Ejemplo n.º 1
	def fit_lc(self, taxis, band):	
		data = simlc().reals(taxis, band)[0]
		mod = self.model
		res, fitted_model = sncosmo.fit_lc(data, mod, ['t0'])
		return res, fitted_model
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def fit_lc(self, taxis, band):

        data = simlc().reals(taxis, band)[0]
        mod = self.model
        res, fitted_model = sncosmo.fit_lc(data, mod, ['t0'])

        return res, fitted_model
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def is_discover(self, band, z, sys, ep):
            For a given 
            fcosm = self.obs_filt(band)[0]
            mod = simlc().set_params(band, z, peakmag=-19.1)

            mag_arr=mod.bandmag(fcosm, sys, ep)
            filt_arr = np.array(self.filters)
            limmag = np.array(self.limits)[filt_arr == fcosm]
            disc_arr = mag_arr[mag_arr < limmag]

            if len(disc_arr) > 0:
                print "SN is discovered by LSST"
                return disc_arr
                print "No Observation above the threshold"
                return 0 
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def is_discover(self, band, z, sys, ep):
            For a given 
            fcosm = self.obs_filt(band)[0]
            mod = simlc().set_params(band, z, peakmag=-19.1)

            mag_arr = mod.bandmag(fcosm, sys, ep)

            filt_arr = np.array(self.filters)
            limmag = np.array(self.limits)[filt_arr == fcosm]

            disc_arr = mag_arr[mag_arr < limmag]

            if len(disc_arr) > 0:
                print "SN is discovered by LSST"
                return disc_arr
                print "No Observation above the threshold"
                return 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def obs_filt(self, band ,z):
        For a given instrument (in this case NIRCam), test which one has the greatest overlap with the redshifted rest-frame filter (i or Y in most cases)

        Input: rest frame filter, redshift of observation

        Output: Filter with greatest overlap, overlap value

        #use the SNCosmo function for extracting the bandpass
        b = sncosmo.get_bandpass(band)
        #obtain the wavelength and transmission values as python readable arrays
        wv = b.wave
        trans = b.trans

        #redshifted wavelength for the rest frame filter 
        wv_red = wv*(1+z)

        #integrate the total flux in the region of the redshifted filter
        tran_int = simps(trans, wv_red)
        #define array for filling the filters that have any wavelength overlap

        overlap_array = []
        print "Checking the filter list", self.filters

        for i in self.filters:
            #extract the bandpass for LSST
            bp = simlc().create_LSST_bandpass(i)
            wv_obs= bp.wave
            tran_obs = bp.trans

            if wv_red[0] > wv_obs[-1]:
                print "The filter being tested is", i
                print "The redshifted filter is very very red"

            elif wv_red[-1] < wv_obs[0]:
                print  "The filter being tested is", i
                print "The redshifted filter is not red enough"

                print "There is some wavelength overlap with filter", i

        print "The LSST filters which overlap with the redshifted filter are: ", overlap_array
        for j in overlap_array:

            bp = simlc().create_LSST_bandpass(i)
            trans_thresh = max(bp.trans)/1e1
            wv_obs = bp.wave[bp.trans > trans_thresh]

            cond = (wv_red > wv_obs[0] ) & (wv_red < wv_obs[-1])
            overlap_int=simps(trans[cond], wv_red[cond])

            overlap_percent.append([j, overlap_int*100/tran_int])

        #store the overlap percentage

        print "The percentages of the overlap are", overlap_percent

        wave_eff_arr =[]
        eff_wave_rf = b.wave_eff
        eff_wave_obs = eff_wave_rf *(1+z)

        for k in overlap_percent:

            if len(np.unique(overlap_percent[:,1])) < len(overlap_percent):
                bp = simlc().create_LSST_bandpass(k[0])
                wave_eff_arr.append([k[0], abs(bp.wave_eff-eff_wave_obs)])

        print "The difference between the effective wavelength for the LSST filters and the redshifted rest frame filter is:", wave_eff_arr

        #deal with unique and non-unique cases separately.

        if len(wave_eff_arr) > 0:
            print "In case of similar overlapping values, effective wavelengths were used to decide which filter to use"
            wave_eff_arr = np.array(wave_eff_arr)

            return wave_eff_arr[wave_eff_arr[:,1].astype('float32') == min(wave_eff_arr[:,1].astype('float32'))]
            print "The values for the overlap were all unique"
            return overlap_percent[overlap_percent[:,1].astype('float32')==max(overlap_percent[:,1].astype('float32')) ][0]

        def is_discover(self, band, z, sys, ep):
            For a given 
            fcosm = self.obs_filt(band)[0]
            mod = simlc().set_params(band, z, peakmag=-19.1)

            mag_arr=mod.bandmag(fcosm, sys, ep)
            filt_arr = np.array(self.filters)
            limmag = np.array(self.limits)[filt_arr == fcosm]
            disc_arr = mag_arr[mag_arr < limmag]

            if len(disc_arr) > 0:
                print "SN is discovered by LSST"
                return disc_arr
                print "No Observation above the threshold"
                return 0 
        def z_dist_lsst(self):
            time = 1000
            area= 10
            return list(sncosmo.zdist(0, 1.2, time=time, area=area))

        def z_disc_lsst(self, band, z, sys,ep):
            the redshift distribution of the SNe actually discovered by LSST
            expected_z = self.z_dist_lsst

            for i in expected_z:
                disc_arr =self.is_discover(band,z,sys,ep)
                if len(disc_arr) > 1:

            return np.array(obs_z_arr)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def obs_filt(self, band, z):
        For a given instrument (in this case NIRCam), test which one has the greatest overlap with the redshifted rest-frame filter (i or Y in most cases)

        Input: rest frame filter, redshift of observation

        Output: Filter with greatest overlap, overlap value

        #use the SNCosmo function for extracting the bandpass
        b = sncosmo.get_bandpass(band)

        #obtain the wavelength and transmission values as python readable arrays
        wv = b.wave
        trans = b.trans

        #redshifted wavelength for the rest frame filter
        wv_red = wv * (1 + z)

        #integrate the total flux in the region of the redshifted filter
        tran_int = simps(trans, wv_red)

        #define array for filling the filters that have any wavelength overlap

        overlap_array = []
        print "Checking the filter list", self.filters

        for i in self.filters:

            #extract the bandpass for LSST
            bp = simlc().create_LSST_bandpass(i)

            wv_obs = bp.wave
            tran_obs = bp.trans

            if wv_red[0] > wv_obs[-1]:
                print "The filter being tested is", i
                print "The redshifted filter is very very red"

            elif wv_red[-1] < wv_obs[0]:
                print "The filter being tested is", i
                print "The redshifted filter is not red enough"

                print "There is some wavelength overlap with filter", i

        print "The LSST filters which overlap with the redshifted filter are: ", overlap_array

        overlap_percent = []
        for j in overlap_array:

            bp = simlc().create_LSST_bandpass(i)

            trans_thresh = max(bp.trans) / 1e1

            wv_obs = bp.wave[bp.trans > trans_thresh]

            cond = (wv_red > wv_obs[0]) & (wv_red < wv_obs[-1])

            overlap_int = simps(trans[cond], wv_red[cond])

            overlap_percent.append([j, overlap_int * 100 / tran_int])

        #store the overlap percentage
        overlap_percent = np.array(overlap_percent)

        print "The percentages of the overlap are", overlap_percent

        wave_eff_arr = []

        eff_wave_rf = b.wave_eff
        eff_wave_obs = eff_wave_rf * (1 + z)

        for k in overlap_percent:

            if len(np.unique(overlap_percent[:, 1])) < len(overlap_percent):

                bp = simlc().create_LSST_bandpass(k[0])

                wave_eff_arr.append([k[0], abs(bp.wave_eff - eff_wave_obs)])

        print "The difference between the effective wavelength for the LSST filters and the redshifted rest frame filter is:", wave_eff_arr

        #deal with unique and non-unique cases separately.

        if len(wave_eff_arr) > 0:
            print "In case of similar overlapping values, effective wavelengths were used to decide which filter to use"

            wave_eff_arr = np.array(wave_eff_arr)

            return wave_eff_arr[wave_eff_arr[:, 1].astype('float32') == min(
                wave_eff_arr[:, 1].astype('float32'))]
            print "The values for the overlap were all unique"
            return overlap_percent[overlap_percent[:, 1].astype(
                'float32') == max(overlap_percent[:, 1].astype('float32'))][0]

        def is_discover(self, band, z, sys, ep):
            For a given 
            fcosm = self.obs_filt(band)[0]
            mod = simlc().set_params(band, z, peakmag=-19.1)

            mag_arr = mod.bandmag(fcosm, sys, ep)

            filt_arr = np.array(self.filters)
            limmag = np.array(self.limits)[filt_arr == fcosm]

            disc_arr = mag_arr[mag_arr < limmag]

            if len(disc_arr) > 0:
                print "SN is discovered by LSST"
                return disc_arr
                print "No Observation above the threshold"
                return 0

        def z_dist_lsst(self):
            time = 1000
            area = 10
            return list(sncosmo.zdist(0, 1.2, time=time, area=area))

        def z_disc_lsst(self, band, z, sys, ep):
            the redshift distribution of the SNe actually discovered by LSST
            expected_z = self.z_dist_lsst

            obs_z_arr = []
            for i in expected_z:
                disc_arr = self.is_discover(band, z, sys, ep)
                if len(disc_arr) > 1:

            return np.array(obs_z_arr)