Ejemplo n.º 1
 def validate_leaf(self):
     if self.attributes.V == 0:
         raise Errors.PTEMarkedInvalid()
     elif self.attributes.R == 0 and self.attributes.X == 0 and self.attributes.W == 0:
         raise Errors.LeafMarkedAsPointer()
     elif self.attributes.R == 0 and self.attributes.W == 1:
         raise Errors.WriteNoReadError()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def set_pointer(self):
     ''' Clear XWR (making this a pointer entry in the table). If they're set, raises an error '''
     ''' For non-leaf PTEs, the D, A, and U bits are reserved for future use and must be cleared by software for forward compatibility. '''
     if self.leaf:
         raise Errors.UnexpectedLeaf(
             f'PTE is a leaf and was used as a pointer')
     if self.attributes.U or self.attributes.D or self.attributes.A:
         raise Errors.InvalidDAU(
             f'Found DAU = {self.attributes.D}{self.attributes.A}{self.attributes.U}'
     self.attributes.X = 0
     self.attributes.W = 0
     self.attributes.R = 0
     self.attributes.D = 0
     self.attributes.A = 0
     self.attributes.U = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _resolve_pte_pa(self, pte: PTE, pa: PA, final_level):
     for i in range(final_level):  # clear all the low parts
         if pte.ppn[i]:
             raise Errors.SuperPageNotCleared()
         pte.ppn[i] = 0  # must be zero!
     ''' Modify the PTE and PA for the last stage '''
     backing_values = self._chunk_random_pa_address()
     for i in range(final_level, len(pte.widths)):
         pte.ppn[i], pa.ppn[i] = equate(pte.ppn[i], pa.ppn[i],
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _resolve_va_addr(self, va: VA, addr: int, vpn_no: int) -> int:
     Get the VA address on place, the integer segment will be returned.
     Requires the # of the VPN Segment as an argument.
     Returns the low segment of the resulting address.
     addr_val = addr & mask(OFFSET) if addr != None else None
     if addr_val and addr_val % self.PTESIZE:
         return Errors.UnalignedAddress('VA Address not aligned')
     addr_val = addr_val >> self.ALIGNMENT_BITS if addr_val != None else None
     va.vpn[vpn_no], addr_val = equate(
         va.vpn[vpn_no], addr_val, random.getrandbits(va.widths[vpn_no]))
     return addr_val << self.ALIGNMENT_BITS
Ejemplo n.º 5
def equate(x: int, y: int, backing_value: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    ''' Check x and y and fill constrained, setting to backing value (chosen by memory context aware generator) if both are undefined. '''
    if x is None and y is None:
        x = backing_value
        y = x
        return x, y
    elif y is None:
        y = x
        return x, y
    elif x is None:
        x = y
        return x, y
    elif x == y:
        return x, y
        raise Errors.InvalidConstraints(
            f"Couldn't satisfy constraints: {x} != {y}")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def ContextFromJSON(json_data: Union[str, dict]) -> Context:
    ''' Load a JSON5 test config '''
    if type(json_data) == str:
        filename = json_data
        with open(filename) as f:
            params = json5.load(f)
        params = json_data

    satp_data = params.get('satp', {})
    if type(satp_data) == int:
        satp_data = {'ppn': satp_data}

    if 'satp.ppn' in params.keys():
        satp_data['ppn'] = params['satp.ppn']

    if not satp_data:
        global_satp = None
        global_satp = SATP(mode=params.get('mode'),
        # ppn = params.get('satp.ppn') or satp_data.get('ppn') or 0

    mgr = Context(params.get('memory_size'), params.get('mode'),
                  params.get('lower_bound', 0), params.get('pte_min', 0),
                  params.get('pte_max'), global_satp)

    test_cases = params.get('test_cases', [])

    for test_case in test_cases:
        # Handle the 'special' control

        indices = []
        special_args = {}

        if special := test_case.get('special'):
            indices = set(s.get('index') for s in special)
            for case in special:
                special_args[case.get('index')] = case

        if rg := test_case.get('page_range'):  # Walrus
            # We do a  mapping of the first page address
            start = rg.get('start', mgr.lower_bound)
            end = rg.get('end', mgr.memory_size)
            step = rg.get('step', None)
            num_pages = rg.get('num_pages', None)

