Ejemplo n.º 1
def simple_use_plan(kwargs) -> AllocationPlan:
    atcs = kwargs["atcs"]
    devices = kwargs["ds"]
    max_hop = kwargs["max_hop"]
    congestion_scope = kwargs["congestion_scope"]

    t_len = len(atcs)
    y_len = len(atcs[0])
    x_len = len(atcs[0][0])
    allocation_plan = create_blank_allocation_plan(atcs, devices)
    for time, cloudlets in enumerate(tqdm(atcs)):
        ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(time), devices))
        tempallocation = create_tempallocation(time, ds, max_hop)
        congestion_map = create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, ds, congestion_scope, tempallocation)
        print_congestion(congestion_map, x_len, y_len)
        ds = sorted(ds, key=lambda d: congestion_map[tempallocation[d.name].y][tempallocation[d.name].x], reverse=True)
        for d in ds:
            pos = tempallocation[d.name]
            for hop in range(0, 30):
                nps = near_points(pos, hop, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
                nps = sorted(nps, key=lambda p: distance(p, d.get_pos(time)))
                tp, index = search(nps, True, key=lambda p: cloudlets[p.y][p.x].can_append_device(d))
                if index == -1:
                allocate(d, time, tp, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
                # どこにも割当られなかった場合
                allocation = Allocation(pos.x, pos.y, -1)
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, allocation)
                print("allocation failed", d.name, time)
    return allocation_plan
Ejemplo n.º 2
def set_device_set_pri2(atcs: AllTimeCloudlets, cong_map: List[List[int]], t: int, devices: Devices,
                       x_len: int, y_len: int, scope: int):
    ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(t), devices))
    d_num = 0
    for d in ds:
        app_name = d.app_name()
        app_num = [0,0,0]
        pos = d.get_pos(t)
        pts = near_points(pos, scope, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
        for p in pts:
            cloud = atcs[p.y][p.x][0]
            if cloud.is_operatable_application("1"):
                app_num[0] += 1
                i += 1
            if cloud.is_operatable_application("2"):
                app_num[1] += 1
                i += 1
            if cloud.is_operatable_application("3"):
                app_num[2] += 1
                i += 1

        max_len = [0,0,0]
        for i in range(0,3):
            max_len[i] = str(np.argmax(app_num) + 1)
            app_num[int(max_len[i]) - 1] = 0

        if app_name == max_len[2]:
            pri_num = int(cong_map[pos.y][pos.x] + 2)
        elif app_name == max_len[1]:
            pri_num = int(cong_map[pos.y][pos.x] + 1)
            pri_num = int(cong_map[pos.y][pos.x])
        #pri_num = app_num
Ejemplo n.º 3
def single_cross(p_min: Point,
                 p_max: Point,
                 t_max: int,
                 ur_min: int = 0,
                 ur_max: int = 3) -> Devices:
    ds = []
    for t in range(t_max + 1):
        num = t + 1
        if t > ur_max:
            num = ur_max
        for n in range(num):
            d1 = Device()
            p1_start = Point(int((p_max.x + p_min.x) / 2), 0)
            p1_goal = Point(int((p_max.x + p_min.x) / 2), p_max.y)
            d1.plan = route(p1_start, p1_goal)
            d1.use_resource = random.randint(ur_min, ur_max)
            d1.startup_time = t

