Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_labs(data_format):
    """Gets data from all labs from hackerspaces.org."""

    labs = []

    # Get the first page of data
    wiki = MediaWiki(hackerspaces_org_api_url)
    wiki_response = wiki.call({
        'action': 'query',
        'list': 'categorymembers',
        'cmtitle': 'Category:Hackerspace',
        'cmlimit': '500'
    nextpage = wiki_response["query-continue"]["categorymembers"]["cmcontinue"]

    urls = []
    for i in wiki_response["query"]["categorymembers"]:
        urls.append(i["title"].replace(" ", "_"))

    # Load all the Labs in the first page
    for i in urls:
        current_lab = get_single_lab(i, data_format)

    # Load all the Labs from the other pages
    while "query-continue" in wiki_response:
        wiki = MediaWiki(hackerspaces_org_api_url)
        wiki_response = wiki.call({
            'action': 'query',
            'list': 'categorymembers',
            'cmtitle': 'Category:Hackerspace',
            'cmlimit': '500',
            "cmcontinue": nextpage

        urls = []
        for i in wiki_response["query"]["categorymembers"]:
            urls.append(i["title"].replace(" ", "_"))

        # Load all the Labs
        for i in urls:
            current_lab = get_single_lab(i, data_format)

        if "query-continue" in wiki_response:
            nextpage = wiki_response["query-continue"]["categorymembers"][

    # Transform the list into a dictionary
    labs_dict = {}
    for j, k in enumerate(labs):
        labs_dict[j] = k

    return labs_dict
Ejemplo n.º 2
def open_connection(bot_name, env_name, api_url):
    """Open a connection to MediaWiki for a bot."""

    LOGGER.info("Opening MediaWiki connection for %s at %s", bot_name, api_url)
    apiary_wiki = MediaWiki(api_url)
    edit_token = None

        # Passwords may be defined in the environment or in the config file
        # We prefer the environment variable if it is present
        password = os.environ.get(env_name, None)
        if password is None:
                config.get('Passwords', bot_name)
            except Exception as e:
                LOGGER.warn('No configuration file detected.')

        if password is not None:
            LOGGER.info("Logging in as %s using %s", bot_name, password)
            apiary_wiki.login(bot_name, password)

            LOGGER.info("Getting edit token for %s", bot_name)
            wiki_return = apiary_wiki.call({
                'action': 'tokens',
                'type': 'edit'
            edit_token = wiki_return['tokens']['edittoken']
            LOGGER.info("%s has been given edit token %s", bot_name, edit_token)
            LOGGER.warn("No password was provided for %s. Queries allowed but editing will not work.", bot_name)

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Unable to login as %s got '%s'", bot_name, e)

    return (apiary_wiki, edit_token)
def get_lab_text(lab_slug, language):
    """Gets text description in English or Italian from a single lab from makeinitaly.foundation."""
    if language == "English" or language == "english" or language == "EN" or language == "En":
        language = "en"
    elif language == "Italian" or language == "italian" or language == "IT" or language == "It" or language == "it":
        language = "it"
        language = "en"
    wiki = MediaWiki(makeinitaly__foundation_api_url)
    wiki_response = wiki.call(
        {'action': 'query',
         'titles': lab_slug + "/" + language,
         'prop': 'revisions',
         'rvprop': 'content'})

    # If we don't know the pageid...
    for i in wiki_response["query"]["pages"]:
        if "revisions" in wiki_response["query"]["pages"][i]:
            content = wiki_response["query"]["pages"][i]["revisions"][0]["*"]
            content = ""

    # Clean the resulting string/list
    newstr01 = content.replace("}}", "")
    newstr02 = newstr01.replace("{{", "")
    result = newstr02.rstrip("\n|").split("\n|")

    return result[0]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parseWiki(con):
    useragent = build_user_agent('l2wiki', 0.1,
    wiki = MediaWiki('http://l2central.info/c/api.php', user_agent=useragent)
    cmcontinue = parseWikiPart(con, wiki)
    while cmcontinue:
        cmcontinue = parseWikiPart(con, wiki, cmcontinue)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def connectwiki(self, bot_name):
     self.apiary_wiki = MediaWiki(self.config.get('WikiApiary', 'API'))
     c = self.apiary_wiki.login(self.config.get(bot_name, 'Username'),
                                self.config.get(bot_name, 'Password'))
     if self.args.verbose >= 1:
         print("Username: %s Password: %s" % (self.config.get(
             bot_name, 'Username'), self.config.get(bot_name, 'Password')))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def fetch(cls, url, use_cache=True):
     m = re.match(r'^http://([a-z]{2})\.wikipedia\.org', url)
     page_lang = m.group(1).encode('utf8')
     page_title = extract_page_title(url, page_lang)
     wp = MediaWiki('http://%s.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' % page_lang)
     return cls(
         get_page_content(wp, page_title, page_lang, use_cache) or '',
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        # Connect to SMW Community Wiki
        self.smwreferata = MediaWiki('http://smw.referata.com/w/api.php')

