Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_field_repr_str():
    f = Frame()
    fi = Field(f, [0., 0.])
    assert isinstance(repr(fi), str)
    assert isinstance(str(fi), str)
    fi = Field(f, 0., constant=True)
    assert isinstance(repr(fi), str)
    assert isinstance(str(fi), str)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_field_attributes():
    f = Frame()
    fi = Field(f, 1.)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        fi.constant = "_"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        fi.save = "_"
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        fi.buffer = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _makemassgrid(self):
     '''Function sets the radial mass grid. If ``Simulation.grid.rint`` is not given it uses the parameters set in
     logmmin = np.log10(self.ini.grid.mmin)
     logmmax = np.log10(self.ini.grid.mmax)
     decades = np.ceil(logmmax - logmmin)
     Nm = int(decades * self.ini.grid.Nmbpd) + 1
     m = np.logspace(np.log10(self.ini.grid.mmin), np.log10(
         self.ini.grid.mmax), num=Nm, base=10.)
     self.grid.Nm = Field(
         self, Nm, description="# of mass bins", constant=True)
     self.grid.m = Field(
         self, m, description="Mass grid [g]", constant=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_instruction_wrong_step_factor():
    f = Frame()
    fi = Field(f, 0.)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        i = Instruction(schemes.expl_1_euler, fi, fstep=None)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        i = Instruction(schemes.expl_1_euler, fi, fstep=0.)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        i = Instruction(schemes.expl_1_euler, fi, fstep=1.1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _initializegrid(self):
     '''Function to initialize grid quantities'''
     shape1 = (int(self.grid.Nr))
     # Keplerian frequency
     if self.grid.OmegaK is None:
         self.grid.OmegaK = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                  description="Keplerian frequency [1/s]")
         self.grid.OmegaK.updater = std.grid.OmegaK
     # Initialize grid quantities
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _makeradialgrid(self):
     '''Function sets the mass grid using the parameters set in ``Simulation.ini``.'''
     if self.grid.ri is None:
         ri = np.logspace(np.log10(self.ini.grid.rmin), np.log10(
             self.ini.grid.rmax), num=self.ini.grid.Nr+1, base=10.)
         Nr = self.ini.grid.Nr
         ri = self.grid.ri
         Nr = ri.shape[0] - 1
     r = 0.5*(ri[:-1] + ri[1:])
     A = np.pi*(ri[1:]**2 - ri[:-1]**2)
     self.grid.Nr = Field(
         self, Nr, description="# of radial grid cells", constant=True)
     self.grid.r = Field(
         self, r, description="Radial grid cell centers [cm]", constant=True)
     self.grid.ri = Field(
         self, ri, description="Radial grid cell interfaces [cm]", constant=True)
     self.grid.A = Field(
         self, A, description="Radial grid annulus area [cm²]", constant=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _initializestar(self):
     '''Function to initialize the stellar quantities'''
     # Luminosity
     if self.star.L is None:
         self.star.L = Field(self, 0., description="Luminosity [erg/s]")
         self.star.L.updater = std.star.luminosity
     # Mass
     if self.star.M is None:
         self.star.M = Field(self, self.ini.star.M,
                             description="Mass [g]")
     # Radius
     if self.star.R is None:
         self.star.R = Field(self, self.ini.star.R,
                             description="Radius [cm]")
     # Effective temperature
     if self.star.T is None:
         self.star.T = Field(self, self.ini.star.T,
                             description="Effective temperature [K]")
     # Initialize stellar quantities
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def setdustintegrator(self, scheme="explicit", method="cash-karp"):
        """Function sets the dust integrator.

        scheme : string, optional, default : "explicit"
            Possible values
                {"explicit", "implicit"}
        method : string, optional, default : "cash-karp"
            Possible values for explicit integration
            Possible values for implicit integration
                {"direct", "gmres", "bicgstab}"""

        if not isinstance(self.grid.Nm, Field) or not isinstance(self.grid.Nr, Field):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The simulation frame has to be initialized before calling setdustimplicit().")

