Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_mat34_pose_inverse(self):
   identity = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
               [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
   translate = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0],
                [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0]]
   untranslate = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -2.0],
                  [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -3.0]]
   # Rotate around Y axis and translate along X axis.
   c = math.cos(1.0)
   s = math.sin(1.0)
   rotate = [[c, 0.0, -s, 10.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [s, 0.0, c, 0.0]]
   unrotate = [[c, 0.0, s, -10.0 * c], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
               [-s, 0.0, c, 10 * s]]
   data = [
       # A series of (matrix, inverse) pairs to check. We check them both ways.
       (identity, identity),
       (translate, untranslate),
       (rotate, unrotate),
       # Batched examples
       ([identity, translate, rotate], [identity, untranslate, unrotate]),
       ([[identity, translate], [rotate,
                                 untranslate]], [[identity, untranslate],
                                                 [unrotate, translate]])
   for (matrix, inverse) in data:
     result = geometry.mat34_pose_inverse(tf.constant(matrix))
     self.assertAllClose(inverse, result)
     reverse = geometry.mat34_pose_inverse(tf.constant(inverse))
     self.assertAllClose(matrix, reverse)
     # Additionally, check that the product with the inverse is the identity
     product = geometry.mat34_product(
         tf.constant(matrix), geometry.mat34_pose_inverse(tf.constant(matrix)))
     (_, identities) = utils.broadcast_to_match(product, tf.constant(identity))
     self.assertAllClose(product, identities)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mat34_transform_planes(m, p):
    """Transform a set of 3d planes by a 3x4 pose matrix.

    m: [..., 3, 4] matrix, from source space to target space
    p: [..., N, 4] set of N planes in source space.

    The transformed planes p' in target space.
    If point x is on the plane p, then point Mx is on the plane p'. The parts of
    the shape indicated by "..." must match either directly or via broadcasting.

    ValueError: if inputs are the wrong shape.
    check_input_m34('m', m)
    check_input_shape('p', p, -1, 4)
    (m, p) = utils.broadcast_to_match(m, p, ignore_axes=2)

    # If x is on the plane p, then p . x = 0. We want to find p' such that
    # p' . (M x) = 0. Writing T for transpose and i for inverse, this gives us
    # p'T M x = 0, so p'T = pT Mi.
    # Planes are stored as (N * 4) rather than (4 * N), i.e. pT rather than p, so
    # we can use this directly to compute p'T:
    return tf.matmul(p, mat34_to_mat44(mat34_pose_inverse(m)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mat34_transform(m, v):
    """Transform a set of 3d points by a 3x4 pose matrix.

    m: [..., 3, 4] matrix
    v: [..., N, 3] set of N 3d points.

    The transformed points mv. The transform is computed as if we added an
    extra coefficient with value 1.0 to each point, performed a matrix
    multiplication, and removed the extra coefficient again. The parts of the
    shape indicated by "..." must match, either directly or via broadcasting.

    ValueError: if inputs are the wrong shape.
    check_input_m34('m', m)
    check_input_shape('v', v, -1, 3)
    (m, v) = utils.broadcast_to_match(m, v, ignore_axes=2)
    rotation = m[Ellipsis, :3]
    # See b/116203395 for why I didn't do the next two lines together as
    # translation = m[..., tf.newaxis, :, 3].
    translation = m[Ellipsis, 3]
    translation = translation[Ellipsis,
                              tf.newaxis, :]  # Now shape is [..., 1, 3].
    # Points are stored as (N * 3) rather than (3 * N), so multiply in reverse
    # rather than transposing them.
    return tf.matmul(v, rotation, transpose_b=True) + translation
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mat34_product(a, b):
    """Returns the product of a and b, 3x4 matrices.

    a: [..., 3, 4] matrix
    b: [..., 3, 4] matrix

    The product ab. The product is computed as if we added an extra row
    [0, 0, 0, 1] to each matrix, multiplied them, and then removed the extra
    row. The shapes of a and b must match, either directly or via

    ValueError: if a or b are not 3x4 matrices.
    check_input_m34('a', a)
    check_input_m34('b', b)