        # Connect to WikiApiary
        self.wikiapiary = MediaWiki(config.get('WikiApiary', 'api'))
        self.wikiapiary.login(config.get('wikkiibot', 'Username'),
                              config.get('wikkiibot', 'Password'))

        # We need an edit token
        c = self.wikiapiary.call({
            'action': 'query',
            'titles': 'Foo',
            'prop': 'info',
            'intoken': 'edit'
        self.my_token = c['query']['pages']['-1']['edittoken']
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, url, username, password):
        self.wiki = MediaWiki(url)
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

        self.login = self._make_wiki_login_call({'action': 'login'})
        self.token = self._make_wiki_login_call({
    def __init__(self):
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        self.wikiapiary = MediaWiki(config.get('WikiApiary', 'api'))
        self.wikiapiary.login(config.get('TropicalBot', 'Username'),
                              config.get('TropicalBot', 'Password'))

        # We need an edit token on wiki2
        c = self.wikiapiary.call({
            'action': 'query',
            'titles': 'Foo',
            'prop': 'info',
            'intoken': 'edit'
        self.my_token = c['query']['pages']['-1']['edittoken']
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def fetch(cls, url, use_cache=True):
     m = re.match(r'^https?://([a-z\-]+)\.wikipedia\.org/wiki/(.*)$', url)
     page_lang = m.group(1).encode('utf8')
     page_title = urllib.unquote(m.group(2).encode('utf8')).decode('utf8')
     wp = MediaWiki('https://%s.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' % page_lang)
     resp = wp.call({
         'action': 'query',
         'prop': 'pageprops|revisions',
         'titles': page_title.encode('utf8'),
         'rvprop': 'content'
     page = resp['query']['pages'].values()[0]
     content = page['revisions'][0].values(
     )[0] if 'revisions' in page else None
     if 'pageprops' in page and 'wikibase_item' in page['pageprops']:
         wikidata_id = page['pageprops']['wikibase_item']
         wikidata_id = None
     return cls(page_title, content or '', page_lang, wikidata_id)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def handle(text, mic, profile):
    baseurl = "http://www.wikihow.com/"
    wiki = MediaWiki('http://www.wikihow.com/api.php')
    #wiki.login("*****@*****.**", "david1234")
    params = {
        'action': 'query',
        'list': 'search',
        'srsearch': text,
        'srprop': 'redirecttitle',
        'limit': '1',
        'format': 'json'

    response = wiki.call(params)
    #r = json.dumps(response, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

    flag = 0
    flag_title = "none"
    pos = response['query']['search']
    query = getRequest(text)
    #Getting the article with the best score
    for key in pos:
        val = fuzz.ratio(key['title'], query)
        print(str(val) + "% " + key['title'])
        if val > flag:
            flag = val
            flag_title = key['title']
    if flag != 0:
        answer = flag_title

        #rWH = renderWH.renderWikihow()
        #url = baseurl + answer
        #print url
        #url_ = rWH.getContent(str(url))
        webbrowser.open(baseurl + flag_title)
        mic.say("I could not find anything bro!")
Ejemplo n.º 12
import re
import sqlalchemy
import solr
from simplemediawiki import MediaWiki
from editing import MusicBrainzClient
import pprint
import urllib
import time
from utils import mangle_name, join_names, contains_text_in_script, quote_page_title
import config as cfg

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(cfg.MB_DB)
db = engine.connect()
db.execute("SET search_path TO musicbrainz")

wp = MediaWiki('http://ko.wikipedia.org/w/api.php')
wps = solr.SolrConnection('http://localhost:8983/solr/wikipedia_ko')

mb = MusicBrainzClient(cfg.MB_USERNAME, cfg.MB_PASSWORD, cfg.MB_SITE)

