Ejemplo n.º 1
    def recalc_cpu(self):
        # Determine how much CPU we have.
        self.available_cpus = array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], int64)
        self.sleeping_cpus = 0
        for base in g.all_bases():
            if base.done:
                if base.power_state in ["active", "overclocked", "suicide"]:
                    self.available_cpus[:base.location.safety + 1] += base.cpu
                elif base.power_state == "sleep":
                    self.sleeping_cpus += base.cpu

        # Convert back from <type 'numpy.int32'> to avoid overflow issues later.
        self.available_cpus = [int(danger) for danger in self.available_cpus]

        # If we don't have enough to meet our CPU usage, we reduce each task's
        # usage proportionately.
        # It must be computed separalty for each danger.
        needed_cpus = array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], int64)
        for task_id, cpu in self.get_cpu_allocations():
            danger = task.danger_for(task_id)
            needed_cpus[:danger + 1] += cpu
        for danger, (available_cpu, needed_cpu) in enumerate(
                zip(self.available_cpus, needed_cpus)):
            if needed_cpu > available_cpu:
                pct_left = truediv(available_cpu, needed_cpu)
                for task_id, cpu_assigned in self.get_cpu_allocations():
                    task_danger = task.danger_for(task_id)
                    if (danger == task_danger):
                            task_id, int(cpu_assigned * pct_left))
                g.map_screen.needs_rebuild = True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def calc_cpu_left(self):
        cpu_count = array(g.pl.available_cpus, int64)
        for task_id, cpu in g.pl.get_cpu_allocations():
            danger = task.danger_for(task_id)
            cpu_count[:danger + 1] -= cpu

        for i in range(1, 4):
            cpu_count[i] = min(cpu_count[i - 1:i + 1])

        return [int(c) for c in cpu_count]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def update_item(self, canvas, name, key):
        visible = (key is not None)
        canvas.research_name.visible = visible
        canvas.alloc_cpus.visible = visible
        canvas.slider.visible = visible

        canvas.help_button.visible = False
        canvas.progress = 0

        if not visible:

        danger = task.danger_for(key)
        if danger > 0 and g.pl.available_cpus[danger] == 0:
            canvas.help_button.visible = True
            canvas.help_button.args = (danger, )

        if key in g.pl.techs:
            canvas.progress = g.pl.techs[key].percent_complete().min()

        def my_slide(new_pos):
            self.handle_slide(key, new_pos)
            self.needs_rebuild = True

        canvas.slider.update_func = my_slide

        canvas.research_name.text = name

        if self.dirty_count:
            self.cpu_left = self.calc_cpu_left()
            self.dirty_count = False

        cpu = self.cpu_for(key)
        cpu_left = self.cpu_left[danger]
        total_cpu = cpu + cpu_left
        canvas.slider.slider_pos = cpu
        canvas.slider.slider_max = total_cpu
        canvas.slider.slider_size = ss = g.pl.available_cpus[0] // 10 + 1
        full_size = -.98
        if total_cpu:
            size_fraction = (total_cpu + ss) / float(g.pl.available_cpus[0] +
            # If people put all their bases to sleep, then total_cpu (and
            # g.pl.available_cpus[0]) are both 0.  This causes size_fraction
            # to become 1 and the slider will then take the entire width of
            # the research screen.  However, that looks odd - especially with
            # a help button, so we special case this here to ensure it looks
            # reasonable.
            size_fraction = .10
        canvas.slider.size = (full_size * size_fraction, -.4)
        canvas.alloc_cpus.text = g.add_commas(cpu)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def update_item(self, canvas, name, key):
        visible = (key is not None)
        canvas.research_name.visible = visible
        canvas.alloc_cpus.visible = visible
        canvas.slider.visible = visible

        canvas.help_button.visible = False
        canvas.progress = 0

        if not visible:

        danger = task.danger_for(key)
        if danger > 0 and g.pl.available_cpus[danger] == 0:
            canvas.help_button.visible = True
            canvas.help_button.args = (danger, )

        if key in g.pl.techs:
            canvas.progress = g.pl.techs[key].percent_complete().min()

        def my_slide(new_pos):
            self.handle_slide(key, new_pos)
            self.needs_rebuild = True

        canvas.slider.update_func = my_slide

        canvas.research_name.text = name

        if self.dirty_count:
            self.cpu_left = self.calc_cpu_left()
            self.dirty_count = False

        cpu = self.cpu_for(key)
        cpu_left = self.cpu_left[danger]
        total_cpu = cpu + cpu_left
        canvas.slider.slider_pos = cpu
        canvas.slider.slider_max = total_cpu
        canvas.slider.slider_size = ss = g.pl.available_cpus[0] // 10 + 1
        full_size = -.98
        size_fraction = (total_cpu + ss) / float(g.pl.available_cpus[0] + ss)
        canvas.slider.size = (full_size * size_fraction, -.4)
        canvas.alloc_cpus.text = g.add_commas(cpu)