            current_addr = start
            n_iters = 0
            while current_addr < end and (num_pages is None
                                          or n_iters < num_pages):
                if n_iters in indices:
                    use_case = {**test_case, **special_args.get(n_iters, {})}
                    use_case = test_case
                for i in range(
                ):  # how many failures we will try before we give up
                        mgr.add_test_case(**use_case, pa=current_addr)
                    except (Errors.SuperPageNotCleared,
                    raise Errors.InvalidConstraints(
                        f"Couldn't satisfy constraints after {ADD_CASE_MAX_ATTEMPTS} tries (pg range)"
                current_addr += step or PAGESIZE_INT_MAP[
                n_iters += 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Context:
    Hold our data, and make special & probabilistic test cases
    def random_address(self):
        return random.randint(self.lower_bound, self.memory_size - 1)

    def valid_address(self, value):
        return value < self.memory_size

    def num_ptes(self, pagesize: str) -> int:
        ''' Return the number of PTES for a walk with the given page size '''
        return self.levels - MODE_PAGESIZE_LEVEL_MAP[self.mode][pagesize]

    def _format_va(self, va_addr: int, colorterm=True):
        if va_addr is None:
            return '***'
        va_digits = num_hex_digits(self.mode)
        va_str = f'{va_addr:#0{va_digits}x}'
        if colorterm and self.va_reference_counter[va_addr] > 1:
            return fg.red + va_str + fg.rs
        return va_str

    def _format_pa(self, pa_addr: int, colorterm=True):
        if pa_addr is None:
            return '***'
        pa_digits = num_hex_digits(PA_BITS[self.mode])
        pa_str = f'{pa_addr:#0{pa_digits}x}'
        if colorterm and self.reference_counter[pa_addr] > 1:
            return fg.red + pa_str + fg.rs
        return pa_str

    def _tw_ministring_err(self,
                           walk: InvalidTranslationWalk,
                           color=True) -> str:
        ppn_width = num_hex_digits(walk.satp.ppn_width)
        # pa_str = self._format_pa(walk.pa.data(), color)
        va_str = self._format_va(walk.va.data(), color) + fg.black
        # if color and walk.pa.data() == walk.va.data(): # Color PA = VA blue bg
        #     pa_str = bg.cyan + pa_str + bg.rs
        #     va_str = bg.cyan + va_str + bg.rs
        pte_entries = ' '.join(
            [self._format_pa(x.address, color) for x in walk.ptes])
        if walk.ptes[-1].get_ppn() is None:
            final_ppn = '???'
            final_ppn = f'{walk.ptes[-1].get_ppn():#0{ppn_width}x}'
        pte_str = f'=>{pte_entries} {final_ppn}'
        err = fg.red + f' INVALID: {walk.error_type}  ' + fg.black
        base = f'SATP: {walk.satp.ppn:#0{ppn_width}x} VA: {va_str} -> [{pte_str}] {err}'
        # return f'{bg.orange} + {fg.black} + {base} + {fg.rs} + {bg.rs}'
        return bg.orange + fg.black + base + fg.rs + bg.rs

    def _tw_ministring(self,
                       walk: Union[TranslationWalk, InvalidTranslationWalk],
                       color=True) -> str:
        ''' Return a compact one-line representation of the walk '''
        # satp_ppn_digits = num_to44 if walk.mode != 32 else 22
        if type(walk) == InvalidTranslationWalk:
            return self._tw_ministring_err(walk, color)
        ppn_width = num_hex_digits(walk.satp.ppn_width)
        pa_str = self._format_pa(walk.pa.data(), color)
        va_str = self._format_va(walk.va.data(), color)
        if color and walk.pa.data() == walk.va.data():  # Color PA = VA blue bg
            pa_str = bg.cyan + pa_str + bg.rs
            va_str = bg.cyan + va_str + bg.rs
        pte_entries = ' '.join(
            [self._format_pa(x.address, color) for x in walk.ptes])
        final_ppn = f'{walk.ptes[-1].get_ppn():#0{ppn_width}x}'
        pte_str = f'=>{pte_entries} {final_ppn}'
        base = f'SATP: {walk.satp.ppn:#0{ppn_width}x} VA: {va_str} -> [{pte_str}] -> {pa_str}'
        return base

    def __init__(self,
                 memory_size: Union[int, None],
                 mode: int,
                 lower_bound: int = 0,
                 pte_min: int = 0,
                 pte_max: int = None,
                 global_satp: SATP = None):
        ''' Initialize a ContextManager.
        size of memory (= the max physical address allowed in the simulation + 1)
        mode = 32 / 39 / 48.
        pte_min and pte_max (int, bounds the PTE areas)
        global_satp = default SATP, will randomize if None 
        # TODO: add stuff to classes for bounded randomness issues.
        self.memory_size = memory_size or MAX_PA_MAP[
            mode]  # 0 is not supported here (duh)
        self.lower_bound = lower_bound
        self.mode = mode
        self.address_table = {
        }  # we'll use this to keep track of PTEs & PAs that have already been allocated and their physical addresses
        self.vas = {}
        self.pas = {}
        self.ptes: Dict[int, PTE] = {}
        # self.leaves = {}
        self.walks: List[TranslationWalk] = []
        self.levels = PT_LEVEL_MAP[mode]
        self.satps: List[SATP] = []
        self.reference_counter = defaultdict(int)
        self.va_reference_counter = defaultdict(int)
        self.pte_min = pte_min
        self.pte_max = pte_max or self.memory_size
        self.CR = ConstraintResolver(mode=mode,

        # Create a default SATP if not past parametrically. To quote RISC-V docs: This register holds the physical page number (PPN)
        # of the root page table, i.e., its supervisor physical address divided by 4 KiB. Equivalent to >> (12 = PAGESIZE)
        self.global_satp = global_satp or SATP(
            self.mode, asid=0, ppn=(self.CR._random_pte_address() // 4096))

    def add_walk(self, pagesize: str, va: VA, pa: PA, ptes: List[PTE],
                 satp: SATP):
        Add a translation walk to the context.
        Meant for when it's been specced out already.
        Registers the relevant components in all the relevant lookup tables.
        walk = TranslationWalk(self.mode, pagesize, satp, va, pa, ptes)
        walk.resolve(CR=self.CR, pte_hashmap=self.ptes)
        self.vas[va.data()] = va
        self.address_table[pa.data()] = pa
        self.pas[pa.data()] = pa
        for pte in ptes:
            self.address_table[pte.address] = pte
            self.ptes[pte.address] = pte
            self.reference_counter[pte.address] += 1
        # The last one is a leaf, mark that
        # self.leaves[pte.address] = pte
        self.reference_counter[pa.data()] += 1
        self.va_reference_counter[va.data()] += 1

    def add_invalid_walk(self, pagesize: str, va: VA, pa: PA, ptes: List[PTE],
                         satp: SATP):
        Add a translation walk to the context.
        Meant for when it's been specced out already.
        Registers the relevant components in all the relevant lookup tables.
        walk = InvalidTranslationWalk(self.mode, pagesize, satp, va, pa, ptes)
        walk.resolve(CR=self.CR, pte_hashmap=self.ptes)
        if va.data():
            self.vas[va.data()] = va
            self.va_reference_counter[va.data()] += 1
        # self.address_table[pa.data()] = pa
        # self.pas[pa.data()] = pa
        for pte in ptes:
            if pte.address:
                # may need more checks in terms of marking things
                self.address_table[pte.address] = pte
                self.ptes[pte.address] = pte
                self.reference_counter[pte.address] += 1
        # The last one is a leaf, mark that
        # self.leaves[pte.address] = pte
        # self.reference_counter[pa.data()] += 1

    def add_test_case(self,
                      same_va_pa: float = 0,
                      reuse_pte: float = 0,
                      aliasing: float = 0,
        Add a test case, with probabilistic usage of 'Testing Knowledge' cases.
        Made in a way that in the future passing JSON into it will be easy. (Through the kwargs)
        Probabilities from 0 to 1 (float).

        TODO: Clean this up a bit. Not much that can be eliminated, but stuff should be able to be moved around and parcelled out.

        # Work out our flags
        same_va_pa: int = resolve_flag(same_va_pa)
        aliasing: int = resolve_flag(aliasing)
        reuse_pte: int = resolve_flag(reuse_pte)

        # Change (Jun26) -- clean up the SATP usage.
        # Reuse should no longer be necessary since it's the default
        satp_data = kwargs.get('satp', {})
        if type(satp_data) == int:
            satp_data = {'ppn': satp_data}

        if ppn := kwargs.get('satp.ppn'):
            satp_data['ppn'] = ppn

        if not satp_data:
            satp = self.global_satp
            ppn = satp_data.get('ppn')
            asid = kwargs.get('satp.asid') or satp_data.get('asid') or 0
            satp = SATP(mode=self.mode, asid=asid, ppn=ppn)

        # Step one: create and load everything from the test case
        if type(pa) == dict:
            _pa = PA(mode=self.mode)
            _pa.offset = pa.get('offset')  # unpack reflexive
            _pa.ppn = pa.get('ppn')  # unpack reflexive
            pa = _pa
        if type(va) == dict:
            _va = VA(mode=self.mode)
            _va.offset = va.get('offset')

            # VA VPN causes potential issues with array copy when defined. Adjusting for that here
            _va.vpn = va.get('vpn', []).copy()
            va = _va

        if (type(pagesize) == list):
            pagesize = random.choice(pagesize)

        if type(pa) == PA:
        elif aliasing:  # reuse an existing PA in the system
            # -- can cause issues when used with PTE reuse, so that gets a special treatment
            pa_addr = random.sample(self.pas.keys(), 1)[0]
            pa = self.pas[pa_addr]
        elif pa in self.pas.keys():
            pa = self.pas[pa]
            pa = PA(mode=self.mode, data=pa)

        if type(va) == VA:
            if same_va_pa and pa.data():
                va = pa.data()
            if va in self.vas.keys():
                va = self.vas[va]
                va = VA(mode=self.mode, data=va)

        if same_va_pa:  # same VA and PA
            if pa.data() and va.data():
            elif pa.data():
            else:  # TODO: bounds checking!

        ptes = [None] * self.num_ptes(pagesize)
        if reuse_pte:  # for now: not allowed with specifying PTE data

            # Two issues here:
            # (1) it has to be handled as a leaf or non-leaf accordingly
            # (2) it needs to be reachable through the SATP if it's the first level
            for i in range(PTE_REUSE_MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                random_walk = random.choice(self.walks)
                rwalk_ptes = random_walk.ptes

                max_pte_walk = len(rwalk_ptes) - 1
                leaf_index = self.num_ptes(pagesize) - 1
                selection_index = random.randint(0, max_pte_walk)

                if selection_index == max_pte_walk:
                    if max_pte_walk == leaf_index:
                        placed_location_index = leaf_index
                        if aliasing:
                            pa_addr = random_walk.pa.data(
                            )  # fallback for picking a leaf
                            pa = self.pas[pa_addr]
                elif leaf_index == 0:
                    placed_location_index = random.randint(0, leaf_index - 1)

                random_pte_addr = rwalk_ptes[selection_index].address
                ptes[placed_location_index] = self.ptes[random_pte_addr]
                raise Errors.InvalidConstraints(
                    'Could not find a suitable PTE for reuse!')

        elif kwargs.get('ptes'):
            for i, pte_attrs in enumerate(kwargs.get('ptes')):
                address = resolve_int(pte_attrs.get('address'))
                if address in self.ptes.keys(
                ):  # check to make sure that we reuse, and don't double define
                    ptes[i] = self.ptes[address]
                    ptes[i] = PTE(mode=self.mode)
                    ptes[i].address = address
                    if ppns := pte_attrs.get('ppns'):
                        ptes[i].ppn = ppns

                flags = pte_attrs.get('attributes', {})

                for flag, value in flags.items():
                    setattr(ptes[i].attributes, flag, resolve_flag(value))
Ejemplo n.º 8
                current_addr += step or PAGESIZE_INT_MAP[
                n_iters += 1

            for i in range(test_case.get('repeats', 1)):
                if i in indices:
                    use_case = {**test_case, **special_args.get(i, {})}
                    use_case = test_case

                for _ in range(ADD_CASE_MAX_ATTEMPTS):
                    except (Errors.SuperPageNotCleared,
                    raise Errors.InvalidConstraints(
                        f"Couldn't satisfy constraints after {ADD_CASE_MAX_ATTEMPTS} tries (main flow)"

    return mgr

def ContextFromJSON5(json5_data: str) -> Context:
    ''' Context from a JSON5 string '''
    data = json5.loads(json5_data)
    return ContextFromJSON(data)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def assert_global(self, assertion: bool) -> bool:
     if self.attributes.G:
         return True
     elif assertion:
         raise Errors.NonGlobalAfterGlobal()
     return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def assert_pointer(self):
     if self.leaf:
         raise Errors.UnexpectedLeaf(
             f'PTE is a leaf and was used as a pointer')