Ejemplo n.º 1
    def run(self):
        if not self.part.molecules:
        for chunk in self.part.molecules:
            if (chunk.atoms):
                for atom in chunk.atoms.itervalues():
                chunk.showOverlayText = True

        selection = self.part.selection_for_all()
        simaspect = sim_aspect(self.part,

        movie = Movie(self.assy)
        #self._movie = movie

                   cmd_type="Check AtomTypes",

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self):
        if not self.part.molecules:
        for chunk in self.part.molecules:
            if chunk.atoms:
                for atom in chunk.atoms.itervalues():
                chunk.showOverlayText = True

        selection = self.part.selection_for_all()
        simaspect = sim_aspect(
            self.part, selection.atomslist(), cmdname_for_messages="CheckAtomTypes", anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms=False

        movie = Movie(self.assy)
        # self._movie = movie

            cmd_type="Check AtomTypes",

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def run(self):
        Minimize (or Adjust) the Selection or the current Part
        #bruce 050324 made this method from the body of MWsemantics.modifyMinimize
        # and cleaned it up a bit in terms of how it finds the movie to use.

        #bruce 050412 added 'Sel' vs 'All' now that we have two different Minimize buttons.
        # In future the following code might become subclass-specific (and cleaner):

        ## fyi: this old code was incorrect, I guess since 'in' works by 'is' rather than '==' [not verified]:
        ## assert self.args in [['All'], ['Sel']], "%r" % (self.args,)

        #bruce 051129 revising this to clarify it, though command-specific subclasses would be better
        assert len(self.args) >= 1
        cmd_subclass_code = self.args[0]
        cmd_type = self.kws.get('type', 'Minimize')
            # one of 'Minimize' or 'Adjust' or 'Adjust Atoms'; determines conv criteria, name [bruce 060705]
        self.cmd_type = cmd_type # kluge, see comment where used

        engine = self.kws.get('engine', MINIMIZE_ENGINE_UNSPECIFIED)
        if (engine == MINIMIZE_ENGINE_UNSPECIFIED):
            engine = env.prefs[Adjust_minimizationEngine_prefs_key]

            self.useGromacs = True
            self.background = False
            self.useGromacs = True
            self.background = True
            self.useGromacs = False
            self.background = False

        assert cmd_subclass_code in ['All', 'Sel', 'Atoms'] #e and len(args) matches that?

        # These words and phrases are used in history messages and other UI text;
        # they should be changed by specific commands as needed.
        # See also some computed words and phrases, e.g. self.word_Minimize,
        # below the per-command if stamements. [bruce 060705]
        # Also set flags for other behavior which differs between these commands.
        if cmd_type.startswith('Adjust'):

            self.word_minimize = "adjust"
            self.word_minimization = "adjustment"
            self.word_minimizing = "adjusting"

            anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms = False


            assert cmd_type.startswith('Minimize')
            self.word_minimize = "minimize"
            self.word_minimization = "minimization"
            self.word_minimizing = "minimizing"

            anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms = True
                #bruce 080513 revision to implement nfr bug 2848 item 2
                # (note: we might decide to add a checkbox for this into the UI,
                #  and just change its default value for Minimize vs Adjust)

        self.word_Minimize = _capitalize_first_word( self.word_minimize)
        self.word_Minimizing = _capitalize_first_word( self.word_minimizing)

        if cmd_subclass_code == 'All':
            cmdtype = _MIN_ALL
            cmdname = "%s All" % self.word_Minimize

        elif cmd_subclass_code == 'Sel':
            cmdtype = _MIN_SEL
            cmdname = "%s Selection" % self.word_Minimize

        elif cmd_subclass_code == 'Atoms':
            #bruce 051129 added this case for Local Minimize (extending a kluge -- needs rewrite to use command-specific subclass)
            cmdtype = _LOCAL_MIN
            cmdname = "%s Atoms"  % self.word_Minimize #bruce 060705; some code may assume this is always Adjust Atoms, as it is
            # self.args is parsed later

            assert 0, "unknown cmd_subclass_code %r" % (cmd_subclass_code,)
        self.cmdname = cmdname #e in principle this should come from a subclass for the specific command [bruce 051129 comment]
        startmsg = cmdname + ": ..."
        del cmd_subclass_code

        # remove model objects inserted only for feedback from prior runs
        # (both because it's a good feature, and to avoid letting them
        #  mess up this command) [bruce 080520]
        from simulation.runSim import part_contains_pam_atoms
            # kluge to use this function for this purpose
            # (it's called later for other reasons)
        hasPAM_junk = part_contains_pam_atoms( self.part,
                            kill_leftover_sim_feedback_atoms = True )
        self.part.assy.update_parts() ###k is this always safe or good?

