Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_regrid1d_identity_when_no_grid_int(setup_1d):

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    # Ensure that the grid widths are not the same,
    # and that it is not contiguous. Would probably
    # have been easier to list the bins explicitly rather
    # than the following selection of filters.
    grid = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)

    def excl(vlo, vhi):
        return (grid < vlo) | (grid > vhi)

    idx = excl(-1, 1) & excl(79, 86)
    grid = grid[idx]

    xlo = grid[:-1]
    xhi = grid[1:]

    idx = np.arange(xlo.size) != 4
    xlo = xlo[idx]
    xhi = xhi[idx]

    yexp = internal_mdl(xlo, xhi)
    ygot = mdl(xlo, xhi)

    assert_allclose(ygot, yexp, atol=0, rtol=1e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_regrid1d_wrapping_str():
    """Check the str output of a wrapped model.

    Since this includes the name field, it subsumes
    test_regrid1d_wrapping_name but leave that test alone
    as it is an explicit check.

    # This is basically checking that __str__ comes from
    # the CompositeModel and that everything is set up
    # correctly.
    internal_model = Const1D('con')
    internal_model.c0 = 2

    imodel_name = internal_model.name

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(name='test')
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_model)

    expected_name = 'test({})'.format(imodel_name)

    # need to strip off the first line and replace it with
    # the new model name
    expected_params = "\n".join(str(internal_model).split('\n')[1:])

    expected_str = expected_name + "\n" + expected_params

    assert str(mdl) == expected_str
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_regrid1d_passes_through_the_grid():
    """Is the grid actually being passed through to the model?"""

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    imdl = MyConst1D()
    imdl.c0 = -34.5
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(imdl)
    grid_expected = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
    grid_requested = [12, 18, 20]

    rmdl.grid = grid_expected
    store = imdl._calc_store
    len(store) == 0

    y = mdl(grid_requested)
    assert len(y) == len(grid_requested)
    assert len(store) == 1
    store = store[0]
    assert len(store) == 2

    assert len(store[0]) == 2
    assert store[1] == {'integrate': True}

    store = store[0]
    assert store[0] == [-34.5]
    combine = np.unique(np.append(grid_expected, grid_requested))
    indices = combine.searchsorted(store[1])
    assert (store[1] == combine[indices]).all()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_interp_method_is_callable():
    """Check that method is callable."""
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        rmdl.method = True

    assert str(exc.value) == "method argument 'True' is not callable"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_regrid1d_wrapping_create_composite_instance():
    # This test depends on what we want the regridded model to look like, which is
    # somewhat arbitrary
    cmdl = Const1D()
    gmdl = Gauss1D()
    imdl = cmdl + gmdl
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(imdl)
    assert isinstance(mdl, CompositeModel)
    assert len(mdl.parts) == 1
    assert mdl.parts[0] is imdl
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_regrid1d_identity_when_no_grid_rev(setup_1d):

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    grid = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)[::-1]

    yexp = internal_mdl(grid)
    ygot = mdl(grid)

    assert_allclose(ygot, yexp, atol=0, rtol=1e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_regrid1d_error_calc_no_args(setup_1d):

    internal_mdl = setup_1d
    grid_evaluate = EvaluationSpace1D(np.arange(-10, 100, 5))

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(grid_evaluate)
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    with pytest.raises(ModelErr) as excinfo:
        pvals = [p.val for p in internal_mdl.pars]

    assert ModelErr.dict['nogrid'] in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _test_regrid1d_interpolation(rtol,
    """Test interpolation case.

    rtol : number
        The relative tolerance, passed through to assert_allclose.
    eval_incr : bool, optional
        Does the evaluation grid increase or decrease?
    req_incr : bool, optional
        Does the requested grid increase or decrease?
    method : function reference, optional
        The interpolator to use, which should match
        sherpa.utils.linear_interp's API. If None then
        use the default method (which is sherpa.utils.neville)

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    # Shift the evaluation grid compared to the
    # requested grid (making sure that the evaluation
    # grid extends outside the requested grid on both
    # edges to avoid checking for edge effects here).
    # grid_evaluate is x'_i, has 22 bins
    # grid_request is x_i, has 21 bins
    grid_evaluate = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)
    grid_request = np.linspace(-5, 85, 21)

    if not eval_incr:
        grid_evaluate = grid_evaluate[::-1]

    if not req_incr:
        grid_request = grid_request[::-1]