            d2 = Device()
            p2_start = Point(0, int((p_min.y + p_max.y) / 2))
            p2_goal = Point(p_max.y, int((p_min.y + p_max.y) / 2))
            d2.plan = route(p2_start, p2_goal)
            d2.use_resource = random.randint(ur_min, ur_max)
            d2.startup_time = t
    return ds
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     self.devices = [
         Device("d1", plan=[Point(0, 0)]),
         Device("d2", plan=[Point(2, 1)])
     self.devices[0].use_resource = 2
     self.devices[1].use_resource = 3
Ejemplo n.º 5
def simple_use_plan_03(kwargs) -> AllocationPlan:
    atcs = kwargs["atcs"]
    devices = kwargs["ds"]
    max_hop = kwargs["max_hop"]
    congestion_scope = kwargs["congestion_scope"]
    reqapp=["1", "2", "3"]
    t_len = len(atcs)
    y_len = len(atcs[0])
    x_len = len(atcs[0][0])
    # cloudlets の空計画の作成
    allocation_plan = create_blank_allocation_plan(atcs, devices)
    for time, cloudlets in enumerate(tqdm(atcs)):
        # ds 終了していないデバイスを集める
        ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(time), devices))
        congestion_map = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, ds, congestion_scope)
        cong_app_ds = []
        congestion_map1 = [[1,3,4,5,6,7,10],[2,4,5,12,5,3,11],[2,1,3,1,6,7,8]]
        dsa1 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[0]), max_congest_ds))
        dsa2 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[1]), max_congest_ds))
        dsa3 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[2]), max_congest_ds))
        dsa = dsa2 + dsa1 + dsa3
            #print ("a")
        for d in ds:
            # step1 前回と同じ場所に置くことが適切かどうか判定し、適切なら配置を試行する
            now_pos = d.get_pos(time)
            if d.startup_time != time:
                prev_pos = d.get_allocation_point(time - 1)
                if distance(prev_pos, now_pos) <= max_hop:
                    # 前回と同じ場所に置くことを試行する
                    if cloudlets[prev_pos.y][prev_pos.x].can_append_device(d, True):
                        allocate(d, time, prev_pos, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
            # step2
            if d.is_poweron(time + max_hop):
                next_pos = d.get_pos(time + max_hop)
                next_pos = d.get_pos(d.shutdown_time - 1)
            for hop in range(max_hop, 30):
                nps = near_points(now_pos, hop, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
                nps = sorted(nps, key=lambda p: distance(p, next_pos))
                tp, index = search(nps, True, key=lambda p: cloudlets[p.y][p.x].can_append_device(d, True))
                if index == -1:
                allocate(d, time, tp, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
                # どこにも割当られなかった場合
                allocation = Allocation(now_pos.x, now_pos.y, -1)
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, allocation)
                print("allocation failed", d.name, time)

    return allocation_plan
Ejemplo n.º 6
def cross(p_min: Point,
          p_max: Point,
          t_max: int,
          ur_min: int = 0,
          ur_max: int = 3,
          r_num: int = 6,
          density: int = 1,
          upr: int = 3) -> Devices:
    :param p_min: 
    :param p_max: 
    :param t_max: 
    :param ur_min: 
    :param ur_max: max of use resource
    :param r_num: number of road
    :param density: 集密度?
    :param upr: unit par roads
    ds = []
    for t in range(t_max + 1):
        for i in range(int(r_num / 2)):
            offset = density
            div = int(r_num / 2) - 1 + (2 * density)
            for j in range(upr):
                d1 = Device()
                p1_start = Point(0,
                                 int((p_min.y + p_max.y) / div) * (offset + i))
                p1_goal = Point(p_max.x,
                                int((p_min.y + p_max.y) / div) * (offset + i))
                d1.plan = route(p1_start, p1_goal)
                d1.use_resource = random.randint(ur_min, ur_max)
                d1.startup_time = t
            for j in range(upr):
                d2 = Device()
                p2_start = Point(
                    int((p_min.x + p_max.x) / div) * (offset + i), 0)
                p2_goal = Point(
                    int((p_min.x + p_max.x) / div) * (offset + i), p_max.y)
                d2.plan = route(p2_start, p2_goal)
                d2.use_resource = random.randint(ur_min, ur_max)
                d2.startup_time = t

    Device.num = 0
    return ds
Ejemplo n.º 7
def set_device_set_pri(atcs: AllTimeCloudlets, cong_map: List[List[int]], t: int, devices: Devices,
                       x_len: int, y_len: int, scope: int):
    ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(t), devices))
    d_num = 0
    for d in ds:
        app_name = d.app_name()
        app_num = 0
        pos = d.get_pos(t)
        pts = near_points(pos, scope, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
        for p in pts:
            cloud = atcs[p.y][p.x][0]
            if cloud.is_operatable_application(app_name):
                app_num += 1
        pri_num = int(cong_map[pos.y][pos.x]) #/ app_num) #+ cong_map[pos.y][pos.x])
        #pri_num = app_num
Ejemplo n.º 8
def allocate(device: Device, time, allocate_pos: Point, allocation_plan, cloudlets: List[List[Cloudlet]]) -> None:
    d_pos = device.get_pos(time) #ある時刻のデバイスの座標を取得
    #distanceは2点間の座標の距離を返す関数, Allocation()で割り当て計画の定義
    allocation = Allocation(allocate_pos.x, allocate_pos.y, distance(d_pos, allocate_pos))
    allocation_plan[device.name][time] = allocation #デバイス名と時間からなる2次元リストに割り当て計画を代入
    device.set_allocation_point(time, Point(allocation.x, allocation.y)) #割り当て
Ejemplo n.º 9
def simple_use_plan_07(kwargs) -> AllocationPlan:
    atcs = kwargs["atcs"]
    devices = kwargs["ds"]
    max_hop = kwargs["max_hop"]
    congestion_scope = kwargs["congestion_scope"]

