90.0, 80.0, 0.0
    adata = create_arf(rdata.energ_lo,

    constant = 2.3
    slope = -0.25
    mdl = Polynom1D('mdl')
    mdl.c0 = constant
    mdl.c1 = slope

    wrapped = RSPModelNoPHA(adata, rdata, mdl)

    # Calculate the model analytically. Note that the exposure
    # value is ignored.
    modvals = specresp * mdl(rdata.energ_lo, rdata.energ_hi)
    matrix = get_non_delta_matrix()
    expected = np.matmul(modvals, matrix)

    out = wrapped([4, 5])
    assert_allclose(out, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     # defensive programming (one of the tests has been seen to fail
     # when the whole test suite is run without this)
     self._old_logger_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
     logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) = Data1D('tst', self._x, self._y, self._e)
     self.mdl = Polynom1D('mdl')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setUp(hide_logging):

    x = [-13, -5, -3, 2, 7, 12]
    y = np.asarray([102.3, 16.7, -0.6, -6.7, -9.9, 33.2])
    err = np.ones(6) * 5
    data = Data1D('tst', x, y, err)
    mdl = Polynom1D('mdl')
    return data, mdl
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_evaluate_cache_binaryop():
    """BinaryOp has no cache"""

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    assert hasattr(mdl, '_use_caching')

    fmdl = mdl + 2
    assert isinstance(fmdl, BinaryOpModel)
    assert not hasattr(fmdl, '_use_caching')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_cache_status_multiple(caplog):
    """Check cache_status for a multi-component model.

    Unlike test_cache_syayus_single we also have evaluated the model
    so we can check that the cache status has changed.

    # The model expression includes an ArithmeticConstant model (the
    # term 2) which does not have a cache and so is ignored by
    # cache_status.
    p = Polynom1D()
    b = Box1D()
    c = Const1D()
    mdl = c * (2 * p + b)

    # One model is not cached
    b._use_caching = False

    mdl([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
    mdl([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])
    mdl([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])

    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):

    assert len(caplog.records) == 3

    tokens = []
    for lname, lvl, msg in caplog.record_tuples:
        assert lname == 'sherpa.models.model'
        assert lvl == logging.INFO
        toks = msg.split()
        assert len(toks) == 9
        assert toks[1] == 'size:'
        assert toks[2] == '1'
        assert toks[3] == 'hits:'
        assert toks[5] == 'misses:'
        assert toks[7] == 'check:'
        assert toks[8] == '3'


    toks = tokens[0]
    assert toks[0] == 'const1d'
    assert toks[4] == '1'
    assert toks[6] == '2'

    toks = tokens[1]
    assert toks[0] == 'polynom1d'
    assert toks[4] == '1'
    assert toks[6] == '2'

    toks = tokens[2]
    assert toks[0] == 'box1d'
    assert toks[4] == '0'
    assert toks[6] == '0'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_evaluate_cache_regrid1d():
    """How about a regridded model?"""

    mdl = Polynom1D()

    x = numpy.arange(2, 20, 0.5)
    rmdl = mdl.regrid(x)

    assert isinstance(rmdl, RegridWrappedModel)
    assert not hasattr(rmdl, '_use_caching')
def test_rspmodelpha_matrix_call(ignore):
    """What happens calling a rsp with a pha (RMF is a matrix)?

    The ignore value gives the channel to ignore (counting from 0).

    exposure = 200.1
    rdata = create_non_delta_rmf()
    specresp = create_non_delta_specresp()
    elo = rdata.energ_lo
    ehi = rdata.energ_hi

    adata = create_arf(elo, ehi, specresp, exposure=exposure)
    nchans = rdata.e_min.size

    constant = 22.3
    slope = -1.2
    mdl = Polynom1D('sloped')
    mdl.c0 = constant
    mdl.c1 = slope

    channels = np.arange(1, nchans + 1, dtype=np.int16)
    counts = np.ones(nchans, dtype=np.int16)
    pha = DataPHA('test-pha',

    # force energy units (only needed if ignore is set)

    if ignore is not None:
        e0 = rdata.e_min[ignore]
        e1 = rdata.e_max[ignore]
        de = 0.9 * (e1 - e0)
        pha.notice(lo=e0, hi=e0 + de, ignore=True)