        # Make sure some chunks are in the part.
        # (Valid for all cmdtypes -- Minimize only moves atoms, even if affected by jigs.)
        if not self.part.molecules: # Nothing in the part to minimize.
            env.history.message(greenmsg(cmdname + ": ") + redmsg("Nothing to %s." % self.word_minimize))

        if cmdtype == _MIN_SEL:
            selection = self.part.selection_from_glpane() # compact rep of the currently selected subset of the Part's stuff
            if not selection.nonempty():
                msg = greenmsg(cmdname + ": ") + redmsg("Nothing selected.") + \
                    " (Use %s All to %s the entire Part.)" % (self.word_Minimize, self.word_minimize)
                        #e might need further changes for Minimize Energy, if it's confusing that Sel/All is a dialog setting then
                env.history.message( msg)
        elif cmdtype == _LOCAL_MIN:
            from operations.ops_select import selection_from_atomlist
            junk, atomlist, ntimes_expand = self.args
            selection = selection_from_atomlist( self.part, atomlist) #e in cleaned up code, selection object might come from outside
            selection.expand_atomset(ntimes = ntimes_expand) # ok if ntimes == 0

            # Rationale for adding monovalent atoms to the selection before
            # instantiating the sim_aspect
            # (Refer to comments for sim_aspect.__init__.) Why is it safe to add
            # monovalent atoms to a selection? Let's look at what happens during a
            # local minimization.
            # While minimizing, we want to simulate as if the entire rest of the
            # part is grounded, and only our selection of atoms is free to move. The
            # most obvious approach would be to minimize all the atoms in the part
            # while applying anchors to the atoms that aren't in the selection. But
            # minimizing all the atoms, especially if the selection is small, is very
            # wasteful. Applying the simulator to atoms is expensive and we want to
            # minimize as few atoms as possible.
            # [revision, bruce 080513: this discussion applies for Adjust,
            #  but the policy for Minimize is being changed to always include
            #  all atoms, even if most of them are anchored,
            #  re nfr bug 2848 item 2.]
            # A more economical approach is to anchor the atoms for two layers going
            # out from the selection. The reason for going out two layers, and not just
            # one layer, is that we need bond angle terms to simulate accurately. When
            # we get torsion angles we will probably want to bump this up to three
            # layers. [Now we're doing three layers -- bruce 080507]
            # Imagine labeling all the atoms in the selection with zero. Then take the
            # set of unlabeled atoms that are bonded to a zero-labeled atom, and label
            # all the atoms in that set with one. Next, take the set of yet-unlabeled
            # atoms that are bonded to a one-labeled atom, and label the atoms in that
            # set with two. The atoms labeled one and two become our first and second
            # layers, and we anchor them during the minimization.
            # In sim_aspect.__init__, the labels for zero, one and two correspond
            # respectively to membership in the dictionaries self._moving_atoms,
            # self._boundary1_atoms, and self._boundary2_atoms.
            # If an atom in the selection is anchored, we don't need to go two layers
            # out from that atom, only one layer. So we can label it with one, even
            # though it's a member of the selection and would normally be labeled with
            # zero. The purpose in doing this is to give the simulator a few less atoms
            # to worry about.
            # If a jig includes one of the selected atoms, but additionally includes
            # atoms outside the selection, then it may not be obvious how to simulate
            # that jig. For the present, the only jig that counts in a local
            # minimization is an anchor, because all the other jigs are too complicated
            # to simulate.
            # The proposed fix here has the effect that monovalent atoms bonded to
            # zero-labeled atoms are also labeled zero, rather than being labeled one,
            # so they are allowed to move. Why is this OK to do?
            # (1) Have we violated the assumption that the rest of the part is locked
            # down? Yes, as it applies to those monovalent atoms, but they are
            # presumably acceptable violations, since bug 1240 is regarded as a bug.
            # (2) Have we unlocked any bond lengths or bond angles that should remain
            # locked? Again, only those which involve (and necessarily end at) the
            # monovalent atoms in question. The same will be true when we introduce
            # torsion terms.
            # (3) Have we lost any ground on the jig front? If a jig includes one or
            # more of the monovalent atoms, possibly - but the only jigs we are
            # simulating in this case is anchors, and those will be handled correctly.
            # Remember that anchored atoms are only extended one layer, not two, but
            # with a monovalent atom bonded to a selected atom, no extension is
            # possible at all.
            # One can debate about whether bug 1240 should be regarded as a bug. But
            # having accepted it as a bug, one cannot object to adding these monovalents
            # to the original selection.
            # wware 060410 bug 1240
            atoms = selection.selatoms
            for atom in atoms.values():
                # enumerate the monovalents bonded to atom
                for atom2 in filter(lambda atom: not atom.is_singlet(), atom.baggageNeighbors()):
                    atoms[atom2.key] = atom2

            assert cmdtype == _MIN_ALL
            selection = self.part.selection_for_all()
                # like .selection_from_glpane() but for all atoms presently in the part [bruce 050419]
            # no need to check emptiness, this was done above

        self.selection = selection #e might become a feature of all CommandRuns, at some point