    t_len = len(atcs)
    y_len = len(atcs[0])
    x_len = len(atcs[0][0])
    allocation_plan = create_blank_allocation_plan(atcs, devices)
    for time, cloudlets in enumerate(tqdm(atcs)):
        ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(time), devices))
        congestion_map = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, ds, congestion_scope)
        # print_congestion(congestion_map, x_len, y_len)
        ds = sorted(ds, key=lambda d: congestion_map[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x], reverse=True)
        for d in ds:
            # step1 前回と同じ場所に置くことが適切かどうか判定し、適切なら配置を試行する
            now_pos = d.get_pos(time)
            if d.startup_time != time:
                prev_pos = d.get_allocation_point(time - 1)
                if distance(prev_pos, now_pos) <= max_hop:
                    # 前回と同じ場所に置くことを試行する
                    if cloudlets[prev_pos.y][prev_pos.x].can_append_device(d, True):
                        allocate(d, time, prev_pos, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
            # step2
            if d.is_poweron(time + max_hop):
                next_pos = d.get_pos(time + max_hop)
                next_pos = d.get_pos(d.shutdown_time - 1)
            for hop in range(max_hop, 30):
                nps = near_points(now_pos, hop, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
                nps = sorted(nps, key=lambda p: distance(p, next_pos))
                tp, index = search(nps, True, key=lambda p: cloudlets[p.y][p.x].can_append_device(d, True))
                if index == -1:
                allocate(d, time, tp, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
                # どこにも割当られなかった場合
                allocation = Allocation(now_pos.x, now_pos.y, -1)
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, allocation)
                print("allocation failed", d.name, time)
    return allocation_plan
Ejemplo n.º 10
def simple_create_congestion_map(t: int, x_len: int, y_len: int, devices: Devices, scope: int) -> List[List[int]]:
    :param t: 混雑度マップを生成する時間
    :param x_len: xの長さ?
    :param y_len: yの長さ?
    :param devices: デバイス集合
    :param scope: 端末位置からどの程度はなれた範囲まで混雑度を加算するかを示す値
    ret = [[0 for x in range(x_len)] for y in range(y_len)]
    ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(t), devices))
    for d in ds:
        pos = d.get_pos(t)
        pts = near_points(pos, scope, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
        for p in pts:
            ret[p.y][p.x] += d.use_resource
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
def congestion_priority(kwards) -> AllocationPlan:
    :param atcs: すべての時間のCloudlet集合
    :param devices: すべてのデバイス集合
    atcs = kwards["atcs"]
    devices = kwards["ds"]

    t_len = len(atcs)
    y_len = len(atcs[0])
    x_len = len(atcs[0][0])
    allocation_plan = create_blank_allocation_plan(atcs, devices)
    for time, cloudlets in enumerate(tqdm(atcs)):
        ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(time), devices))
        requests = create_congestion_map(time, len(cloudlets[0]),
                                         len(cloudlets), ds, 3)
        ds = sorted(
            key=lambda d: requests[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x],
        for d in ds:
            pos = d.get_pos(time)
            for hop in range(0, 30):
                nps = near_points(pos, hop, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1),
                                  Point(0, 0))
                tp, index = search(
                    key=lambda p: cloudlets[p.y][p.x].can_append_device(d))
                if index == -1:
                allocation = Allocation(tp.x, tp.y, distance(pos, tp))
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, Point(allocation.x, allocation.y))
                # どこにも割当られなかった場合
                allocation = Allocation(pos.x, pos.y, -1)
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, Point(allocation.x, allocation.y))
    return allocation_plan
Ejemplo n.º 12
def create_app_cong_map(t: int, x_len: int, y_len: int, devices: Devices, scope: int,
                          tempallocation: Dict[str, Point]) -> List[List[int]]:
    :param t: アプリ用混雑度マップを生成する時間
    :param x_len: xの長さ?
    :param y_len: yの長さ?
    :param devices: デバイス集合
    :param scope: 端末位置からどの程度はなれた範囲まで混雑度を加算するかを示す値
    ret = [[0 for x in range(x_len)] for y in range(y_len)]
    ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(t), devices))
    for d in ds:
        pos = tempallocation[d.name]
        pts = near_points(pos, scope, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
        for p in pts:
            ret[p.y][p.x] += d.use_resource