        # Get index of dust instruction
        for i, inst in enumerate(self.integrator.instructions):
            if inst.Y is self.dust.Sigma:

        if scheme == "implicit":

            shape2ravel = (int(self.grid.Nr*self.grid.Nm))

            # Hidden fields
            # We store the old values of the surface density in a hidden field
            # to calculate the fluxes through the boundaries in case of implicit integration.
            self.dust._SigmaOld = Field(
                self, self.dust.Sigma, description="Previous value of surface density [g/cm²]")
            # The right-hand side of the matrix equation is stored in a hidden field
            self.dust._rhs = Field(self, np.zeros(
                shape2ravel), description="Right-hand side of matrix equation [g/cm²]")

            # Setting the Jacobinator
            self.dust.Sigma.jacobinator = std.dust.jacobian

            # Time step routine
            self.t.updater = std.sim.dt

            # Updaters
            self.dust.v.updater = ["frag", "driftmax", "rel"]
            self.dust.updater = ["delta", "rhos", "fill", "a", "St", "H",
                                 "rho", "backreaction", "v", "D", "eps", "kernel", "p", "S"]
            self.dust.S.updater = ["ext", "tot"]

            # Preparation/Finalization
            self.integrator.preparator = std.sim.prepare_implicit_dust
            self.integrator.finalizer = std.sim.finalize_implicit_dust

            # Integrator
            if method == "direct":

                inst = Instruction(std.dust.impl_1_direct,
                                   controller={"rhs": self.dust._rhs
                                   description="Dust: implicit 1st-order direct solver"
                self.integrator.instructions[i] = inst

            elif method == "gmres":
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "GMRES method is not implemented, yet.")
            elif method == "bicgstab":
                raise NotImplementedError("BiCGSTAB is not implemented, yet.")
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid method for implicit integration.")
        elif scheme == "explicit":

            # Remove hidden fields if they exist
            if hasattr(self.dust, "_SigmaOld"):
                del self.dust._SigmaOld
            if hasattr(self.dust, "_rhs"):
                del self.dust._rhs

            # Unset Jacobian
            self.dust.Sigma.jacobinator = None

            # Updaters
            self.dust.v.updater = ["frag", "driftmax", "rad", "rel"]
            self.dust.updater = ["delta", "rhos", "fill", "a", "St", "H",
                                 "rho", "backreaction", "v", "D", "eps", "Fi", "kernel", "p", "S"]
            self.dust.S.updater = ["coag", "hyd", "ext", "tot"]

            # Preparation/Finalization
            self.integrator.preparator = std.sim.prepare_explicit_dust
            self.integrator.finalizer = std.sim.finalize_explicit_dust

            if method == "cash-karp":

                # Adaptive time step routine
                self.t.updater = std.sim.dt_adaptive

                # Instruction
                inst = Instruction(schemes.expl_5_cash_karp_adptv,
                                   controller={"dYdx": self.dust.S.tot,
                                               "eps": 0.1,
                                               "S": 0.9,
                                   description="Dust: explicit 5th-order adaptive Cash-Karp method"
                self.integrator.instructions[i] = inst

                raise RuntimeError("Invalid method for explicit integration.")
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown integration scheme.")