    (a, b) = utils.broadcast_to_match(a, b, ignore_axes=2)
    # Split translation part off from the rest
    a33, a_translate = tf.split(a, [3, 1], axis=-1)
    b33, b_translate = tf.split(b, [3, 1], axis=-1)
    # Compute parts of the product
    ab33 = tf.matmul(a33, b33)
    ab_translate = a_translate + tf.matmul(a33, b_translate)
    # Assemble
    return tf.concat([ab33, ab_translate], axis=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def homography_warp(image, homography, height=None, width=None, clamp=True):
  """Warp an image according to an inverse homography.

    image: [..., H, W, C] input image
    homography: [..., 3, 3] homography mapping output to input
    height: desired output height (or None to use input height)
    width: desired output width (or None to use input width)
    clamp: whether to clamp image coordinates (see sample_image doc)

    [..., height, width, C] warped image.
  (image, homography) = utils.broadcast_to_match(
      image, homography, ignore_axes=(3, 2))
  if height is None:
    height = image.shape.as_list()[-3]
  if width is None:
    width = image.shape.as_list()[-2]

  target_coords = pixel_center_grid(height, width)
  source_coords = apply_homography(homography, target_coords)
  return sample_image(image, source_coords, clamp=clamp)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def broadcasting_matmul(a, b, **kwargs):
  (a, b) = utils.broadcast_to_match(a, b, ignore_axes=2)
  return tf.matmul(a, b, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def render_layers(layers,
    """Render target layers from MPI representation.

    layers: [..., L, H, W, C] MPI layers, back to front.
    depths: [..., L] MPI plane depths, back to front.
    pose: [..., 3, 4] reference camera pose.
    intrinsics: [..., 4] reference intrinsics.
    target_pose: [..., 3, 4] target camera pose.
    target_intrinsics: [..., 4] target intrinsics.
    height: height to render to in pixels (or None for input height).
    width: width to render to in pixels (or None for input width).
    clamp: whether to clamp image coordinates (see geometry.sample_image doc),
      i.e. extending the image beyond its size or not.

    [..., L, height, width, C] The layers warped to the target view by applying
    an appropriate homography to each one.

    source_to_target_pose = geometry.mat34_product(
        target_pose, geometry.mat34_pose_inverse(pose))

    # Add a dimension to correspond to L in the poses and intrinsics.
    pose = pose[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis, :, :]  # [..., 1, 3, 4]
    target_pose = target_pose[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis, :, :]  # [..., 1, 3, 4]
    intrinsics = intrinsics[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis, :]  # [..., 1, 4]
    target_intrinsics = target_intrinsics[Ellipsis,
                                          tf.newaxis, :]  # [..., 1, 4]

    # Fronto-parallel plane equations at the given depths, in the reference
    # camera's frame.
    normals = tf.constant([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], shape=[1, 3])
    depths = -depths[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis]  # [..., L, 1]
    normals, depths = utils.broadcast_to_match(normals, depths, ignore_axes=1)
    planes = tf.concat([normals, depths], axis=-1)  # [..., L, 4]

    homographies = geometry.inverse_homography(pose, intrinsics, target_pose,
                                               planes)  # [..., L, 3, 3]
    # Each of the resulting [..., L] homographies knows how to inverse-warp one
    # of the [..., (H,W), L] images into a new [... (H',W')] target images.
    target_layers = geometry.homography_warp(layers,

    # The next few lines implement back-face culling.
    # We don't want to render content that is behind the camera. (If we did, we
    # might see upside-down images of the layers.) A typical graphics approach
    # would be to test each pixel of each layer against a near-plane and discard
    # those that are in front of it. Here we implement something cheaper:
    # back-face culling. If the target camera sees the "back" of a layer then we
    # set that layer's alpha to zero. This is simple and sufficient in practice
    # to avoid nasty artefacts.

    # Convert planes to target camera space. target_planes is [..., L, 4]
    target_planes = geometry.mat34_transform_planes(source_to_target_pose,

    # Fourth coordinate of plane is negative distance in front of the camera.
    # target_visible is [..., L]
    target_visible = tf.cast(target_planes[Ellipsis, -1] < 0.0,
    # per_layer_alpha is [..., L, 1, 1, 1]
    per_layer_alpha = target_visible[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis,
    # Multiply alpha channel by per_layer_alpha:
    non_alpha_channels = target_layers[Ellipsis, :-1]
    alpha = target_layers[Ellipsis, -1:] * per_layer_alpha

    target_layers = tf.concat([non_alpha_channels, alpha], axis=-1)
    return target_layers