Ejemplo n.º 1
    def ready(self):
        from shuup.core.models import CompanyContact
        from .notify_events import send_company_activated_first_time_notification
        from .signals import handle_user_activation


        if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS"):
            # Patch settings to include ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS;
            # it's a setting owned by `django-registration-redux`,
            # but not set to a default value. If it's not set, a crash
            # will occur when attempting to create an account, so
            # for convenience, we're doing what `django-registration-redux`
            # didn't wanna.
            django.conf.settings.ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS = 7

        if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN"):
            # By default, Django-Registration considers this False, but
            # we override it to True. unless otherwise set by the user.
            django.conf.settings.REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN = True

        if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML"):
            # We only provide txt templates out of the box, so default to
            # false for HTML mails.
            django.conf.settings.REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML = False

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def ready(self):
        from shuup.core.models import CompanyContact
        from .notify_events import send_company_activated_first_time_notification
        from .signals import handle_user_activation


        if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS"):
            # Patch settings to include ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS;
            # it's a setting owned by `django-registration-redux`,
            # but not set to a default value. If it's not set, a crash
            # will occur when attempting to create an account, so
            # for convenience, we're doing what `django-registration-redux`
            # didn't wanna.
            django.conf.settings.ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS = 7

        if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN"):
            # By default, Django-Registration considers this False, but
            # we override it to True. unless otherwise set by the user.
            django.conf.settings.REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN = True

        if not hasattr(django.conf.settings, "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML"):
            # We only provide txt templates out of the box, so default to
            # false for HTML mails.
            django.conf.settings.REGISTRATION_EMAIL_HTML = False
