def mean_gray_img(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    mean = mxt.computeNodeGrayAvg()
    mean_img = mean[mxt.node_index]
    mean_img = np.reshape(mean_img, [mean_img.shape[0], mean_img.shape[1], 1])
    return mean_img
def volume_img(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    volume = mxt.computeVolume()
    volume_img = volume[mxt.node_index]
    volume_img = np.reshape(volume_img,
                            [volume_img.shape[0], volume_img.shape[1], 1])
    return volume_img
Ejemplo n.º 3
def imgSemBuracos(img, area):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    maxi = img.max()
    gray = maxi - img
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(gray, Bc)
    imgSemBuracos = maxi - mxt.getImage()
    return imgSemBuracos
def height_gray_img(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    mean = mxt.computeHeight()
    height_img = mean[mxt.node_index]
    height_img = np.reshape(height_img,
                            [height_img.shape[0], height_img.shape[1], 1])
    return height_img
def area_image_img(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)

    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    area = mxt.node_array[3, :]
    area_img = area[mxt.node_index]
    area_img = np.reshape(area_img, [area_img.shape[0], area_img.shape[1], 1])
    return area_img
Ejemplo n.º 6
def area_image(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    r, c, b = tuple(imarray.shape)
    area_img = np.zeros([r, c, b], dtype=float)
    for i in range(b):
        mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray[:, :, i], Bc)
        area = mxt.node_array[3, :]
        area_img[:, :, i] = area[mxt.node_index]
    return area_img
Ejemplo n.º 7
def height_image(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    r, c, b = tuple(imarray.shape)
    height_img = np.zeros([r, c, b], dtype=float)
    for i in range(b):
        mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray[:, :, i], Bc)
        height = mxt.computeHeight()
        height_img[:, :, i] = height[mxt.node_index]
        height_img = np.array(height_img, dtype=np.uint16)
    return height_img
Ejemplo n.º 8
def AP(im, thresholds=option.thresholds, connexity=1):
    S = len(thresholds)
    n_features = 2 * S + 1

    # Element structurant
    Se = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    if connexity == 1:
        Se[0, 0] = False
        Se[2, 0] = False
        Se[0, 2] = False
        Se[2, 2] = False

    # Construction du tableau résultat
    h, w = im.shape
    ap = np.zeros((h, w, n_features))

    # Max value of image for negative
    maxi = im.max()
    neg = maxi - im

    # Min-tree (max-tree with negative image)
    min_tree = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(neg, Se)
    # Max-tree
    max_tree = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(im, Se)

    # Closings (Thickening Profile)
    for i in range(S):
        n = S - i - 1
        clone = min_tree.clone()
        ap[:, :, i] = maxi - clone.getImage()

    # Original
    ap[:, :, S] = im

    # Openings (Thinnening Profile)
    for i in range(S + 1, 2 * S + 1):
        n = i - 1 - S
        clone = min_tree.clone()
        ap[:, :, i] = maxi - clone.getImage()

    return ap
Ejemplo n.º 9
def mean_gray_image(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    r, c, b = tuple(imarray.shape)
    mean_img = np.zeros([r, c, b], dtype=float)
    for i in range(b):
        mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray[:, :, i], Bc)
        mean = mxt.computeNodeGrayAvg()
        mean_img[:, :, i] = mean[mxt.node_index]
        mean_img = np.array(mean_img, dtype=np.uint16)
    return mean_img
Ejemplo n.º 10
def volume_image(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    r, c, b = tuple(imarray.shape)
    volume_img = np.zeros([r, c, b], dtype=float)
    for i in range(b):
        mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray[:, :, i], Bc)
        volume = mxt.computeVolume()
        volume_img[:, :, i] = volume[mxt.node_index]
        volume_img = np.array(volume_img, dtype=np.uint16)
    return volume_img
Ejemplo n.º 11
def area_image_cube(imarray):
    Bc = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool)
    Bc[1, 1, :] = True
    Bc[:, 1, 1] = True
    Bc[1, :, 1] = True

    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    area = mxt.node_array[3, :]
    area_img = area[mxt.node_index]
    return area_img
Ejemplo n.º 12
def tree_one(imarray, r, c):

    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)

    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    attributes1 = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (500))
    attributes2 = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (5000))
    attributes3 = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (50000))
    attributes = np.stack((imarray, attributes1, attributes2, attributes3),
    image_array = np.reshape(attributes, (r * c, 4))
    return image_array
Ejemplo n.º 13
def tree_per_date(imarray,r,c,b):

    Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    attributes = np.zeros([r, c, 3 * b], dtype=float)
    for i in range(b):
        mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray[:, :, i], Bc)
        attributes[:, :, i] = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (500))
        attributes[:, :, b + i] = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (5000))
        attributes[:, :, 2 * b + i] = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (50000))

    image_array = np.reshape(attributes, (r * c, 3 * b))
    return image_array
Ejemplo n.º 14
def cut_selection(im, connexity=1):
    # Element structurant
    Se = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    if connexity == 1:
        Se[0, 0] = False
        Se[2, 0] = False
        Se[0, 2] = False
        Se[2, 2] = False

    # Computation of tree representation T(f)
    T = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(im, Se)
    # Computation of attribute A(T) on nodes
    A = T.node_array[3, :]
    # Sort
    lambda_ = np.unique(np.sort(A))
    L = lambda_.shape[0]

    # Compute profile
    h, w = im.shape
    profile = np.zeros((h, w, L))
    for i in range(L):
        clone = T.clone()
        profile[:, :, i] = clone.getImage()

    GCF = np.zeros((L, ))
    for i in range(L):
        GCF[i] = gcf_pix(im, profile, i)

    # Problème de compréhension de l'algo
    # au niveau de l'estimation G^C^F (piecewise linear regression)

    nth = 1
    cut_t = [lambda_[0]]
    while nth < L:
        GCF_p = np.zeros((nth, ))
        for i in range(nth):
            GCF_p[i] = gcf_pix(im, profile, i)

        gcf_t = gcf_pix(im, profile, nth)
        if GCF_p[:] == GCF[:nth]:
        nth += 1

    L_p = nth
Ejemplo n.º 15
def post_proc(pred_folder):

    imgs = [f for f in os.listdir(pred_folder) if f.endswith('.nii.gz')]

    Bc = np.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool)

    start_time = time.time()
    for img in imgs:
        img2 = img[:-7] + "_pp.nii.gz"
        print img2
        data = nib.load(os.path.join(pred_folder, img))
        affine = data.get_affine()
        data = data.get_data()
        mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(data, Bc)
        mxt.areaOpen(mxt.node_array[3, 1:].max() - 5)
        data2 = mxt.getImage()
        new_data = data2
        nii = nib.Nifti1Image(new_data, affine), os.path.join(pred_folder, img2))
    print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def filtroLetras(img):
    gray = img.max() - img
    Bc = np.ones((3,3),dtype = bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(gray, Bc)

    Wmin, Wmax = 10 , 50
    Hmin, Hmax = 10 ,50
    rr = 0.20

    dy = mxt.node_array[7,:] - mxt.node_array[6,:]
    dx = mxt.node_array[10,:] - mxt.node_array[9,:]
    area = mxt.node_array[3,:]
    RR = 1.0*area/(dx*dy)
    height = mxt.computeHeight()
    gray_var = mxt.computeNodeGrayVar()
    nodes = (dy > Hmin) & (dy < Hmax) & (dx > Wmin) & (dx < Wmax) & (RR > rr) & (gray_var < 15**2) & (dy*2.0 > dx) & (dx*4.0 > dy) & (height > 10)


    imgFiltered = mxt.getImage()
    return imgFiltered
Ejemplo n.º 17
def mean_gray_cube(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    mean = mxt.computeNodeGrayAvg()
    mean_img = mean[mxt.node_index]
    return mean_img
import siamxt
from project_functions import *
from scipy.misc import imsave

Image = geoimread('samples/spaindataset/spaingraymerge.tif')

imarray = geoImToArray(Image)
imarray = imarray.clip(min=0)
imarray = imarray.astype(np.uint8)

std_img = stdSITS(imarray)

#Tree construction
Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
input_img = np.array(std_img, dtype=np.uint8)
mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(input_img, Bc)

result = attribute_area_filter(mxt, (1000))
w, h = result.shape
for x in range(w):
    for y in range(h):
        if result[x, y] >= result.mean():
            result[x, y] = 255
            result[x, y] = 0

#write geotiff
imsave('samples/jordandataset/jordan_stdfilter1000.png', result)
Ejemplo n.º 19
plt.imshow(img, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Original image")

#Structuring element with connectivity-8
Bc = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)

# Negating the image
img_max = img.max()
img_neg = img_max - img

# Area threshold
area = 40

#Building the max-tree of the negated image, i.e. min-tree
mxt_neg = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img_neg, Bc)

# Making a hard copy of the max-tree
mxt_neg2 = mxt_neg.clone()

#Applying an area-open filter

#Recovering the image
img_filtered = mxt_neg.getImage()

# Negating the image back
img_filtered = img_max - img_filtered

#Displaying the filtered image
fig = plt.figure()
Ejemplo n.º 20
def image_area_open_filter(img_neg, neighborhood, area):
    mxt_neg = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img_neg, neighborhood)
    return mxt_neg.getImage()
Ejemplo n.º 21
imgW = cv2.imread('knee.pgm')
img = cv2.imread('knee.pgm', 0)
img_max = img.max()
neg_img = img_max - img

kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
kernel[0][0] = kernel[2][0] = 0
kernel[1][1] = kernel[0][2] = kernel[2][2] = 0

gradient = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_GRADIENT, kernel)
ImgMax = gradient.max()
gray = ImgMax - gradient

Bc = np.ones((3,3),dtype = bool)

mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(gray, Bc)

V = mxt.computeVolume()
H = mxt.computeHeight()
Vext = mxt.computeExtinctionValues(V, "volume")
Hext = mxt.computeExtinctionValues(H, "height")

mxt.extinctionFilter(Vext, 8)
#mxt.extinctioxnFilter(Hext, 8)

img_filtered = ImgMax - mxt.getImage()
#img_filtered = (img_filtered)

ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(img_filtered, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)

cv2.imshow('a', thresh)
Ejemplo n.º 22
imgs[0].set_title('Imagem Original - Cabelos')

imgs[1].imshow(after_morph_img[100:1000, 200:1200], cmap='gray')
    'Resultado da remocao de cabelos por morfologia (fechamento)')

# Neighborhood connectivity-8
neighborhood = np.array([[True, True, True], [True, True, True],
                         [True, True, True]])

img_max = after_morph_img.max()
img_neg = img_max - after_morph_img

mxt_lettters = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(img_neg, neighborhood)

# Size and shape thresholds
Wmin, Wmax = 6, 48
Hmin, Hmax = 26, 50
rr = 0.4

dy = mxt_lettters.node_array[7, :] - mxt_lettters.node_array[6, :]
dx = mxt_lettters.node_array[10, :] - mxt_lettters.node_array[9, :]
area = mxt_lettters.node_array[3, :]
RR = 1.0 * area / (dx * dy)
min_height = 14

# Compute values
height = mxt_lettters.computeHeight()
gray_var = mxt_lettters.computeNodeGrayVar()
Ejemplo n.º 23
def volume_cube(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    volume = mxt.computeVolume()
    volume_img = volume[mxt.node_index]
    return volume_img

Image3 = geoimread('data/phr3.png')


#max tree 
Bc = np.ones((3,3,3), dtype=bool)
tree1 = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(merged, Bc)
t=1000 #threshold



Ejemplo n.º 25
def height_gray_cube(imarray):
    Bc = np.ones((3, 3, 3), dtype=bool)
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(imarray, Bc)
    mean = mxt.computeHeight()
    height_img = mean[mxt.node_index]
    return height_img
Ejemplo n.º 26
def segm_watershed(wFA_ms, eigenvects_ms, gaussian_sigma=0.5):

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import ndimage

    import siamxt
    from libcc.preprocess import run_analysis, grad_morf
    from libcc.gets import getTheCC
    from skimage.morphology import disk, square, erosion, dilation
    from skimage.segmentation import watershed
    from skimage.measure import label, regionprops


    # Gaussian filter
    wFA_gauss = ndimage.gaussian_filter(wFA_ms, sigma=gaussian_sigma)

    # Structuring element
    se1 = np.zeros((3, 3)).astype('bool')
    se1[1, :] = True
    se1[:, 1] = True

    # Gradient
    grad_wFA = grad_morf(wFA_gauss, se1)

    ## MAX-TREE

    #Structuring element. connectivity-4
    se2 = se1.copy()

    # Computing Max Tree by volume
    mxt = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(((grad_wFA) * 255).astype("uint8"), se2)
    attr = "volume"
    leaves_volume = mxt.computeExtinctionValues(mxt.computeVolume(), attr)

    # Create canvas
    segm_markers = np.zeros(grad_wFA.shape, dtype=np.int16)

    # Labeling canvas
    indexes = np.argsort(leaves_volume)[::-1]
    counter = 1
    for i in indexes[:85]:
        segm_markers = segm_markers + mxt.recConnectedComponent(i) * (counter)
        counter += 1


    # Watershed
    wc_wfa = watershed(grad_wFA, segm_markers)

    # Thresholding regions by FA
    seg_wFA = np.zeros((wFA_ms).shape).astype(bool)
    segs = seg_wFA
    listAll = np.unique(wc_wfa)
    for i in listAll:
        media = np.mean(wFA_ms[wc_wfa == i])
        if media > 0.2 * wFA_ms.max():
            seg_wFA[wc_wfa == i] = 1

    # Getting the CC
    seg_wFA, ymed, xmed = getTheCC(seg_wFA)

    return seg_wFA
Ejemplo n.º 27
struct = np.array([[False, True, False], [True, True, True],
                   [False, True, False]])

dilation = ndimage.grey_dilation(img_gray, structure=struct)
erosion = ndimage.grey_erosion(img_gray, structure=struct)

gradient_img = dilation - erosion

# Neighborhood connectivity-8
neighborhood = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)

# Number of leaves to be preserved
n = 8

max_from_gradient = gradient_img.max()
mxt_gradient = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(max_from_gradient - gradient_img,

# Computes volume attribute of the max-tree nodes
area = mxt_gradient.node_array[3, :]
height = mxt_gradient.computeHeight()
volume = area * height

# Apply extinct filter
volume_ext = mxt_gradient.computeExtinctionValues(volume, "volume")
mxt_gradient.extinctionFilter(volume_ext, n)

#Recovering the image
img_gradient_filtered = max_from_gradient - mxt_gradient.getImage()

#Displaying the filtered image
fig, imgs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 15))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def EP(im, connexity=1):
    n_features = option.n_features
    extrema = option.extrema
    S = option.S

    # Element structurant
    Se = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=bool)
    if connexity == 1:
        Se[0, 0] = False
        Se[2, 0] = False
        Se[0, 2] = False
        Se[2, 2] = False

    # Construction du tableau résultat
    h, w = im.shape
    EPa = np.zeros((h, w, n_features))
    #EPh = np.zeros((h, w, n_features))

    # Max value of image for negative
    maxi = im.max()
    neg = maxi - im

    # Min-tree (max-tree with negative image)
    min_tree = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(neg, Se)
    # Max-tree
    max_tree = siamxt.MaxTreeAlpha(im, Se)

    # Area extinction
    area_min = min_tree.node_array[3, :]
    area_max = max_tree.node_array[3, :]

    # Extinction values
    extAreaMin = min_tree.computeExtinctionValues(area_min, "area")
    extAreaMax = max_tree.computeExtinctionValues(area_max, "area")
    #extContrastMin = min_tree.computeExtinctionValues(min_tree.computeHeight(), "height")
    #extContrastMax = max_tree.computeExtinctionValues(max_tree.computeHeight(), "height")

    # Thickening Profile
    for i in range(S):
        n = S - i - 1
        clone = min_tree.clone()
        clone.extinctionFilter(extAreaMin, extrema[n])
        EPa[:, :, i] = maxi - clone.getImage()
        # EPh
        #clone = min_tree.clone()
        #clone.extinctionFilter(extContrastMin, extrema[n])
        #EPh[:, :, i] = maxi - clone.getImage()

    EPa[:, :, S] = im
    #EPh[:, :, S] = im

    # Thinning Profile
    for i in range(S + 1, 2 * S + 1):
        n = i - 1 - S
        clone = max_tree.clone()
        clone.extinctionFilter(extAreaMax, extrema[n])
        EPa[:, :, i] = clone.getImage()
        # EPh
        #clone = max_tree.clone()
        #clone.extinctionFilter(extContrastMax, extrema[n])
        #EPh[:, :, i] = clone.getImage()

    return EPa