Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_user(admin, user_id):
    Returns the user with the requested id.

    :param admin: Is the administrator user, determined by @adminOptional.
    :param user_id:            Is the user id.

    :return:                   The requested user as JSON object.
    # Query user
    user = User.query.filter(User.id == user_id).first()
    if not user:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()

    if admin is None:
        # Check if the user has been verified.
        if not user.is_verified:
            raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()
        # Check if the user is inactive
        if not user.active:
            raise exc.UserIsInactive()

    fields = ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'fullname', 'credit', 'rank_id', 'imagename', 'active',
              'is_admin', 'creation_date', 'verification_date', 'is_verified']
    user = convert_minimal(user, fields)[0]
    return jsonify(user), 200
Ejemplo n.º 2
def login():
    Registered users can log in on this route.

    :return:                    A temporary valid token, which users can use
                                to identify themselves when making requests to
                                the API.

    :raises DataIsMissing:      If the id or password (or both) is not included
                                in the request.
    :raises UnknownField:       If an unknown parameter exists in the request
    :raises InvalidType:        If one or more parameters have an invalid type.
    :raises InvalidCredentials: If no user can be found with the given data.
    :raises UserIsNotVerified:  If the user has not yet been verified.
    data = json_body()
    # Check all items in the json body.
    required = {'id': int, 'password': str}
    check_fields_and_types(data, required)

    # Try to get the user with the id
    user = User.query.filter_by(id=data['id']).first()

    # If no user with this data exists cancel the authentication.
    if not user:
        raise exc.InvalidCredentials()

    # Check if the user has already been verified.
    if not user.is_verified:
        raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()

    # Check if the user is inactive
    if not user.active:
        raise exc.UserIsInactive()

    # Check if the user has set a password.
    if not user.password:
        raise exc.InvalidCredentials()

    # Check if the password matches the user's password.
    if not bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, str(data['password'])):
        raise exc.InvalidCredentials()

    # Create a dictionary object of the user.
    fields = ['id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'credit', 'is_admin']
    d_user = convert_minimal(user, fields)[0]

    # Create a token.
    exp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)
    token = jwt.encode({'user': d_user, 'exp': exp}, app.config['SECRET_KEY'])

    # Return the result.
    return jsonify({'result': True, 'token': token.decode('UTF-8')}), 200
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
        user = User.query.filter_by(id=kwargs['user_id']).first()
        if not user:
            raise exc.EntryNotFound()

        # Check if the user has been verified.
        if not user.is_verified:
            raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()

        # Check if the user is inactive
        if not user.active:
            raise exc.UserIsInactive()

        # If all criteria are met, the requested function can be executed.
        return f(user, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def create_refund(admin):
    Insert a new refund.

    :param admin:                Is the administrator user, determined by @adminRequired.

    :return:                     A message that the creation was successful.

    :raises DataIsMissing:       If not all required data is available.
    :raises WrongType:           If one or more data is of the wrong type.
    :raises EntryNotFound:       If the user with this ID does not exist.
    :raises UserIsNotVerified:   If the user has not yet been verified.
    :raises InvalidAmount:       If amount is equal to zero.
    :raises CouldNotCreateEntry: If any other error occurs.
    data = json_body()
    required = {'user_id': int, 'total_price': int, 'comment': str}
    check_fields_and_types(data, required)

    user = User.query.filter_by(id=data['user_id']).first()
    if not user:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()

    # Check if the user has been verified.
    if not user.is_verified:
        raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()

    # Check if the user is inactive
    if not user.active:
        raise exc.UserIsInactive()

    # Check amount
    if data['total_price'] <= 0:
        raise exc.InvalidAmount()

    # Create and insert refund
        refund = Refund(**data)
        refund.admin_id = admin.id
    except IntegrityError:
        raise exc.CouldNotCreateEntry()

    return jsonify({'message': 'Created refund.'}), 200
Ejemplo n.º 5
def insert_deposit(data, admin):
    This help function creates a new deposit with the given data.

    :raises DataIsMissing:       If not all required data is available.
    :raises WrongType:           If one or more data is of the wrong type.
    :raises EntryNotFound:       If the user with this ID does not exist.
    :raises UserIsNotVerified:   If the user has not yet been verified.
    :raises InvalidAmount:       If amount is equal to zero.
    :raises CouldNotCreateEntry: If any other error occurs.

    required = {'user_id': int, 'amount': int, 'comment': str}
    check_fields_and_types(data, required)

    # Check user
    user = User.query.filter_by(id=data['user_id']).first()
    if not user:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()

    # Check if the user has been verified.
    if not user.is_verified:
        raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()

    # Check if the user is inactive
    if not user.active:
        raise exc.UserIsInactive()

    # Check amount
    if data['amount'] == 0:
        raise exc.InvalidAmount()

    # Create and insert deposit
        deposit = Deposit(**data)
        deposit.admin_id = admin.id
    except IntegrityError:
        raise exc.CouldNotCreateEntry()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_purchase(admin):
    Insert a new purchase.

    :param admin:                Is the administrator user, determined by @adminOptional.

    :return:                     A message that the creation was successful.

    :raises DataIsMissing:       If not all required data is available.
    :raises WrongType:           If one or more data is of the wrong type.
    :raises EntryNotFound:       If the user with this ID does not exist.
    :raises UserIsNotVerified:   If the user has not yet been verified.
    :raises EntryNotFound:       If the product with this ID does not exist.
    :raises EntryIsInactive:     If the product is inactive.
    :raises InvalidAmount:       If amount is less than or equal to zero.
    :raises InsufficientCredit:  If the credit balance of the user is not
    :raises CouldNotCreateEntry: If any other error occurs.
    data = json_body()
    required = {'user_id': int, 'product_id': int, 'amount': int}

    check_fields_and_types(data, required)

    # Check user
    user = User.query.filter_by(id=data['user_id']).first()
    if not user:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()

    # Check if the user has been verified.
    if not user.is_verified:
        raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()

    # Check if the user is inactive
    if not user.active:
        raise exc.UserIsInactive()

    # Check product
    product = Product.query.filter_by(id=data['product_id']).first()
    if not product:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()
    if not product.active:
        raise exc.EntryIsInactive()

    # Check amount
    if data['amount'] <= 0:
        raise exc.InvalidAmount()

    # If the purchase is made by an administrator, the credit limit
    # may be exceeded.
    if not admin:
        limit = Rank.query.filter_by(id=user.rank_id).first().debt_limit
        current_credit = user.credit
        future_credit = current_credit - (product.price * data['amount'])
        if future_credit < limit:
            raise exc.InsufficientCredit()

        purchase = Purchase(**data)
    except IntegrityError:
        raise exc.CouldNotCreateEntry()

    return jsonify({'message': 'Purchase created.'}), 200
Ejemplo n.º 7
def insert_purchase(admin: Optional[User], data: dict) -> None:
    This helper function creates a single purchase without doing a commit.

    :param admin:                Is the administrator user, determined by @adminOptional.
    :param data:                 Is the purchase data.

    :return:                     None
    required = {'user_id': int, 'product_id': int, 'amount': int}
    optional = {'timestamp': str}

    # If the request is not made by an administrator, the timestamp can't be set
    if admin is None and 'timestamp' in data:
        raise exc.ForbiddenField()

    check_fields_and_types(data, required, optional)

    # Check user
    user = User.query.filter_by(id=data['user_id']).first()
    if not user:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()

    # Check if the user has been verified.
    if not user.is_verified:
        raise exc.UserIsNotVerified()

    # Check if the user is inactive
    if not user.active:
        raise exc.UserIsInactive()

    # Check the user rank. If it is a system user, only administrators are allowed to insert purchases
    if user.rank.is_system_user and admin is None:
        raise exc.UnauthorizedAccess()

    # Parse the timestamp
    data = parse_timestamp(data, required=False)

    # Check product
    product = Product.query.filter_by(id=data['product_id']).first()
    if not product:
        raise exc.EntryNotFound()
    if not admin and not product.active:
        raise exc.EntryIsInactive()

    # Check weather the product is for sale if the request is not made by an administrator
    if not admin and any(map(lambda tag: not tag.is_for_sale, product.tags)):
        raise exc.EntryIsNotForSale()

    # Check amount
    if data['amount'] <= 0:
        raise exc.InvalidAmount()

    # If the purchase is made by an administrator, the credit limit
    # may be exceeded.
    if not admin:
        limit = Rank.query.filter_by(id=user.rank_id).first().debt_limit
        current_credit = user.credit
        future_credit = current_credit - (product.price * data['amount'])
        if future_credit < limit:
            raise exc.InsufficientCredit()

        if admin:
            purchase = Purchase(admin_id=admin.id, **data)
            purchase = Purchase(**data)
    except IntegrityError:
        raise exc.CouldNotCreateEntry()