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 13
def simple_use_plan_06(kwargs) -> AllocationPlan:
    atcs = kwargs["atcs"]
    devices = kwargs["ds"]
    max_hop = kwargs["max_hop"]
    congestion_scope = kwargs["congestion_scope"]

    t_len = len(atcs)
    y_len = len(atcs[0])
    x_len = len(atcs[0][0])
    allocation_plan = create_blank_allocation_plan(atcs, devices)
    for time, cloudlets in enumerate(tqdm(atcs)):
        ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(time), devices))
        reqapp = ["1","2","3"]
        # reqapp ごとにデバイスを分ける
        dsa1 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[0]), ds))
        dsa2 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[1]), ds))
        dsa3 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[2]), ds))
        # 要求数が多い順番を特定
        ds_app_len = [
        max_len = [0,0,0]
        for i in range(0,3):
            max_len[i] = str(np.argmax(ds_app_len))
            ds_app_len[int(max_len[i])] = 0

        # app ごとの混雑度を計測
        congestion_mapa1 = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, dsa1, congestion_scope)
        congestion_mapa2 = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, dsa2, congestion_scope)
        congestion_mapa3 = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, dsa3, congestion_scope)
        # app ごとの混雑度と近傍の利用可能cloudletの
        set_app_pri(atcs, congestion_mapa1, time, dsa1, x_len, y_len, max_len, congestion_scope)
        set_app_pri(atcs, congestion_mapa2, time, dsa2, x_len, y_len, max_len, congestion_scope)
        set_app_pri(atcs, congestion_mapa3, time, dsa3, x_len, y_len, max_len, congestion_scope)

        ds = sorted(ds, key=lambda d: d.ds_pri, reverse=False)

        for d in ds:
            # step1 前回と同じ場所に置くことが適切かどうか判定し、適切なら配置を試行する
            now_pos = d.get_pos(time)
            if d.startup_time != time:
                prev_pos = d.get_allocation_point(time - 1)
                if distance(prev_pos, now_pos) <= max_hop:
                    # 前回と同じ場所に置くことを試行する
                    if cloudlets[prev_pos.y][prev_pos.x].can_append_device(d, True):
                        allocate(d, time, prev_pos, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
            # step2
            if d.is_poweron(time + max_hop):
                next_pos = d.get_pos(time + max_hop)
                next_pos = d.get_pos(d.shutdown_time - 1)
            for hop in range(max_hop, 30):
                nps = near_points(now_pos, hop, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
                nps = sorted(nps, key=lambda p: distance(p, next_pos))
                tp, index = search(nps, True, key=lambda p: cloudlets[p.y][p.x].can_append_device(d, True))
                if index == -1:
                allocate(d, time, tp, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
                # どこにも割当られなかった場合
                allocation = Allocation(now_pos.x, now_pos.y, -1)
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, allocation)
                print("allocation failed", d.name, time)
    return allocation_plan
Ejemplo n.º 14
    #(10, Point(0, 10), Point(x_len - 1, 10)),
    (14, Point(0, 14), Point(x_len - 1, 14)),
    (15, Point(0, 15), Point(x_len - 1, 15)),
    (16, Point(0, 16), Point(x_len - 1, 16)),
#     #(20, Point(0, 20), Point(x_len - 1, 20)),
#     #(40, Point(10, 0), Point(10, y_len - 1)),
    (44, Point(14, 0), Point(14, y_len - 1)),
    (45, Point(15, 0), Point(15, y_len - 1)),
    (46, Point(16, 0), Point(16, y_len - 1)),
    #(50, Point(20, 0), Point(20, y_len - 1)),
setup_roads = [
    #     # 混雑道路
    (13, Point(0, 0), Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1)),
    (15, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0)),
    (43, Point(0, y_len - 1), Point(x_len - 1, 0)),
    (45, Point(y_len - 1, 0), Point(0, x_len - 1)),
min_road_device_num = 3
max_road_device_num = 9
min_use_resource = 1
max_use_resource = 3
app1 = Application(
    use_resource=3)  #random.randint(min_use_resource, max_use_resource))
app2 = Application(
    use_resource=3)  #random.randint(min_use_resource, max_use_resource))
app3 = Application(
Ejemplo n.º 15
            elif i % 3 + 1 == c_sur[2]:
                # else :
                ca_num[2] += 1
            i += 1
devices = []  # type:List[Device]
d_num = 0
da_num = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