        # The assert are intended to help people reading this
        # code rather than being a useful check that the code
        # is working.
        mask = [True] * nchans
        mask[ignore] = False
        assert (pha.mask == mask).all()

    wrapped = RSPModelPHA(adata, rdata, pha, mdl)

    # The filter does not change the grid
    modvals = specresp * mdl(rdata.energ_lo, rdata.energ_hi)
    matrix = get_non_delta_matrix()
    expected = np.matmul(modvals, matrix)

    out = wrapped([4, 5])
    assert_allclose(out, expected)
def test_rmfmodelpha_matrix_call(ignore):
    """What happens calling an rmf (matrix) with a pha?

    The ignore value gives the channel to ignore (counting from 0).

    exposure = 200.1
    rdata = create_non_delta_rmf()
    elo = rdata.e_min
    ehi = rdata.e_max
    nchans = elo.size

    constant = 12.2
    slope = 0.01
    mdl = Polynom1D('not-flat')
    mdl.c0 = constant
    mdl.c1 = slope

    channels = np.arange(1, nchans + 1, dtype=np.int16)
    counts = np.ones(nchans, dtype=np.int16)
    pha = DataPHA('test-pha',

    # force energy units (only needed if ignore is set)

    if ignore is not None:
        e0 = elo[ignore]
        e1 = ehi[ignore]
        de = 0.9 * (e1 - e0)
        pha.notice(lo=e0, hi=e0 + de, ignore=True)

        # The assert are intended to help people reading this
        # code rather than being a useful check that the code
        # is working.
        mask = [True] * nchans
        mask[ignore] = False
        assert (pha.mask == mask).all()

    wrapped = RMFModelPHA(rdata, pha, mdl)

    # Note that the evaluation ignores any filter we've applied.
    # and the exposure time is not used.
    modvals = mdl(rdata.energ_lo, rdata.energ_hi)
    matrix = get_non_delta_matrix()
    expected = np.matmul(modvals, matrix)

    out = wrapped([4, 5])
    assert_allclose(out, expected)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_model_thaw():
    """Can we thaw all the parameters in a model?"""

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    expected = [2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0]

    for p, val in zip(, expected):
        p.val = val

    assert mdl.thawedpars == pytest.approx([2.0])

    assert mdl.thawedpars == pytest.approx(expected)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_regproj(old_numpy_printing, override_plot_backend):
    p = plot.RegionProjection()
    r = p._repr_html_()

    check_empty(r, 'RegionProjection', nsummary=13)

    x = np.arange(5, 8, 0.5)
    y = np.asarray([2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3])
    dy = y / 2
    d = Data1D('n n', x, y, staterror=dy)

    m = Polynom1D()

    fit = Fit(d, m, stat=Chi2())
    fr =
    assert fr.succeeded

    p.prepare(min=(-2, -1), max=(2, 2), nloop=(10, 20))
    p.calc(fit, m.c0, m.c1)

    r = p._repr_html_()
    assert r is not None

    if plot_backend_is("pylab"):
        assert "<summary>RegionProjection</summary>" in r
        assert "<svg " in r

    assert "<summary>RegionProjection (13)</summary>" in r

    # Issue #1372 shows that the numbers here can depend on the platform; as
    # this test is not about whether the fit converged to the same solution
    # the tests are very basic. An alternative would be to just place
    # the values from the fit object into the strings, but then there is
    # the problem that this test currently requires old_numpy_printing,
    # so the results would not necessarily match.
    assert '<div class="dataname">parval0</div><div class="dataval">-0.5' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">parval1</div><div class="dataval">0.5' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">sigma</div><div class="dataval">(1, 2, 3)</div>' in r

    # These values may depend on the platform so only very-limited check.
    assert '<div class="dataname">y</div><div class="dataval">[ 30' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">levels</div><div class="dataval">[  3.6' in r

    assert '<div class="dataname">min</div><div class="dataval">[-2, -1]</div>' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">max</div><div class="dataval">[2, 2]</div>' in r

    assert '<div class="dataname">nloop</div><div class="dataval">(10, 20)</div>' in r
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_model_freeze():
    """Can we freeze all the parameters in a model?"""

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    mdl.c2.val = 30
    mdl.c7.val = 87
    mdl.offset.val = -2
    assert mdl.thawedpars == pytest.approx([1.0, 30, 87, -2])

    assert mdl.thawedpars == []
Ejemplo n.º 15
def setup_single_1dint(stat, sys):
    """Return a single data set and model.

    stat, sys : bool
        Should statistical and systematic errors be explicitly set
        (True) or taken from the statistic (False)?

    data, model
        Data1DInt and Model objects.


    xlo = np.asarray([-10, -5, 3, 4])
    xhi = np.asarray([-5, 2, 4, 7])

    y = np.asarray([16.3, 2.4, 4.3, 5.6])
    if stat:
        # pick values close to sqrt(y)
        staterr = np.asarray([4.0, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4])
        staterr = None
    if sys:
        syserr = 0.05 * y
        syserr = None

    data = Data1DInt('tst1', xlo, xhi, y, staterror=staterr, syserror=syserr)

    # As the model is integrated, the normalization values need to
    # be divided by the bin width, but the bins are not constant
    # width, so pick a value which gives reasonable values.
    mdl = Polynom1D('mdl1')
    mdl.c0 = 0
    mdl.c2 = 0.08
    mdl.offset = -1

    mdl.offset.frozen = False
    mdl.c2.frozen = False

    return data, mdl
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_regproj(old_numpy_printing, override_plot_backend):
    p = plot.RegionProjection()
    r = p._repr_html_()

    check_empty(r, 'RegionProjection', nsummary=13)

    x = np.arange(5, 8, 0.5)
    y = np.asarray([2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3])
    dy = y / 2
    d = Data1D('n n', x, y, staterror=dy)

    m = Polynom1D()

    fit = Fit(d, m, stat=Chi2())
    fr =
    assert fr.succeeded

    p.prepare(min=(-2, -1), max=(2, 2), nloop=(10, 20))
    p.calc(fit, m.c0, m.c1)

    r = p._repr_html_()
    assert r is not None

    if == 'pylab':
        assert '<summary>RegionProjection</summary>' in r
        assert '<svg ' in r

    assert '<summary>RegionProjection (13)</summary>' in r

    assert '<div class="dataname">parval0</div><div class="dataval">-0.5315772076542427</div>' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">parval1</div><div class="dataval">0.5854611101216837</div>' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">sigma</div><div class="dataval">(1, 2, 3)</div>' in r

    assert '<div class="dataname">y</div><div class="dataval">[ 306.854444  282.795953  259.744431  237.699877  216.662291  196.631674\n' in r

    assert '<div class="dataname">levels</div><div class="dataval">[  3.606863   7.491188  13.140272]</div>' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">min</div><div class="dataval">[-2, -1]</div>' in r
    assert '<div class="dataname">max</div><div class="dataval">[2, 2]</div>' in r

    assert '<div class="dataname">nloop</div><div class="dataval">(10, 20)</div>' in r
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_evaluate_no_cache1d():
    """Check we can turn off cacheing: 1d"""

    xgrid = numpy.arange(2, 10, 1.5)

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    mdl.integrate = False
    mdl._use_caching = False
    assert len(mdl._cache) == 0

    # Check the default values
    expected = numpy.ones(6)
    assert mdl(xgrid) == pytest.approx(expected)
    assert len(mdl._cache) == 0

    mdl.c0 = 5
    mdl.c1 = 2

    expected = 5 + 2 * xgrid
    assert mdl(xgrid) == pytest.approx(expected)
    assert len(mdl._cache) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_evaluate_cache1d():
    """Check we run with cacheing on: 1d"""

    xgrid = numpy.arange(2, 10, 1.5)

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    mdl.integrate = False
    mdl._use_caching = True
    assert len(mdl._cache) == 0

    # Check the default values
    expected = numpy.ones(6)
    assert mdl(xgrid) == pytest.approx(expected)
    check_cache(mdl, expected, xgrid)

    mdl.c0 = 5
    mdl.c1 = 2

    expected = 5 + 2 * xgrid
    assert mdl(xgrid) == pytest.approx(expected)
    check_cache(mdl, expected, xgrid)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_cache_status_single(caplog):
    """Check cache_status for a single model."""

    p = Polynom1D()
    with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO, logger='sherpa'):

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    lname, lvl, msg = caplog.record_tuples[0]
    assert lname == 'sherpa.models.model'
    assert lvl == logging.INFO
    toks = msg.split()
    assert toks[0] == 'polynom1d'
    assert toks[1] == 'size:'
    assert toks[2] == '1'
    assert toks[3] == 'hits:'
    assert toks[4] == '0'
    assert toks[5] == 'misses:'
    assert toks[6] == '0'
    assert toks[7] == 'check:'
    assert toks[8] == '0'
    assert len(toks) == 9
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_pha_model_with_gaps_977():
    """If the lo/hi edges don't quite match what happens?

    See test_pha_data_with_gaps_977.

    chans = np.arange(1, 6)
    vals = np.arange(1, 6)

    blo = np.asarray([100, 99, 98, 97, 96])
    bhi = np.asarray([101, 100.0000000001, 99, 98, 97])

    d = DataPHA('x', chans, vals, bin_lo=blo, bin_hi=bhi)

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    mdl.c0 = 0.1
    mdl.c1 = 1.1

    p = ModelPHAHistogram()
    p.prepare(d, mdl)

    assert p.y == pytest.approx([1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5, 5.6])

    xlo = p.xlo
    xhi = p.xhi

    assert xlo.size == 5
    assert xlo[0] == pytest.approx(101)
    assert xhi[0] == pytest.approx(100)

    assert xlo[-1] == pytest.approx(97)
    assert xhi[-1] == pytest.approx(96)

    # This is an equality check, not with pytest.approx,
    # since this is enforced by the plot code. This fails
    # before #977 is fixed.
    assert (xlo[1:] == xhi[:-1]).all()
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_evaluate_cache_swap():
    """Check issue #959 when swapping integrate flag caused problems.

    Note that the problem causing #959 is actually tested in
    test_evaluate_cache1dint but it's nice to have this
    separate check in case things change.

    xgrid = numpy.arange(2, 10, 1.5)
    xlo, xhi = xgrid[:-1], xgrid[1:]

    mdl = Polynom1D()
    mdl._use_caching = True

    mdl.c0 = 5
    mdl.c1 = 2

    mdl.integrate = False
    expected = 5 + 2 * xlo

    y1 = mdl(xlo, xhi)
    assert y1 == pytest.approx(expected)
    check_cache(mdl, expected, xlo, xhi)

    mdl.integrate = True

    def xval(x):
        return 5 + 2 * x

    dx = xhi - xlo
    ylo = xval(xlo)
    yhi = xval(xhi)

    expected = dx * (yhi + ylo) / 2

    y2 = mdl(xlo, xhi)
    assert y2 == pytest.approx(expected)
    check_cache(mdl, expected, xlo, xhi)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def setup_single(stat, sys):
    """Return a single data set and model.

    stat, sys : bool
        Should statistical and systematic errors be explicitly set
        (True) or taken from the statistic (False)?

    data, model
        Data1D and Model objects.


    x = np.asarray([-10, -5, 3, 4])
    y = np.asarray([16.3, 2.4, 4.3, 5.6])
    if stat:
        # pick values close to sqrt(y)
        staterr = np.asarray([4.0, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4])
        staterr = None
    if sys:
        syserr = 0.05 * y
        syserr = None

    data = Data1D('tst1', x, y, staterror=staterr, syserror=syserr)

    mdl = Polynom1D('mdl1')
    mdl.c0 = 0
    mdl.c2 = 0.2
    mdl.offset = -1

    return data, mdl
Ejemplo n.º 23
def setup_single_pha(stat, sys, background=True, areascal="none"):
    """Return a single data set and model.

    This is aimed at wstat calculation, and so the DataPHA object has
    no attached response. The data set is grouped.

    stat, sys : bool
        Should statistical and systematic errors be explicitly set
        (True) or taken from the statistic (False)?
    background : bool
        Should a background data set be included (True) or not (False)?
        The background is *not* subtracted when True.
    areascal : {'none', 'scalar', 'array'}
        Is the AREASCAL set and, if so, to a scalar or array value?
        If background is True then it is also applied to the background
        data set.

    data, model
        DataPHA and Model objects.


    # For the array of areascals, ensure that areascal is not
    # constant within at least one group
    areascals = {
        'source': {
            'none': None,
            'scalar': 1.0,
            'array': np.asarray([0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.9, 0.7], dtype=np.float32)
        'background': {
            'none': None,
            'scalar': 0.8,
            'array': np.asarray([1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.1, 1.4], dtype=np.float32)

    # If used the same bins as setup_single_1dint then could
    # re-use the results, but the bins are different, and it
    # is useful for the Data1DInt case to test non-consecutive
    # histogram bins.
    channels = np.arange(1, 6, dtype=np.int16)
    counts = np.asarray([10, 13, 9, 17, 21], dtype=np.int16)

    if stat:
        staterror = np.asarray([3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0])
        staterror = None

    if sys:
        syserror = 0.2 * counts
        syserror = None

    grouping = np.asarray([1, -1, 1, -1, 1], dtype=np.int16)
    # quality = np.asarray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.int16)
    quality = None

    exposure = 150.0
    backscal = 0.01

    ascal = areascals['source'][areascal]

    # does not set areascal or header
    data = DataPHA(name='tstpha',

    if background:
        bgcounts = np.asarray([2, 1, 0, 2, 2], dtype=np.int16)

        if stat:
            bgstaterror = np.asarray([0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2])
            bgstaterror = None

        if sys:
            bgsyserror = 0.3 * bgcounts
            bgsyserror = None

        bggrouping = None
        bgquality = None

        bgexposure = 550.0
        bgbackscal = np.asarray([0.05, 0.06, 0.04, 0.04, 0.07])

        bgascal = areascals['background'][areascal]

        bgdata = DataPHA(name='bgpha',


    # Trying a multi-component model, even though this actual
    # model is degenerate (cnst.c0 and poly.c0)
    cnst = Const1D('cnst')
    poly = Polynom1D('poly')

    cnst.c0 = 1.2
    poly.c0 = 7.9
    poly.c1 = 2.1
    poly.c1.frozen = False

    mdl = cnst + poly
    return data, mdl
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_cache_clear_multiple(caplog):
    """Check cache_clear for a combined model."""

    p = Polynom1D()
    b = Box1D()
    c = Const1D()
    mdl = c * (p + 2 * b)

    # Ensure one component doesn't use the cache
    c._use_caching = False

    # There's no official API for accessing the cache data,
    # so do it directly.
    assert len(p._cache) == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0

    assert len(b._cache) == 0
    assert b._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert b._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert b._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0

    assert len(c._cache) == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0

    mdl([1, 2, 3])
    mdl([1, 2, 3])
    mdl([1, 2, 3, 4])

    assert len(p._cache) == 1
    assert p._cache_ctr['check'] == 3
    assert p._cache_ctr['hits'] == 1
    assert p._cache_ctr['misses'] == 2

    assert len(b._cache) == 1
    assert b._cache_ctr['check'] == 3
    assert b._cache_ctr['hits'] == 1
    assert b._cache_ctr['misses'] == 2

    assert len(c._cache) == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['check'] == 3
    assert c._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0


    assert len(p._cache) == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert p._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0

    assert len(b._cache) == 0
    assert b._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert b._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert b._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0

    assert len(c._cache) == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['check'] == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['hits'] == 0
    assert c._cache_ctr['misses'] == 0
Ejemplo n.º 25

def dump(name):
    print("# dump")

def savefig(name):
    print("# Created: {}".format(name))

from sherpa.models.basic import Polynom1D
mdl = Polynom1D()


from import Fit
f = Fit(d, mdl)

mdl.c2 = 1

print("Starting statistic: {:.3f}".format(f.calc_stat()))
Ejemplo n.º 26
from sherpa.ui.utils import Session
from import Data1DInt
from sherpa.models.basic import Polynom1D

def savefig(name):
    print("# Created: {}".format(name))

s = Session()
xlo = [2, 3, 5, 7, 8]
xhi = [3, 5, 6, 8, 9]
y = [10, 27, 14, 10, 14]
s.load_arrays(1, xlo, xhi, y, Data1DInt)
mdl = Polynom1D('mdl')
mdl.c0 = 6
mdl.c1 = 1


p = s.get_model_plot_prefs()
p['marker'] = '*'
p['markerfacecolor'] = 'green'
p['markersize'] = 12
s.plot_model(linestyle=':', alpha=0.7, overplot=True)