        # At this point, the conditions are met to try to do the command.
        env.history.message(greenmsg( startmsg)) #bruce 050412 doing this earlier

        # Disable some QActions (menu items/toolbar buttons) during minimize.
            simaspect = sim_aspect( self.part,
                                    cmdname_for_messages = cmdname,
                                    anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms = anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms
                #bruce 051129 passing cmdname
                # note: atomslist gets atoms from selected chunks, not only selected atoms
                # (i.e. it gets atoms whether you're in Select Atoms or Select Chunks mode)
            # history message about singlets written as H (if any);
            #bruce 051115 updated comment: this is used for both Minimize All and Minimize Selection as of long before 051115;
            # for Run Sim this code is not used (so this history message doesn't go out for it, though it ought to)
            # but the bug254 X->H fix is done (though different code sets the mapping flag that makes it happen).
            nsinglets_H = simaspect.nsinglets_H()
            if nsinglets_H: #bruce 051209 this message code is approximately duplicated elsewhere in this file
                info = fix_plurals( "(Treating %d bondpoint(s) as Hydrogens, during %s)" % (nsinglets_H, self.word_minimization) )
                env.history.message( info)
            nsinglets_leftout = simaspect.nsinglets_leftout()
            assert nsinglets_leftout == 0 # for now
            # history message about how much we're working on; these atomcounts include singlets since they're written as H
            nmoving = simaspect.natoms_moving()
            nfixed  = simaspect.natoms_fixed()
            info = fix_plurals( "(%s %d atom(s)" % (self.word_Minimizing, nmoving))
            if nfixed:
                them_or_it = (nmoving == 1) and "it" or "them"
                if anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms:
                    msg2 = "holding remaining %d atom(s) fixed" % nfixed
                    msg2 = "holding %d atom(s) fixed around %s" % (nfixed, them_or_it)
                info += ", " + fix_plurals(msg2 )
            info += ")"
            env.history.message( info)
            self.doMinimize(mtype = 1, simaspect = simaspect)
                # mtype = 1 means single-frame XYZ file.
                # [this also sticks results back into the part]
            #self.doMinimize(mtype = 2) # 2 = multi-frame DPB file.
        simrun = self._movie._simrun #bruce 050415 klugetower
        if not simrun.said_we_are_done:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def run(self):
        Minimize (or Adjust) the Selection or the current Part
        #bruce 050324 made this method from the body of MWsemantics.modifyMinimize
        # and cleaned it up a bit in terms of how it finds the movie to use.

        #bruce 050412 added 'Sel' vs 'All' now that we have two different Minimize buttons.
        # In future the following code might become subclass-specific (and cleaner):

        ## fyi: this old code was incorrect, I guess since 'in' works by 'is' rather than '==' [not verified]:
        ## assert self.args in [['All'], ['Sel']], "%r" % (self.args,)

        #bruce 051129 revising this to clarify it, though command-specific subclasses would be better
        assert len(self.args) >= 1
        cmd_subclass_code = self.args[0]
        cmd_type = self.kws.get('type', 'Minimize')
        # one of 'Minimize' or 'Adjust' or 'Adjust Atoms'; determines conv criteria, name [bruce 060705]
        self.cmd_type = cmd_type  # kluge, see comment where used

        engine = self.kws.get('engine', MINIMIZE_ENGINE_UNSPECIFIED)
        if (engine == MINIMIZE_ENGINE_UNSPECIFIED):
            engine = env.prefs[Adjust_minimizationEngine_prefs_key]

            self.useGromacs = True
            self.background = False
            self.useGromacs = True
            self.background = True
            self.useGromacs = False
            self.background = False

        assert cmd_subclass_code in ['All', 'Sel',
                                     'Atoms']  #e and len(args) matches that?

