Ejemplo n.º 1
 def process_element(element_name, node, element_type):
     "Parse and define simple element types"
     if debug: 
         log.debug("Processing element %s %s" % (element_name, element_type))
     for tag in node:
         if tag.get_local_name() in ("annotation", "documentation"):
         elif tag.get_local_name() in ('element', 'restriction'):
             if debug: log.debug("%s has not children! %s" % (element_name,tag))
             children = tag # element "alias"?
             alias = True
         elif tag.children():
             children = tag.children()
             alias = False
             if debug: log.debug("%s has not children! %s" % (element_name,tag))
             continue #TODO: abstract?
         d = OrderedDict()                    
         for e in children:
             t = e['type']
             if not t:
                 t = e['base'] # complexContent (extension)!
             if not t:
                 t = 'anyType' # no type given!
             t = t.split(":")
             if len(t)>1:
                 ns, type_name = t
                 ns, type_name = None, t[0]
             if element_name == type_name:
                 pass ## warning with infinite recursion
             uri = ns and e.get_namespace_uri(ns) or xsd_uri
             if uri==xsd_uri:
                 # look for the type, None == any
                 fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(type_name), None)
                 fn = None
             if not fn:
                 # simple / complex type, postprocess later 
                 fn = elements.setdefault(make_key(type_name, "complexType"), OrderedDict())
             if e['name'] is not None and not alias:
                 e_name = unicode(e['name'])
                 d[e_name] = fn
                 if debug: log.debug("complexConent/simpleType/element %s = %s" % (element_name, type_name))
                 d[None] = fn
             if e['maxOccurs']=="unbounded" or (ns == 'SOAP-ENC' and type_name == 'Array'):
                 # it's an array... TODO: compound arrays?
                 d.array = True
             if e is not None and e.get_local_name() == 'extension' and e.children():
                 # extend base element:
                 process_element(element_name, e.children(), element_type)
         elements.setdefault(make_key(element_name, element_type), OrderedDict()).update(d)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def process_element(elements, element_name, node, element_type, xsd_uri,
    """Parse and define simple element types"""

    log.debug("Processing element %s %s" % (element_name, element_type))
    for tag in node:
        if tag.get_local_name() in ("annotation", "documentation"):
        elif tag.get_local_name() in ('element', 'restriction'):
            log.debug("%s has no children! %s" % (element_name, tag))
            children = tag  # element "alias"?
            alias = True
        elif tag.children():
            children = tag.children()
            alias = False
            log.debug("%s has no children! %s" % (element_name, tag))
            continue  # TODO: abstract?
        d = OrderedDict()
        for e in children:
            t = e['type']
            if not t:
                t = e['base']  # complexContent (extension)!
            if not t:
                t = 'anyType'  # no type given!
            t = t.split(":")
            if len(t) > 1:
                ns, type_name = t
                ns, type_name = None, t[0]
            if element_name == type_name:
                pass  ## warning with infinite recursion
            uri = ns and e.get_namespace_uri(ns) or xsd_uri
            if uri == xsd_uri:
                # look for the type, None == any
                fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(type_name), None)
                fn = None
            if not fn:
                # simple / complex type, postprocess later
                fn = elements.setdefault(make_key(type_name, "complexType"),

            if e['maxOccurs'] == "unbounded" or (ns == 'SOAP-ENC'
                                                 and type_name == 'Array'):
                # it's an array... TODO: compound arrays?
                if isinstance(fn, OrderedDict):
                    if len(children) > 1 and dialect in ('jetty', ):
                        # Jetty style support
                        # {'ClassName': [{'attr1': val1, 'attr2': val2}]
                        fn.array = True
                        # .NET style support (backward compatibility)
                        # [{'ClassName': {'attr1': val1, 'attr2': val2}]
                        d.array = True
                    if dialect in ('jetty', ):
                        # scalar support [{'attr1': [val1]}]
                        fn = [fn]
                        d.array = True

            if e['name'] is not None and not alias:
                e_name = unicode(e['name'])
                d[e_name] = fn
                log.debug("complexContent/simpleType/element %s = %s" %
                          (element_name, type_name))
                d[None] = fn
            if e is not None and e.get_local_name(
            ) == 'extension' and e.children():
                # extend base element:
                process_element(elements, element_name, e.children(),
                                element_type, xsd_uri, dialect)
        elements.setdefault(make_key(element_name, element_type),
Ejemplo n.º 3
class SoapClient(object):
    "Simple SOAP Client (simil PHP)"

    def __init__(
        self.certssl = cert
        self.keyssl = None
        self.location = location  # server location (url)
        self.action = action  # SOAP base action
        self.namespace = namespace  # message
        self.trace = trace  # show debug messages
        self.exceptions = exceptions  # lanzar execpiones? (Soap Faults)
        self.xml_request = self.xml_response = ''
        if not soap_ns and not ns:
            self.__soap_ns = 'soap'  # 1.1
        elif not soap_ns and ns:
            self.__soap_ns = 'soapenv'  # 1.2
            self.__soap_ns = soap_ns

        # SOAP Server (special cases like oracle or jbossas6)
        self.__soap_server = soap_server

        # SOAP Header support
        self.__headers = {}  # general headers
        self.__call_headers = None  # OrderedDict to be marshalled for RPC Call

        # check if the Certification Authority Cert is a string and store it
        if cacert and cacert.startswith("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"):
            fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
            f = os.fdopen(fd, 'w+b', -1)
            if self.trace: log.info(u"Saving CA certificate to %s" % filename)
            cacert = filename
        self.cacert = cacert

        # Create HTTP wrapper
        Http = get_Http()
        self.http = Http(timeout=TIMEOUT,

        # parse wsdl url
        self.services = wsdl and self.wsdl_parse(
            wsdl, debug=trace, cache=cache)
        self.service_port = None  # service port for late binding

        self.__ns = ns  # namespace prefix or False to not use it
        if not ns:
            self.__xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<%(soap_ns)s:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
    <%(method)s xmlns="%(namespace)s">
            self.__xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<%(soap_ns)s:Envelope xmlns:%(soap_ns)s="%(soap_uri)s" xmlns:%(ns)s="%(namespace)s">

        # parse wsdl url
        self.services = wsdl and self.wsdl_parse(
            wsdl, debug=trace, cache=cache)
        self.service_port = None  # service port for late binding

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        "Return a pseudo-method that can be called"
        if not self.services:  # not using WSDL?
            return lambda self=self, *args, **kwargs: self.call(
                attr, *args, **kwargs)
        else:  # using WSDL:
            return lambda *args, **kwargs: self.wsdl_call(
                attr, *args, **kwargs)

    def call(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
        "Prepare xml request and make SOAP call, returning a SimpleXMLElement"
        #TODO: method != input_message
        # Basic SOAP request:
        xml = self.__xml % dict(method=method,
        request = SimpleXMLElement(xml,
                                   namespace=self.__ns and self.namespace,
        # serialize parameters
        if kwargs:
            parameters = kwargs.items()
            parameters = args
        if parameters and isinstance(parameters[0], SimpleXMLElement):
            # merge xmlelement parameter ("raw" - already marshalled)
            for param in parameters[0].children():
                getattr(request, method).import_node(param)
        elif parameters:
            # marshall parameters:
            for k, v in parameters:  # dict: tag=valor
                getattr(request, method).marshall(k, v)
        elif not self.__soap_server in ('oracle', ) or self.__soap_server in (
                'jbossas6', ):
            # JBossAS-6 requires no empty method parameters!
            ), method)
        # construct header and parameters (if not wsdl given) except wsse
        if self.__headers and not self.services:
            self.__call_headers = dict([(k, v)
                                        for k, v in self.__headers.items()
                                        if not k.startswith("wsse:")])
        # always extract WS Security header and send it
        if 'wsse:Security' in self.__headers:
            #TODO: namespaces too hardwired, clean-up...
            header = request(
            k = 'wsse:Security'
            v = self.__headers[k]
            header.marshall(k, v, ns=False, add_children_ns=False)
            )['xmlns:wsse'] = 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd'
            #<wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu='http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd'>
        if self.__call_headers:
            header = request(
            for k, v in self.__call_headers.items():
                ##if not self.__ns:
                ##    header['xmlns']
                header.marshall(k, v, ns=self.__ns, add_children_ns=False)
        self.xml_request = request.as_xml()
        self.xml_response = self.send(method, self.xml_request)
        response = SimpleXMLElement(self.xml_response,
        if self.exceptions and response(
                "Fault", ns=soap_namespaces.values(), error=False):
            raise SoapFault(unicode(response.faultcode),
        return response

    def send(self, method, xml):
        "Send SOAP request using HTTP"
        if self.location == 'test': return
        location = "%s" % self.location  #?op=%s" % (self.location, method)
        if self.services:
            soap_action = self.action
            soap_action = self.action + method
        headers = {
            'Content-type': 'text/xml; charset="UTF-8"',
            'Content-length': str(len(xml)),
            "SOAPAction": "\"%s\"" % (soap_action)
        log.info("POST %s" % location)
        if self.trace:
            print "-" * 80
            print "POST %s" % location
            print '\n'.join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in headers.items()])
            print u"\n%s" % xml.decode("utf8", "ignore")
        response, content = self.http.request(location,
        self.response = response
        self.content = content
        if self.trace:
            print '\n'.join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in response.items()])
            print content  #.decode("utf8","ignore")
            print "=" * 80
        return content

    def get_operation(self, method):
        # try to find operation in wsdl file
        soap_ver = self.__soap_ns == 'soap12' and 'soap12' or 'soap11'
        if not self.service_port:
            for service_name, service in self.services.items():
                for port_name, port in [
                        port for port in service['ports'].items()
                    if port['soap_ver'] == soap_ver:
                        self.service_port = service_name, port_name
                    raise RuntimeError("Cannot determine service in WSDL: "
                                       "SOAP version: %s" % soap_ver)
            port = self.services[self.service_port[0]]['ports'][
        self.location = port['location']
        operation = port['operations'].get(unicode(method))
        if not operation:
            raise RuntimeError("Operation %s not found in WSDL: "
                               "Service/Port Type: %s" %
                               (method, self.service_port))
        return operation

    def wsdl_call(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
        "Pre and post process SOAP call, input and output parameters using WSDL"
        soap_uri = soap_namespaces[self.__soap_ns]
        operation = self.get_operation(method)
        # get i/o type declarations:
        input = operation['input']
        output = operation['output']
        header = operation.get('header')
        if 'action' in operation:
            self.action = operation['action']
        # sort parameters (same order as xsd:sequence)
        def sort_dict(od, d):
            if isinstance(od, dict):
                ret = OrderedDict()
                for k in od.keys():
                    v = d.get(k)
                    # don't append null tags!
                    if v is not None:
                        if isinstance(v, dict):
                            v = sort_dict(od[k], v)
                        elif isinstance(v, list):
                            v = [sort_dict(od[k][0], v1) for v1 in v]
                        ret[str(k)] = v
                return ret
                return d

