Ejemplo n.º 1
def preloadBannerTimestamps(input_file):
    bannerTSDict = {}
    if not input_file.endswith('.json.gz'):
        input_file += '.json.gz'
    for result in helpers.iterate_files(input_file):
        bannerTSDict[result['ip_str']] = result['timestamp']
    return bannerTSDict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def preloadBannerTimestamps(input_file):
    bannerTSDict = {}
    if not input_file.endswith('.json.gz'):
        input_file += '.json.gz'
    for result in helpers.iterate_files(input_file):
        bannerTSDict[result['ip_str']] = result['timestamp']
    return bannerTSDict
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse(color, fields, filters, filename, separator, filenames):
    """Extract information out of compressed JSON files."""
    # Strip out any whitespace in the fields and turn them into an array
    fields = [item.strip() for item in fields.split(',')]

    if len(fields) == 0:
        raise click.ClickException('Please define at least one property to show')

    has_filters = len(filters) > 0

    # Setup the output file handle
    fout = None
    if filename:
        # If no filters were provided raise an error since it doesn't make much sense w/out them
        if not has_filters:
            raise click.ClickException('Output file specified without any filters. Need to use filters with this option.')

        # Add the appropriate extension if it's not there atm
        if not filename.endswith('.json.gz'):
            filename += '.json.gz'
        fout = helpers.open_file(filename)

    for banner in helpers.iterate_files(filenames):
        row = u''

        # Validate the banner against any provided filters
        if has_filters and not match_filters(banner, filters):

        # Append the data
        if fout:
            helpers.write_banner(fout, banner)

        # Loop over all the fields and print the banner as a row
        for i, field in enumerate(fields):
            tmp = u''
            value = get_banner_field(banner, field)
            if value:
                field_type = type(value)

                # If the field is an array then merge it together
                if field_type == list:
                    tmp = u';'.join(value)
                elif field_type in [int, float]:
                    tmp = u'{}'.format(value)
                    tmp = escape_data(value)

                # Colorize certain fields if the user wants it
                if color:
                    tmp = click.style(tmp, fg=COLORIZE_FIELDS.get(field, 'white'))

            # Add the field information to the row
            if i > 0:
                row += separator
            row += tmp 

Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse(color, fields, filters, filename, separator, filenames):
    """Extract information out of compressed JSON files."""
    # Strip out any whitespace in the fields and turn them into an array
    fields = [item.strip() for item in fields.split(',')]

    if len(fields) == 0:
        raise click.ClickException('Please define at least one property to show')

    has_filters = len(filters) > 0

    # Setup the output file handle
    fout = None
    if filename:
        # If no filters were provided raise an error since it doesn't make much sense w/out them
        if not has_filters:
            raise click.ClickException('Output file specified without any filters. Need to use filters with this option.')

        # Add the appropriate extension if it's not there atm
        if not filename.endswith('.json.gz'):
            filename += '.json.gz'
        fout = helpers.open_file(filename)

    for banner in helpers.iterate_files(filenames):
        row = u''

        # Validate the banner against any provided filters
        if has_filters and not match_filters(banner, filters):

        # Append the data
        if fout:
            helpers.write_banner(fout, banner)

        # Loop over all the fields and print the banner as a row
        for i, field in enumerate(fields):
            tmp = u''
            value = get_banner_field(banner, field)
            if value:
                field_type = type(value)

                # If the field is an array then merge it together
                if field_type == list:
                    tmp = u';'.join(value)
                elif field_type in [int, float]:
                    tmp = u'{}'.format(value)
                    tmp = escape_data(value)

                # Colorize certain fields if the user wants it
                if color:
                    tmp = click.style(tmp, fg=COLORIZE_FIELDS.get(field, 'white'))

            # Add the field information to the row
            if i > 0:
                row += separator
            row += tmp

Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(args):
    # Basic input validation
    if len(args) <= 1:
        print('Usage: {} <data.json.gz> [list of data files...]'.args[0])
        return 1

    # Keep track of the frequency of each key
    tracker = defaultdict(int)

    # Loop over all the banners in the provided Shodan data files
    for banner in iterate_files(args[1:]):
        # Find "Keys" section of the banner text
        start = banner['data'].find('# Keys\r\n')
        if start < 0:
        start += len('# Keys\r\n')

        # Find the start of the next section
        end = banner['data'].find('\r\n\r\n', start)

        # Grab the text in between
        keys = banner['data'][start:end]

        # Parse the keys line by line
        keys = keys.split('\r\n')
        for key in keys:
            # Skip comments or empty keys
            if key.startswith('#') or key.strip() == '':

            # Increment the frequency counter for this key
            tracker[key] += 1

    # Lets print the results
    print('Top {} Redis Keys\n'.format(TOP_RESULTS))

    # Turn the defaultdict into a list of items (iteritems())
    # Sort it in reverse (i.e. most common value will be at the start of the list)
    # And sort it based on the value instead of the key name (lambda ...)
    sorted_items = sorted(tracker.iteritems(),
                          key=lambda (k, v): v)

    # Use the enumerate() method to give us a counter and start the counter at 1
    for i, item in enumerate(sorted_items, start=1):
        # The key names are padded to a length of 30 characters so the output aligns better
        print('#{}\t{:30s}\t{}'.format(i, item[0], item[1]))

        # Stop looping over results once we've printed the top X values
        if i >= TOP_RESULTS:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def populateMetadata(image):
    print 'In populateMetadata function'
    for result in helpers.iterate_files('screenshots.json.gz'):

        if result['ip_str'] == image:
            print 'Found matching result!!!!!*****#########'
            global ipAddress
            if result['ip_str'] is not None:
                ipAddress = result['ip_str'] + '<br/>'
                ipAddress = ''

            global country
            if result['location']['country_name'] is not None:
                country = result['location']['country_name']
                country = ''

            global city
            if result['location']['city'] is not None:
                city = ', ' + result['location']['city']
                city = ''

            global hostnames
            if result['hostnames'] is not None:
                hostnames = str(result['hostnames']).replace("[", "").replace(
                    "]", "").replace("u", "") + '<br/>'
                hostnames = ''

            global isp
            if result['isp'] is not None:
                isp = result['isp'] + '<br/>'
                isp = ''

            global timestamp
            if result['timestamp'] is not None:
                timestamp = result['timestamp'].replace("T", " ") + '<br/>'
                timestamp = ''
Ejemplo n.º 7
def populateMetadata(image):
    print 'In populateMetadata function'
    for result in helpers.iterate_files('screenshots.json.gz'):

        if result['ip_str'] == image:
            print 'Found matching result!!!!!*****#########'
            global ipAddress
            if result['ip_str'] is not None:
              ipAddress = result['ip_str'] + '<br/>'
              ipAddress = ''

            global country
            if result['location']['country_name'] is not None:
              country = result['location']['country_name']
              country = ''

            global city
            if result['location']['city'] is not None:
              city = ', ' + result['location']['city']
              city = ''

            global hostnames
            if result['hostnames'] is not None:
              hostnames = str(result['hostnames']).replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace("u", "") + '<br/>'
              hostnames = ''

            global isp
            if result['isp'] is not None:
              isp = result['isp'] + '<br/>'
              isp = ''

            global timestamp
            if result['timestamp'] is not None:
              timestamp = result['timestamp'].replace("T", " ") + '<br/>'
              timestamp = ''
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Use this script to parse ip addresses in a file and filters by tags listed in the array below. It then makes the results readable and digestible.
# This tool should be used in conjunction with the other Shodan scripts in the repo.

