Ejemplo n.º 1
def __main__():
    cli = SimpleCLI()

    def display_help():
        print cli.get_help()

    def display_error(cmd):
        print get_cstring('Unknow command %s' % cmd, 'FAIL')
        print get_cstring('use help to show all available commands', 'FAIL')

    cli.reg_cmd(('h', '?', 'help'), 'display help', display_help)
    cli.reg_cmd(('l', 'list'), 'list available constants', display_constants)
    cli.reg_cmd(('clear', 'cls'), 'clear screen', clear)
    cli.reg_cmd(('q', 'quit', 'exit'), 'exit from program', quit)
    constants = _constants.keys()

    syntax = re.compile(r'(%s):(\d*)' % '|'.join(constants))
    cli.reg_cmd((syntax,), 'show constants', display_constant, '<constant>:[<accuracy>]')
    cli.on_syntax_error = display_error

    print display_help()
    const_name = None
    prompt = "Enter constant and accuracy(<constant>[:<accuracy>]): "
    while True:
        while not (const_name):
            user_input = raw_input(prompt)
            if not user_input:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():

    def help():
        ''' Выводит справку '''
        print get_cstring('Usage:', 'HEADER')
        help_lines = cli.get_help().split('\n')
        for help_line in help_lines:
            print '%-30s - %s' % tuple(help_line.split(' - '))

    def get_records():
        ''' Возвращает список записей из файла '''
        return parse_hosts_file().items()

    def display_records(records):
        ''' Выполняет отображение записей '''
        for ip, hostname in records:
            ip_string = '%03.d.%03.d.%03.d.%03.d' % tuple(map(int, ip.split('.')))
            print '%s  %s' % (get_cstring(ip_string, 'WARNING'), hostname)

    def show_all_records():
        ''' Выводит все записи '''
        print get_cstring('All records:', 'HEADER')

    def tail(n=5):
        ''' Выводит n последних записей '''
        print get_cstring('Last %s records:' % n, 'HEADER')

    def head(n=5):
        ''' Выводит n первых записей '''
        print get_cstring('First %s records:' % n, 'HEADER')

    def find(phraze):
        ''' Ищет хосты содержащие строку phraze '''
        # Найдем записи, которые содержат искомую фразу
        records = [record for record in get_records() if phraze in record[1]]

        # подсветим фразу в имени хоста
        highlight = lambda s: get_cstring(s, 'STRONG')
        inject = lambda fn, sep, string: fn(sep).join(string.split(sep))
        records = [[i, inject(highlight, phraze, h)] for i, h in records]

        # отобразим записи

    def resolv(request):
        ''' Разрешает ip адрес или имя хоста '''
        check = re.compile(ip_address_re).match(request)
        ix = 0 if check else 1

        record = [rec for rec in get_records() if request == rec[ix]][0]
        if len(record):
            print record[not ix]

    cli = SimpleCLI()

    ip_address_re = r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}'

    cli.reg_cmd((re.compile(r'add\s+(%s)\s+(\S+)' % ip_address_re),),
                'create record in file',
                'add <ip_addr> <name>')

    print r'remove\s+(%s)' % ip_address_re

    remove_re = (re.compile(r'remove\s+(%s)' % ip_address_re), )
    cli.reg_cmd(remove_re, 'remove resolv record by ip', remove_resolv_record, 'remove <ip_addr>')

    cli.reg_cmd(('show', 's', ), 'show records', show_all_records)

    tail_re = (re.compile(r'tail\s+(\d+)'), re.compile(r'tail'))
    cli.reg_cmd(tail_re, 'show last n records', tail, 'tail [n]')

    head_re = (re.compile(r'head\s+(\d+)'), re.compile(r'head'))
    cli.reg_cmd(head_re, 'show first n records', head, 'head [n]')

    find_re = (re.compile(r'find\s+(\S+)'), )
    cli.reg_cmd(find_re, 'find hostnames containing substring', find, 'find <substring>')

    resolv_re = (re.compile(r'resolv\s+(\S+)'), )
    cli.reg_cmd(resolv_re, 'resolv hostname or ip address', resolv, 'resolv <ip_addr>|<host_name>')

    cli.reg_cmd(('help', 'h', '?'), 'display help', help)
    cli.reg_cmd(('clear',), 'clear screen', clear)
    cli.reg_cmd(('quit', 'exit', 'q', 'x'), 'quit from REPL', quit)

    cli.on_syntax_error = display_error
    prompt = get_cstring("> ", 'OKGREEN')


    while True:
        user_input = raw_input(prompt).strip()
        if not user_input: