Ejemplo n.º 1
def perturb(rpath, wpath):

    cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath)
    # scale coordinates to be in cm
    scale = 1.0
    x *= scale
    y *= scale
    z *= scale
    xu, yu, zu, xl, yl, zl = read_blade.split_blade(cdim, sdim, x, y, z)
    xmc = 0.5*(xu+xl)
    ymc = 0.5*(yu+yl)
    zmc = 0.5*(zu+zl)
    dx = xu - xmc
    dy = yu - ymc
    dz = zu - zmc
    # camber random process
    sc,tc = read_blade.xyz2st(xmc,ymc,zmc)
    ns = xmc.shape[0]
    nt = xmc.shape[1]
    # mode cutoff
    Ks = ns
    Kt = nt
    fc = simulate.randProcess(sc, tc, ns, nt, Ks, Kt)
    tg, sg = meshgrid(tc,sc)
    nc = read_blade.calcNormals(xmc,ymc,zmc)
    xmc = xmc + nc[:,:,0]*fc
    ymc = ymc + nc[:,:,1]*fc
    zmc = zmc + nc[:,:,2]*fc
    xu = xmc + dx
    yu = ymc + dy
    zu = zmc + dz
    xl = xmc - dx
    yl = ymc - dy
    zl = zmc - dz
    xp = vstack((xu[:-1,:],xl[::-1,:]))
    yp = vstack((yu[:-1,:],yl[::-1,:]))
    zp = vstack((zu[:-1,:],zl[::-1,:]))
    # normal random process
    sp,tp = read_blade.xyz2st(xp,yp,zp)
    ns = xp.shape[0]
    nt = xp.shape[1]
    Ks = ns
    Kt = nt
    fp = simulate.randProcessPeriodic(sp, tp, ns, nt, Ks, Kt)
    fp[0,:] = fp[-1,:]
    # fp = zeros(fp.shape)
    # interpolate back to original mesh
    ss = linspace(0,sp[-1]-sp[0],ns)
    tt = linspace(0,tp[-1]-tp[0],nt)
    ff = simulate.randProcessPeriodic(ss, tt, ns, nt, Ks, Kt)
    fp = simulate.interp(ss, tt, ff, sp, tp)
    tg, sg = meshgrid(tt,ss)
    pylab.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
    tg, sg = meshgrid(tp,sp)
    # pylab.contourf(sg+sg[-1],tg,fp,30)
    pylab.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
    np = read_blade.calcNormals(xp,yp,zp)
    xp = xp + np[:,:,0]*fp
    yp = yp + np[:,:,1]*fp
    zp = zp + np[:,:,2]*fp
    # scale coordinates back to original units
    x /= scale
    y /= scale
    z /= scale
    xp /= scale
    yp /= scale
    zp /= scale
    # write out the blade surface
    f = open(wpath,'w')
    f.write('CDIM:       %d\n' % cdim)
    f.write('SDIM:       %d\n' % sdim)
    for i in arange(cdim):
        for j in arange(sdim):
            f.write('%20.8E' * 3 % (xp[i,j],yp[i,j],zp[i,j]))
    # write out the normal perturbation
    g = open('normal_field.dat','w')
    for i in arange(cdim):
        for j in arange(sdim):
            g.write('%20.8E' * 4 % (x[i,j],y[i,j],z[i,j],fp[i,j]))
    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)
    surf = ax.plot_surface(sg, tg, fp, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet)
    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = Axes3D(fig)
    surf = ax.plot_surface(tg, sg, nf[1:-1,1:-1,2], rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap = cm.jet)
    # fig.colorbar(surf)
Ejemplo n.º 2
# where to read in blade geometry
rpath = 'blade_surf.dat'

# number of modes to include
nkl = 50

cdim, sdim, x, y, z = read_blade.read_coords(rpath)

# generate K-L modes
s,t = read_blade.xyz2st(x,y,z)
ns = x.shape[0]
nt = x.shape[1]
Ks = ns
Kt = nt
f, SX, UX, SY, UY = simulate.randProcessPeriodic(s, t, ns, nt, Ks, Kt)

# sort the K-L modes in order of eigenvalue
eigs = outer(SX,SY)
eigs_1d = reshape(eigs,ns*nt,1)
ind = flipud(argsort(eigs_1d)[-nkl:])
ind_2d = zeros((nkl,2))
for i in range(nkl):
    ind_2d[i,:] = unravel_index(ind[i],(nt,ns))
ind_2d = fliplr(ind_2d)

# write out the K-L modes/eigenvalues
f = open('kl_modes/S.dat','w')
for n in range(nkl):
    f.write('%e\n' % eigs_1d[ind[n]])