# Import the method that helps us parse the data file
from shodan.helpers import iterate_files, open_file, write_banner

# Standard Python libraries
from pprint import pprint
from sys import argv, exit

# Settings
OUTPUT_FILENAME = 'iterate-query.json.gz'

# The user has to provide at least 1 file
if len(argv) == 1:
    print('Usage: {} <file1.json.gz> [file2.json.gz] ...'.format(argv[0]))

# Create the output file
with open_file(OUTPUT_FILENAME) as fout:
    # Iterate over all of the provided data files
    for banner in iterate_files(argv[1:]):
        # Is the service listed?
        if 'tags' in banner and 'vpn' or 'http' or 'https' or 'ftp' or 'telnet' or 'smtp' or 'ssh' or 'mysql' or 'mssql' or 'snmp' in banner['tags']:
            # Show the banner

            # Store it in the output file
            write_banner(fout, banner)
Ejemplo n.º 9
# Settings
API_KEY = ''
MIN_SCREENS = 5  # Number of screenshots that Shodan needs to have in order to make a GIF

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print('Usage: {} <shodan-data.json.gz>'.format(sys.argv[0]))

# GIFs are stored in the local "data" directory

# We need to connect to the API to lookup the historical host information
api = shodan.Shodan(API_KEY)

for result in helpers.iterate_files(sys.argv[1]):
    # Get the historic info
    host = api.host(result['ip_str'], history=True)

    # Count how many screenshots this host has
    screenshots = []
    for banner in host['data']:
        if 'opts' in banner and 'screenshot' in banner['opts']:
            timestamp = arrow.get(banner['timestamp']).time()
            sort_key = timestamp.hour
                (sort_key, banner['opts']['screenshot']['data']))

            if len(screenshots) >= MAX_SCREENS:
Ejemplo n.º 10
import shodan
import shodan.helpers as helpers

import os
import sys

# Usage
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print('Usage: {} <Shodan json.gz> <output directory>'.format(sys.argv[0]))

input_file = sys.argv[1]
output_dir = sys.argv[2]

# Make sure the directory exists
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

for banner in helpers.iterate_files(input_file):
    # Try to grab the screenshot from the banner
    screenshot = helpers.get_screenshot(banner)

    # If we found a screenshot then create a file w/ the data
    if screenshot:
        # Create the file handle
        image = open('{}/{}.jpg'.format(output_dir, banner['ip_str']), 'w')

        # Write the image data which is stored using base64 encoding
Ejemplo n.º 11
    # GIFs are stored in the local "snapshots" directory
    except OSError:

    # Setup the Shodan API object
    api = shodan.Shodan(SHODAN_API_KEY)
    # Show a progress indicator
    BAR_FORMAT = '{desc}{percentage:3.0f}%[{bar}] {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} '
    '[{elapsed}<{remaining}, {rate_fmt}{postfix}]'
    pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=res_count, ascii=True, bar_format=BAR_FORMAT)
    pbar.set_description(desc='Сollecting snapshots from the JSON')
    # Loop over all of the Shodan data files the user provided
    for banner in helpers.iterate_files(f'{city.lower()}-data.json.gz'):
        # See whether the current banner has a screenshot,
        # if it does then lets lookup more information about this IP
        has_screenshot = helpers.get_screenshot(banner)
        if has_screenshot:
                ip = helpers.get_ip(banner)
                pbar.write(f'Looking up {ip}')
                host = api.host(ip, history=True)
                country = host['country_name']
                city = host['city']

                # Store all the historical screenshots for this IP
                screenshots = []
                for tmp_banner in host['data']:
                    # Try to extract the image from the banner data
Ejemplo n.º 12
API_KEY = ''
MIN_SCREENS = 5 # Number of screenshots that Shodan needs to have in order to make a GIF

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print('Usage: {} <shodan-data.json.gz>'.format(sys.argv[0]))

# GIFs are stored in the local "data" directory

# We need to connect to the API to lookup the historical host information
api = shodan.Shodan(API_KEY)

# Use the shodan.helpers.iterate_files() method to loop over the Shodan data file
for result in helpers.iterate_files(sys.argv[1]):
        # Get the historic info
        host = api.host(result['ip_str'], history=True)

        # Count how many screenshots this host has
        screenshots = []
        for banner in host['data']:
                # Extract the image from the banner data
                if 'opts' in banner and 'screenshot' in banner['opts']:
                        # Sort the images by the time they were collected so the GIF will loop
                        # based on the local time regardless of which day the banner was taken.
                        timestamp = arrow.get(banner['timestamp']).time()
                        sort_key = timestamp.hour