def __init__(self, world, space, pos, color, capsules, radius, mass=2, fixed=False, orientation=v(1, 0, 0, 0)): "capsules is a list of (start, end) points" self.capsules = capsules self.body = ode.Body(world) self.body.setPosition(pos) self.body.setQuaternion(orientation) m = ode.Mass() # computing MOI assuming sphere with .5 m radius m.setSphere(mass/(4/3*math.pi*.5**3), .5) # setSphereTotal is broken self.body.setMass(m) self.geoms = [] self.geoms2 = [] for start, end in capsules: self.geoms.append(ode.GeomTransform(space)) x = ode.GeomCapsule(None, radius, (end-start).mag()) self.geoms2.append(x) self.geoms[-1].setGeom(x) self.geoms[-1].setBody(self.body) x.setPosition((start+end)/2 + v(random.gauss(0, .01), random.gauss(0, .01), random.gauss(0, .01))) a = (end - start).unit() b = v(0, 0, 1) x.setQuaternion(sim_math_helpers.axisangle_to_quat((a%b).unit(), -math.acos(a*b))) self.color = color self.radius = radius if fixed: self.joint = ode.FixedJoint(world) self.joint.attach(self.body, None) self.joint.setFixed()
def __init__(self, world, space, pos, color, capsules, radius, mass=2, fixed=False, orientation=v(1, 0, 0, 0)): "capsules is a list of (start, end) points" self.capsules = capsules self.body = ode.Body(world) self.body.setPosition(pos) self.body.setQuaternion(orientation) m = ode.Mass() # computing MOI assuming sphere with .5 m radius m.setSphere(mass / (4 / 3 * math.pi * .5**3), .5) # setSphereTotal is broken self.body.setMass(m) self.geoms = [] self.geoms2 = [] for start, end in capsules: self.geoms.append(ode.GeomTransform(space)) x = ode.GeomCapsule(None, radius, (end - start).mag()) self.geoms2.append(x) self.geoms[-1].setGeom(x) self.geoms[-1].setBody(self.body) x.setPosition((start + end) / 2 + v(random.gauss( 0, .01), random.gauss(0, .01), random.gauss(0, .01))) a = (end - start).unit() b = v(0, 0, 1) x.setQuaternion( sim_math_helpers.axisangle_to_quat((a % b).unit(), -math.acos(a * b))) self.color = color self.radius = radius if fixed: self.joint = ode.FixedJoint(world) self.joint.attach(self.body, None) self.joint.setFixed()
def draw(self): glBegin(GL_LINES) for x in xrange(-10, 10+1): for y in xrange(-10, 10+1): pos = v(x, y, 0) vel = self.func(pos) glColor3d(1, 0, 0) glVertex3f(*pos-vel/2) glColor3d(1, 1, 0) glVertex3f(*pos+vel/2) glEnd()
def draw(self): glBegin(GL_LINES) for x in xrange(-10, 10 + 1): for y in xrange(-10, 10 + 1): pos = v(x, y, 0) vel = self.func(pos) glColor3d(1, 0, 0) glVertex3f(*pos - vel / 2) glColor3d(1, 1, 0) glVertex3f(*pos + vel / 2) glEnd()
def init(self, world, pos=v(0, -10, 2)): = world self.pos = pos self.display_flags = pygame.DOUBLEBUF|pygame.OPENGL|pygame.RESIZABLE self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), self.display_flags) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.pitch = self.yaw = 0 self.grabbed = False self.fovy = 100
def init(self, world, pos=v(0, -10, 2)): = world self.pos = pos self.display_flags = pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.OPENGL | pygame.RESIZABLE self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480), self.display_flags) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.pitch = self.yaw = 0 self.grabbed = False self.fovy = 100
def draw(self): q = gluNewQuadric() glColor3f(*self.color) with GLMatrix: rotate_to_body(self.body) for start, end in self.capsules: with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*start) gluSphere(q, self.radius, 30, 15) with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*end) gluSphere(q, self.radius, 30, 15) with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*start) a = (end - start).unit() b = v(0, 0, 1) glRotate(-math.degrees(math.acos(a*b)), *(a%b).unit()) gluCylinder(q, self.radius, self.radius, (end - start).mag(), 10, 1)
def draw(self): q = gluNewQuadric() glColor3f(*self.color) with GLMatrix: rotate_to_body(self.body) for start, end in self.capsules: with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*start) gluSphere(q, self.radius, 30, 15) with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*end) gluSphere(q, self.radius, 30, 15) with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*start) a = (end - start).unit() b = v(0, 0, 1) glRotate(-math.degrees(math.acos(a * b)), *(a % b).unit()) gluCylinder(q, self.radius, self.radius, (end - start).mag(), 10, 1)
def step(self): dt = self.clock.tick()/1000 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.grabbed: self.yaw += event.rel[0]/100 self.pitch += -event.rel[1]/100 # caps it to a quarter turn up or down self.pitch = min(max(self.pitch, -math.pi/2), math.pi/2) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_TAB: self.grabbed = not self.grabbed pygame.event.set_grab(self.grabbed) pygame.mouse.set_visible(not self.grabbed) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: self.display = pygame.display.set_mode(event.size, self.display_flags) glViewport(0, 0, self.display.get_width(), self.display.get_height()) rot_matrix = euler_matrix(self.yaw, self.pitch, 0) forward = rotate_vec(v(1,0,0), rot_matrix) left = rotate_vec(v(0,1,0), rot_matrix) local_up = rotate_vec(v(0,0,1), rot_matrix) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() speed = 50 if keys[pygame.K_LSHIFT] else 5 speed *= (.1 if keys[pygame.K_LCTRL] else 1) if keys[pygame.K_w]: self.pos += forward*dt*speed if keys[pygame.K_s]: self.pos += -forward*dt*speed if keys[pygame.K_a]: self.pos += left*dt*speed if keys[pygame.K_d]: self.pos += -left*dt*speed if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: self.pos += v(0, 0, 1)*dt*speed if keys[pygame.K_c]: self.pos += v(0, 0, -1)*dt*speed glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() perspective(self.fovy, self.display.get_width()/self.display.get_height(), 0.1) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() # rotates into the FLU coordinate system glMultMatrixf([ [ 0., 0.,-1., 0.], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.] ]) # after that, +x is forward, +y is left, and +z is up glMultMatrixf(rot_matrix.T) glTranslate(*-self.pos) pos = self.pos glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*self.pos + forward + left - local_up) glBegin(GL_LINES) for i in xrange(3): glColor3f(*(j==i for j in xrange(3))) glVertex3f(0, 0, 0) glVertex3f(*(.1*(j==i) for j in xrange(3))) glEnd() glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) pygame.display.flip()
def step(self): dt = self.clock.tick() / 1000 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.grabbed: self.yaw += event.rel[0] / 100 self.pitch += -event.rel[1] / 100 # caps it to a quarter turn up or down self.pitch = min(max(self.pitch, -math.pi / 2), math.pi / 2) elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_TAB: self.grabbed = not self.grabbed pygame.event.set_grab(self.grabbed) pygame.mouse.set_visible(not self.grabbed) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: self.display = pygame.display.set_mode(event.size, self.display_flags) glViewport(0, 0, self.display.get_width(), self.display.get_height()) rot_matrix = euler_matrix(self.yaw, self.pitch, 0) forward = rotate_vec(v(1, 0, 0), rot_matrix) left = rotate_vec(v(0, 1, 0), rot_matrix) local_up = rotate_vec(v(0, 0, 1), rot_matrix) keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() speed = 50 if keys[pygame.K_LSHIFT] else 5 speed *= (.1 if keys[pygame.K_LCTRL] else 1) if keys[pygame.K_w]: self.pos += forward * dt * speed if keys[pygame.K_s]: self.pos += -forward * dt * speed if keys[pygame.K_a]: self.pos += left * dt * speed if keys[pygame.K_d]: self.pos += -left * dt * speed if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: self.pos += v(0, 0, 1) * dt * speed if keys[pygame.K_c]: self.pos += v(0, 0, -1) * dt * speed glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() perspective(self.fovy, self.display.get_width() / self.display.get_height(), 0.1) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() # rotates into the FLU coordinate system glMultMatrixf([[0., 0., -1., 0.], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) # after that, +x is forward, +y is left, and +z is up glMultMatrixf(rot_matrix.T) glTranslate(*-self.pos) pos = self.pos glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) with GLMatrix: glTranslate(*self.pos + forward + left - local_up) glBegin(GL_LINES) for i in xrange(3): glColor3f(*(j == i for j in xrange(3))) glVertex3f(0, 0, 0) glVertex3f(*(.1 * (j == i) for j in xrange(3))) glEnd() glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) pygame.display.flip()