Ejemplo n.º 1
    fc1 = tf.layers.dense(concat_reps, n * n)
    fc2 = tf.layers.dense(fc1, n * n)
    P_hat_raw = tf.layers.dense(fc2, n * n)
    P_hat_raw_square = tf.reshape(P_hat_raw, [M, n, n])

    P_hat = tf.nn.softmax(P_hat_raw_square, dim=-1)  # row-stochastic!

    losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
        labels=P_true, logits=P_hat_raw_square, dim=2)
    losses = tf.reduce_mean(losses, axis=-1)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)

if method == 'sinkhorn':
    representations = multi_mnist_cnn.deepnn(l, X, n)
    pre_sinkhorn = tf.reshape(representations, [M, n, n])
    P_hat = sinkhorn_operator(pre_sinkhorn, temp=temperature)
    P_hat_logit = tf.log(P_hat)

    losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(
        labels=P_true, logits=P_hat_logit, dim=2)
    losses = tf.reduce_mean(losses, axis=-1)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses)

if method == 'gumbel_sinkhorn':
    representations = multi_mnist_cnn.deepnn(l, X, n)
    pre_sinkhorn = tf.reshape(representations, [M, n, n])
    P_hat = sinkhorn_operator(pre_sinkhorn, temp=temperature)

    P_hat_sample, _ = gumbel_sinkhorn(
        pre_sinkhorn, temp=temperature, n_samples=n_s)
    P_hat_sample_logit = tf.log(P_hat_sample)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    fc3 = tf.layers.dense(fc2, 10, tf.nn.relu)
    y_hat = tf.layers.dense(fc3, 1)
    y_hat = tf.squeeze(y_hat)
    loss_phi = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(y_hat, y))
    loss_theta = loss_phi
    prob_median_eval = 0

elif method == 'sinkhorn':
    with tf.variable_scope('phi'):
        representations = multi_mnist_cnn.deepnn(l, X, n)
        pre_sinkhorn = tf.reshape(representations, [M, n, n])
    with tf.variable_scope('theta'):
        regression_candidates = multi_mnist_cnn.deepnn(l, X, 1)
        regression_candidates = tf.reshape(regression_candidates, [M, n])

    P_hat = sinkhorn_operator(pre_sinkhorn, temp=temp)
    prob_median = get_median_probs(P_hat)

    point_estimates = tf.reduce_sum(prob_median * regression_candidates,
    exp_loss = tf.squared_difference(y, point_estimates)

    loss_phi = tf.reduce_mean(exp_loss)
    loss_theta = loss_phi

    P_hat_eval = sinkhorn_operator(pre_sinkhorn, temp=1e-20)
    prob_median_eval = get_median_probs(P_hat_eval)

elif method == 'gumbel_sinkhorn':
    with tf.variable_scope('phi'):
        representations = multi_mnist_cnn.deepnn(l, X, n)