setup_roads = [
#     # 混雑道路
    #(10, Point(0, 10), Point(x_len - 1, 10)),
    (13, Point(0, 13), Point(x_len - 1, 13)),
    (15, Point(0, 17), Point(x_len - 1, 15)),
    (17, Point(0, 19), Point(x_len - 1, 17)),
# #     #(20, Point(0, 20), Point(x_len - 1, 20)),
# #     #(40, Point(10, 0), Point(10, y_len - 1)),
    (43, Point(13, 0), Point(13, y_len - 1)),
    (45, Point(15, 0), Point(15, y_len - 1)),
    (47, Point(17, 0), Point(17, y_len - 1)),
    #(50, Point(20, 0), Point(20, y_len - 1)),

setup_roads = [
#     # 混雑道路
    (13, Point(0, 0), Point(x_len - 1, y_len -1)),
Ejemplo n.º 16
def simple_use_plan_02(kwargs) -> AllocationPlan:
    atcs = kwargs["atcs"]
    devices = kwargs["ds"]
    max_hop = kwargs["max_hop"]
    congestion_scope = kwargs["congestion_scope"]
    reqapp=["1", "2", "3"]
    t_len = len(atcs)
    y_len = len(atcs[0])
    x_len = len(atcs[0][0])
    # cloudlets の空計画の作成
    allocation_plan = create_blank_allocation_plan(atcs, devices)
    for time, cloudlets in enumerate(tqdm(atcs)):
        # ds 終了していないデバイスを集める
        ds = list(filter(lambda d: d.is_poweron(time), devices))
        #ds = sorted(ds,lambda d: d.app_name,reversed=True)
        dsa1 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[0]), ds))
        dsa2 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[1]), ds))
        dsa3 = list(filter(lambda d: d.appret(reqapp[2]), ds))
        a1_len = len(dsa1)
        a2_len = len(dsa2)
        a3_len = len(dsa3)
        # # 混雑度マップの作成
        congestion_mapa1 = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, dsa1, congestion_scope)
        congestion_mapa2 = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, dsa2, congestion_scope)
        congestion_mapa3 = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, dsa3, congestion_scope)
        # # # # print_congestion(congestion_map, x_len, y_len)
        dsa1 = sorted(dsa1, key=lambda d: congestion_mapa1[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x], reverse=True)
        dsa2 = sorted(dsa2, key=lambda d: congestion_mapa2[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x], reverse=True)
        dsa3 = sorted(dsa3, key=lambda d: congestion_mapa3[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x], reverse=True)
        # if(a1_len > a2_len):
        #     if(a1_len > a3_len):
        #         if(a2_len > a3_len):
        #             ds = dsa2 + dsa1 + dsa3
        #         else:
        #             ds = dsa3 + dsa1 + dsa2
        #     else:
        #         ds = dsa1 + dsa3 + dsa2
        # else:
        #     if(a1_len > a3_len):
        #         ds = dsa1 + dsa2 + dsa3
        #     else:
        #         if(a2_len > a3_len):
        #             ds = dsa2 + dsa3 + dsa1
        #         else:
        #             ds = dsa3 + dsa2 + dsa1

        #ds = dsa2 + dsa1 + dsa3
        ds = dsa1 + dsa3 + dsa2
        # congestion_map = simple_create_congestion_map(time, x_len, y_len, ds, congestion_scope)
        # ds_high = list(filter(lambda d: congestion_map[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x] > 3), ds)
        # ds_low = list(filter(lambda d: congestion_map[d.get_pos(time).y][d.get_pos(time).x] < 3), ds)
        # ds = ds_high + ds_low

        for d in ds:
            # step1 前回と同じ場所に置くことが適切かどうか判定し、適切なら配置を試行する
            now_pos = d.get_pos(time)
            if d.startup_time != time:
                prev_pos = d.get_allocation_point(time - 1)
                if distance(prev_pos, now_pos) <= max_hop:
                    # 前回と同じ場所に置くことを試行する
                    if cloudlets[prev_pos.y][prev_pos.x].can_append_device(d, True):
                        allocate(d, time, prev_pos, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
            # step2 
            if d.is_poweron(time + max_hop):
                next_pos = d.get_pos(time + max_hop)
                next_pos = d.get_pos(d.shutdown_time - 1)
            for hop in range(max_hop, 30):
                nps = near_points(now_pos, hop, Point(x_len - 1, y_len - 1), Point(0, 0))
                nps = sorted(nps, key=lambda p: distance(p, next_pos))
                tp, index = search(nps, True, key=lambda p: cloudlets[p.y][p.x].can_append_device(d, True))
                if index == -1:
                allocate(d, time, tp, allocation_plan, cloudlets)
                # どこにも割当られなかった場合
                allocation = Allocation(now_pos.x, now_pos.y, -1)
                allocation_plan[d.name][time] = allocation
                d.set_allocation_point(time, allocation)
                print("allocation failed", d.name, time)