CREATE TABLE bot_wp_artist_ko (
    gid uuid NOT NULL,
    processed timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()

ALTER TABLE ONLY bot_wp_artist_ko
    ADD CONSTRAINT bot_wp_artist_kokey PRIMARY KEY (gid);

query = """
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_single_lab(lab_slug, open_cage_api_key):
    """Gets data from a single lab from hackerspaces.org."""
    wiki = MediaWiki(hackerspaces_org_api_url)
    wiki_response = wiki.call({
        'action': 'query',
        'titles': lab_slug,
        'prop': 'revisions',
        'rvprop': 'content'

    # If we don't know the pageid...
    for i in wiki_response["query"]["pages"]:
        content = wiki_response["query"]["pages"][i]["revisions"][0]["*"]

    # Transform the data into a Lab object
    current_lab = Hackerspace()

    equipment_list = []

    # Parse the Mediawiki code
    wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(content)
    for k in wikicode.filter_templates():
        element_name = unicode(k.name)
        if "Hackerspace" in element_name:
            for j in k.params:
                current_lab.name = lab_slug
                j_value = unicode(j.value)
                j_name = unicode(j.name)
                # Remove new line in content
                if j_value[-1:] == "\n" or j_value[:1] == "\n":
                    j_value = j_value.replace('\n', '')
                if j_name == "logo":
                    current_lab.logo = j_value
                if j_name == "founding":
                    current_lab.founding = j_value
                if j_name == "coordinate":
                    # Clean the coordinates
                    j_value = j_value.replace('"', '')
                    j_value = j_value.replace('N', '')
                    j_value = j_value.replace('S', '')
                    j_value = j_value.replace('W', '')
                    j_value = j_value.replace('E', '')
                    j_value = j_value.replace(u'°', '')
                    j_value = j_value.replace(' ', '')
                    # Get the full address with the coordinates
                    address = get_location(query=j_value,
                    current_lab.city = address["city"]
                    current_lab.county = address["county"]
                    current_lab.state = address["state"]
                    current_lab.postal_code = address["postal_code"]
                    current_lab.address_1 = address["address_1"]
                    current_lab.country = address["country"]
                    current_lab.country_code = address["country_code"]
                    current_lab.continent = address["continent"]
                    current_lab.latitude = address["latitude"]
                    current_lab.longitude = address["longitude"]
                if j_name == "membercount":
                    current_lab.membercount = j_value
                if j_name == "fee":
                    current_lab.fee = j_value
                if j_name == "size":
                    current_lab.size = j_value
                if j_name == "status":
                    current_lab.status = j_value
                if j_name == "site":
                    current_lab.site = j_value
                if j_name == "wiki":
                    current_lab.wiki = j_value
                if j_name == "irc":
                    current_lab.irc = j_value
                if j_name == "jabber":
                    current_lab.jabber = j_value
                if j_name == "phone":
                    current_lab.phone = j_value
                if j_name == "youtube":
                    current_lab.youtube = j_value
                if j_name == "eventbrite":
                    current_lab.eventbrite = j_value
                if j_name == "facebook":
                    current_lab.facebook = j_value
                if j_name == "ustream":
                    current_lab.ustream = j_value
                if j_name == "flickr":
                    current_lab.flickr = j_value
                if j_name == "twitter":
                    current_lab.twitter = j_value
                if j_name == "googleplus":
                    current_lab.googleplus = j_value
                if j_name == "email":
                    current_lab.email = j_value
                if j_name == "maillist":
                    current_lab.maillist = j_value
                if j_name == "ical":
                    current_lab.ical = j_value
                if j_name == "forum":
                    current_lab.forum = j_value
        elif "Equipment" in element_name:
            for j in k.params:
                equipment_list.append(j.replace("equipment=", ""))

            current_lab.equipment = equipment_list

    # Load the free text
    freetext = ""
    for k in wikicode._nodes:
            test_value = k.name
        except AttributeError:
            freetext += unicode(k)
    current_lab.text = freetext

    return current_lab
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(Wiki, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.wiki = MediaWiki(self.url + 'api.php')
Ejemplo n.º 15
from editing import MusicBrainzClient
import pprint
import urllib
import time
from mbbot.wp.wikipage import WikiPage
from mbbot.wp.analysis import determine_country
from utils import mangle_name, join_names, out, colored_out, bcolors, escape_query, quote_page_title, wp_is_canonical_page
import config as cfg

