Ejemplo n.º 1
def receive_build(request, cid):
    '''receive_build will receive the post from Google Cloud Build.
       we check the response header against the jwt token to authenticate,
       and then check other metadata and permissions in complete_build.

    if request.method == "POST":

        # Must be an existing container
        container = get_container(cid)
        if container is None:
            return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

        # Decode parameters
        params = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))

        # Must include a jwt token that is valid for the container
        if not validate_jwt(container, params):
            return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

        scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('default')

        return JsonResponseMessage(message="Notification Received",

    return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def delete_build(cid, client=None):
    '''Delete artifacts for a container build, if they exist, along
       with the container object. This is called
       as a django-rq task for a worker to do from views.py

       cid: the container id to finish the build for, expected to have an id
    from shub.apps.main.views import get_container

    container = get_container(cid)

    # if being called from delete_container_collection, just instantiate once
    if client is None:
        context = get_build_context()
        client = get_client(debug=True, **context)

    # If the container has an image, delete it
    image = container.get_image() or ""
    if container.metadata['builder']['name'] == "google_build":

        # Delete the image
        if "storage.googleapis.com" in image:
            print("deleting container %s" % image)
            container_name = os.path.basename(image)
            client.delete(container_name, force=True)

    # Finally, delete the container
Ejemplo n.º 3
def globus_transfer(request, cid=None, endpoints=None):
    """ a main portal for working with globus. If the user has navigated
        here with a container id, it is presented with option to do a 
        transfer. If the method is a POST, we also do a custom search
        for a set of containers.
    container = None
    if cid is not None:
        container = get_container(cid)

    context = {
        "user": request.user,
        "container": container,
        "endpoint_search_term": "Search for...",

    # Does the user want to search endpoints?

    if request.method == "POST":
        term = request.POST.get("term")
        if term is not None:
            endpoints = search_endpoints(term=term, user=request.user)
            context["endpoint_search_term"] = term.capitalize()

    # If we don't have any endpoints still

    if endpoints is None:
        endpoints = get_endpoints(request.user)

    context["endpoints"] = endpoints

    return render(request, "globus/transfer.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calculate_version(cid):
    '''calculate version is run as a separate task after a container upload.
       Instead of using md5 provided by nginx we calculate sha256 sum and
       then include as the version variable.
    from shub.apps.main.views import get_container
    from sregistry.utils import get_file_hash
    print("Calculating version for upload.")
    container = get_container(cid)
    version = "sha256.%s" % get_file_hash(container.image.datafile.path,
    container.version = version
Ejemplo n.º 5
def delete_container(request, cid):
    '''delete a container, including it's corresponding files
       that are stored in Google Build (if they exist)
    container = get_container(cid)

    if not container.has_edit_permission(request):
        messages.info(request, "This action is not permitted.")
        return redirect('collections')

    # Send a job to the worker to delete the build files
    django_rq.enqueue(delete_build, cid=container.id)
    messages.info(request, 'Container successfully deleted.')
    return redirect(container.collection.get_absolute_url())
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_share(request, cid):
    """generate a temporary share link for a container

       cid: the container to generate a share link for
    container = get_container(cid)
    edit_permission = container.has_edit_permission(request)

    if edit_permission:
        days = request.POST.get("days", None)
        if days is not None:
            days = int(days)
                expire_date = calculate_expiration_date(days)
                share, _ = Share.objects.get_or_create(container=container,

                # Generate an expiration task
                django_rq.enqueue(expire_share, sid=share.id, eta=expire_date)

                link = reverse(
                        "cid": container.id,
                        "secret": share.secret

                expire_date = datetime.strftime(expire_date, "%b %m, %Y")
                response = {
                    "status": "success",
                    "days": days,
                    "expire": expire_date,
                    "link": link,
                response = {"status": "error", "days": days}

        return JsonResponse(response)

    return JsonResponse(
        {"error": "You are not allowed to perform this action."})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def submit_transfer(request, endpoint, cid):
    """submit a transfer request for a container id to an endpoint, also
       based on id

    container = get_container(cid)
    if container is None:
        m = "This container could not be found."

        result = do_transfer(user=request.user,

        link = "https://globus.org/app/activity/%s" % result["task_id"]
        m = result["message"]
        m = "%s: <a target='_blank' href='%s'>view task</a>" % (m, link)

    status = {"message": m}
    return JsonResponse(status)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def globus_endpoint(request, endpoint_id=None, cid=None):
    ''' Show information for a single endpoint only.
    container = None
    if cid is not None:
        container = get_container(cid)

    context = {'user': request.user,
               'container': container,
               'endpoint_search_term': "Search for..." }

    # Get the endpoint
        client = get_transfer_client(request.user)
        endpoints =  [client.get_endpoint(endpoint_id).data]
    except TransferAPIError:
        endpoints = get_endpoints(request.user)

    context['endpoints'] = endpoints

    return render(request, 'globus/transfer.html', context)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def globus_endpoint(request, endpoint_id=None, cid=None):
    """Show information for a single endpoint only."""
    container = None
    if cid is not None:
        container = get_container(cid)

    context = {
        "user": request.user,
        "container": container,
        "endpoint_search_term": "Search for...",

    # Get the endpoint
        client = get_transfer_client(request.user)
        endpoints = [client.get_endpoint(endpoint_id).data]
    except TransferAPIError:
        endpoints = get_endpoints(request.user)

    context["endpoints"] = endpoints

    return render(request, "globus/transfer.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def complete_build(cid, params, check_again_seconds=10):
    '''finish a build, meaning obtaining the original build_id for the container
       and checking for completion.

       cid: the container id to finish the build for, expected to have an id
       params: the parameters from the build. They must have matching build it.
       check_again_seconds: if the build is still working, check again in this
                            many seconds. By default, we multiply by 2 each time
                            (exponential backoff).
    from shub.apps.main.views import get_container

    container = get_container(cid)

    # Case 1: No id provided
    if "id" not in params:
        return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

    # Case 2: the container is already finished or not a google build
    if "build_metadata" not in container.metadata or "builder" not in container.metadata:
        return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

    # Case 3: It's not a Google Build
    if container.metadata['builder'].get('name') != "google_build":
        return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

    # Google build will have an id here
    build_id = container.metadata['build_metadata']['build']['id']
    status = container.metadata['build_metadata']['build']['status']

    # Case 4: Build is already finished
    active = ["QUEUED", "WORKING"]
    if status not in active:
        return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

    # Case 5: Build id doesn't match
    if build_id != params['id']:
        return JsonResponseMessage(message="Invalid request.")

    context = get_build_context()

    # Instantiate client with context (connects to buckets)
    client = get_client(debug=True, **context)

    # Get an updated status
    response = client._finish_build(build_id)


    if "public_url" in response:
        container.metadata['image'] = response['public_url']

    elif "media_link" in response:
        container.metadata['image'] = response['media_link']

    elif "status" in response:

        # If it's still working, schedule to check with exponential backoff
        if response["status"] in ["QUEUED", "WORKING"]:
            check_again_seconds = check_again_seconds*2
            print("Build status WORKING: checking in %s seconds" % check_again_seconds)

            # Get the scheduler, submit to check again
            scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('default')

    # This is an invalid status, and no action to take
        print("Invalid response, no container link and status not working.")

    # Save the build finish
    container.metadata['build_finish'] = response

    # Clear the container metadata
    container = clear_container_payload(container)

    # Add response metrics (size and file_hash)
    if "size" in response:
        container.metrics["size_mb"] = round(convert_size(response['size'], "MB"), 3)

    # Update the status
    if "status" in response:
        container.metadata['build_metadata']['build']['status'] = response["status"]

    # If a file hash is included, we use this as the version (not commit)
    if "crc32" in response:
        container.metrics["crc32"] = response["crc32"]

    # Add the version, also calculated by builder
    if "sha256sum" in response:
        container.metrics["sha256"] = "sha256.%s" % response['sha256sum']
        container.version = "sha256.%s" % response['sha256sum']
    # Keep an md5, for posterity
    if "md5sum" in response:
        container.metrics["md5"] = "md5.%s" % response['md5sum']

    # Calculate total time
    if "startTime" in response and "finishTime" in response:
        total_time = parse(response['finishTime']) - parse(response['startTime'])
        container.metrics['build_seconds'] = total_time.total_seconds()

    # Created date
    if "createTime" in response:
        created_at = datetime.strftime(parse(response['createTime']), '%h %d, %Y')
        container.metrics['created_at'] = created_at