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(EvaluationSpace1D(grid_evaluate))
    if method is not None:
        rmdl.method = method

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    yexp = internal_mdl(grid_request)

    ygot = mdl(grid_request)
    assert_allclose(ygot, yexp, atol=0, rtol=rtol)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_regrid1d_error_grid_mismatch_2(setup_1d):
    """Internal grid is points but given integrated"""

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    grid_evaluate = EvaluationSpace1D(np.arange(-10, 100, 5))
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(grid_evaluate)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)
    grid_run = np.arange(0, 20, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ModelErr) as excinfo:
        mdl(grid_run[:-1], grid_run[1:])

    assert ModelErr.dict['needspoint'] in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_regrid1d_error_grid_mismatch_1(setup_1d):
    """Internal grid is integrated but given points"""

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    grid_evaluate = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)
    eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(grid_evaluate[:-1], grid_evaluate[1:])
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)
    grid_run = np.arange(0, 20, 10)
    with pytest.raises(ModelErr) as excinfo:

    assert 'An integrated grid is required for model evaluation' \
        in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_regrid1d_no_overlap_rev3(setup_1d):
    """If the two grids have no overlap, return value is the same as the model evaluated over the data space."""

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(np.arange(1000, 2000, 100)[::-1])
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    grid = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)[::-1]

    ygot = mdl(grid)

    assert_allclose(ygot, [
    ] * grid.size, atol=0, rtol=1e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_regrid1d_call_twice(setup_1d):
    """What happens if have no evaluation (output) grid?"""

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(np.arange(1000, 2000, 100))
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    # It appears that calling the model with no arguments is
    # the same as calling 'rmdl(internal_mdl)'. An "easy" way
    # to test this is to rely on the stringification (and have
    # other tests handle that rmdl(...) is doing the right
    # thing).
    noargs = mdl()
    assert str(mdl) == str(noargs)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_regrid1d_identity_after_clearing_grid(setup_1d):
    """Ensure that the grid can be removed."""

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(np.arange(200, 300, 20))

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    grid = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)

    yexp = internal_mdl(grid)

    rmdl.grid = None
    ygot = mdl(grid)

    assert_allclose(ygot, yexp, atol=0, rtol=1e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_regrid1d_no_overlap_int(setup_1d):
    """If the two grids have no overlap, return value is the same as the model evaluated over the data space."""

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    array = np.arange(1000, 2000, 100)
    eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(array[:-1], array[1:])
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    grid = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)

    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        ygot = mdl(grid[:-1], grid[1:])

    assert_allclose(ygot, [
    ] * (grid.size - 1), atol=0, rtol=1e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_regrid1d_int_flux():
    """Check integration models using an XSPEC-style c[p]flux model.

    gamma = 1.7
    pmdl = PowLaw1D()
    pmdl.gamma = gamma

    fluxmdl = ReNormalizerKernel1DInt()
    fluxmdl.flux = 20.0
    fluxmdl.lo = 10.0
    fluxmdl.hi = 20

    grid = np.arange(1.0, 9.0, 0.01)
    glo = grid[:-1]
    ghi = grid[1:]

    mdl = fluxmdl(pmdl)

    regrid = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    rmdl = regrid.apply_to(mdl)

    # ensure it covers the 10 - 20 range as well as 1-9. Pick
    # a smaller grid size than the output grid.
    xfull = np.arange(0, 22, 0.005)
    regrid.grid = xfull[:-1], xfull[1:]

    y_regrid = rmdl(glo, ghi)
    assert y_regrid.shape == glo.shape

    # Model flux in lo/hi range is int_lo^hi x^-gamma dx (since norm
    # and reference of the power law are both 1.0). This is, since
    # gamma is not 1, [x^(1-gamma)]^hi_lo / (1 - gamma).
    term = 1.0 - gamma
    renorm = (20**term - 10**term) / term
    y_expected = pmdl(glo, ghi) * 20 / renorm

    assert_allclose(y_regrid, y_expected, atol=1e-10, rtol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _test_regrid1d_int(rtol, eval_incr=True, req_incr=True, setup_1d=None):
    """Test with for integrated grids.

    rtol : number
        The relative tolerance, passed through to assert_allclose.
    eval_incr : bool, optional
        Does the evaluation grid increase or decrease?
    req_incr : bool, optional
        Does the requested grid increase or decrease?

    This is very similar to  _test_regrid1d_interpolation except that
    it does not support the method parameter.

    # have not coded this, since need xlo[0] > xlo[1] but xhi[0] > xlo[0]
    # (I think).
    assert eval_incr
    assert req_incr

    internal_mdl = setup_1d

    grid_evaluate = np.arange(-10, 100, 5)
    grid_request = np.linspace(-5, 85, 21)

    eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(grid_evaluate[:-1], grid_evaluate[1:])

    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)

    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_mdl)

    yexp = internal_mdl(grid_request[:-1], grid_request[1:])

    ygot = mdl(grid_request[:-1], grid_request[1:])
    assert_allclose(ygot, yexp, atol=0, rtol=rtol)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def regrid(self, *args, **kwargs):
        The class RegriddableModel1D allows the user to evaluate in the
        requested space then interpolate onto the data space. An optional
        argument 'interp' enables the user to change the interpolation method.

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from sherpa.models.basic import Box1D
        >>> mybox = Box1D()
        >>> request_space = np.arange(1, 10, 0.1)
        >>> regrid_model = mybox.regrid(request_space, interp=linear_interp)
        valid_keys = ('interp', )
        for key in kwargs.keys():
            if key not in valid_keys:
                raise TypeError("unknown keyword argument: '%s'" % key)
        eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(*args)
        regridder = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space, **kwargs)
        return regridder.apply_to(self)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_regrid1d_wrapping_name():
    """Check the name field of a wrapped model.

    This is also checked in test_regrid1d_wrapping_str.

    internal_model = Const1D('con') + Gauss1D('gau')
    imodel_name = internal_model.name

    # a test where the Regrid1D model is named is in
    # test_regrid1d_wrapping_str.
    rmdl = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    mdl = rmdl.apply_to(internal_model)

    # TODO: It is not clear what the syntactic constraints on
    #       the name field are; if it is to create an evaluable
    #       model at the UI layer then the following is
    #       incorrect. There is "prior art" here with PSF, ARF,
    #       and RMF models to look at.
    expected_name = 'regrid1d({})'.format(imodel_name)
    assert mdl.name == expected_name
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_regrid1d_works_with_convolution_style():
    """This doesn't really test more than the previous
    model-evaluation tests.

    smdl = StepLo1D()
    smdl.xcut = 100
    smdl.ampl = 10

    cmdl = Const1D()
    cmdl.c0 = -500

    imdl = smdl + cmdl

    # Set up the convolution kernel
    gsmooth = Gauss1D()
    psf = PSFModel('psf', gsmooth)

    smoothed = psf(imdl)

    # This is the model that will be evaluated
    regrid = ModelDomainRegridder1D()
    smoothed_regrid = regrid.apply_to(smoothed)

    # Ignoring edge effects, the smoothed step function drops from
    # x=100 down to x~120 (it is not clear why it doesn't smooth
    # below x=100, but maybe I've set up the convolution wrong).
    # So, if the regrid model evaluates x=0 to 200 but the requested
    # grid is from x=102 ro 180, then we should see a difference
    # to evaluating without regrid.
    xfull = np.arange(0, 200, 0.5)
    xout = np.arange(101, 180, 0.5)

    regrid.grid = xfull

    # fake up a data object for the fold method
    # TODO: it is not clear to me what grid should be used here;
    #       xfull or xout
    d = Data1D('fake', xfull, xfull * 0)

    y_regrid = smoothed_regrid(xout)

    # calculate the expected values
    y_full = smoothed(xfull)

    # since the grids have the same binning, it is a simple extraction
    idx0, = np.where(xfull == xout[0])
    idx1, = np.where(xfull == xout[-1])
    y_expected = y_full[idx0[0]:idx1[0] + 1]

    assert_allclose(y_regrid, y_expected, atol=1e-10, rtol=0)

    # check that this is all worth it; i.e. that without regrid
    # you just get the constant term. If this fails then it does not
    # mean that the regrid code is broken, but it implies that
    # something fundamental has changed with the basic model
    # evaluation.
    d = Data1D('fake', xout, xout * 0)
    y_check = smoothed(xout)
    y_expected = np.zeros(xout.size) + cmdl.c0.val
    assert_allclose(y_check, y_expected, rtol=0, atol=1e-7)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def regrid(self, *arrays):
     eval_space = EvaluationSpace1D(*arrays)
     regridder = ModelDomainRegridder1D(eval_space)
     return regridder.apply_to(self)