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(cfg.MB_DB)
db = engine.connect()
db.execute("SET search_path TO musicbrainz, %s" % cfg.BOT_SCHEMA_DB)

wp_lang = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'en'

wp = MediaWiki('http://%s.wikipedia.org/w/api.php' % wp_lang)

suffix = '_' + wp_lang if wp_lang != 'en' else ''
wps = solr.SolrConnection('http://localhost:8983/solr/wikipedia' + suffix)

mb = MusicBrainzClient(cfg.MB_USERNAME, cfg.MB_PASSWORD, cfg.MB_SITE)
CREATE TABLE bot_wp_artist_link (
    gid uuid NOT NULL,
    lang character varying(2),
    processed timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()
    CONSTRAINT bot_wp_artist_link_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid, lang)

CREATE TABLE bot_wp_artist_link_ignore (
    gid uuid NOT NULL,
Ejemplo n.º 16
[[Category:WikiTeam Import]]"""

logo_page_text = """This image was automatically uploaded by [[User:Audit Bee|Audit Bee]] while importing.
[[Category:Import logos]] """

# timeout in seconds
timeout = 10

wiki = MediaWiki(
    'python-simplemediawiki/1.1.1 (WikiApiary; Bumble Bee; +http://wikiapiary.com/wiki/User:Bumble_Bee)'
wiki.login('Audit Bee', 'frYqj2AmPTqZDjn4TANE')

# We need an edit token
c = wiki.call({
    'action': 'query',
    'titles': 'Foo',
    'prop': 'info',
    'intoken': 'edit'
my_token = c['query']['pages']['-1']['edittoken']

i = 0
success = 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_single_lab(lab_slug, data_format):
    """Gets data from a single lab from makeinitaly.foundation."""
    wiki = MediaWiki(makeinitaly__foundation_api_url)
    wiki_response = wiki.call(
        {'action': 'query',
         'titles': lab_slug,
         'prop': 'revisions',
         'rvprop': 'content'})

    # If we don't know the pageid...
    for i in wiki_response["query"]["pages"]:
        content = wiki_response["query"]["pages"][i]["revisions"][0]["*"]

    # Clean the resulting string/list
    newstr01 = content.replace("}}", "")
    newstr02 = newstr01.replace("{{", "")
    result = newstr02.rstrip("\n|").split("\n|")
    # result.remove(u'FabLab')

    # Transform the data into a Lab object
    current_lab = Lab()

    # Add existing data
    for i in result:
        if "coordinates=" in i:
            value = i.replace("coordinates=", "")
            current_lab.coordinates = value
            latlong = []
            if ", " in value:
                latlong = value.rstrip(", ").split(", ")
            elif " , " in value:
                latlong = value.rstrip(" , ").split(" , ")
                latlong = ["", ""]
            current_lab.lat = latlong[0]
            current_lab.long = latlong[1]
        elif "province=" in i:
            value = i.replace("province=", "")
            current_lab.province = value.upper()
        elif "region=" in i:
            value = i.replace("region=", "")
            current_lab.region = value
        elif "address=" in i:
            value = i.replace("address=", "")
            current_lab.address = value
        elif "city=" in i:
            value = i.replace("city=", "")
            current_lab.city = value
        elif "fablabsio=" in i:
            value = i.replace("fablabsio=", "")
            current_lab.fablabsio = value
        elif "website=" in i:
            value = i.replace("website=", "")
            current_lab.website = value
        elif "facebook=" in i:
            value = i.replace("facebook=", "")
            current_lab.facebook = value
        elif "twitter=" in i:
            value = i.replace("twitter=", "")
            current_lab.twitter = value
        elif "email=" in i:
            value = i.replace("email=", "")
            current_lab.email = value
        elif "manager=" in i:
            value = i.replace("manager=", "")
            current_lab.manager = value
        elif "birthyear=" in i:
            value = i.replace("birthyear=", "")
            current_lab.birthyear = value

    current_lab.text_en = get_lab_text(lab_slug=lab_slug, language="en")
    current_lab.text_it = get_lab_text(lab_slug=lab_slug, language="it")

    if data_format == "dict":
        return current_lab.__dict__
    elif data_format == "object":
        return current_lab
Ejemplo n.º 18
import datetime
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap

from simplemediawiki import MediaWiki

with open(os.path.expanduser('~/.mediawiki'), 'r') as f:
    conf = json.loads(f.read())['ircbot']

wiki = MediaWiki(conf['url'])

day_re = re.compile('^--- Day changed (.*) (.*) ([0-9]+) (20[0-9]+)$')
human_re = re.compile('.*<([^>]+)>.*')

days = {}
days_order = []

months = {'Jan': 1, 'Feb': 2, 'Mar': 3, 'Apr': 4, 'May': 5, 'Jun': 6,
          'Jul': 7, 'Aug': 8, 'Sep': 9, 'Oct': 10, 'Nov': 11, 'Dec': 12}

def make_wiki_login_call(packet):
    packet.update({'lgname': conf['username'],
                   'lgpassword': conf['password']})
    return wiki.call(packet)
Ejemplo n.º 19
import re
import sqlalchemy
import solr
from simplemediawiki import MediaWiki
from editing import MusicBrainzClient
import pprint
import urllib
import time
from utils import mangle_name, join_names, quote_page_title
import config as cfg

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(cfg.MB_DB)
db = engine.connect()
db.execute("SET search_path TO musicbrainz, %s" % cfg.BOT_SCHEMA_DB)

wp = MediaWiki('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php')
wps = solr.SolrConnection('http://localhost:8983/solr/wikipedia')

mb = MusicBrainzClient(cfg.MB_USERNAME, cfg.MB_PASSWORD, cfg.MB_SITE)
CREATE TABLE bot_wp_label (
    gid uuid NOT NULL,
    processed timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now()

ALTER TABLE ONLY bot_wp_label
    ADD CONSTRAINT bot_wp_label_pkey PRIMARY KEY (gid);


query = """
Ejemplo n.º 20
                    help='Output filename',

args = parser.parse_args()

lang_val = args.lang
filename = args.filename

wiki_url = "https://"
wiki_url = wiki_url + lang_val
wiki_url = wiki_url + ".wikipedia.org/w/api.php"

wiki = MediaWiki(wiki_url)

output_file = open(filename, "w")

continue_param = ''
request_obj = {}
request_obj['action'] = 'query'
request_obj['list'] = 'allpages'
request_obj['aplimit'] = 'max'
request_obj['apnamespace'] = '0'

page_list = wiki.call(request_obj)
pages_in_query = page_list['query']['allpages']

for each_page in pages_in_query:
    page_ID = each_page['pageid']
Ejemplo n.º 21
def get_labs(format):
    """Gets data from all labs from makeinitaly.foundation."""

    labs = []

    # Get the first page of data
    wiki = MediaWiki(makeinitaly__foundation_api_url)
    wiki_response = wiki.call({
        'action': 'query',
        'list': 'categorymembers',
        'cmtitle': 'Category:Italian_FabLabs',
        'cmlimit': '500'
    if "query-continue" in wiki_response:
        nextpage = wiki_response["query-continue"]["categorymembers"][

    urls = []
    for i in wiki_response["query"]["categorymembers"]:
        urls.append(i["title"].replace(" ", "_"))

    # Load all the Labs in the first page
    for i in urls:
        current_lab = get_single_lab(i)

    # Load all the Labs from the other pages
    while "query-continue" in wiki_response:
        wiki = MediaWiki(makeinitaly__foundation_api_url)
        wiki_response = wiki.call({
            'action': 'query',
            'list': 'categorymembers',
            'cmtitle': 'Category:Hackerspace',
            'cmlimit': '500',
            "cmcontinue": nextpage

        urls = []
        for i in wiki_response["query"]["categorymembers"]:
            urls.append(i["title"].replace(" ", "_"))

        # Load all the Labs
        for i in urls:
            current_lab = get_single_lab(i, data_format)

        if "query-continue" in wiki_response:
            nextpage = wiki_response["query-continue"]["categorymembers"][

    # Transform the list into a dictionary
    labs_dict = {}
    for j, k in enumerate(labs):
        labs_dict[j] = k.__dict__

    # Return a dictiornary / json
    if format.lower() == "dict" or format.lower() == "json":
        output = labs_dict
    # Return a geojson
    elif format.lower() == "geojson" or format.lower() == "geo":
        labs_list = []
        for l in labs_dict:
            single = labs_dict[l].__dict__
            single_lab = Feature(type="Feature",
        output = dumps(FeatureCollection(labs_list))
    # Return a Pandas DataFrame
    elif format.lower() == "pandas" or format.lower() == "dataframe":
        output = {}
        for j in labs_dict:
            output[j] = labs_dict[j].__dict__
        # Transform the dict into a Pandas DataFrame
        output = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(output)
        output = output.transpose()
    # Return an object
    elif format.lower() == "object" or format.lower() == "obj":
        output = labs
    # Default: return an object
        output = labs
    # Return a proper json
    if format.lower() == "json":
        output = json.dumps(labs_dict)
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 22
from simplemediawiki import MediaWiki
from tabela import tabela
from people import people
import sys
text = '==== Листа на дежурства ====\n\nОва е автоматски генерерирана листа на дежурни со две ротации, доколку не сте во можност да бидете дежурни некоја недела или ден запишете во забелешка и пишете на мејлинг листа. Доколку сте дежурен во вашиот google calendar е вметнат нов календар насловен „Хаклаб: Дежурства“ со настан за деновите кога сте дежурни. Поставете ги известувањата за да бидете навреме известени.\n\n'
wiki = MediaWiki('https://wiki.spodeli.org/api.php')
user, password = open('credentials', 'r').read().split()
token = wiki.call({'action': 'query', 'meta': 'tokens'})['query']['tokens']['csrftoken']
wiki.call({'action': 'edit', 'title': 'Хаклаб/Дежурства', 'section':'5', 'text':text, 'token':token})
Ejemplo n.º 23
def get_single_lab(lab_slug, data_format):
    """Gets data from a single lab from hackerspaces.org."""
    wiki = MediaWiki(hackerspaces_org_api_url)
    wiki_response = wiki.call({
        'action': 'query',
        'titles': lab_slug,
        'prop': 'revisions',
        'rvprop': 'content'

    # If we don't know the pageid...
    for i in wiki_response["query"]["pages"]:
        content = wiki_response["query"]["pages"][i]["revisions"][0]["*"]

    # Transform the data into a Lab object
    current_lab = Lab()

    equipment_list = []

    # Parse the Mediawiki code
    wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(content)
    for k in wikicode.filter_templates():
        element_name = unicode(k.name)
        if "Hackerspace" in element_name:
            for j in k.params:
                if unicode(j.name) == "logo":
                    current_lab.logo = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "country":
                    current_lab.country = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "state":
                    current_lab.state = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "city":
                    current_lab.city = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "founding":
                    current_lab.city = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "coordinate":
                    value = unicode(j.value)
                    current_lab.coordinates = value
                    latlong = []
                    if ", " in value:
                        latlong = value.rstrip(", ").split(", ")
                    elif " , " in value:
                        latlong = value.rstrip(" , ").split(" , ")
                        latlong = ["", ""]
                    current_lab.lat = latlong[0]
                    current_lab.long = latlong[1]
                if unicode(j.name) == "membercount":
                    current_lab.membercount = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "fee":
                    current_lab.fee = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "size":
                    current_lab.size = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "status":
                    current_lab.status = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "site":
                    current_lab.site = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "wiki":
                    current_lab.wiki = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "irc":
                    current_lab.irc = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "jabber":
                    current_lab.jabber = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "phone":
                    current_lab.phone = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "youtube":
                    current_lab.youtube = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "eventbrite":
                    current_lab.eventbrite = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "facebook":
                    current_lab.facebook = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "ustream":
                    current_lab.ustream = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "flickr":
                    current_lab.flickr = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "twitter":
                    current_lab.twitter = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "googleplus":
                    current_lab.googleplus = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "email":
                    current_lab.email = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "maillist":
                    current_lab.maillist = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "ical":
                    current_lab.ical = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "forum":
                    current_lab.forum = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "street-address":
                    current_lab.street_address = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "postalcode":
                    current_lab.postalcode = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "region":
                    current_lab.region = unicode(j.value)
                if unicode(j.name) == "post-office-box":
                    current_lab.post_office_box = unicode(j.value)
        elif "Equipment" in element_name:
            for j in k.params:
                equipment_list.append(j.replace("equipment=", ""))

    current_lab.equipment = equipment_list

    # Load the free text
    freetext = ""
    for k in wikicode._nodes:
            test_value = k.name
        except AttributeError:
            freetext += unicode(k)
    current_lab.text = freetext

    if data_format == "dict":
        return current_lab.__dict__
    elif data_format == "object":
        return current_lab