        # construct header and parameters
        if header:
            self.__call_headers = sort_dict(header, self.__headers)
        if input and args:
            # convert positional parameters to named parameters:
            d = [(k, arg) for k, arg in zip(input.values()[0].keys(), args)]
        if input and kwargs:
            params = sort_dict(input.values()[0], kwargs).items()
            if self.__soap_server == "axis":
                # use the operation name
                method = method
                # use the message (element) name
                method = input.keys()[0]
        #elif not input:
        #TODO: no message! (see wsmtxca.dummy)
            params = kwargs and kwargs.items()
        # call remote procedure
        response = self.call(method, *params)
        # parse results:
        resp = response('Body', ns=soap_uri).children().unmarshall(output)
        return resp and resp.values()[0]  # pass Response tag children

    def help(self, method):
        "Return operation documentation and invocation/returned value example"
        operation = self.get_operation(method)
        input = operation['input']
        input = input and input.values() and input.values()[0]
        if isinstance(input, dict):
            input = ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, repr(v)) for k, v in input.items())
        elif isinstance(input, list):
            input = repr(input)
        output = operation['output'].values()[0]
        headers = operation.get('headers') or None
        return u"%s(%s)\n -> %s:\n\n%s\nHeaders: %s" % (
            input or "",
            output and output or "",
            operation.get("documentation", ""),

    def wsdl_parse(self, url, debug=False, cache=False):
        "Parse Web Service Description v1.1"

        log.debug("wsdl url: %s" % url)
        # Try to load a previously parsed wsdl:
        force_download = False
        if cache:
            # make md5 hash of the url for caching...
            filename_pkl = "%s.pkl" % hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
            if isinstance(cache, basestring):
                filename_pkl = os.path.join(cache, filename_pkl)
            if os.path.exists(filename_pkl):
                log.debug("Unpickle file %s" % (filename_pkl, ))
                f = open(filename_pkl, "r")
                pkl = pickle.load(f)
                # sanity check:
                if pkl['version'][:-1] != __version__.split(
                        " ")[0][:-1] or pkl['url'] != url:
                    import warnings
                        'version or url mismatch! discarding cached wsdl',
                    if debug:
                        log.debug('Version: %s %s' %
                                  (pkl['version'], __version__))
                        log.debug('URL: %s %s' % (pkl['url'], url))
                    force_download = True
                    self.namespace = pkl['namespace']
                    self.documentation = pkl['documentation']
                    return pkl['services']

        soap_ns = {
            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/": 'soap11',
            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/": 'soap12',
        wsdl_uri = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
        xsd_uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        xsi_uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

        get_local_name = lambda s: s and str(
            (':' in s) and s.split(':')[1] or s)
        get_namespace_prefix = lambda s: s and str(
            (':' in s) and s.split(':')[0] or None)

        # always return an unicode object:
        REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[u'string'] = unicode

        def fetch(url):
            "Download a document from a URL, save it locally if cache enabled"

            # check / append a valid schema if not given:
            o = urlparse(url)
            if not o.scheme in ('http', 'https', 'file'):
                for scheme in ('http', 'https', 'file'):
                        if not url.startswith("/") and scheme in ('http',
                            tmp_url = "%s://%s" % (scheme, url)
                            tmp_url = "%s:%s" % (scheme, url)
                        if debug:
                            log.debug("Scheme not found, trying %s" % scheme)
                        return fetch(tmp_url)
                    except Exception, e:
                raise RuntimeError("No scheme given for url: %s" % url)

            # make md5 hash of the url for caching...
            filename = "%s.xml" % hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
            if isinstance(cache, basestring):
                filename = os.path.join(cache, filename)
            if cache and os.path.exists(filename) and not force_download:
                log.info("Reading file %s" % (filename, ))
                f = open(filename, "r")
                xml = f.read()
                if o.scheme == 'file':
                    log.info("Fetching url %s using urllib2" % (url, ))
                    f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                    xml = f.read()
                    log.info("GET %s using %s" %
                             (url, self.http._wrapper_version))
                    response, xml = self.http.request(url, "GET", None, {})
                if cache:
                    log.info("Writing file %s" % (filename, ))
                    if not os.path.isdir(cache):
                    f = open(filename, "w")
            return xml

        # Open uri and read xml:
        xml = fetch(url)
        # Parse WSDL XML:
        wsdl = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=wsdl_uri)

        # detect soap prefix and uri (xmlns attributes of <definitions>)
        xsd_ns = None
        soap_uris = {}
        for k, v in wsdl[:]:
            if v in soap_ns and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
                soap_uris[get_local_name(k)] = v
            if v == xsd_uri and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
                xsd_ns = get_local_name(k)

        # Extract useful data:
        self.namespace = wsdl['targetNamespace']
        self.documentation = unicode(wsdl('documentation', error=False) or '')

        services = {}
        bindings = {}  # binding_name: binding
        operations = {}  # operation_name: operation
        port_type_bindings = {}  # port_type_name: binding
        messages = {}  # message: element
        elements = {}  # element: type def

        for service in wsdl.service:
            service_name = service['name']
            if not service_name:
                continue  # empty service?
            if debug: log.debug("Processing service %s" % service_name)
            serv = services.setdefault(service_name, {'ports': {}})
            serv['documentation'] = service['documentation'] or ''
            for port in service.port:
                binding_name = get_local_name(port['binding'])
                address = port('address', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                location = address and address['location'] or None
                soap_uri = address and soap_uris.get(address.get_prefix())
                soap_ver = soap_uri and soap_ns.get(soap_uri)
                bindings[binding_name] = {
                    'service_name': service_name,
                    'location': location,
                    'soap_uri': soap_uri,
                    'soap_ver': soap_ver,
                serv['ports'][port['name']] = bindings[binding_name]

        for binding in wsdl.binding:
            binding_name = binding['name']
            if debug: log.debug("Processing binding %s" % service_name)
            soap_binding = binding('binding',
            transport = soap_binding and soap_binding['transport'] or None
            port_type_name = get_local_name(binding['type'])
                'port_type_name': port_type_name,
                'transport': transport,
                'operations': {},
            port_type_bindings[port_type_name] = bindings[binding_name]
            for operation in binding.operation:
                op_name = operation['name']
                op = operation('operation', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                action = op and op['soapAction']
                d = operations.setdefault(op_name, {})
                bindings[binding_name]['operations'][op_name] = d
                d.update({'name': op_name})
                d['parts'] = {}
                body = operation.input('body',
                d['parts']['input_body'] = body and body['parts'] or None
                body = operation.output('body',
                d['parts']['output_body'] = body and body['parts'] or None
                header = operation.input('header',
                d['parts']['input_header'] = header and header['part'] or None
                headers = operation.output('header',
                d['parts']['output_header'] = header and header['part'] or None
                #if action: #TODO: separe operation_binding from operation
                if action:
                    d["action"] = action

        def make_key(element_name, element_type):
            "return a suitable key for elements"
            # only distinguish 'element' vs other types
            if element_type in ('complexType', 'simpleType'):
                eltype = 'complexType'
                eltype = element_type
            if eltype not in ('element', 'complexType', 'simpleType'):
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown element type %s = %s" %
                                   (unicode(element_name), eltype))
            return (unicode(element_name), eltype)

        #TODO: cleanup element/schema/types parsing:
        def process_element(element_name, node, element_type):
            "Parse and define simple element types"
            if debug:
                log.debug("Processing element %s %s" %
                          (element_name, element_type))
            for tag in node:
                if tag.get_local_name() in ("annotation", "documentation"):
                elif tag.get_local_name() in ('element', 'restriction'):
                    if debug:
                        log.debug("%s has not children! %s" %
                                  (element_name, tag))
                    children = tag  # element "alias"?
                    alias = True
                elif tag.children():
                    children = tag.children()
                    alias = False
                    if debug:
                        log.debug("%s has not children! %s" %
                                  (element_name, tag))
                    continue  #TODO: abstract?
                d = OrderedDict()
                for e in children:
                    t = e['type']
                    if not t:
                        t = e['base']  # complexContent (extension)!
                    if not t:
                        t = 'anyType'  # no type given!
                    t = t.split(":")
                    if len(t) > 1:
                        ns, type_name = t
                        ns, type_name = None, t[0]
                    if element_name == type_name:
                        pass  ## warning with infinite recursion
                    uri = ns and e.get_namespace_uri(ns) or xsd_uri
                    if uri == xsd_uri:
                        # look for the type, None == any
                        fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(type_name), None)
                        # simple / complex type, postprocess later
                        fn = elements.setdefault(
                            make_key(type_name, "complexType"), OrderedDict())

                    if e['name'] is not None and not alias:
                        e_name = unicode(e['name'])
                        d[e_name] = fn
                        if debug:
                                "complexConent/simpleType/element %s = %s" %
                                (element_name, type_name))
                        d[None] = fn
                    if e['maxOccurs'] == "unbounded" or (ns == 'SOAP-ENC' and
                                                         type_name == 'Array'):
                        # it's an array... TODO: compound arrays?
                        d.array = True
                    if e is not None and e.get_local_name(
                    ) == 'extension' and e.children():
                        # extend base element:
                        process_element(element_name, e.children(),
                elements.setdefault(make_key(element_name, element_type),

        # check axis2 namespace at schema types attributes
        self.namespace = dict(wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri)[:]).get(
            'targetNamespace', self.namespace)

        imported_schemas = {}

        def preprocess_schema(schema):
            "Find schema elements and complex types"
            for element in schema.children():
                if element.get_local_name() in ('import', ):
                    schema_namespace = element['namespace']
                    schema_location = element['schemaLocation']
                    if schema_location is None:
                        if debug:
                            log.debug("Schema location not provided for %s!" %
                                      (schema_namespace, ))
                    if schema_location in imported_schemas:
                        if debug:
                            log.debug("Schema %s already imported!" %
                                      (schema_location, ))
                    imported_schemas[schema_location] = schema_namespace
                    if debug:
                        print "Importing schema %s from %s" % (
                            schema_namespace, schema_location)
                    # Open uri and read xml:
                    xml = fetch(schema_location)
                    # Parse imported XML schema (recursively):
                    imported_schema = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=xsd_uri)

                element_type = element.get_local_name()
                if element_type in ('element', 'complexType', "simpleType"):
                    element_name = unicode(element['name'])
                    if debug:
                        log.debug("Parsing Element %s: %s" %
                                  (element_type, element_name))
                    if element.get_local_name() == 'complexType':
                        children = element.children()
                    elif element.get_local_name() == 'simpleType':
                        children = element("restriction", ns=xsd_uri)
                    elif element.get_local_name(
                    ) == 'element' and element['type']:
                        children = element
                        children = element.children()
                        if children:
                            children = children.children()
                        elif element.get_local_name() == 'element':
                            children = element
                    if children:
                        process_element(element_name, children, element_type)

        def postprocess_element(elements):
            "Fix unresolved references (elements referenced before its definition, thanks .net)"
            for k, v in elements.items():
                if isinstance(v, OrderedDict):
                    if v.array:
                        elements[k] = [v]  # convert arrays to python lists
                    if v != elements:  #TODO: fix recursive elements
                    if None in v and v[None]:  # extension base?
                        if isinstance(v[None], dict):
                            for i, kk in enumerate(v[None]):
                                # extend base -keep orginal order-
                                elements[k].insert(kk, v[None][kk], i)
                            del v[None]
                        else:  # "alias", just replace
                            if debug:
                                log.debug("Replacing %s = %s" % (k, v[None]))
                            elements[k] = v[None]
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    for n in v:  # recurse list

        # process current wsdl schema:
        for schema in wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri):


        for message in wsdl.message:
            if debug: log.debug("Processing message %s" % message['name'])
            for part in message('part', error=False) or []:
                element = {}
                element_name = part['element']
                if not element_name:
                    # some implementations (axis) uses type instead
                    element_name = part['type']
                type_ns = get_namespace_prefix(element_name)
                type_uri = wsdl.get_namespace_uri(type_ns)
                if type_uri == xsd_uri:
                    element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
                    fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(element_name), None)
                    element = {part['name']: fn}
                    # emulate a true Element (complexType)
                    messages.setdefault((message['name'], None), {
                        message['name']: OrderedDict()
                    element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
                    fn = elements.get(make_key(element_name, 'element'))
                    if not fn:
                        # some axis servers uses complexType for part messages
                        fn = elements.get(make_key(element_name,
                        element = {message['name']: {part['name']: fn}}
                        element = {element_name: fn}
                    messages[(message['name'], part['name'])] = element

        def get_message(message_name, part_name):
            if part_name:
                # get the specific part of the message:
                return messages.get((message_name, part_name))
                # get the first part for the specified message:
                for (message_name_key,
                     part_name_key), message in messages.items():
                    if message_name_key == message_name:
                        return message

        for port_type in wsdl.portType:
            port_type_name = port_type['name']
            if debug: log.debug("Processing port type %s" % port_type_name)
            binding = port_type_bindings[port_type_name]

            for operation in port_type.operation:
                op_name = operation['name']
                op = operations[op_name]
                op['documentation'] = unicode(
                    operation('documentation', error=False) or '')
                if binding['soap_ver']:
                    #TODO: separe operation_binding from operation (non SOAP?)
                    input = get_local_name(operation.input['message'])
                    output = get_local_name(operation.output['message'])
                    header = get_local_name(op['parts'].get('input_header'))
                    op['input'] = get_message(input,
                    op['output'] = get_message(output,
                    op['header'] = get_message(input,

        if debug:
            import pprint

        # Save parsed wsdl (cache)
        if cache:
            f = open(filename_pkl, "wb")
            pkl = {
                'version': __version__.split(" ")[0],
                'url': url,
                'namespace': self.namespace,
                'documentation': self.documentation,
                'services': services,
            pickle.dump(pkl, f)

        return services
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def process_element(element_name, node, element_type):
            "Parse and define simple element types"
            if debug:
                log.debug("Processing element %s %s" %
                          (element_name, element_type))
            for tag in node:
                if tag.get_local_name() in ("annotation", "documentation"):
                elif tag.get_local_name() in ('element', 'restriction'):
                    if debug:
                        log.debug("%s has not children! %s" %
                                  (element_name, tag))
                    children = tag  # element "alias"?
                    alias = True
                elif tag.children():
                    children = tag.children()
                    alias = False
                    if debug:
                        log.debug("%s has not children! %s" %
                                  (element_name, tag))
                    continue  #TODO: abstract?
                d = OrderedDict()
                for e in children:
                    t = e['type']
                    if not t:
                        t = e['base']  # complexContent (extension)!
                    if not t:
                        t = 'anyType'  # no type given!
                    t = t.split(":")
                    if len(t) > 1:
                        ns, type_name = t
                        ns, type_name = None, t[0]
                    if element_name == type_name:
                        pass  ## warning with infinite recursion
                    uri = ns and e.get_namespace_uri(ns) or xsd_uri
                    if uri == xsd_uri:
                        # look for the type, None == any
                        fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(type_name), None)
                        # simple / complex type, postprocess later
                        fn = elements.setdefault(
                            make_key(type_name, "complexType"), OrderedDict())

                    if e['name'] is not None and not alias:
                        e_name = unicode(e['name'])
                        d[e_name] = fn
                        if debug:
                                "complexConent/simpleType/element %s = %s" %
                                (element_name, type_name))
                        d[None] = fn
                    if e['maxOccurs'] == "unbounded" or (ns == 'SOAP-ENC' and
                                                         type_name == 'Array'):
                        # it's an array... TODO: compound arrays?
                        d.array = True
                    if e is not None and e.get_local_name(
                    ) == 'extension' and e.children():
                        # extend base element:
                        process_element(element_name, e.children(),
                elements.setdefault(make_key(element_name, element_type),
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def wsdl_parse(self, url, cache=False):
        "Parse Web Service Description v1.1"

        log.debug("wsdl url: %s" % url)
        # Try to load a previously parsed wsdl:
        force_download = False
        if cache:
            # make md5 hash of the url for caching...
            filename_pkl = "%s.pkl" % hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
            if isinstance(cache, basestring):
                filename_pkl = os.path.join(cache, filename_pkl)
            if os.path.exists(filename_pkl):
                log.debug("Unpickle file %s" % (filename_pkl, ))
                f = open(filename_pkl, "r")
                pkl = pickle.load(f)
                # sanity check:
                if pkl['version'][:-1] != __version__.split(
                        " ")[0][:-1] or pkl['url'] != url:
                    import warnings
                        'version or url mismatch! discarding cached wsdl',
                    log.debug('Version: %s %s' % (pkl['version'], __version__))
                    log.debug('URL: %s %s' % (pkl['url'], url))
                    force_download = True
                    self.namespace = pkl['namespace']
                    self.documentation = pkl['documentation']
                    return pkl['services']

        soap_ns = {
            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/": 'soap11',
            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/": 'soap12',
        wsdl_uri = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
        xsd_uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        xsi_uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

        get_local_name = lambda s: s and str(
            (':' in s) and s.split(':')[1] or s)
        get_namespace_prefix = lambda s: s and str(
            (':' in s) and s.split(':')[0] or None)

        # always return an unicode object:
        REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[u'string'] = unicode

        # Open uri and read xml:
        xml = fetch(url, self.http, cache, force_download, self.wsdl_basedir)
        # Parse WSDL XML:
        wsdl = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=wsdl_uri)

        # detect soap prefix and uri (xmlns attributes of <definitions>)
        xsd_ns = None
        soap_uris = {}
        for k, v in wsdl[:]:
            if v in soap_ns and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
                soap_uris[get_local_name(k)] = v
            if v == xsd_uri and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
                xsd_ns = get_local_name(k)

        # Extract useful data:
        self.namespace = wsdl['targetNamespace']
        self.documentation = unicode(wsdl('documentation', error=False) or '')

        services = {}
        bindings = {}  # binding_name: binding
        operations = {}  # operation_name: operation
        port_type_bindings = {}  # port_type_name: binding
        messages = {}  # message: element
        elements = {}  # element: type def

        for service in wsdl.service:
            service_name = service['name']
            if not service_name:
                continue  # empty service?
            log.debug("Processing service %s" % service_name)
            serv = services.setdefault(service_name, {'ports': {}})
            serv['documentation'] = service['documentation'] or ''
            for port in service.port:
                binding_name = get_local_name(port['binding'])
                operations[binding_name] = {}
                address = port('address', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                location = address and address['location'] or None
                soap_uri = address and soap_uris.get(address.get_prefix())
                soap_ver = soap_uri and soap_ns.get(soap_uri)
                bindings[binding_name] = {
                    'name': binding_name,
                    'service_name': service_name,
                    'location': location,
                    'soap_uri': soap_uri,
                    'soap_ver': soap_ver,
                serv['ports'][port['name']] = bindings[binding_name]

        for binding in wsdl.binding:
            binding_name = binding['name']
            soap_binding = binding('binding',
            transport = soap_binding and soap_binding['transport'] or None
            port_type_name = get_local_name(binding['type'])
                'port_type_name': port_type_name,
                'transport': transport,
                'operations': {},
            if port_type_name not in port_type_bindings:
                port_type_bindings[port_type_name] = []
            for operation in binding.operation:
                op_name = operation['name']
                op = operation('operation', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                action = op and op['soapAction']
                d = operations[binding_name].setdefault(op_name, {})
                bindings[binding_name]['operations'][op_name] = d
                d.update({'name': op_name})
                d['parts'] = {}
                # input and/or ouput can be not present!
                input = operation('input', error=False)
                body = input and input(
                    'body', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d['parts']['input_body'] = body and body['parts'] or None
                output = operation('output', error=False)
                body = output and output(
                    'body', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d['parts']['output_body'] = body and body['parts'] or None
                header = input and input(
                    'header', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d['parts']['input_header'] = header and {
                    'message': header['message'],
                    'part': header['part']
                } or None
                header = output and output(
                    'header', ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d['parts']['output_header'] = header and {
                    'message': header['message'],
                    'part': header['part']
                } or None
                if action:
                    d["action"] = action

        # check axis2 namespace at schema types attributes
        self.namespace = dict(wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri)[:]).get(
            'targetNamespace', self.namespace)

        imported_schemas = {}

        # process current wsdl schema:
        for schema in wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri):
            preprocess_schema(schema, imported_schemas, elements, xsd_uri,
                              self.__soap_server, self.http, cache,
                              force_download, self.wsdl_basedir)


        for message in wsdl.message:
            log.debug("Processing message %s" % message['name'])
            for part in message('part', error=False) or []:
                element = {}
                element_name = part['element']
                if not element_name:
                    # some implementations (axis) uses type instead
                    element_name = part['type']
                type_ns = get_namespace_prefix(element_name)
                type_uri = wsdl.get_namespace_uri(type_ns)
                if type_uri == xsd_uri:
                    element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
                    fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(element_name), None)
                    element = {part['name']: fn}
                    # emulate a true Element (complexType)
                    messages.setdefault((message['name'], None), {
                        message['name']: OrderedDict()
                    element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
                    fn = elements.get(make_key(element_name, 'element'))
                    if not fn:
                        # some axis servers uses complexType for part messages
                        fn = elements.get(make_key(element_name,
                        element = {message['name']: {part['name']: fn}}
                        element = {element_name: fn}
                    messages[(message['name'], part['name'])] = element

        for port_type in wsdl.portType:
            port_type_name = port_type['name']
            log.debug("Processing port type %s" % port_type_name)

            for binding in port_type_bindings[port_type_name]:
                for operation in port_type.operation:
                    op_name = operation['name']
                    op = operations[str(binding['name'])][op_name]
                    op['documentation'] = unicode(
                        operation('documentation', error=False) or '')
                    if binding['soap_ver']:
                        #TODO: separe operation_binding from operation (non SOAP?)
                        if operation("input", error=False):
                            input_msg = get_local_name(
                            input_header = op['parts'].get('input_header')
                            if input_header:
                                header_msg = get_local_name(
                                header_part = get_local_name(
                                # warning: some implementations use a separate message!
                                header = get_message(messages, header_msg
                                                     or input_msg, header_part)
                                header = None  # not enought info to search the header message:
                            op['input'] = get_message(
                                messages, input_msg,
                            op['header'] = header
                            op['input'] = None
                            op['header'] = None
                        if operation("output", error=False):
                            output_msg = get_local_name(
                            op['output'] = get_message(
                                messages, output_msg,
                            op['output'] = None

        # dump the full service/port/operation map

        # Save parsed wsdl (cache)
        if cache:
            f = open(filename_pkl, "wb")
            pkl = {
                'version': __version__.split(" ")[0],
                'url': url,
                'namespace': self.namespace,
                'documentation': self.documentation,
                'services': services,
            pickle.dump(pkl, f)

        return services
Ejemplo n.º 6
        def process_element(element_name, node, element_type):
            "Parse and define simple element types"
            if debug: 
                log.debug("Processing element %s %s" % (element_name, element_type))
            if element_name in ("ajusteBase", "LpgAjusteUnifBaseType"):
                pass ##import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
            for tag in node:
                if tag.get_local_name() in ("annotation", "documentation"):
                elif tag.get_local_name() in ('element', 'restriction'):
                    if debug: log.debug("%s has not children! %s" % (element_name,tag))
                    children = tag # element "alias"?
                    alias = True
                elif tag.children():
                    children = tag.children()
                    alias = False
                    if debug: log.debug("%s has not children! %s" % (element_name,tag))
                    continue #TODO: abstract?
                d = OrderedDict()                    
                for e in children:
                    t = e['type']
                    if not t:
                        t = e['base'] # complexContent (extension)!
                    if not t:
                        t = 'anyType' # no type given!
                    t = t.split(":")
                    if len(t)>1:
                        ns, type_name = t
                        ns, type_name = None, t[0]
                    if element_name == type_name:
                        pass ## warning with infinite recursion
                    uri = ns and e.get_namespace_uri(ns) or xsd_uri
                    if uri==xsd_uri:
                        # look for the type, None == any
                        fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(type_name), None)
                        fn = None
                    if not fn:
                        # simple / complex type, postprocess later 
                        fn = elements.setdefault(make_key(type_name, "complexType"), OrderedDict())

                    if e['maxOccurs']=="unbounded" or (ns == 'SOAP-ENC' and type_name == 'Array'):
                        # it's an array... TODO: compound arrays?
                        if isinstance(fn, OrderedDict):
                            if len(children) > 1 or self.__soap_server in ('jetty', ):
                                # Jetty style support 
                                # {'ClassName': [{'attr1': val1, 'attr2': val2}]  
                                fn.array = True
                                # .NET style support (backward compatibility)
                                # [{'ClassName': {'attr1': val1, 'attr2': val2}]  
                                d.array = True
                            if self.__soap_server in ('jetty', ):
                                # scalar support [{'attr1': [val1]}]  
                                fn = [fn]
                                d.array = True
                    if e['name'] is not None and not alias:
                        e_name = unicode(e['name'])
                        d[e_name] = fn
                        if debug: log.debug("complexConent/simpleType/element %s = %s" % (element_name, type_name))
                        d[None] = fn
                    if e is not None and e.get_local_name() == 'extension' and e.children():
                        # extend base element:
                        process_element(element_name, e.children(), element_type)
                elements.setdefault(make_key(element_name, element_type), OrderedDict()).update(d)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def wsdl_parse(self, url, cache=False):
        "Parse Web Service Description v1.1"

        log.debug("wsdl url: %s" % url)
        # Try to load a previously parsed wsdl:
        force_download = False
        if cache:
            # make md5 hash of the url for caching...
            filename_pkl = "%s.pkl" % hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
            if isinstance(cache, basestring):
                filename_pkl = os.path.join(cache, filename_pkl)
            if os.path.exists(filename_pkl):
                log.debug("Unpickle file %s" % (filename_pkl,))
                f = open(filename_pkl, "r")
                pkl = pickle.load(f)
                # sanity check:
                if pkl["version"][:-1] != __version__.split(" ")[0][:-1] or pkl["url"] != url:
                    import warnings

                    warnings.warn("version or url mismatch! discarding cached wsdl", RuntimeWarning)
                    log.debug("Version: %s %s" % (pkl["version"], __version__))
                    log.debug("URL: %s %s" % (pkl["url"], url))
                    force_download = True
                    self.namespace = pkl["namespace"]
                    self.documentation = pkl["documentation"]
                    return pkl["services"]

        soap_ns = {
            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/": "soap11",
            "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/": "soap12",
        wsdl_uri = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
        xsd_uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        xsi_uri = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

        get_local_name = lambda s: s and str((":" in s) and s.split(":")[1] or s)
        get_namespace_prefix = lambda s: s and str((":" in s) and s.split(":")[0] or None)

        # always return an unicode object:
        REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[u"string"] = unicode

        # Open uri and read xml:
        xml = fetch(url, self.http, cache, force_download, self.wsdl_basedir)
        # Parse WSDL XML:
        wsdl = SimpleXMLElement(xml, namespace=wsdl_uri)

        # detect soap prefix and uri (xmlns attributes of <definitions>)
        xsd_ns = None
        soap_uris = {}
        for k, v in wsdl[:]:
            if v in soap_ns and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
                soap_uris[get_local_name(k)] = v
            if v == xsd_uri and k.startswith("xmlns:"):
                xsd_ns = get_local_name(k)

        # Extract useful data:
        self.namespace = wsdl["targetNamespace"]
        self.documentation = unicode(wsdl("documentation", error=False) or "")

        services = {}
        bindings = {}  # binding_name: binding
        operations = {}  # operation_name: operation
        port_type_bindings = {}  # port_type_name: binding
        messages = {}  # message: element
        elements = {}  # element: type def

        for service in wsdl.service:
            service_name = service["name"]
            if not service_name:
                continue  # empty service?
            log.debug("Processing service %s" % service_name)
            serv = services.setdefault(service_name, {"ports": {}})
            serv["documentation"] = service["documentation"] or ""
            for port in service.port:
                binding_name = get_local_name(port["binding"])
                operations[binding_name] = {}
                address = port("address", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                location = address and address["location"] or None
                soap_uri = address and soap_uris.get(address.get_prefix())
                soap_ver = soap_uri and soap_ns.get(soap_uri)
                bindings[binding_name] = {
                    "name": binding_name,
                    "service_name": service_name,
                    "location": location,
                    "soap_uri": soap_uri,
                    "soap_ver": soap_ver,
                serv["ports"][port["name"]] = bindings[binding_name]

        for binding in wsdl.binding:
            binding_name = binding["name"]
            soap_binding = binding("binding", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
            transport = soap_binding and soap_binding["transport"] or None
            port_type_name = get_local_name(binding["type"])
            bindings[binding_name].update({"port_type_name": port_type_name, "transport": transport, "operations": {}})
            if port_type_name not in port_type_bindings:
                port_type_bindings[port_type_name] = []
            for operation in binding.operation:
                op_name = operation["name"]
                op = operation("operation", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                action = op and op["soapAction"]
                d = operations[binding_name].setdefault(op_name, {})
                bindings[binding_name]["operations"][op_name] = d
                d.update({"name": op_name})
                d["parts"] = {}
                # input and/or ouput can be not present!
                input = operation("input", error=False)
                body = input and input("body", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d["parts"]["input_body"] = body and body["parts"] or None
                output = operation("output", error=False)
                body = output and output("body", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d["parts"]["output_body"] = body and body["parts"] or None
                header = input and input("header", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d["parts"]["input_header"] = header and {"message": header["message"], "part": header["part"]} or None
                header = output and output("header", ns=soap_uris.values(), error=False)
                d["parts"]["output_header"] = header and {"message": header["message"], "part": header["part"]} or None
                if action:
                    d["action"] = action

        # check axis2 namespace at schema types attributes
        self.namespace = dict(wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri)[:]).get("targetNamespace", self.namespace)

        imported_schemas = {}

        # process current wsdl schema:
        for schema in wsdl.types("schema", ns=xsd_uri):


        for message in wsdl.message:
            log.debug("Processing message %s" % message["name"])
            for part in message("part", error=False) or []:
                element = {}
                element_name = part["element"]
                if not element_name:
                    # some implementations (axis) uses type instead
                    element_name = part["type"]
                type_ns = get_namespace_prefix(element_name)
                type_uri = wsdl.get_namespace_uri(type_ns)
                if type_uri == xsd_uri:
                    element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
                    fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP.get(unicode(element_name), None)
                    element = {part["name"]: fn}
                    # emulate a true Element (complexType)
                    messages.setdefault((message["name"], None), {message["name"]: OrderedDict()}).values()[0].update(
                    element_name = get_local_name(element_name)
                    fn = elements.get(make_key(element_name, "element"))
                    if not fn:
                        # some axis servers uses complexType for part messages
                        fn = elements.get(make_key(element_name, "complexType"))
                        element = {message["name"]: {part["name"]: fn}}
                        element = {element_name: fn}
                    messages[(message["name"], part["name"])] = element

        for port_type in wsdl.portType:
            port_type_name = port_type["name"]
            log.debug("Processing port type %s" % port_type_name)

            for binding in port_type_bindings[port_type_name]:
                for operation in port_type.operation:
                    op_name = operation["name"]
                    op = operations[str(binding["name"])][op_name]
                    op["documentation"] = unicode(operation("documentation", error=False) or "")
                    if binding["soap_ver"]:
                        # TODO: separe operation_binding from operation (non SOAP?)
                        if operation("input", error=False):
                            input_msg = get_local_name(operation.input["message"])
                            input_header = op["parts"].get("input_header")
                            if input_header:
                                header_msg = get_local_name(input_header.get("message"))
                                header_part = get_local_name(input_header.get("part"))
                                # warning: some implementations use a separate message!
                                header = get_message(messages, header_msg or input_msg, header_part)
                                header = None  # not enought info to search the header message:
                            op["input"] = get_message(messages, input_msg, op["parts"].get("input_body"))
                            op["header"] = header
                            op["input"] = None
                            op["header"] = None
                        if operation("output", error=False):
                            output_msg = get_local_name(operation.output["message"])
                            op["output"] = get_message(messages, output_msg, op["parts"].get("output_body"))
                            op["output"] = None

        # dump the full service/port/operation map
        # log.debug(pprint.pformat(services))

        # Save parsed wsdl (cache)
        if cache:
            f = open(filename_pkl, "wb")
            pkl = {
                "version": __version__.split(" ")[0],
                "url": url,
                "namespace": self.namespace,
                "documentation": self.documentation,
                "services": services,
            pickle.dump(pkl, f)

        return services