    return allocation_plan
Ejemplo n.º 17
            if n == 0:
                #app = Application(name="a1")
            elif n == 1:
                #app = Application(name="a2")
                #app = Application(name="a3")
devices = []  # type:List[Device]
d_num = 100
for i in range(d_num):
    d = Device(name="d{}".format(i))
    d.startup_time = 0
    n = random.randint(0, 3)
    if n == 0:
        d.plan = route(Point(0, 0), Point(x_len, y_len))
    if n == 1:
        d.plan = route(Point(x_len, y_len), Point(0, 0))
    if n == 2:
        d.plan = route(Point(0, y_len), Point(x_len, 0))
    if n == 3:
        d.plan = route(Point(y_len, 0), Point(0, x_len))
    n = random.randint(0, 2)
    if n == 0:
        #app = Application(name="a1")
        d.use_resource = 1
    elif n == 1:
        #app = Application(name="a2")
        d.use_resource = 1
        #app = Application(name="a3")
Ejemplo n.º 18
                ca_num[2] += 1
                i = 0
                i += 1
            # print(1)

devices = []  # type:List[Device]
d_num = 0  #deviceの数
da_num = [0, 0, 0]  #deviceの数のリスト

setup_roads = [
    # 混雑道路
    (13, Point(0, 13), Point(x_len - 1, 13)),
    (15, Point(0, 15), Point(x_len - 1, 15)),  #真ん中(30の半分)
    (17, Point(0, 19), Point(x_len - 1, 17)),
    (43, Point(13, 0), Point(13, y_len - 1)),
    (45, Point(15, 0), Point(15, y_len - 1)),
    (47, Point(17, 0), Point(17, y_len - 1)),
setup_roads = [
# 混雑道路
#    (13, Point(0, 0), Point(x_len - 1, y_len -1)),
#    (15, Point(x_len-1, y_len-1), Point(0, 0)),
#    (43, Point(0, y_len-1), Point(x_len-1, 0)),
 #   (45, Point(x_len-1, 0), Point(0, y_len-1)),
Ejemplo n.º 19
import random

cloudlets_type = "plane"

t_len = 30
x_len = 30
y_len = 30
atcs = create_all_time_cloudlets(t_len, x_len, y_len)

devices = []  # type:List[Device]
d_num = 0

setup_roads = [
    # 混雑道路
    (10, Point(0, 10), Point(x_len - 1, 10)),
    (13, Point(0, 13), Point(x_len - 1, 13)),
    (15, Point(0, 15), Point(x_len - 1, 15)),
    (17, Point(0, 17), Point(x_len - 1, 17)),
    (20, Point(0, 20), Point(x_len - 1, 20)),
    (40, Point(10, 0), Point(10, y_len - 1)),
    (43, Point(13, 0), Point(13, y_len - 1)),
    (45, Point(15, 0), Point(15, y_len - 1)),
    (47, Point(17, 0), Point(17, y_len - 1)),
    (50, Point(20, 0), Point(20, y_len - 1)),

min_road_device_num = 1
max_road_device_num = 1
min_use_resource = 1
max_use_resource = 1
Ejemplo n.º 20
from simulator.utility.point import route
from typing import List
import random

cloudlets_type = "plane"

t_len = 10
x_len = 30
y_len = 30
atcs = create_all_time_cloudlets(t_len, x_len, y_len)

devices = []  # type:List[Device]

# device name is 10000 - 10999[
r_num = 10
r_pos = Point(10, 0)
d_num = 0
for i in range(x_len):
    n = random.randint(5)
    for j in range(n):
        d = Device(name="d10{0:03}".format(d_num))
        d.use_resource = random.randint(3)
        d.startup_time = 0
        d.plan = route(Point(r_pos.x + i, r_pos.y), Point(x_len - 1, r_pos.y))
        d_num += 1
for t in range(t_len):
    n = random.randint(5)
    for i in range(n):
        d = Device(name="d10{0:03}".format(d_num))
        d.use_resource = random.randint(3)