Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    fun_song = [(392, 350, 100), (392, 350, 100), (392, 350, 100),
                (311.1, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (392, 350, 100),
                (311.1, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (392, 700, 100),
                (587.32, 350, 100), (587.32, 350, 100), (587.32, 350, 100),
                (622.26, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (369.99, 350, 100),
                (311.1, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (392, 700, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (392, 250, 100), (392, 25, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (739.98, 250, 100), (698.46, 25, 100),
                (659.26, 25, 100), (622.26, 25, 100), (659.26, 50, 400),
                (415.3, 25, 200), (554.36, 350, 100), (523.25, 250, 100),
                (493.88, 25, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (440, 25, 100),
                (466.16, 50, 400), (311.13, 25, 200), (369.99, 350, 100),
                (311.13, 250, 100), (392, 25, 100), (466.16, 350, 100),
                (392, 250, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (587.32, 700, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (392, 250, 100), (392, 25, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (739.98, 250, 100), (698.46, 25, 100),
                (659.26, 25, 100), (622.26, 25, 100), (659.26, 50, 400),
                (415.3, 25, 200), (554.36, 350, 100), (523.25, 250, 100),
                (493.88, 25, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (440, 25, 100),
                (466.16, 50, 400), (311.13, 25, 200), (392, 350, 100),
                (311.13, 250, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (392.00, 300, 150),
                (311.13, 250, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (392, 700)]

    talker = rb.Speech('hello')
    talker1 = rb.Song(fun_song())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    fun_song = [(392, 350, 100), (392, 350, 100), (392, 350, 100),
                (311.1, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (392, 350, 100),
                (311.1, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (392, 700, 100),
                (587.32, 350, 100), (587.32, 350, 100), (587.32, 350, 100),
                (622.26, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (369.99, 350, 100),
                (311.1, 250, 100), (466.2, 25, 100), (392, 700, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (392, 250, 100), (392, 25, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (739.98, 250, 100), (698.46, 25, 100),
                (659.26, 25, 100), (622.26, 25, 100), (659.26, 50, 400),
                (415.3, 25, 200), (554.36, 350, 100), (523.25, 250, 100),
                (493.88, 25, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (440, 25, 100),
                (466.16, 50, 400), (311.13, 25, 200), (369.99, 350, 100),
                (311.13, 250, 100), (392, 25, 100), (466.16, 350, 100),
                (392, 250, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (587.32, 700, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (392, 250, 100), (392, 25, 100),
                (784, 350, 100), (739.98, 250, 100), (698.46, 25, 100),
                (659.26, 25, 100), (622.26, 25, 100), (659.26, 50, 400),
                (415.3, 25, 200), (554.36, 350, 100), (523.25, 250, 100),
                (493.88, 25, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (440, 25, 100),
                (466.16, 50, 400), (311.13, 25, 200), (392, 350, 100),
                (311.13, 250, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (392.00, 300, 150),
                (311.13, 250, 100), (466.16, 25, 100), (392, 700)]

    #talker1 = rb.Speech('hello how are you today Nelson')
    #talker = rb.Speech('I think it is getting cold outside today, what do you say mate')
    talker2 = rb.Song(fun_song * 20)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def go_two_seconds():
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # TODO: 3.
    #   Make the robot move, by using this pattern:
    #    - Turn on (start) the wheel motors.
    #    - time.sleep(2)  # Pause here, let other processes run for 2 seconds
    #    - Turn off (brake or coast) the wheel motors.
    # Use the DOT trick to figure out how to start, brake and coast motors.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    left_motor = rb.LargeMotor(rb.Plug("B"))  # Constructs Motor for left wheel
    right_motor = rb.LargeMotor(rb.Plug("C"))