        # These words and phrases are used in history messages and other UI text;
        # they should be changed by specific commands as needed.
        # See also some computed words and phrases, e.g. self.word_Minimize,
        # below the per-command if stamements. [bruce 060705]
        # Also set flags for other behavior which differs between these commands.
        if cmd_type.startswith('Adjust'):

            self.word_minimize = "adjust"
            self.word_minimization = "adjustment"
            self.word_minimizing = "adjusting"

            anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms = False


            assert cmd_type.startswith('Minimize')
            self.word_minimize = "minimize"
            self.word_minimization = "minimization"
            self.word_minimizing = "minimizing"

            anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms = True
            #bruce 080513 revision to implement nfr bug 2848 item 2
            # (note: we might decide to add a checkbox for this into the UI,
            #  and just change its default value for Minimize vs Adjust)

        self.word_Minimize = _capitalize_first_word(self.word_minimize)
        self.word_Minimizing = _capitalize_first_word(self.word_minimizing)

        if cmd_subclass_code == 'All':
            cmdtype = _MIN_ALL
            cmdname = "%s All" % self.word_Minimize

        elif cmd_subclass_code == 'Sel':
            cmdtype = _MIN_SEL
            cmdname = "%s Selection" % self.word_Minimize

        elif cmd_subclass_code == 'Atoms':
            #bruce 051129 added this case for Local Minimize (extending a kluge -- needs rewrite to use command-specific subclass)
            cmdtype = _LOCAL_MIN
            cmdname = "%s Atoms" % self.word_Minimize  #bruce 060705; some code may assume this is always Adjust Atoms, as it is
            # self.args is parsed later

            assert 0, "unknown cmd_subclass_code %r" % (cmd_subclass_code, )
        self.cmdname = cmdname  #e in principle this should come from a subclass for the specific command [bruce 051129 comment]
        startmsg = cmdname + ": ..."
        del cmd_subclass_code

        # remove model objects inserted only for feedback from prior runs
        # (both because it's a good feature, and to avoid letting them
        #  mess up this command) [bruce 080520]
        from simulation.runSim import part_contains_pam_atoms
        # kluge to use this function for this purpose
        # (it's called later for other reasons)
        hasPAM_junk = part_contains_pam_atoms(
            self.part, kill_leftover_sim_feedback_atoms=True)
        self.part.assy.update_parts()  ###k is this always safe or good?

        # Make sure some chunks are in the part.
        # (Valid for all cmdtypes -- Minimize only moves atoms, even if affected by jigs.)
        if not self.part.molecules:  # Nothing in the part to minimize.
                greenmsg(cmdname + ": ") +
                redmsg("Nothing to %s." % self.word_minimize))

        if cmdtype == _MIN_SEL:
            selection = self.part.selection_from_glpane(
            )  # compact rep of the currently selected subset of the Part's stuff
            if not selection.nonempty():
                msg = greenmsg(cmdname + ": ") + redmsg("Nothing selected.") + \
                    " (Use %s All to %s the entire Part.)" % (self.word_Minimize, self.word_minimize)
                #e might need further changes for Minimize Energy, if it's confusing that Sel/All is a dialog setting then
        elif cmdtype == _LOCAL_MIN:
            from operations.ops_select import selection_from_atomlist
            junk, atomlist, ntimes_expand = self.args
            selection = selection_from_atomlist(
                self.part, atomlist
            )  #e in cleaned up code, selection object might come from outside
            selection.expand_atomset(ntimes=ntimes_expand)  # ok if ntimes == 0