        if self.verbosity > 0:
            msg = "Setting dust integrator\n    scheme: {}\n    method: {}".format(
                colorize(scheme, "blue"), colorize(method, "blue"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _initializegas(self):
        '''Function to initialize gas quantities'''
        shape1 = (int(self.grid.Nr))
        shape1p1 = (int(self.grid.Nr)+1)
        # Turbulent alpha parameter
        if self.gas.alpha is None:
            alpha = self.ini.gas.alpha * np.ones(shape1)
            self.gas.alpha = Field(
                self, alpha, description="Turbulent alpha parameter")
        # Sound speed
        if self.gas.cs is None:
            self.gas.cs = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                description="Sound speed [cm/s]")
            self.gas.cs.updater = std.gas.cs_adiabatic
        # Pressure gradient parameter
        if self.gas.eta is None:
            self.gas.eta = Field(self, np.zeros(
                shape1), description="Pressure gradient parameter")
            self.gas.eta.updater = std.gas.eta_midplane
        # Gas flux at the cell interfaces
        if self.gas.Fi is None:
            self.gas.Fi = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1p1),
                                description="Gas flux interfaces [g/cm/s]")
            self.gas.Fi.updater = std.gas.Fi
        # Adiabatic index
        if self.gas.gamma is None:
            gamma = self.ini.gas.gamma * np.ones(shape1)
            self.gas.gamma = Field(self, gamma,
                                   description="Adiabatic index")
        # Pressure scale height
        if self.gas.Hp is None:
            self.gas.Hp = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                description="Pressure scale height [cm]")
            self.gas.Hp.updater = std.gas.Hp
        # Mean free path
        if self.gas.mfp is None:
            self.gas.mfp = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                 description="Midplane mean free path [cm]")
            self.gas.mfp.updater = std.gas.mfp_midplane
        # Mean molecular weight
        if self.gas.mu is None:
            mu = self.ini.gas.mu * np.ones(shape1)
            self.gas.mu = Field(self, mu,
                                description="Mean molecular weight [g]")
        # Midplane number density
        if self.gas.n is None:
            self.gas.n = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                               description="Miplane number density [1/cm³]")
            self.gas.n.updater = std.gas.n_midplane
        # Viscosity
        if self.gas.nu is None:
            self.gas.nu = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                description="Kinematic viscosity [cm²/s]")
            self.gas.nu.updater = std.gas.nu
        # Midplane pressure
        if self.gas.P is None:
            self.gas.P = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                               description="Midplane pressure [g/cm/s²]")
            self.gas.P.updater = std.gas.P_midplane
        # Midplane mass density
        if self.gas.rho is None:
            self.gas.rho = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                 description="Miplane mass density [g/cm³]")
            self.gas.rho.updater = std.gas.rho_midplane
        # Sources
        if self.gas.S.hyd is None:
            self.gas.S.hyd = Field(self, np.zeros(
                shape1), description="Hydrodynamic sources [g/cm²/s]")
            self.gas.S.hyd.updater = std.gas.S_hyd
        if self.gas.S.ext is None:
            self.gas.S.ext = Field(self, np.zeros(
                shape1), description="External sources [g/cm²/s]")
        if self.gas.S.tot is None:
            self.gas.S.tot = Field(self, np.zeros(
                shape1), description="Total sources [g/cm²/s]")
            self.gas.S.tot.updater = std.gas.S_tot
        # Floor value
        if self.gas.SigmaFloor is None:
            self.gas.SigmaFloor = Field(
                self, 1.e-100*np.ones(shape1), description="Floor value of surface density [g/cm²]")
        # Surface density
        if self.gas.Sigma is None:
            SigmaGas = np.array(std.gas.lyndenbellpringle1974(
                self.grid.r, self.ini.gas.SigmaRc, self.ini.gas.SigmaExp, self.ini.gas.Mdisk))
            SigmaGas = np.maximum(SigmaGas, self.gas.SigmaFloor)
            self.gas.Sigma = Field(self, SigmaGas,
                                   description="Surface density [g/cm²]")
        self.gas.Sigma.jacobinator = std.gas.jacobian
        # Temperature
        if self.gas.T is None:
            self.gas.T = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                               description="Temperature [K]")
            self.gas.T.updater = std.gas.T_passive
        # Velocities
        # Viscous accretion velocity
        if self.gas.v.visc is None:
            self.gas.v.visc = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                    description="Viscous accretion velocity [cm/s]")
            self.gas.v.visc.updater = std.gas.vvisc
        # Radial gas velocity
        if self.gas.v.rad is None:
            self.gas.v.rad = Field(self, np.zeros(shape1),
                                   description="Radial velocity [cm/s]")
            self.gas.v.rad.updater = std.gas.vrad
        # Hidden fields
        # We store the old values of the surface density in a hidden field
        # to calculate the fluxes through the boundaries.
        self.gas._SigmaOld = Field(self, np.zeros(
            shape1), description="Previous value of surface density [g/cm²]")
        self.gas._SigmaOld[:] = self.gas.Sigma
        # The right-hand side of the matrix equation is stored in a hidden field
        self.gas._rhs = Field(self, np.zeros(
            shape1), description="Right-hand side of matrix equation [g/cm²]")

        # The dust backreaction coefficients have to be initialized before the gas,
        # since the gas velocities need them.
        # Backreaction
        if self.dust.backreaction.A is None:
            self.dust.backreaction.A = Field(
                self, np.ones(shape1), description="Pull factor")
        if self.dust.backreaction.B is None:
            self.dust.backreaction.B = Field(
                self, np.zeros(shape1), description="Push factor")

        # Initialize gas quantities
        # Boundary conditions
        if self.gas.boundary.inner is None:
            self.gas.boundary.inner = Boundary(
                self.grid.r, self.grid.ri, self.gas.Sigma)
        if self.gas.boundary.outer is None:
            self.gas.boundary.outer = Boundary(
                self.grid.r[::-1], self.grid.ri[::-1], self.gas.Sigma[::-1])
                "val", 0.1*self.gas.SigmaFloor[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _initializedust(self):
     '''Function to initialize dust quantities'''
     shape1 = (int(self.grid.Nr))
     shape2 = (int(self.grid.Nr), int(self.grid.Nm))
     shape2ravel = (int(self.grid.Nr*self.grid.Nm))
     shape2p1 = (int(self.grid.Nr)+1, int(self.grid.Nm))
     shape3 = (int(self.grid.Nr), int(
         self.grid.Nm), int(self.grid.Nm))
     # Particle size
     if self.dust.a is None:
         self.dust.a = Field(self, np.zeros(shape2),
                             description="Particle size [cm]")
         self.dust.a.updater = std.dust.a
     # Coagulation parameters
     stick, stick_ind, A, eps, lf_ind, rm_ind, phi = std.dust.coagulation_parameters(
     if self.dust.coagulation.A is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.A = Field(
             self, A, description="Fragment normalization factors", constant=True)
     if self.dust.coagulation.eps is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.eps = Field(
             self, eps, description="Remnant mass distribution", constant=True)
     if self.dust.coagulation.lf_ind is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.lf_ind = Field(
             self, lf_ind, description="Index of largest fragment", constant=True)
     if self.dust.coagulation.rm_ind is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.rm_ind = Field(
             self, rm_ind, description="Smaller index of remnant", constant=True)
     if self.dust.coagulation.phi is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.phi = Field(
             self, phi, description="Fragment distribution", constant=True)
     if self.dust.coagulation.stick is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.stick = Field(
             self, stick, description="Sticking matrix", constant=True)
     if self.dust.coagulation.stick_ind is None:
         self.dust.coagulation.stick_ind = Field(
             self, stick_ind, description="Non-zero elements of sticking matrix", constant=True)
     # Diffusivity
     if self.dust.D is None:
         self.dust.D = Field(self, np.zeros(shape2),
                             description="Diffusivity [cm²/s]")
         self.dust.D.updater = std.dust.D
     # Deltas
     if self.dust.delta.rad is None:
         delta = self.ini.gas.alpha * np.ones(shape1)
         self.dust.delta.rad = Field(
             self, delta, description="Radial mixing parameter")
     if self.dust.delta.turb is None:
         delta = self.ini.gas.alpha * np.ones(shape1)
         self.dust.delta.turb = Field(
             self, delta, description="Turbulent mixing parameter")
     if self.dust.delta.vert is None:
         delta = self.ini.gas.alpha * np.ones(shape1)
         self.dust.delta.vert = Field(
             self, delta, description="Vertical mixing parameter")
     # Vertically integrated dust to gas ratio
     if self.dust.eps is None:
         self.dust.eps = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape1), description="Dust-to-gas ratio")
         self.dust.eps.updater = std.dust.eps
     # Fluxes
     if self.dust.Fi.adv is None:
         self.dust.Fi.adv = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2p1), description="Advective flux [g/cm/s]")
         self.dust.Fi.adv.updater = std.dust.F_adv
     if self.dust.Fi.diff is None:
         self.dust.Fi.diff = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2p1), description="Diffusive flux [g/cm/s]")
         self.dust.Fi.diff.updater = std.dust.F_diff
     if self.dust.Fi.tot is None:
         self.dust.Fi.tot = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2p1), description="Total flux [g/cm/s]")
         self.dust.Fi.tot.updater = std.dust.F_tot
     # Filling factor
     if self.dust.fill is None:
         self.dust.fill = Field(self, np.ones(
             shape2), description="Filling factor")
     # Scale height
     if self.dust.H is None:
         self.dust.H = Field(self, np.zeros(shape2),
                             description="Scale heights [cm]")
         self.dust.H.updater = std.dust.H
     # Kernel
     if self.dust.kernel is None:
         self.dust.kernel = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Collision kernel [cm²/s]")
         self.dust.kernel.updater = std.dust.kernel
     # Midplane mass density
     if self.dust.rho is None:
         self.dust.rho = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="Midplane mass density per mass bin [g/cm³]")
         self.dust.rho.updater = std.dust.rho_midplane
     # Solid state density
     if self.dust.rhos is None:
         rhos = self.ini.dust.rhoMonomer * np.ones(shape2)
         self.dust.rhos = Field(
             self, rhos, description="Solid state density [g/cm³]")
     # Probabilities
     if self.dust.p.frag is None:
         self.dust.p.frag = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Fragmentation probability")
         self.dust.p.frag.updater = std.dust.p_frag
     if self.dust.p.stick is None:
         self.dust.p.stick = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Sticking probability")
         self.dust.p.stick.updater = std.dust.p_stick
     # Source terms
     if self.dust.S.coag is None:
         self.dust.S.coag = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="Coagulation sources [g/cm²/s]")
         self.dust.S.coag.updater = std.dust.S_coag
     if self.dust.S.ext is None:
         self.dust.S.ext = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="External sources [g/cm²/s]")
     if self.dust.S.hyd is None:
         self.dust.S.hyd = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="Hydrodynamic sources [g/cm²/s]")
         self.dust.S.hyd.updater = std.dust.S_hyd
     if self.dust.S.tot is None:
         self.dust.S.tot = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="Tot sources [g/cm²/s]")
         self.dust.S.tot.updater = std.dust.S_tot
     # Stokes number
     if self.dust.St is None:
         self.dust.St = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="Stokes number")
         self.dust.St.updater = std.dust.St_Epstein_StokesI
     # Velocities
     if self.dust.v.frag is None:
         vfrag = self.ini.dust.vfrag * np.ones(shape1)
         self.dust.v.frag = Field(
             self, vfrag, description="Fragmentation velocity [cm/s]")
     if self.dust.v.rel.azi is None:
         self.dust.v.rel.azi = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Relative azimuthal velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rel.azi.updater = std.dust.vrel_azimuthal_drift
     if self.dust.v.rel.brown is None:
         self.dust.v.rel.brown = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Relative Brownian motion velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rel.brown.updater = std.dust.vrel_brownian_motion
     if self.dust.v.rel.rad is None:
         self.dust.v.rel.rad = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Relative radial velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rel.rad.updater = std.dust.vrel_radial_drift
     if self.dust.v.rel.turb is None:
         self.dust.v.rel.turb = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Relative turbulent velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rel.turb.updater = std.dust.vrel_turbulent_motion
     if self.dust.v.rel.vert is None:
         self.dust.v.rel.vert = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Relative vertical settling velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rel.vert.updater = std.dust.vrel_vertical_settling
     if self.dust.v.rel.tot is None:
         self.dust.v.rel.tot = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape3), description="Total relative velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rel.tot.updater = std.dust.vrel_tot
     if self.dust.v.driftmax is None:
         self.dust.v.driftmax = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape1), description="Maximum drift velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.driftmax.updater = std.dust.vdriftmax
     if self.dust.v.rad is None:
         self.dust.v.rad = Field(self, np.zeros(
             shape2), description="Radial velocity [cm/s]")
         self.dust.v.rad.updater = std.dust.vrad
     # Initialize dust quantities partly to calculate Sigma
     # Floor value
     if self.dust.SigmaFloor is None:
         SigmaFloor = 0.1*std.dust.SigmaFloor(self)
         self.dust.SigmaFloor = Field(
             self, SigmaFloor, description="Floor value of surface density [g/cm²]")
     # Surface density, if not set
     if self.dust.Sigma is None:
         Sigma = std.dust.MRN_distribution(self)
         Sigma = np.where(Sigma <= self.dust.SigmaFloor,
         self.dust.Sigma = Field(
             self, Sigma, description="Surface density per mass bin [g/cm²]")
     self.dust.Sigma.differentiator = std.dust.Sigma_deriv
     self.dust.Sigma.jacobinator = std.dust.jacobian
     # Fully initialize dust quantities
     # Hidden fields
     # We store the old values of the surface density in a hidden field
     # to calculate the fluxes through the boundaries in case of implicit integration.
     self.dust._SigmaOld = Field(
         self, self.dust.Sigma, description="Previous value of surface density [g/cm²]")
     # The right-hand side of the matrix equation is stored in a hidden field
     self.dust._rhs = Field(self, np.zeros(
         shape2ravel), description="Right-hand side of matrix equation [g/cm²]")
     # Boundary conditions
     if self.dust.boundary.inner is None:
         self.dust.boundary.inner = Boundary(
     if self.dust.boundary.outer is None:
         self.dust.boundary.outer = Boundary(
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_field_format():
    f = Frame()
    fi = Field(f, 1.26)
    assert "{:3.1f}".format(fi) == "1.3"
    fi = Field(f, [1, 2])
    assert "{}".format(fi) == "Field"