            # Rationale for adding monovalent atoms to the selection before
            # instantiating the sim_aspect
            # (Refer to comments for sim_aspect.__init__.) Why is it safe to add
            # monovalent atoms to a selection? Let's look at what happens during a
            # local minimization.
            # While minimizing, we want to simulate as if the entire rest of the
            # part is grounded, and only our selection of atoms is free to move. The
            # most obvious approach would be to minimize all the atoms in the part
            # while applying anchors to the atoms that aren't in the selection. But
            # minimizing all the atoms, especially if the selection is small, is very
            # wasteful. Applying the simulator to atoms is expensive and we want to
            # minimize as few atoms as possible.
            # [revision, bruce 080513: this discussion applies for Adjust,
            #  but the policy for Minimize is being changed to always include
            #  all atoms, even if most of them are anchored,
            #  re nfr bug 2848 item 2.]
            # A more economical approach is to anchor the atoms for two layers going
            # out from the selection. The reason for going out two layers, and not just
            # one layer, is that we need bond angle terms to simulate accurately. When
            # we get torsion angles we will probably want to bump this up to three
            # layers. [Now we're doing three layers -- bruce 080507]
            # Imagine labeling all the atoms in the selection with zero. Then take the
            # set of unlabeled atoms that are bonded to a zero-labeled atom, and label
            # all the atoms in that set with one. Next, take the set of yet-unlabeled
            # atoms that are bonded to a one-labeled atom, and label the atoms in that
            # set with two. The atoms labeled one and two become our first and second
            # layers, and we anchor them during the minimization.
            # In sim_aspect.__init__, the labels for zero, one and two correspond
            # respectively to membership in the dictionaries self._moving_atoms,
            # self._boundary1_atoms, and self._boundary2_atoms.
            # If an atom in the selection is anchored, we don't need to go two layers
            # out from that atom, only one layer. So we can label it with one, even
            # though it's a member of the selection and would normally be labeled with
            # zero. The purpose in doing this is to give the simulator a few less atoms
            # to worry about.
            # If a jig includes one of the selected atoms, but additionally includes
            # atoms outside the selection, then it may not be obvious how to simulate
            # that jig. For the present, the only jig that counts in a local
            # minimization is an anchor, because all the other jigs are too complicated
            # to simulate.
            # The proposed fix here has the effect that monovalent atoms bonded to
            # zero-labeled atoms are also labeled zero, rather than being labeled one,
            # so they are allowed to move. Why is this OK to do?
            # (1) Have we violated the assumption that the rest of the part is locked
            # down? Yes, as it applies to those monovalent atoms, but they are
            # presumably acceptable violations, since bug 1240 is regarded as a bug.
            # (2) Have we unlocked any bond lengths or bond angles that should remain
            # locked? Again, only those which involve (and necessarily end at) the
            # monovalent atoms in question. The same will be true when we introduce
            # torsion terms.
            # (3) Have we lost any ground on the jig front? If a jig includes one or
            # more of the monovalent atoms, possibly - but the only jigs we are
            # simulating in this case is anchors, and those will be handled correctly.
            # Remember that anchored atoms are only extended one layer, not two, but
            # with a monovalent atom bonded to a selected atom, no extension is
            # possible at all.
            # One can debate about whether bug 1240 should be regarded as a bug. But
            # having accepted it as a bug, one cannot object to adding these monovalents
            # to the original selection.
            # wware 060410 bug 1240
            atoms = selection.selatoms
            for atom in atoms.values():
                # enumerate the monovalents bonded to atom
                for atom2 in filter(lambda atom: not atom.is_singlet(),
                    atoms[atom2.key] = atom2

            assert cmdtype == _MIN_ALL
            selection = self.part.selection_for_all()
            # like .selection_from_glpane() but for all atoms presently in the part [bruce 050419]
            # no need to check emptiness, this was done above

        self.selection = selection  #e might become a feature of all CommandRuns, at some point

        # At this point, the conditions are met to try to do the command.
            greenmsg(startmsg))  #bruce 050412 doing this earlier

        # Disable some QActions (menu items/toolbar buttons) during minimize.
            simaspect = sim_aspect(
            #bruce 051129 passing cmdname
            # note: atomslist gets atoms from selected chunks, not only selected atoms
            # (i.e. it gets atoms whether you're in Select Atoms or Select Chunks mode)
            # history message about singlets written as H (if any);
            #bruce 051115 updated comment: this is used for both Minimize All and Minimize Selection as of long before 051115;
            # for Run Sim this code is not used (so this history message doesn't go out for it, though it ought to)
            # but the bug254 X->H fix is done (though different code sets the mapping flag that makes it happen).
            nsinglets_H = simaspect.nsinglets_H()
            if nsinglets_H:  #bruce 051209 this message code is approximately duplicated elsewhere in this file
                info = fix_plurals(
                    "(Treating %d bondpoint(s) as Hydrogens, during %s)" %
                    (nsinglets_H, self.word_minimization))
            nsinglets_leftout = simaspect.nsinglets_leftout()
            assert nsinglets_leftout == 0  # for now
            # history message about how much we're working on; these atomcounts include singlets since they're written as H
            nmoving = simaspect.natoms_moving()
            nfixed = simaspect.natoms_fixed()
            info = fix_plurals("(%s %d atom(s)" %
                               (self.word_Minimizing, nmoving))
            if nfixed:
                them_or_it = (nmoving == 1) and "it" or "them"
                if anchor_all_nonmoving_atoms:
                    msg2 = "holding remaining %d atom(s) fixed" % nfixed
                    msg2 = "holding %d atom(s) fixed around %s" % (nfixed,
                info += ", " + fix_plurals(msg2)
            info += ")"
            self.doMinimize(mtype=1, simaspect=simaspect)
            # mtype = 1 means single-frame XYZ file.
            # [this also sticks results back into the part]
            #self.doMinimize(mtype = 2) # 2 = multi-frame DPB file.
        simrun = self._movie._simrun  #bruce 050415 klugetower
        if not simrun.said_we_are_done: